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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Would love for Jpeg to humiliate Iga in straight sets 6-0, 6-0    09/04/24  (1)
k guise, gay shit is over can we go back to gay shit    09/04/24  (1)
gunneratt steps into his clients’ shoes    09/04/24  (1)
I think Putin has been making the best of a bad situation his entire career    09/04/24  (44)
As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be outted as a chink lawyer    09/04/24  (2)
Jewish NFL VP goes on rant to shrew Hinge date, hilarity ensues (link)    09/04/24  (85)
let me explain slowly for retards, the point of xo is to remain ANONYMOUS    09/04/24  (17)
Rate this Sunkist advert featuring New Order    09/04/24  (1)
ChatGBT -AutoAdmit - Updated Comprehensive Encyclopedia Entry (9/4/24)    09/04/24  (11)
can Gunerratttt et al stop shitting up the board with your terrible flame    09/04/24  (34)
POLL: would you rather that both RSF and CSLG stay or leave the board?    09/04/24  (17)
Colt Gray snapped after years of being called Colt Gay    09/04/24  (1)
today was literally the most homosexual day in the history of ZoZo    09/04/24  (4)
wow i am completely out of touch with bort drama and bort feuds    09/04/24  (4)
"diaper up," answered freddie, "as I am diapered.    09/04/24  (24)
real estate fag w 6 figs debt screeching abt INCOME STREAMS, GENERATIONAL WEALTH    09/04/24  (1)
spaceporn idly knocking 1 pawn over w another on $25k chess set, smiles to self    09/04/24  (2)
Spaceporn filing frivlolous bar complaint against random Chinese guy…jfc    09/04/24  (16)
Will reptiles impotently rage again in January?    09/04/24  (4)
Kind of fucked up that spaceporn is fucking with some random Chinese lawyers lif    09/04/24  (15)
Well now we know why Tim Pool is obsessed with civil war    09/04/24  (5)
Joe Biden: "I'm not allowed to go out any more"    09/04/24  (23)
bigger traitor - Benedict Arnold, Brutus, or fake Swede "mondo" Duplantis    09/04/24  (3)
Tim Pool’s family has a message for him    09/04/24  (4)
Confession: Addicted to pepperoni (Mainlining)    09/04/24  (49)
Pennsylvania courts obliterate voter security laws    09/04/24  (36)
School shooting in Georgia rn    09/04/24  (49)
Cons why do you guys like mass shootings so much?    09/04/24  (39)
Video Game Category by clique    09/04/24  (4)
Pretty simple to solve the deadlock without war imo&it's already in constitution    09/04/24  (2)
Weed posters, I bought some weed tincture for the first time    09/04/24  (40)
Malik Obama post touching throwback pic with Barack    09/04/24  (16)
Zurich won't stop messaging me. Blocked after he asked me to be his guardian    09/04/24  (28)
Do Losers realize how rich we’re getting?    09/04/24  (2)
BREAKING: DOJ has evidence Tim Pool, Benny Johnson & David Rubin paid by Russia    09/04/24  (38)
Spaceporn should be banned for constantly threatening people w/ bar complaints    09/04/24  (4)
Kenny is just trying to do his job. Stop bullying Kenny.    09/04/24  (34)
Keep thinking “THE TALL MEN ARE HERE!” in my head, intrusive thought    09/04/24  (1)
Reminder: mainlining tp = evan39 tp = BOM tp, it's like the bort trinity    09/04/24  (6)
🚨 Kenny is a slanty eyed cretin 🚨    09/04/24  (6)
Tim Walz's family has a message for him    09/04/24  (15)
any Trumpmos who are not hardened criminals?    09/04/24  (2)
This gunnerattt/zurich shit is flame right. No one is this stupid    09/04/24  (15)
Trump takes COMMANDING 5 point lead on polymarket. Epah, pls respond    09/04/24  (23)
MAGA’s star impeachment witness ARRESTED AGAIN    09/04/24  (50)
*pushes Bbooom in a wheelchair off a 9th story balcony, ends his misery*    09/04/24  (153)
🚨🚨 OFFICIAL POLICY: Xo supports Israel no matter what. 🚨🚨    09/04/24  (4)
Zurich stained his diaper    09/04/24  (1)
rach, please ban the tranny demon & tranny simps    09/04/24  (6)
Gatlinburg & Pigeon Forge....XO approved :)?    09/04/24  (20)
