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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Hey Trumpmos, if u hate America so much why don't you GET THE FUCK OUT    09/05/24  (1)
Redditors ask: “Why are non-redditors so rich?”    09/05/24  (10)
Loser Pancreas Theory    09/05/24  (1)
How do people not like or do not want to cook? it's a lot of fun    09/05/24  (5)
Older i get the more i'm realizing SoCal/NYC are CR despite the high costs    09/05/24  (63)
skipping class in college/ls was a 180 feeling    09/05/24  (3)
Trumpmo father of GA school shooter arrested, charge w/ 4 counts of manslaughter    09/05/24  (93)
Wife assigns me tasks if she catches me relaxing / idle?    09/05/24  (49)
Boom/Evan39! The stupid machine thing is the"imposter" not me    09/05/24  (9)
OOPS video gallery of many Instagram tit slips    09/05/24  (11)
Boom from 9 to 5: ‘Let me review these contracts.’    09/05/24  (5)
Bros that physically discipline ur kids, lets chat ITT    09/05/24  (3)
"A very interesting conversation"    09/05/24  (5)
Plaintiff's antitrust is a huge racket.    09/05/24  (1)
Someone got an Indian scammer to give me a fake 1-star review    09/05/24  (1)
A kicker named Buttfucker..a guy whom talks like Kermit an Ohio thug    09/05/24  (2)
yes, your cats will also be terminated. will it be humane? probably not    09/05/24  (14)
Don't you think "Mahomes" looks and sounds weird as fuck?    09/05/24  (1)
"Chiefs" didn't "win" last superbowl injuries weird rule.changes    09/05/24  (2)
Poll: has Consuela ever worked a day in his life?    09/05/24  (63)
"Melcole Hardnan" was out of bounds in the super fraud    09/05/24  (1)
French people: "I attended University XII, I live in the 35th Arrondissement"    09/05/24  (1)
Johnsmeyer logging in through 'xo jawa'    09/05/24  (5)
LMAO @ Timmy pool    09/05/24  (1)
Hypo: $12 million to be teleported to random spot on Earth's landmass    09/05/24  (205)
BoomMainliningEvan696969    09/05/24  (1)
as astroturfed kamala hype dwindles, joyless spinsters turn on decrepit fags    09/05/24  (22)
libs where do we stand on the polls and prediction markets?    09/05/24  (2)
Boom, what do you think of fraud MaHomes claiming that Kelce-TSwift is real?    09/05/24  (2)
Official NFL Kickoff Ravens v Chiefs Thread    09/05/24  (3)
Republican intellectual calls for death penalty for accepting treason $$    09/05/24  (1)
Trumpmos what are you going to do about all the non-illegal Latinos?    09/05/24  (18)
Touchdown Ravens!    09/05/24  (1)
Candace Owen’s discussing NYC Jewish tunnels    09/05/24  (2)
what up my grizza    09/05/24  (1)
Friend who went to HYPS UG leaves education entirely off of resume.    09/05/24  (5)
Photo of deranged Trumpmo father of GA school shooter    09/05/24  (6)
Hunter enters Halford plea in sex case    09/05/24  (12)
Praying to any diety that will listen for a season-ending injury to Mahomes or K    09/05/24  (1)
Starting to get a good crop on my Law Farm    09/05/24  (19)
No one cares about the NFL..Swift is flame&lol at them having to use her    09/05/24  (1)
Alex Soros (38) engaged to Huma Abedin (48)    09/05/24  (3)
Xo posting included in list of most attractive male hobbies    09/05/24  (1)
wow    09/05/24  (1)
"Chiefs" already getting away with dirty play! Also this is forced    09/05/24  (1)
we can Vance if we want to    09/05/24  (6)
*revs law motor*    09/05/24  (13)
Trumpmos - why are you so fucking broke?    09/05/24  (16)
I’m going up to Silver Springs for a depo today. Where should I eat dinner?    09/05/24  (22)
