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going on an apple picking date with a corporate career woman tomorrow (lex)    09/26/24  (311)
Rate this hot blonde who got caught stealing man's phone charger on flight (link    09/27/24  (174)
Boston trip was some sort of sexual awakening (FizzKidd)    09/26/24  (173)
Attn computer nerds: What program to review a .txt file with 3M rows of data?    09/26/24  (164)
90s bands with sentence-names: "Sixpence None The Richer" "They Might Be Giants"    09/26/24  (112)
Most traveling is pointless    09/25/24  (111)
As we enter into Q4, who is the MPM favorite?    09/27/24  (89)
US Navy can no longer deploy even 1 carrier battler group    09/26/24  (86)
The Bodybuilding.com forums (1999 - 2024):    09/26/24  (86)
ITT: Predict the outcome of the Israel v. Lebanon conflict    09/22/24  (85)
Why hasn't somebody reported CSLG to CA bar for paying referral fees to docs    09/25/24  (84)
Woman gets fucked by her pittbull, then hangs her kids with its leash    09/25/24  (82)
Guy who predicted Kamala's polling lead here; shes fuct    09/24/24  (80)
The 'WEST' is so FURKED, its completely LOLZY how quickly its collapsing    09/24/24  (78)
BREAKING: NYC Mayor Eric Adams INDICTED on CORRUPTION CHARGES    09/27/24  (74)
MBA shrew penciled me in for a bar date tonight and it went great    09/27/24  (74)
AZNgirl’s ideal man (+ her picture)    09/25/24  (73)
It's ridiculous that you let your wife have a boss (CSLG)    09/24/24  (73)
Rate my dinner (hamburger + wine)    09/22/24  (71)
What profession do you have the most disdain for?    09/24/24  (70)
Job offer in Kauai - take it?    09/26/24  (70)
College Football "NIL" nightmare just slid more into the toilet with UNLV QB    09/26/24  (68)
Trump campaign 'strategist' EXPLODES, call interns 'stupid f----ts' (DM)    09/25/24  (68)
BAM! You must trade lives with Karlstack, CSLG, or TSINAH, which one?    09/24/24  (67)
Kamala is trapped rn.    09/27/24  (66)
Nutella checking in!    09/26/24  (66)
RFK sues Olivia Nuzzi for sending him "way too many" nudes:    09/24/24  (66)
Explain people who practice law for 15 years and make $250k    09/27/24  (65)
Death penalty shouldn’t be a thing in 2024 United States    09/26/24  (64)
Living in Florida with nonstop hurricanes is fucking retarded    09/26/24  (60)
I'm getting more pussy at 40 then ever before in my life    09/25/24  (60)
friend of mine called to borrow $1k earlier (zurich)    09/25/24  (58)
Nick Fuentes: "Trump is a grave threat to this country"    09/25/24  (55)
She’s not going to win. I’ve accepted it.    09/22/24  (55)
Representing a guy rn who will get 40yrs prison. Death penalty 100x more humane    09/27/24  (55)
My current Electoral map 9/24    09/24/24  (55)
MPA is clearly heading to MPM victory. step up your game, slackers    09/25/24  (55)
Taking Qs on upcoming OKTOBERFEST trip (RSF)    09/25/24  (54)
As an (Ex) Muslim, Islam is the biggest threat to civilization period    09/26/24  (54)
Dem internals have Harris down 4 POINTS in PA    09/25/24  (54)
Trump will end his career having beaten the Bushes, Clintons, Bidens and Harris    09/26/24  (53)
The Work From Home Free-for-All Is Coming to an End (WSJ)    09/21/24  (52)
Heading to SULUWESI rn    09/25/24  (52)
Best city in US for rich single bachelor $$$?    09/24/24  (52)
Orange Retard: IRAN IS TRYING TO KILL ME, WAR WITH IRAN NOW    09/26/24  (50)
bro, twitter is completely off the hook in 2024, beats xo    09/22/24  (50)
Why don't more of you worship BACH?    09/25/24  (49)
31 YO loser, just marry current gf?    09/27/24  (48)
Any travelmos here who have gone to northern Europe for Aurora?    09/23/24  (47)
