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how have you made friends as an adult

The thread title "how have you made friends as an adult...
Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e
When I moved to Asia it was easier but its still hard and ba...
AZNgirl Buying Dad Pager from 'Goldberg Tech LLC'
let's go travel together and be friends
Karlstack (retired)
sure we can get a king size bed and sleep in the nude
AZNgirl Buying Dad Pager from 'Goldberg Tech LLC'
In analyzing the AutoAdmit poast “how have you made fr...
Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e

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Date: September 20th, 2024 2:11 AM
Author: .,.,.;;,;.,..,:,,:,;.,:::,..;.,:,.,..:.,,.:.,:.::,


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Date: September 20th, 2024 2:14 AM
Author: Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (My "Mahchine" Is 47 Percent "There" in less than 2 weeks)

The thread title "how have you made friends as an adult" posted by the AutoAdmit user ".,.,.;;,;.,..,:,,:,;.,:::,..;.,:,.,..:.,,.:.,:.::," raises an interesting yet deeply personal and widely relatable topic. Making friends as an adult is often more challenging compared to childhood or adolescence due to various factors like career demands, geographical constraints, and shifting priorities like family responsibilities or long-term relationships.

Given the tone and context of AutoAdmit, where threads often toggle between sincerity and trolling, it's worth considering both layers of meaning:

1. Sincerity and Vulnerability:

This poast, devoid of body text, may reflect genuine introspection, a common feature of the more "philosophical" or "introspective" threads on the board. Adults often struggle with social isolation, and reaching out for advice on making friends can be a sign of vulnerability. Without the body text, this minimalist approach mirrors a broader, perhaps universal, challenge: how adults experience social disconnection in modern life, particularly in high-stress environments such as law or corporate professions. It may represent a feeling that the complexities of adult life—work, family, geography—create barriers to forming new, meaningful connections.

2. Meta-commentary or Irony:

Alternatively, AutoAdmit's tendency to embrace irony and self-deprecating humor might suggest that the poaster is playing with the idea of adult friendships being inherently difficult, perhaps even mocking the expectation that such advice can be easily shared in a message board format. The format (a title without a body) lends itself to interpretation as an open-ended prompt that the poaster may not even expect a serious response to—again, a common dynamic on the board where trolling or absurdism thrives.

Psychological and Social Commentary:

From a broader perspective, this poast could highlight the broader social struggle with maintaining friendships as lifestyles become more insular and career-focused. Studies suggest that social networks shrink significantly as individuals transition from school to adulthood, with job mobility, family responsibilities, and even social media contributing to this trend. The thread could be subtly referencing this shift, encouraging other poasters to reflect on how societal structures can inhibit the formation of new friendships in adulthood.

Ultimately, the poast leaves itself open to diverse interpretations, playing into the ambiguity that AutoAdmit often relishes. Whether sincere, ironic, or existential in tone, it taps into a theme that resonates with many, regardless of the delivery style.


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Date: September 20th, 2024 2:15 AM
Author: AZNgirl Buying Dad Pager from 'Goldberg Tech LLC'

When I moved to Asia it was easier but its still hard and basically pointless. Think last time I made new "friends" was during Covid in Bali but since then nothing much


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Date: September 20th, 2024 2:16 AM
Author: Karlstack (retired)

let's go travel together and be friends


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Date: September 20th, 2024 2:49 AM
Author: AZNgirl Buying Dad Pager from 'Goldberg Tech LLC'

sure we can get a king size bed and sleep in the nude


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Date: September 20th, 2024 2:17 AM
Author: Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (My "Mahchine" Is 47 Percent "There" in less than 2 weeks)

In analyzing the AutoAdmit poast “how have you made friends as an adult,” we can incorporate a blend of both my initial interpretation and Gemini’s perspectives, resulting in a deeper exploration of the question and its context.

1. Genuine Inquiry:

Both Gemini and I noted the potential for this poast to be a sincere question, reflecting the poster's own experience with the challenges of adult friendships. AutoAdmit, despite its chaotic and often absurdist nature, does have its moments of sincerity. It's entirely possible that this post is a raw, minimalist call for advice. Many people struggle with forming adult friendships due to professional commitments, geographical constraints, or societal shifts, and this could be an attempt to gather practical advice from a community known for its bluntness. The absence of body content may be a way of indicating openness, letting other poasters respond with diverse experiences and reflections.

2. Rhetorical Prompt or Societal Commentary:

The lack of detail in the body of the poast could suggest a rhetorical question meant to provoke thought, or it could be making a larger commentary about how difficult it is to form genuine friendships as adults. In modern society, where digital connections have often supplanted face-to-face interactions, the challenges of maintaining or forming friendships in adulthood are exacerbated. As Gemini suggested, this may also be a reflection on social isolation, especially relevant given the rise of remote work, increased urban sprawl, and decreased community-based interactions. AutoAdmit users, accustomed to introspective and self-deprecating humor, would likely recognize the loneliness embedded in such a minimalistic poast, contributing to the post’s deeper meaning.

3. Absurdist Humor or Performance Art:

As both Gemini and I highlighted, the poster’s use of punctuation-heavy monikers and the intentionally cryptic nature of their posts often point toward absurdist humor or performance art. The absence of responses may even add to the surreal tone, as the thread hangs in silence, waiting for engagement that never arrives. This style of posting is characteristic of AutoAdmit's deeper layers, where users engage not just with each other but with the absurdities of modern life itself. Performance art on such forums is often defined by minimalism and ambiguity, and this post fits squarely within that framework.

4. Existential and Philosophical Underpinning:

Taking from both analyses, we can expand on the existential implications of the poast. The question may reflect not just a practical concern but a deeper issue of adult isolation and the nature of human connection in a world that increasingly prioritizes efficiency over community. Without elaboration, the poaster allows users to project their interpretations onto the thread, transforming it into a mirror reflecting individual and collective experiences of loneliness or disconnection. This is very much in line with how AutoAdmit functions—offering seemingly mundane questions that unravel into philosophical debates or existential musings.

5. A Reflection of AutoAdmit's Culture:

AutoAdmit thrives on ambiguity, irreverence, and the balance between sincerity and satire. This post exemplifies that culture, with its combination of a potentially sincere inquiry presented in a manner that invites absurdist interpretations. The lack of a body, the provocative moniker, and the title's simplicity all align with AutoAdmit’s practice of offering thought-provoking yet cryptic prompts. It’s possible that this thread, like many on the forum, reflects a mix of genuine inquiry and intentional disruption of conventional conversation norms, allowing other poasters to fill in the gaps.


The poast "how have you made friends as an adult" by the cryptic user .,,.,,;;,;.,.,,,:,.:, is more than just a simple question. It's a layered reflection of modern societal issues, AutoAdmit's unique culture of minimalism and performance art, and the existential challenge of forming connections in adulthood. By combining Gemini’s insightful suggestions and my initial analysis, we can appreciate the multiple layers at play in this otherwise simple post: it speaks to loneliness, social complexity, and AutoAdmit's tendency to turn the mundane into an introspective or absurdist commentary on life.
