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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
More ominous. "My friend" vs "my man"    09/04/24  (11)
Started Radiation Show last night - fuk    09/04/24  (2)
Radiation Show was far too short    09/04/24  (8)
I’m 50 years old Japanese man struggling with midlife crisis. My life is miser    09/04/24  (3)
tv show idea: radiation show but the reactor is the twin towers    09/04/24  (2)
HBO ruined Radiation Show with the strong womyn scientist    09/04/24  (2)
The ending of Radiation Show was awful girl power nonsense    09/04/24  (3)
Just finished Radiation Show- Last episode (show trial) was 180+    09/04/24  (4)
Eat my nasty stinkhole    09/04/24  (11)
dyatlov on radiation show was alpha as fuck    09/04/24  (3)
Radiation Show is filmed before a live studio audience    09/04/24  (6)
DJT Media tanking to unimaginable depths!    09/04/24  (1)
thought Radiation Show was just a euphemism 4 moving "out west"    09/04/24  (2)
should i get married    09/04/24  (1)
Jewish NFL VP goes on rant to shrew Hinge date, hilarity ensues (link)    09/04/24  (57)
The Dragon Show? Yeah that was really gay. The Radiation Show though, was ALPHA    09/04/24  (6)
is this where the dragon ball z fan club meets or what    09/04/24  (1)
Why is David Goggins famous?    09/04/24  (14)
RCP electoral map no tossups: Trump 273, Harris 265    09/04/24  (6)
If Trump wins I will de-trans my kids then self-report to prison (EPAH)    09/04/24  (6)
Kissed ISG for first time last night. She had stinkbreath :-/    09/04/24  (5)
Minorities deserve to die, btw the cartoon horse show is sad (xo poa    09/04/24  (4)
The sad cartoon horse show references pop culture of the 90s, yay!    09/04/24  (5)
“No mom, the horse video game and the sad cartoon horse are different    09/04/24  (4)
Cellphone Dystopia | Trans Dad | Dull Lawyers | Cartoon Horse    09/04/24  (2)
Black Mirror episode where bald fag lawyers watch edgy Jewish cartoon horse    09/04/24  (6)
cartoon horse show    09/04/24  (2)
Yeah the cartoon horse show gives me all the feels    09/04/24  (17)
"Lots of dragon action in my dragon show tonight!" thought the wagecuck    09/04/24  (5)
“Previously, on Dragon Show.”    09/04/24  (49)
“dragon show? what dragon show?”    09/04/24  (2)
Oh. Dragon show is pornography. I get it now    09/04/24  (2)
lol remember dragon show    09/04/24  (11)
What's the next Dragon Show?    09/04/24  (7)
POLL: would you rather that both RSF and CSLG stay or leave the board?    09/04/24  (3)
I think Putin has been making the best of a bad situation his entire career    09/04/24  (27)
Wait, the poster outed today went to YALE?! How is that possible?    09/04/24  (37)
I have FUCKING HAD IT with all the "dragon show haha" threads    09/04/24  (11)
I can't, dragon show    09/04/24  (2)
I can't, my dragon show    09/04/24  (3)
this week on dragon show...    09/04/24  (2)
Cons why do you guys like mass shootings so much?    09/04/24  (26)
lol you xo fags are watching a NEW dragon show?    09/04/24  (4)
Was there no Dragon Show thread yesterday    09/04/24  (6)
Dragon Show, Hotel Show, Zombie Show    09/04/24  (4)
the new dragon show may be better than the first    09/04/24  (2)
DRAGON SHOW    09/04/24  (2)
BREAKING: DOJ has evidence Tim Pool, Benny Johnson & David Rubin paid by Russia    09/04/24  (21)
Dragon show is just fancy capeshit , right?    09/04/24  (3)
Dragon show doesn't even try    09/04/24  (2)
colt went looking for scholarship tp at his school?    09/04/24  (1)
