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LOL, Mon-Shane Chou sucked PervProf Hugo Schwyzer's cockkk

Hugo Schwyzer Update: Professor Admits He Kept Boning His Fe...
Fiercely-loyal Address French Chef

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Date: March 30th, 2014 9:05 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal Address French Chef

Hugo Schwyzer Update: Professor Admits He Kept Boning His Feminist Students


Posted on | September 9, 2013 | 47 Comments

Remember when “male feminist” Professor Hugo Schwyzer melted down, he admitted he’d slept with more than two dozen female students but said it stopped in 1998? Yeah, he totally lied about that:

Pasadena City College’s porn professor Hugo Schwyzer admitted Thursday he had sex with students as recently as 2011 and said he has admitted himself to a psych ward for the fifth time this summer. . . .

On Tuesday a woman who identified herself as a former PCC student wrote on a blog about having sex with Schwyzer in his campus office in 2008. The former student said she knew of at least one other girl who also had sex with the porn professor. . . .

In a statement issued late Thursday afternoon, PCC officials said the college would “act swiftly to conduct an investigation and hold Mr. Schwyzer accountable for his actions while an employee.”

The student, who identified herself as “Megan Moore” said she enrolled in Schwyzer’s History 25B class “Women in American Society” in spring semester 2011. After meeting for coffee at Starbucks on North Hill Street and Walnut Avenue, the student said she developed a relationship with Schwyzer.

After that, “We continued to meet for sex, sometimes in his office with the door locked, for the next seven months until I graduated PCC in December 2011,” she wrote.

“Throughout his spectacular recent fall from grace Hugo has maintained that he never slept with his students after 1998,’ she continued. “That simply isn’t true. I know one other girl besides myself with whom Hugo was having sex the same semester.”

Hat-tip to Josiah Ryan at Campus Reform, the girl’s Tumblr is here. She says she “was one of the organizers of the 2011 SlutWalk in Los Angeles. I am 23 years old now and I was 20 when I helped with the event. I was also sleeping with Hugo Schwyzer before and for some time after the event. . . . I kissed him in the parking lot of the Starbucks on Hill and Colorado in early May 2011. The next week I brought him back to my apartment where we had sex. We continued to meet for sex, sometimes in his office with the door locked, for the next seven months until I graduated from PCC in December 2011.”

SlutWalk organizer, eh? I am so surprised . . .

Nothing says “equality” and “empowerment” quite like getting boned by your college women’s studies professor.

Pasadena City College officials say they’re investigating. They paid Professor Schwyzer more than $90,000 a year to bone his students.

UPDATE: Kathy Shaidle had this story last week, and quotes StudentActivist.net:

Today’s revelations make it abundantly clear, if it wasn’t before, that there is no place for Schwyzer in the classroom. Not now. Not ever.

Schwyzer should resign from PCC immediately. If he refuses to resign, he should be fired. Period.

But boning student feminists for $90,000 a year is his job. Certainly no one would do it for free . . .

UPDATE II: The former student who reported having sex with Schwyzer also reports on her blog that PCC officials and Schwyzer’s “fangirls” are harassing her. The two PCC students who organized SlutWalk LA in 2011 were Mon-Shane Chou and Simone Dugal Webster, according to online sources, so by process of elimination, it must have been one of them. It seems kind of odd that she would demand that “the truth” about Schwyzer be known, while concealing the truth about herself. But feminist “equality” means that women never have to take responsibility for anything.

UPDATE III: After doing some additional research, I’m going to guess (a) some facts in the Tumblr post were deliberately changed in an attempt to preserve the writer’s anonymity, and (b) Mon-Shane Chou was “my wonderful student” in more ways than one.

That’s just a guess, of course. Chou is now a senior at Cal-Berkeley, where she is involved with the student Democrat organization. Has Chou denied sleeping with Schwyzer? This would be problematic, because Simone Webster has had the same boyfriend for four years.

Anyway, the idea that someone could anonymously expose Schwyzer for having such an affair seems rather dubious.

The Tumblr post says Schwyzer “did not abuse me or take advantage of me,” so she’s not the victim of a crime. In fact, she’s kind of bragging that Schwyzer “told me I make him weak with lust.”

Whoever wrote that needs to ‘fess up, because otherwise everyone will probably suspect it was Cal-Berkeley senior Mon-Shane Chou.
