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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Has anyone ever worked at a Call Center?    09/05/24  (22)
Kamala yelling at bald general: "blow up the damn ship!"    09/05/24  (1)
Kamala: "I said STAND DOWN." Space Force Admiral: "By Saturn's Rings, NEVER!"    09/05/24  (40)
Footage of Hyman tp's search for RSF's ancestry ITT    09/05/24  (1)
Inglorious Basterds but it's Hyman tp looking for RSF under the house    09/05/24  (2)
Really sick of this "RSF is Jewish" shit, who cares if he is or he isn't just dr    09/05/24  (25)
Older i get the more i'm realizing SoCal/NYC are CR despite the high costs    09/05/24  (18)
What if the universe is both infinite and terrified of that fact?    09/05/24  (4)
Hyman tp has uncovered more Jews than the Inquisition    09/05/24  (1)
„Sind sie Jude, RSF?” fragt der Oberleutnant-SS an.    09/05/24  (1)
Saw a chocolate bar so good I had to lick the rapper    09/05/24  (1)
Just played tennis vs guy 15 years younger, might have a heart attack    09/05/24  (1)
They're gonna shut down XO after my expose of RSF. It will be shoahed    09/05/24  (1)
TGIF, which of course stands for Thick Gassy Indian Females    09/05/24  (1)
Oh big titty. It's so over for you. The charade is up. You're Jewish my man    09/05/24  (1)
RSF is mostly Christian in the same way there were mostly peaceful protests    09/05/24  (3)
Maimonides is actually a top scholar ime    09/05/24  (3)
BIGHOMO    09/05/24  (1)
Best defense to being called a Jew on XO is just to admit it IME.    09/05/24  (2)
Hyman really ended RSF's poasting career by doing a genealogical project    09/05/24  (207)
*boor tp says anything* *hair flies back*    09/05/24  (1)
I wish someone would investigate my ancestry 😮‍💨 (FizzKidd)    09/05/24  (1)
RSF's middle name, Samuels, is his Jewish grandfather's surname    09/05/24  (1)
Little dark age edit of your penis getting stuck in pool filter    09/05/24  (1)
welp, it’s over. i have found genuine & verifiable pics of rsf at his bar m    09/05/24  (5)
lived IRL for a day (i'm safe btw, thx for asking), what all did i miss?    09/05/24  (13)
Am I addicted to xanax?    09/05/24  (10)
is 202 lbs fat for 6' 2"?    09/05/24  (2)
Little dark age edit of your pubic hairline    09/05/24  (6)
nyuug trying to telemarket to birdshits, speaking perfect accent-free English    09/05/24  (4)
((They)) want James Bond to be gay    09/05/24  (2)
RSF is this your maternal grandmother? You keep dodging the question    09/05/24  (2)
Oh yeah, I'll just have some quiche.    09/05/24  (1)
In Atlanta having a nice condo and an Audi puts you in 98th%    09/05/24  (24)
Offering RSF a truce (Hyman)    09/05/24  (34)
Nyuug hiring sexy Korean girls to rub butts on his Porsche. 180.    09/05/24  (3)
dammit. found lice in my toupee. that's $1200 down the drain    09/05/24  (20)
who the fuck are these people that "know" each other on this website    09/05/24  (8)
You're seeing snoot, DBG and RSF employ Jewish tactics to discredit me    09/05/24  (3)
40 year old fat man white knights internet friend with sleeping wife nearby.    09/05/24  (2)
nyuug was your Porsche a used taxi?    09/05/24  (13)
Hyman is a fraud    09/05/24  (5)
Here's where nyuug filmed the Porsche videos    09/05/24  (140)
People Called Me Was Autistic & Obtuse, But I Exposed Hyman As A Fraud    09/05/24  (15)
Now that I exposed RSF's Judaism. What should I expose next? (Hyman)    09/05/24  (9)