I'm trying to finally finish Cyclonopedia but Evelyn, my supposed fiancee, is    09/05/24  (1)
Scientists in atlanta briefly reanimate frozen pterodactyl (video)    09/05/24  (2)
it's everything.. citations, towing companies, codes, all the way up    09/05/24  (15)
Should Tall Men have their own national anthem?    09/05/24  (1)
LOL Muskmos and twitter fanbois    09/05/24  (2)
Congratulations to Huma Abedin on her engagement    09/05/24  (38)
If there's a Black national anthem why's there not a White national anthem?    09/05/24  (5)
Wow I hate my life    09/05/24  (5)
Women love guys with sense of humor, so bring print out of "By You" to next date    09/05/24  (23)
I am plugged and fully lubed    09/05/24  (2)
"The Childless Zionist", ep. 37    09/05/24  (1)
another black singing the national anthem with some mystery meat "signing"    09/05/24  (1)
Mazel tov! Huma Abedin, 47, dating Alex Soros, 38    09/05/24  (22)
Libs are deranged    09/05/24  (5)
the entire WNBA is jealous of Caitlyn Clark (link)    09/05/24  (100)
I just realized Trump's a complete piece of shit    09/05/24  (4)
Feelings are bad and wrong    09/05/24  (1)
I paid 1300 for a 3br in 2016    09/05/24  (1)
gunner you really should try to have sex w zurich's wife though    09/05/24  (5)
VaselineButthole69    09/05/24  (1)
If you get charged with poasting, do most jurisdictions let u cop Halford plea?    09/05/24  (5)
When is this goddamn game gonna start?? Fuck america    09/05/24  (1)
PussyPlower6969    09/05/24  (1)
$UICIDEBOY$ - Escape from BABYLON    09/05/24  (2)
Which AR-15 should I buy for my 10 year old tortures animals (xo poa)    09/05/24  (1)
Lift every voice and sing? WHAT THE FUCK    09/05/24  (8)
$4000 a month on lean tp    09/05/24  (4)
What's this a Non-Sense Contest?!?    09/05/24  (1)
AutoAdmit Encyclopedia (dated 9/5/2024)    09/05/24  (1)
Boom/Evan39/Gunner guy/Anyone else - the fag "machine" is impostering    09/05/24  (2)
Reminder: Libs kill respectable institutions and then wear them as skin suits    09/05/24  (194)
Help me choose a couch for my balcony??    09/05/24  (1)
Gunner's flame was a blatant IQ filter    09/05/24  (104)
"Buttth Juneteenth!!!" moaned the bloated, pudgy, washed out Of Counsel    09/05/24  (4)
It's called a Dance Party and you do it about 3 times a day.    09/05/24  (148)
Fuck it disco, I’m in. When we summiting this bitch?    09/05/24  (4)
jcm did i ever tell u i got divorced :(    09/05/24  (19)
XOXO opinion on Caitlin Clark?    09/05/24  (9)
You can't just defeat Spaceporn, OK? You can't just "win". This is far from over    09/05/24  (11)
Soyfaced beta American dude meets pretty big-booty Latina biking in Colombia:    09/05/24  (3)
Bald Lawyer pulling over on drive home to watch random HS FB practice from car    09/05/24  (2)
okay, i’ll admit it.    09/05/24  (4)
Wreckx-n-Effect [feat Teddy Riley] - New Jack Swing.mp3    09/05/24  (3)
Taylor Swift already shown on TV before the game even started    09/05/24  (1)
I'm going to sue TSINAH for being too sexy.    09/05/24  (7)
ChatGBT, Do you think Boom and Mainlining will make up & become friends again?    09/05/24  (1)
JD Vance if we want to. We can leave alt right behind. Q anon don't dan    09/05/24  (2)
lex fridman mooned in interview with trump    09/05/24  (1)
work wife said she loves me    09/05/24  (4)
"clients call this firm the 'nikubenki' of the V10"    09/05/24  (3)
A Comet Hale-Bopp (C/1995 O1) impact would be nice.    09/05/24  (13)
“Biden won” (Trump)    09/05/24  (13)
