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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Who has the most “clout” on xo?    10/03/24  (19)
TRUMPETTE TO JUDGE: I cannot go to prison because I sleep on special mattress!    10/03/24  (1)
XO 8am crew reminds me of a small town diner, getting ready for the day    10/03/24  (265)
FEMA asking NC residents for party registration before approving aid (link)    10/03/24  (2)
LOL CONS: Ipsos BATTLEGROUND poll has HARRIS +1. IS THAT FAKE NEWS?    10/03/24  (5)
UH OH Trumpmo Mod triggered by Trumpette going to prison    10/03/24  (1)
When Kamala loses the election, non-zero chance Biden steps down for HER TURN    10/03/24  (11)
"mental health" is just people starting to understand    10/03/24  (13)
Reminder: XO house style is to write TRUMP in all capitals all the time    10/03/24  (9)
So Trump signs are just American flags now?    10/03/24  (2)
ITT: Society for Historical Preservation of bad MAGA Takes    10/03/24  (9)
Who has the most “snout” on xo?    10/03/24  (1)
Hypo: Ukrainians drop their weapons and begged Putin to leave Kiev alone    10/03/24  (1)
"We're not going back!" -libs shrieking as trump throws them into pits of hell    10/03/24  (2)
HYPO: $10m but have to live in either Miami, NYC, or Austin    10/03/24  (43)
SP humming "Sweet Child Of Mine" as he climbs the stairs to the playroom    10/03/24  (6)
Craziest pick up line I’ve ever come up with actually works    10/03/24  (10)
Another baby incoming!    10/03/24  (24)
Dr. David Duke live right now on Red Ice    10/03/24  (1)
1000lb bomb dropped on Israel just now.    10/03/24  (7)
MPA now has a 3-4 girl harem he’s juggling (Fizzkidd rejected from harem)    10/03/24  (21)
when did Wendy's start giving out XL drink cups w/ small meal?    10/03/24  (8)
ITT: we review why Trump is fucked in GEORGIA    10/03/24  (11)
weird how Trump started 'winning' after joining self at the hip with zionists    10/03/24  (8)
Looks like ODAB-9000 was a Hiroshima moment for some folks in Kiev    10/03/24  (1)
"Uh, another boy being raped.." (spaceporn taking Rorschach test)    10/03/24  (108)
FLOOOOORIDA now a statistical tie (link)    10/03/24  (29)
Cities with no bodies of water, mountains or skyline - worst places in USA?    10/03/24  (51)
cumming gives me brain fog    10/03/24  (1)
guzheng music is pretty 180 and relaxing    10/03/24  (1)
IDF dood who bragged about killing 12 year-old girls takes a dirt nap    10/03/24  (4)
lex u have a beautiful soul so i suspect that ur not sexually aggressive enough    10/03/24  (52)
Pretty irate that CIA stooge "Jon Ossoff" will be in public life for 50 years    10/03/24  (1)
Rate Netanyahu's hands shaking as he discusses Iran's attack (link)    10/03/24  (20)
JCM, explain fat women who walk around naked in front of open windows    10/03/24  (8)
what's an excellent obscure book that i should read. fiction or non-fiction.    10/03/24  (15)
lol, mba chick calendared a zoom meeting to dump me    10/03/24  (224)
Harris extends lead in MI    10/03/24  (21)
Hey libs, stop pretending Harris is going to win. Harris isn't going to win.    10/03/24  (4)
she was a business cooze, she said cya later lex / he wasn't good enough for her    10/03/24  (1)
how in the fuck do some people here still care about politics    10/03/24  (1)
sweetgreen interviewer: "do you have any questions?" luis: "do u like tycho?"    10/03/24  (9)
the nazis were exceptionally barbaric by gassing children and mothers    10/03/24  (4)
tp. *slams shot glass on bar counter*    10/03/24  (12)
lex: first you fill it to the top with popov mba shrew: the whole glass? 'The wh    10/03/24  (4)
HYPO: $10m but same facility with women as Lex    10/03/24  (8)
havent been able to find anything good on youtube in weeks    10/03/24  (1)
this drone shit is pretty fucking insane - future is gonna be worse than SkyNet    10/03/24  (20)