i'm retiring, fuck this website, fuck zurich, fuck everyone (gunneratttt)    09/04/24  (82)
evan39 "banks" will steal your money keep $tacking ca$h    09/04/24  (8)
Tim Pool googling “can I wear a beanie in federal court”    09/04/24  (6)
i really wish Jews controlled more aspects of my life.    09/04/24  (3)
I’M OUT NOW    09/04/24  (27)
Mainlining we're going to take the fraud 🤥 down is this world as dynamic duo    09/04/24  (12)
no wonder FizzKidd was never into gunneratttt    09/04/24  (2)
Trumpmos, for ur own sanity, don't open Drudge today    09/04/24  (1)
whokebe claims the bort is still alive because of his contributions lmao, t/f?    09/04/24  (2)
Hyman tp praise thread    09/04/24  (2)
BIGHOMO and the 5Gay    09/04/24  (1)
Remember when Hegemon threatened retaliation against SP if he outed Zurich?    09/04/24  (3)
SP here. I will never be charged w such a crime. I will never "be tried"    09/04/24  (208)
RATE my view (TSINAH)    09/04/24  (17)
Least populated nice ciTTTy that has OPERA & Museums & such?    09/04/24  (13)
evan39 it's insanely stupid simple to be rich/wealthy but retards don't get it    09/04/24  (15)
Everything is Fraud in Amerikkka &it's exhausting    09/04/24  (29)
Twitter thread CONFIRMS that firefighters are flame. LJL.    09/04/24  (1)
Trump: Barron "All Set In A Certain [NY] School That's Very Good"    09/04/24  (75)
Classic PIC Of 3rd World Shrink Wrapped Luggage #RSF #TT    09/04/24  (2)
More fraud? Venice bulid upon a forest of ancient tree trunks?    09/04/24  (11)
"Existence" is a scam and a fraud and then top it off with Amerikkkkkla    09/04/24  (14)
assume a spherical cowshit of uniform density    09/04/24  (3)
Evan39 look up the Red Desert WY.. I think it would make a great place for us    09/04/24  (9)
What is this fuking fraud .we're living in an Ice Age.."but climate change!!"    09/04/24  (6)
Just A Lil' K-T mass extinction event would do. Just need to wipe out primates    09/04/24  (3)
Emal minutes before K–T extinction event: "Hi. Checking-in on the draft MTD    09/04/24  (8)
Boom I had "pizza" earlier (evan39)    09/04/24  (5)
"Ni hao!" Tim greets, answering the white house phone at 4pm Shanghai time.    09/04/24  (4)
Hypo: $30M (tax free) but 1st randomly dropped in Central African Republic    09/04/24  (61)
dinosaur skeleton that was only half-real sold at Christie's for $12m    09/04/24  (7)
Funny how the "Midwest" goes right up to Denver/Boulder/Fort Collins/CO Springs    09/04/24  (14)
Since I was baby I saw Fraud for wat it is....has maed life very difficult    09/04/24  (11)
more fraud..landlocked Bolivia has a "Navy"    09/04/24  (30)
XO Flavored Durian In Malaysia (PIC)    09/04/24  (1)
They won't get away with this! I'll get my reparations(Boom)    09/04/24  (10)
Hypo: Stannis & Renly banded together early in GoT    09/04/24  (13)
I cannot say enough GOOD THINGS about our BULL (Demetrius)    09/04/24  (122)
Vredefort Impact 2.0 = All of "Humanity's" problems solved in 1-hour.    09/04/24  (7)
A Comet Hale-Bopp (C/1995 O1) impact would be nice.    09/04/24  (11)
RATE This IFNB Statue In Malaysia (PIC)    09/04/24  (1)
HYPO: $5M to walk across Afghanistan--Khyber Pass to Kandahar to Herat    09/04/24  (74)
Wait, the poster outed today went to YALE?! How is that possible?    09/04/24  (38)
Now that Hyman has completely knocked RSF the fuck out I hope he mocks TDNW more    09/04/24  (6)
evan39 is theft on the rise with these ridiculous prices&by how much?    09/04/24  (12)
Evan39 fuck this "world" and "Humanity" and $eattle and Lib$ non$ense    09/04/24  (6)
Do you think Charles received any of that Russian troll money?    09/04/24  (1)
evan39 where the hell are you friend? I miss you!(Bboooooooooom)    09/04/24  (12)
evan39 the tat shit is truly disgusting and outta 😤 control    09/04/24  (6)
I'm 84 years old&bald am a billionaire Seattle lawyer poast as boom/main/evan39    09/04/24  (6)
Biggest difference between black and grizzly is attitude.    09/04/24  (10)