Mugshot of GA Shooter Released: It's a Tranny, Baby    09/05/24  (16)
Where to live in NYC on $90k    09/05/24  (35)
Lavrov rumored to have died.    09/05/24  (27)
mainlining I'm writiing here and tell me what you think...    09/05/24  (275)
Vredefort Impact 2.0 = All of "Humanity's" problems solved in 1-hour.    09/05/24  (8)
We are all Jussie Smollett.    09/05/24  (2)
Just googled Teewinot. Thought it would be a "hike". Lol Disco ur gonna die    09/05/24  (6)
Into Thick Air: The 2025 Teewinot Mountain Tragedy by Jon Krakauer    09/05/24  (14)
Rothschild family waving obese chicks onto MPA's hinge feed like third base coac    09/05/24  (8)
if u were a spy u could communicate here & hide ur messages in all the chaos    09/05/24  (1)
Fuck these homele$$$ scumm I will fucking kill each oneo f you    09/05/24  (6)
nutted 2 months of semen retention in a pussy last night    09/05/24  (2)
i take the information superhighway to work every day.    09/05/24  (3)
*Werner Herzog Voice* In Disco Fries, I see a man not battling Teewinot    09/05/24  (18)
best hoods for single late 20s early 30s peeps in NYC?    09/05/24  (67)
Who is the most mentally stable - Mainlining, Boom, or Evan39?    09/05/24  (1)
labs tp is 180    09/05/24  (3)
Spaceporn do u ever go on “hot girl walks”?    09/05/24  (5)
Is Boom Mentally impaired?    09/05/24  (1)
Boom/evan/mainlining. Will you be watching the game tonight friends?!    09/05/24  (1)
evan39 sue your employer for injuries, harassment&work comp/ssdi    09/05/24  (10)
any of you fags have sleep apnea mouthguards? I need one    09/05/24  (15)
What makes you think it's all going to be alright? The existential horror?    09/05/24  (1)
In-Depth Analysis of Boom, Mainlining, and Evan39    09/05/24  (2)
lynn conway looks like an extra from an early 80s italian cannibal movie    09/05/24  (4)
Rate my 23andme results. Prestigious?    09/05/24  (1)
saw Jon stamos on tv and thought of Luis. Is this normal    09/05/24  (10)
football is on tonight. Luis got great news. 987690765886589    09/05/24  (1)
"You're shrewish my ma'am" (Hyman to unmarried office lady)    09/05/24  (6)
Not now mom; I'm on my Nazi gayboy lawchat site for Jewish autists    09/05/24  (12)
I wish someone would investigate my ancestry 😮‍💨 (FizzKidd)    09/05/24  (3)
Any downside to copping SSDI and never working again?    09/05/24  (11)
nurses will all miss luis when he's done with chemo    09/05/24  (19)
Boom’s distrust of sports, combined with his obsession with gambling and seein    09/05/24  (1)
ChatGBT -AutoAdmit - Updated Comprehensive Encyclopedia Entry (9/4/24)    09/05/24  (26)
Archer Daniels Midlands Company.. did this to me    09/05/24  (110)
One of these days Archers Daniel Midland is going to finish what they started    09/05/24  (6)
Evan39 would you ‘fuck’ a grizzly?    09/05/24  (1)
Paralegal Muhammad taking questions on my Kamala support and being a POS    09/05/24  (1)
Why grizzlies > humanity (and Seattle lib$)    09/05/24  (1)
Why are millennial Loser YouTubers getting cardiovascular disease    09/05/24  (3)
Evan39!! Grizz would run your grocery store better.    09/05/24  (1)
Once I get my FFL, I'm buying a Browning M2 and M249    09/05/24  (15)
This capital gains shit from Kamala is never going to pass, right?    09/05/24  (14)
*ominous voice behind you* "turn the console off"    09/05/24  (4)
TSINAH do you admit that you are autistic?    09/05/24  (15)
Boom 21.0, Mainlining, and Evan39 walk into a mediation    09/05/24  (1)

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