need some bad advice    10/03/24  (1)
been drinking a whole bottle of wine nightly for 30 days straight now    10/03/24  (24)
ORANGE MAN BA[CK]    10/03/24  (1)
the lex saga = perfect illustration of how dating nowadays is like a datura trip    10/03/24  (1)
My dad has cancer, probably dies soon. We're about to start a road trip to Idaho    10/03/24  (43)
if MASE is right & trump wins we should give MASE the Guardian of Zion Award    10/03/24  (1)
AUSLANDER RAUS!    10/03/24  (3)
73.4% of ppl who have voted in PA so far = Dems, GOP = 18.8%    10/03/24  (36)
Ahmadinejad: The head of Iran's anti-Israel intel ops was a Mossad agent    10/03/24  (2)
IDF troops getting killed by the dozens now    10/03/24  (48)
an insatiable swarm of Indians descending rapidly on your law bort    10/03/24  (12)
BIGFOOT FOUND IN OKLAHOMA CITY!!! (link)    10/03/24  (3)
Libs after "winning" in 2020 exclusively due to mail ins: *doesn't VBM*    10/03/24  (2)
Franzen cornering Lex at an Einstein Bros. Bagels: "Seriously--man up, dude    10/03/24  (2)
Iran running Khalkhin Gol-style maneuvers on IDF right now    10/03/24  (1)
Tim Heidegger, I need a recent hairline pic    10/03/24  (7)
Tina Peters (traitorous Mesa CO clerk) sentenced to NINE YEARS    10/03/24  (1)
Trump can't win for one simple reason: he vilified mail-in voting    10/03/24  (10)
Liberal consensus on Tim Walz's performance?    10/03/24  (38)
Lebanese FM: Israel & Hezbollah agreed to ceasefire before IDF killed Nasrallah    10/03/24  (7)
So JD Vance lied for 2 hours and STILL lost the debate?    10/03/24  (1)
The VP debate should have been about fucking couches and gargling horse jizz    10/03/24  (2)
What happens if we get to Hurricane Zack    10/03/24  (1)
Zelensky tells Ukrainian troops to go ahead and withdraw to save their lives    10/03/24  (3)
Trumpmo Criminal sentenced to 9 YEARS!    10/03/24  (1)
Is this going to be Trump’s largest EV victory?    10/03/24  (2)
I can readily see Trump getting 350+ EVs    10/03/24  (4)
Can't get over how absolutely gorgeous JD Vance looked    10/03/24  (1)
hi lex, hope your forties are going well    10/03/24  (21)
Michigan will go Red fucking Biden. Trump wins 2024. Mark it.    10/03/24  (5)
https://ibb.co/R3NyFXW    10/03/24  (1)
Good morning I am “Fresh Mango” new to America taking a survey!    10/03/24  (1)
Mark your calendars, Nov. 6, for MASE's epic mental breakdown    10/03/24  (2)
Women - whaaa!!!! I demand you let me be a Catholic priest    10/03/24  (1)
is it worth reading plato's republic cover to cover    10/03/24  (34)
Spotted TSINAH's car and took a pic    10/03/24  (2)
Trump not out campaigning, instead having mental breakdown on twitter    10/03/24  (4)
MELANIA TRUMP: EAT SHIT PRO-LIFERS (link)    10/03/24  (13)
Women are small language models    10/03/24  (1)
Brood of vipers here    10/03/24  (1)
Many asian girls will be going as white cum dumpsters for Halloween    10/03/24  (1)
Lex mindfully pondering what Bizshrew meant shouting "SHUT UP AND FUCK ME!"    10/03/24  (1)
MPA's spooky season ongoing film thread 2024    10/03/24  (44)
People are panic buying toilet paper and water like it’s March 2020    10/03/24  (3)
Unmarried women looking at smoldering ruins of America: "we saved abortion!"    10/03/24  (2)
they're really forcememeing whole body deodorant for fat shrews    10/03/24  (6)
Warning: Do Not Click This Thread (disturbing amount of sorority teen nudes)    10/03/24  (2)
As we enter into Q4, who is the MPM favorite?    10/03/24  (93)
I literally ended RSF's posting career. (Hyman)    10/03/24  (13)
r/Gifted is an hilarious sub-reddit    10/03/24  (29)
NYT: "The Real Loser of the V.P. Debate: Our Politics"    10/03/24  (13)
18000000 Trumpmo on Trumpmo violence (vid)    10/03/24  (1)
how many cocks does it take until a woman is 'blown out'    10/03/24  (61)