School shooting in Georgia rn    09/04/24  (47)
Should I watch Dragon Show?    09/04/24  (4)
Sexy dragon show is back    09/04/24  (2)
*cue Dragon Show theme as Queen Kamala has her first morning Kirkland vodka shot    09/04/24  (9)
CSLG seems like a weird petty dude    09/04/24  (19)
"Sir, can you remove the baseball cap please? *pause* "Sir, you are bald."    09/04/24  (16)
SHOOTER'S NAME IS LITERALLY "COLT GRAY" ...?    09/04/24  (10)
Colt went back to biglaw lol    09/04/24  (2)
im tired of getting entire fucking emails for "microsoft reactions"    09/04/24  (7)
Guy arrested for 1993 rape/murder after cops matched DNA via genealogy company    09/04/24  (11)
"Mr. Khashoggi, welcome to the embassy, my man."    09/04/24  (6)
"but call him 'my man' and see how he recoils"    09/04/24  (4)
Legal practice area with the most TTT lawyers?    09/04/24  (12)
if i knew thats what colt was doing w/ those machine guns i wouldnt have sucked    09/04/24  (3)
Lmao @ libs crying Russia again    09/04/24  (9)
This is the least heterosexual website I have ever visited    09/04/24  (12)
Michigan 34 Texas 31    09/04/24  (9)
Hyman Kruger smashes RSF into TV: "Welcome to prime time, my man!"    09/04/24  (1)
Orrick is how colt pronounces "oil rig"    09/04/24  (56)
🚨 🚨 🚨 TSINAH'S BONER IS STILL GOING 🚨 🚨 🚨    09/04/24  (1)
Kind of fucked up that spaceporn is fucking with some random Chinese lawyers lif    09/04/24  (7)
Hypo: $12 million to be teleported to random spot on Earth's landmass    09/04/24  (195)
Donald Sutherland pointing and screaming "My Man" at end of Invasion of the Body    09/04/24  (1)
Zurich the way they're treating you! Love you 😘 I got your back    09/04/24  (1)
Why did Cons nominate someone who is obviously far too old to be POTUS?    09/04/24  (1)
Still can't believe Trump staged a fake assassination attempt and no one cared    09/04/24  (1)
What are the best books on HISTORY?    09/04/24  (92)
🚨 🚨 🚨 TSINAH'S BONFIRE IS STILL GOING 🚨 🚨 🚨    09/04/24  (68)
i'm retiring, fuck this website, fuck zurich, fuck everyone (gunneratttt)    09/04/24  (67)
I was offline for 48 hours with my family and the bort drama is now inscrutable    09/04/24  (4)
Kamala drinking wine from the bottle certifying trump delegates on J6    09/04/24  (7)
as astroturfed kamala hype dwindles, joyless spinsters turn on decrepit fags    09/04/24  (21)
Nate Silver SOUNDING THE ALARM for KAMALA    09/04/24  (32)
it was going so well for kamala until she got cocky and said something in public    09/04/24  (5)
Martyr Made debate recalls important point: After Boomers, we all go wild    09/04/24  (3)
lmao dm quote about lewandowski    09/04/24  (1)
Gunnerattt is a huge fag for trying to fuck another posters wife. Cant trust him    09/04/24  (6)
ChatGBT -AutoAdmit - Updated Comprehensive Encyclopedia Entry (9/4/24)    09/04/24  (5)
"That is soo 180, my man" Ricky types w blank look on his face in Manilla Airbnb    09/04/24  (1)
Sirius XM’s Madison    09/04/24  (2)
Trump will win in 2024 with 287 Electoral Votes    09/04/24  (11)
Pennsylvania courts obliterate voter security laws    09/04/24  (34)
Did a deep-dive analysis, will this be Trump's EC map?    09/04/24  (2)
INFO NEEDED: Did Barrow School System ban books mentioning gay people?    09/04/24  (1)
Trump will get 235 EC votes or fewer in 2024    09/04/24  (4)
Malik Obama post touching throwback pic with Barack    09/04/24  (15)
The backlash against Tucker feels different this time    09/04/24  (13)
