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LOL, Carnegie Mellon admits PornSkank for MFA

backstory: http://www.tinyurl.com/lenachen Marianne Hoffm...
charismatic offensive patrolman house

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Date: July 21st, 2020 3:20 PM
Author: charismatic offensive patrolman house

backstory: http://www.tinyurl.com/lenachen

Marianne Hoffmeister Castro work image thumbnail

Marianne Hoffmeister Castro


Marianne Hoffmeister’s work focuses on the role and value of narrative and fiction in the construction of knowledge. Through drawing, video and installation, she plays with narrative hybrids, shared cultural imagery or alternative stories that shift linguistic and cultural boundaries that function as unintended, accidental phenomena between the lines of fiction, the mundane and the poetic.

Lena Chen work image thumbnail

Lena Chen


Lena Chen is a multidisciplinary artist and activist exploring women's labor, spirituality, sexuality, and trauma. Experimenting with her own autobiography and identity, she works in collaboration with lovers, muses, and strangers to construct intensely intimate encounters, participatory rituals, and one-to-one performances.

Petra Floyd work image thumbnail

Petra Floyd


Petra Floyd uses drawing, sculpture, writing, printmaking, and performance to meditate on Blackness in the United States and other sites of the African diaspora, focusing on reinvention through inherited and appropriated material culture and performance.

Jessica Fuquay work image thumbnail

Jessica Fuquay


Jessica Fuquay's multidisciplinary work explores the role of mass media, performance, and other dominant cultural forms in the construction of political subjectivity. Her practice, often drawing from her perspective as a first-generation Colombian-American, is concerned with conflict, power, and systems of domination that reproduce and designate otherness.

Matthew McGaughey work image thumbnail

Matthew McGaughey


Matthew McGaughey’s work explores heteronormative masculinities and their hegemonic tendencies through the lens of personal history, media tropes, and dominant cultural practices. Using performance, video, narrative structures, and sound, his work creates scenarios of bifurcation and reconnection in order to reveal the unconscious social forces that inform dominant identities.

Georgia Saxelby work image thumbnail

Georgia Saxelby


Georgia Saxelby is an interactive installation artist whose participatory practice investigates the relationship between ritual, gender and architecture. Through collective actions, reimagined rituals, and the constructing of new architectures, Saxelby invites her audience to perform a symbolic task in order to undergo an emotional and social transformation.


Tsohil Bhatia work image thumbnail

Tsohil Bhatia


Tsohil Bhatia is an image-maker and performance artist from India working in performance art, photography, video, and new media. Memory, gender identity, domesticity, and the performance of national identity are recurrent themes in his practice, which he explores these through durational work.

Paper Buck work image thumbnail

Paper Buck


Paper Buck is a trans interdisciplinary artist working across print, painting, video, photo, and installation. A foundational part of his practice is focused on anti-racist, feminist, queer praxis, and direct participation in social movements. Recent research-based projects explore the intersections of intimate and collective memory with national mythology, contemporary politics, and situated historical context.

Jamison Edgar work image thumbnail

Jamison Edgar


Jamison Edgar uses paint, performance, and video to investigate notions of identity, sexuality, intimacy, sensationalism, lineage, and privilege. Socially collaborative and often times multidisciplinary, he views his artwork as an invitation for dialogue.

Yejin Lee work image thumbnail

Yejin Lee


Yejlin Lee’s work fuses Eastern traditional philosophy with Western contemporary scientific consciousness, exploring Oneness between all aspects of nature. In her repetitive discipline as meditative practice, she uses digital media and performance to connect metaphysical ideas with physical phenomena.

Michael Neumann work image thumbnail

Michael Neumann


Adaptation and exploration are Michael Charles Neumann’s primary tools for intuitive investigation of natural phenomena, such as geology, cosmology, and evolutionary biology. His artistic research balances order and chaos through drawing, painting, interactive sculpture, found objects, analog technology, and open source tools to construct poetry in visual language.

Talya Petrillo work image thumbnail

Talya Petrillo


Talya Petrillo's work is focused on social and psychological paradigms of dwelling. She primarily uses domestic building materials to address sculpture and installation, while calling on her interests in painting and story telling to explore composition and subjectivity.

Julie Hakim Azzam (Staff)

Display Name: Julie Hakim Azzam

Email: jazzam@cmu.edu

Andrew UserID: jazzam

Contact Information

On Campus: CFA 410

Departmental Affiliations

Job Title According to HR:

Senior Academic Coordinator

Department with which this person is affiliated:


Names by Which This Person is Known

Julie Hakim Azzam
