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Keanu Reeves seems like a nice,genuine bro because of his Japanese upbringing

The same goes for anyone/everyone you meet from any non-angl...
aquamarine yarmulke dragon
Navy Water Buffalo

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Date: June 24th, 2018 2:54 PM
Author: aquamarine yarmulke dragon

The same goes for anyone/everyone you meet from any non-anglo first world country, but especially so for the more civilised ones. You'll see the same thing when you have a German or French bro in a room full of retarded Americans, whether they are transacting business or whatever the case may be. The veneer of fakeness/niceness is part of having an actual civilisation, instead of what we have now which is basically barbarians haphazardly using technological devices which they don't comprehend, governed by a broken government.

Anyway, for those who don't know, Keanu does shit like giving up his seat on the subway, plus gives tons of money away, but this is totally normal for a Japanmo to do... Jap CEOs take $100k salaries and drive Hondas and shit.


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Date: June 24th, 2018 3:31 PM
Author: Navy Water Buffalo