Candace Owens: "You can't tell me to be morally comfortable with 18k dead kids"    09/05/24  (25)
Reminder: RSF is tall, rich and has a full head of hair.    09/05/24  (23)
Where are the Bjork hoes at    09/05/24  (1)
DBG has admitted that RSF maternal grandmother is buried in a Jewish cemetery    09/05/24  (1)
my firm is cancelling biglaw tomorrow so we can focus on bort drama    09/05/24  (1)
Your tax bill under Global Capitalism,vs your tax bill under Islamic Sharia law:    09/05/24  (1)
I step away for 8 hours and xo already has moved on to next crazy drama    09/05/24  (4)
Loser with fat wife mocks RSF while he prances around Europe with his hot wife.    09/05/24  (5)
tick tock, RSF    09/05/24  (1)
Turns Out Grandpa Hyman Just As Related To RSF As Benzo Is To RSF    09/05/24  (5)
is marriage just for people who cannot tolerate solitude    09/05/24  (2)
The Maternal Papas Argument    09/05/24  (4)
So hitler, saddam hussein, putin -- all these bad guys are good guys now?    09/05/24  (6)
RSF’s wife might be goy    09/05/24  (22)
RSF has the last laugh.    09/05/24  (16)
"our democracy"    09/05/24  (2)
"Hold on Svetlana, some guy just outted my two Jewish grandpas"    09/05/24  (3)
Two Jewish Maternal Grandpas... Sounds As Retarded As TWO DOORS    09/05/24  (3)
"My man, you're Jewish!" >>> It's over, kikes. There's no coming back from this.    09/05/24  (6)
Kind of fucked up that spaceporn is fucking with some random Chinese lawyers lif    09/05/24  (16)
“I have minority jewish her-“ *briefcase full of jewish grandparents spills    09/05/24  (5)
I have a sneaking suspicion the CIA is involved in the jfk assassination    09/05/24  (2)
“The Dust Brothers” perform w/DJ David Solomon @ Biden 2024 fundraiser    09/05/24  (5)
Why does (((RSF))) call his airline miles, sky shekels?    09/05/24  (4)
Hit up some casinos..mined for gold in Rockies! Now chilling in Denver(Boom)    09/05/24  (8)
RSF is sitting in a Greek airport Yosemite Sam fuming mad about his two Jewish    09/05/24  (1)
Tommy life start$ at 45 don’t listen to the frikkin bullcrap    09/05/24  (3)
RSF's wife might be a guy    09/05/24  (3)
wake me up when September ends.mp3 tp    09/05/24  (2)
Even nyuug is styling on RSF lmao    09/05/24  (2)
Breaking: School shootings still extremely uncommon way to die    09/05/24  (7)
goddamn i miss the old guard that was Saddam, Mubarak, Qaddafi    09/05/24  (62)
Jewish Banksters dancing to Have Nagila, playing driedel with your money tonight    09/05/24  (2)
Sinner will 100% win the US Open    09/05/24  (6)
*daypoasters spawning from barracks* "Thank. Thank. Thank. Thank    09/05/24  (66)
B-b-b-bar Spaghetti (to the tune of My Sharona)    09/05/24  (2)
"it's coming home" but for the US Open    09/05/24  (2)
This might be the worst September in RSF's life    09/05/24  (21)
are jews considered white nowadays?    09/05/24  (10)
Jannik "Lance" Sinner    09/04/24  (2)
Why did school shootings spike during Biden's presidency?    09/04/24  (1)
*Moves to NATIVE INDIAN country *250y later demands Birdshit ETHNOSTATE    09/04/24  (49)
Disco, need you to rate my dinner. (Snoot)    09/04/24  (5)
Can’t wait for when Tommy turns on China when its economy shits the bed    09/04/24  (2)
Tommy, did you write the “about” section of r/sino?    09/04/24  (2)
i'm retiring, fuck this website, fuck zurich, fuck everyone (gunneratttt)    09/04/24  (98)
RSF, my Jewish friend, i'm sorry but it's over for you    09/04/24  (3)
TommyT, is Cambodia worth a visit?    09/04/24  (3)
More ballsack smell. More asshole play. More rock hard studs ready to fuck.    09/04/24  (1)