evan39&mainlining! All force fed fraud&masses are allowing it&bitching    09/04/24  (15)
Bboooooooooom is mainlining and evan39? Whom else?    09/04/24  (54)
the intense and often confrontational nature of discussions on the board tp    09/04/24  (1)
Navigable Lake "Titicaca" lies at 12,507 ft elevation...fraud never freezes    09/04/24  (12)
evan39 do you respect Taylor Swift hustling all the retards?    09/04/24  (5)
PA is going to be a major problem for Harris    09/04/24  (1)
This life should've&could've been nice, smoothe and fun! Not like this    09/04/24  (5)
Leave mainlining alone! He's better than you and has a hot girlfriend    09/04/24  (21)
Boom=Mainlining=Evan39 is that it? End of line    09/04/24  (4)
Mainlining kum&go is fraud raised Wednesday pizza 🍕 to $1.50 per slice    09/04/24  (11)
Rate Meriwether Lewis' 1805 descriptions of encounters with Grizz    09/04/24  (59)
mainlining I'm writiing here and tell me what you think...    09/04/24  (274)
Wife's Bull (Demetrius) Just Asked For A Salary.    09/04/24  (25)
Vangelis - To the Unknown Man.mp3    09/04/24  (10)
Fucking fraud faggot Four Corners Stonehenge and that fag dino skull :(    09/04/24  (11)
You must attack 24/7 or you're done :(    09/04/24  (21)
Fucking brainwa$hed lying sheep 🐑 fag$ following a bull$hit $cript    09/04/24  (50)
lmfao at this thread about MASE (link)    09/04/24  (1)
I’ve always attributed the standout quality of Viva La Vida as a Coldplay albu    09/04/24  (88)
"Evan39? It's me, yourself, Boom." *applies lipstick* "And now I'm mainlining."    09/04/24  (75)
If you don't invest in high quality air filters for your home why not?    09/04/24  (2)
these lib hysterics are unhinged yet boring    09/04/24  (1)
Miami QB1 was 2-star way better than FSU's expensive 5-star trash    09/04/24  (1)
sup fri€nds, w€ cool? €urop€an v€rsion of mainlaining h€r€    09/04/24  (16)
Hyenas are the most obnoxious evil animal. Kill them all.    09/04/24  (10)
ChatGBT, do you think Boom is brain-damaged?    09/04/24  (2)
Evan39 would you "fuck" me? (Mainlininging)    09/04/24  (12)
Me for two years: the FBI is up Tulsi's ass, she's toxic; Tulsi today: it's true    09/04/24  (3)
Spaceporn, can I call a truce?    09/04/24  (9)
tim walz's chicom code name translates to "volume horse seed satiety"    09/04/24  (16)
tim walz got married on 5th anniversary of Tiananmen - and honeymooned in china    09/04/24  (9)
it was only 30 state-sponsored trips to China you guys    09/04/24  (4)
I'm debating talking to my therapist about XO    09/04/24  (128)
SHOOTER'S NAME IS LITERALLY "COLT GRAY" ...?    09/04/24  (13)
"How long have we been here in this sphere, mainlining? Days, weeks, years?"    09/04/24  (4)
Mowed my entire lawn before sundown. Ready for Teewinot!    09/04/24  (11)
If HR and IT pulled you aside and demanded you explain XO @ work how would you    09/04/24  (15)
Why so many pickpockets in Europe, but not in America or Asia?    09/04/24  (13)
BAM! you are dropped in Nunavut at this location. What do u do?    09/04/24  (163)
seriously why are libs so obsessed with russia    09/04/24  (10)
explain XO I feel younger and smarter at 30ish than at 15..i'm perfect now    09/04/24  (9)
"Mr. Pool, please remove your cap in this courtroom ... never mind put it back o    09/04/24  (2)
If an artist makes you feel "terror", is it terrorism?    09/04/24  (6)
im tired of getting entire fucking emails for "microsoft reactions"    09/04/24  (8)
If libs pull off a Kamala win I will mostly be impressed. Gotta hand it to 'em.    09/04/24  (22)
OH NO! A duplicitous jew is concerned about Kamala's chances now    09/04/24  (1)
I have FUCKING HAD IT with all the "dragon show haha" threads    09/04/24  (12)
Nate Silver SOUNDING THE ALARM for KAMALA    09/04/24  (34)
"I WAS DECEIVED BY RUSSIA! I'm a VICTIM! also take my advice on stuff!!"    09/04/24  (1)

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