Catholic chicks love anal. FizzKidd = Catholic. Fizzkidd loves...    09/24/24  (47)
Rate this text a zoomer girl sent me    09/23/24  (46)
2024 SAT scores released, charted by race (link)    09/26/24  (46)
FizzKidd tp: rebound azngirl to autistic newly divorced white guy.    09/22/24  (45)
insane i just got this monikor    09/27/24  (45)
Is it possible to make friends through hobbies in your 30s    09/27/24  (45)
Just took out a $100k personal loan from Lightstream    09/24/24  (44)
Who are these people with tons of credit card debt?    09/24/24  (44)
It's been about a year since I made those first 'lol divorce' poasts; ty to all    09/24/24  (43)
Married doctors can write off all their income    09/23/24  (43)
poast itt if you attended church today    09/23/24  (43)
Raleigh has less dateable women than any other city in America    09/26/24  (42)
What is the worst case scenario for election? Total dem blowout victory?    09/23/24  (41)
Is Buenos Aires as 180 as it looks?    09/25/24  (41)
Fun Legal Hypo (From Talmud Law Class) - Order Pickup & Store Didn't Finalize    09/22/24  (41)
My working wife has never received a raise and makes less than when she started    09/26/24  (41)
Lynn Conway tp here, taking Qs    09/21/24  (40)
Taking qs on French politics    09/23/24  (40)
Getting ready to put @realChrisBrunet in his place    09/26/24  (39)
Detailed ANALYSIS of take away BEER prices in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia    09/27/24  (38)
BREAKING: Kamala Harris accepts Oct. 23rd debate on CNN    09/23/24  (38)
So glad DrakeMallard is gone    09/26/24  (38)
Study: Just FOUR Nukes timed right could destroy the ENTIRE USA    09/22/24  (38)
jcm I want you to know I am the Captain and you are my First Officer    09/25/24  (38)
Mo$t Alpha POTUS?    09/26/24  (36)
Hint: "Western Civilization" was just Jews/Birdshits exploiting others    09/25/24  (36)
Eric Adams corruption charges are HILARIOUS    09/27/24  (36)
Rate this AZNgirl Mom BERATING her own kids for being ugly 100% AZNS    09/22/24  (36)
Yankee F-16 pilots massacred in Ukraine    09/26/24  (36)
I hate my children. Both of them.    09/26/24  (36)
No matter how good a comment is, if TDNW blank bumps it it’s a failure    09/23/24  (35)
Married guys, how do you get your wife turned on? Or any woman?    09/24/24  (35)
Caroline Ellison gets 2 years in prison    09/25/24  (35)
xo is full of weirdos and losers.    09/22/24  (35)
lowercase 3 letter monikors assemble itt    09/27/24  (35)
"Asians can't Innovate!" the Powergoy typed on his Chink made Phone    09/25/24  (34)
Just saw a woman defuse a street fight literally using her pussy    09/24/24  (34)
Penn Suspends Amy Wax, Law Professor Accused of Making Racist Statements    09/25/24  (34)
The way I live my life today is the only correct way to live (CSLG)    09/24/24  (34)
XO Dads: Would You Ever Let Kids Alone At "Kids Clubs" At Resorts Etc On Vaca?    09/22/24  (34)
the rise of the chill lowercase 3 letter monikor empire tp    09/27/24  (34)
Trump maxes out Madison, Wisconsin rally    09/25/24  (33)
Disturbing trend of people not providing information after an accident. Thx libs    09/24/24  (33)
anyone follow the story of this Marcellus Williams execution?    09/24/24  (32)
Josh Allen has the best story of any QB    09/25/24  (32)
🚨 Paul Graham is expected to post TOMORROW about Pensive and his book.    09/22/24  (31)
This is what awaits NYCmos post Adams (link)    09/27/24  (31)
Can anyone who isn't an insane shitlib explain why the Iraq War wasn't justified    09/25/24  (31)
Anyone else use Dude Wipes instead of toilet paper?    09/27/24  (31)
Mayor of largest Muslim-American pop in MI writes scathing Trump condemnation    09/23/24  (31)