lex mailing shrew ex hollowed out Buddhist books with condoms & porn inside    10/03/24  (7)
Jay Z: Hyman. Hi, man. I'm high, man    10/03/24  (4)
Is collecting unearned internet enforceable in any jurisdiction?    10/03/24  (4)
Luis do u wake up every day worrying today might be day cancer is back?    10/03/24  (4)
sugar baby wishes for 'generous lover' on monkey's paw, matches w/ lex    10/03/24  (1)
He was generous with his time. Honor him.    10/03/24  (4)
Thoughts on tempurpedic mattresses?    10/03/24  (1)
"I'm a bit of a Buddha connoisseur myself haha" (dark lex lights spliff)    10/03/24  (2)
Played real golf (9 hole) today for first time ever, got a birdie and a par.    10/03/24  (58)
Those first 15 seconds after waking up before the anxiety hits    10/03/24  (20)
as Buddha renounced the world, so shall I renounce further connection with you    10/03/24  (4)
Would love to see DBG sent to auschwitz but he live tweets the experience on xo    10/03/24  (95)
Why do some people hate truth and justice so much    10/03/24  (1)
grammarly commercial with team of shrews drafting lex email    10/03/24  (9)
What's the relationship between Hollywood jews and Scientologists    10/03/24  (1)
*lex lying down on the grass, staring at the Stars* *business shrew abruptly blo    10/03/24  (1)
basically, 'dating' in ur 40s is like trying to survive as a kike in kike camp    10/03/24  (4)
Democrats looking like an absolute disaster right now    10/03/24  (1)
Why aren't blacks straight up considered superior?    10/03/24  (2)
"Did you score?" "Oh yeah, couple 100+ threads of content generation."    10/03/24  (1)
Do you think Josh Shapiro hopes Kamala loses?    10/03/24  (3)
Amazing content creation so far, fellas.    10/03/24  (2)
Should I get a dash cam?    10/03/24  (2)
now this is content    10/03/24  (3)
Map of Credit Scores by County (link)    10/03/24  (1)
GunneratTTT: Bizshrew & Lex agreed to road trip before Bizshrew terminated relat    10/03/24  (7)
"it's the 666 system: 6 figures, 6 face, 6 cocks or fewer."    10/03/24  (2)
Kikes are truly despicable    10/03/24  (34)
Yes, Alex. I’d like blown business shrew close for 500.    10/03/24  (1)
should i microdose psilocybin mushrooms.    10/03/24  (4)
“I want a divorce.” “Yes, ‘honey’. I know but can I finish this lex tp    10/03/24  (1)
"And what woman is capable of forming "spiritual connection?" "None" Tha    10/03/24  (1)
6 GOP scotus judges had a chance to end affirmative action this year    10/03/24  (2)
did movies used to be funny or am i just a boring adult now?    10/03/24  (3)
"If I didn't pursue this connection, would you cry?" "It would be very painful    10/03/24  (4)
'now u can be generous w/ ur time b/c ur not leaving the cellar haha'    10/03/24  (7)
Bizshrew redlines "You came on too strong" to "I appreciate the generosity of yo    10/03/24  (3)
Seriously lex tp, fuck her    10/03/24  (4)
Lex: "We could be friends with benefits" Bizshrew: "Ur not entitled to COBRA"    10/03/24  (11)
"Mr. Lex? I'm MBA. Uh, you don't get to bring sutras."    10/03/24  (3)
Shrew letting lex keep profile on the website for 6 months    10/03/24  (6)
Lmao shitcons, Trump campaign leaks show he's done here, losing hope    10/03/24  (1)
So u painted everything gray, hung a "live laff love" driftwood & now want $200k    10/03/24  (15)
Longshoremen adding 'lex gets a nice girl, 6.5 or better' to list of demands    10/03/24  (7)
Biz shrew has ick, prolly dumps soon. We're about to start a road trip to Idaho    10/03/24  (2)
FW: RE: FW: FW: Final draft re: termination of 'Lex' relationship (Priority 4)    10/03/24  (7)
MBA Pwns Autist    10/03/24  (5)
Special Counsel Jack Smith's "bombshell filing" arriving a month before election    10/03/24  (14)
"But I've been generous with my time!" "And this gives you power over me?"    10/03/24  (3)

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