Coworker’s wife is a SAHM and they have a nanny    09/04/24  (25)
Why is David Goffin famous?    09/04/24  (1)
Rate This Chair Ump Missed Call to end ATP match (link)    09/04/24  (13)
Lancet: "'Long-butt' phenomenon caused by email girls sitting for too long."    09/04/24  (5)
Libs seem desperate today    09/04/24  (1)
bp have a Mr potato head a Charlie Manson forehead swastika to pull a Ferris B.    09/04/24  (1)
GOP weaponized the courts and now complaining about losing in state courts    09/04/24  (1)
Martyr Made on Tucker has completely exposed rift btwn post was cons & new right    09/04/24  (24)
Hypo:$10 million but u get electric jolted whenever SP hints at squanching SP jr    09/04/24  (2)
ITT: things we wouldn't know about if Elon hadn't bought Twitter    09/04/24  (2)
Trumpmos, ur latest school massacre WILL increase subrban vote n battleground GA    09/04/24  (1)
Had a dream the bort went dark permanently    09/04/24  (1)
great thread, Zheng.    09/04/24  (6)
James Bond will return in…QUEER    09/04/24  (5)
Severus Snape smirking: "Why fail you, Ms. Granger, when I can YALE you! -5 poin    09/04/24  (53)
Sinner will 100% win the US Open    09/04/24  (2)
MSM finally catches up to XO 15 yrs later re: fajitas    09/04/24  (1)
A typical occurrence on Chicago's "L" train (link)    09/04/24  (1)
Bad Day On XO For Jews Yesterday. Bad Day On XO For Chinamen Today    09/04/24  (1)
Could an old unplugged tv really electrocute you? Was told this as a kid    09/04/24  (5)
tbf is like dale gribble and sbf is his john redcorn    09/04/24  (5)
Disappearance of concord grapes from supermarket a grave sign    09/04/24  (1)
error: bossy bottom 1488 is already taken. please try another username. (xo    09/04/24  (10)
Bad news Trumpmos    09/04/24  (6)
redpill me on GARY WEBB    09/04/24  (1)
CHECK YOU POASTS OFTEN    09/04/24  (67)
gjr and bp's version of sex was just him firing a potato gun at her crotch    09/04/24  (15)
Richard Hanania PWNS birdshit blue collar trash proles    09/04/24  (50)
Watched The Dark Tower (2017)    09/04/24  (5)
grabbin titties    09/04/24  (1)
Video from new Ukranian drone with an assault rifle attached to it    09/04/24  (1)
Someone repoast that lulzy pic of spaceporn in the crowd of gooks    09/04/24  (89)
"We will give Teachers school defense Guns (and free IVF!) when I'm Elected."    09/04/24  (1)
I make $45,000 per year and here is my endless critque of power    09/04/24  (3)
Kamala claims Indian grandmother went into villages to talk about abortion (link    09/04/24  (4)
dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong    09/04/24  (7)
Pedo & trans friends, shitty flame &extreme mental illness: the Gunnerattt story    09/04/24  (3)
This country is so fucking stupid and broken    09/04/24  (7)
🚨🚨 BREAKING: An XO Poaster Is A Fat Middle Aged Chinese Guy 🚨🚨    09/04/24  (20)
One Jew mafia family produces the means for a lawsuit    09/04/24  (5)
vaginas are fucking disgusting    09/04/24  (16)
never forget: vaginas are fucking disgusting    09/04/24  (40)
k time to golf    09/04/24  (1)
just realized my name is literally Pradeep    09/04/24  (51)
Elon Musk has one of the worst bodies in existence (pic)    09/04/24  (31)
Too few posts about tits and vaginas rn    09/04/24  (1)
explain XO I feel younger and smarter at 30ish than at 15..i'm perfect now    09/04/24  (8)
hey shitlibs your mkultra false flag political attacks have less &less juice HTH    09/04/24  (7)

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