just split up from gf. singlemos what do we do on friday nights.    09/21/24  (31)
Should I buy a GR Corolla?    09/27/24  (31)
I barely get sore when lifting anymore, hegemon explain    09/23/24  (30)
Best dissident snack foods?    09/22/24  (30)
things that will die with Boomers ITT    09/23/24  (30)
Just saw a group of early 20's girls WALK OUT on a $400 tab    09/26/24  (29)
So Kamala never actually tried a case in her career as 'prosecutor'?    09/24/24  (29)
Consuela is a great poster but if he's reporting posters to the FBI that's bad    09/27/24  (29)
Board olds, describe the hype/marketing which accompanied "Congo" (199    09/25/24  (29)
MPA free from bad marriage, Luis beat cancer. 180 wins for so this year    09/26/24  (29)
the purpose of american food is to give u chronic medical conditions    09/23/24  (29)
lex, I like you. I’ll be your Mommy & smother you with my giant tits (JCM)    09/23/24  (28)
Minnesota’s state flag is depression in flag form    09/25/24  (28)
Eggs are $4 because of Kamala Harris (JD vance standing in front of $3 eggs)    09/26/24  (28)
Looks like she already blew up? Still fuckable?    09/23/24  (27)
So is Nebraska going WINNER TAKE ALL or no? I need 269-269 to feel anything    09/23/24  (27)
Why does disco fries constantly lie about his finances    09/26/24  (27)
Link to credited firearms to off yourself itt?    09/23/24  (27)
50 Cent to produce P Diddy docuseries (link)    09/26/24  (27)
Israel Mulls Plan To Indefinitely Expel 300,000 Palestinians From North Gaza    09/23/24  (27)
🚨New JJC thread on r/MBA🚨    09/26/24  (27)
Glorious China launches first nuclear submarine. DIE BIRDSHITS    09/26/24  (27)
hypo: 269-269, u r Trump-pledged elector, Soros offers $10bil to change ur vote    09/24/24  (27)
Next up! Pay-to-breathe! AmeriKKKa's final $ubscription $ervice ;)    09/26/24  (27)
Student Loan checkin: how much does everyone have if you have any? Also    09/23/24  (26)
maine is 180 is 180    09/23/24  (26)
Brett Favre announces he has Parkinson's    09/25/24  (26)
Bangor, Maine imports bunch of Haitians, suddenly many pet cats go missing    09/23/24  (26)
Who are these people with tons of credit card points?    09/25/24  (26)
If I got divorced, I would let wife have the kids and bartend on weekends.    09/26/24  (26)
RATE Giada, 54, & Her 16yo Dotter (PIC)    09/27/24  (26)
Hegemon watchu been reading recently?    09/22/24  (26)
hate you can't visit SEA as a single guy w/o everyone becoming "suspicious"    09/27/24  (26)
what's your biggest existential fear    09/26/24  (26)
I spent $600 on an Apple IIe so my kids can play Oregon Trail    09/26/24  (26)
Trump meeting Zelenskyyy at Trump Tower tomorrow (link)    09/27/24  (25)
Do you think people appreciate we're really in historically volatile dangerous    09/27/24  (25)
Going on family vacation and it's causing extreme anxiety    09/25/24  (25)
FizzKidd has a real bitter shrewishness to her like GJR lite level rage    09/23/24  (24)
Niggas are also oblivious to BEEPING sound from Forklifts    09/25/24  (24)
Harris Collapse Continues--Trump +4 in Nevada according to Las Vegas    09/27/24  (24)
Orthodox Synagogue In Orlando Set On Fire. TSINAH?    09/23/24  (24)
MPA's spooky season ongoing film thread 2024    09/25/24  (24)
Why didn't North America have any dangerous wildlife? Wtf?    09/20/24  (24)
Did your Mom ever love you?    09/23/24  (24)
Ke$ha is looking a lot better these days    09/27/24  (24)
Eric Adams got got by Dems because he didn't play ball    09/27/24  (24)
Young Donald TRUMP operating a pottery wheel (video)    09/26/24  (24)
1 year to get married and win 25mm dollars if you lose youre shot dead    09/23/24  (24)