can Gunerratttt et al stop shitting up the board with your terrible flame    09/04/24  (41)
Thoughts on remarkable paper pro?    09/04/24  (2)
Trump: Barron "All Set In A Certain [NY] School That's Very Good"    09/04/24  (81)
House Jan. 6 Committee Deleted Files Days Before GOP Majority in House: Report    09/04/24  (3)
RSF has two maternal Jewish grandfathers. This all came to light because of DBG    09/04/24  (3)
Just woke up is TRUMP still a deranged retard behind in all the POLLS? (9/5/24)    09/04/24  (1)
Two maternal jewish grandfathers, most just have one, he has two.    09/04/24  (4)
FBI charges NY Gov's Deputy Chief of Staff with being NICE to China but look at:    09/04/24  (9)
REMINDER: Trump is too old and senile to be POTUS    09/04/24  (1)
i hadn't even heard of "benny johnson" until like two months ago    09/04/24  (1)
board is turning on gunnerattt's shitty, flimsy flame    09/04/24  (12)
rate this beautiful young girl who supports AfD party    09/04/24  (1)
more fraud..landlocked Bolivia has a "Navy"    09/04/24  (33)
Let's take you down to the field where Hyman is standing by    09/04/24  (3)
Tim Pool googling “can I wear a beanie in federal court”    09/04/24  (8)
So Barron was too dumb to get into UPenn State on a legacy?    09/04/24  (4)
why don't gunneratt and Zurich take their shitstain of a flame elsewhere?    09/04/24  (1)
US gun homicide rate: 33 times higher than Australia's    09/04/24  (36)
Tim Pool’s defense: “I WAS DECEIVED!”    09/04/24  (11)
The average Amerikkkan marriage lasts ten years and produces 2.4 kids    09/04/24  (18)
Casual mid-day shooting in NYC (video)    09/04/24  (15)
LOL WTF - ***THIS*** is the 4th ranked pollster in FiveThirtyEight?????    09/04/24  (1)
gunnerattt, zurich & lynn faggotly typing furiously off-board that they failed    09/04/24  (1)
Paging DBG.    09/04/24  (4)
lots of media groups on the right are throwing stones in a glass house    09/04/24  (3)
Tim Walz's family has a message for him    09/04/24  (23)
lol so libs are using the Russian interference nonsense again?    09/04/24  (1)
I mean border "Czar?!" Could the Russians be any more obvious with their disinfo    09/04/24  (6)
What killed Tinder / Bumble / Hinge?    09/04/24  (119)
GOP controlled by cabal of gay and/or jewish billionaires wasn't on bingo card    09/04/24  (4)
The End of Joe Biden    09/04/24  (1)
ChatGBT -AutoAdmit - Updated Comprehensive Encyclopedia Entry (9/4/24)    09/04/24  (21)
*HARRIS WILL WIN GEORGIA*    09/04/24  (6)
What are some tips for getting out of bed in the morning    09/04/24  (5)
nig    09/04/24  (1)
wsj: askshually babson is better than mit    09/04/24  (10)
One Jew mafia family produces the means for a lawsuit    09/04/24  (9)
Kid and I just got back from zoo and now were playing stinky red babboon bottoms    09/04/24  (190)
Libs in the fight of their lives to convince themselves of Georgia > blue    09/04/24  (1)
How to get in on the ground floor of BricksBuck$?    09/04/24  (1)
Man chop accuse say im hire strangers to rape im wife for ova ten years    09/04/24  (1)
so did XO 'maek it' today?    09/04/24  (10)
BREAKING: DOJ has evidence Tim Pool, Benny Johnson & David Rubin paid by Russia    09/04/24  (41)
we are entering a Brave New Poasting World, friend$    09/04/24  (1)
Lmao @ libs crying Russia again    09/04/24  (15)
Just discovered the "NY diamond district" corner of youtube    09/04/24  (7)
Humans are tribal. And that can get them into trouble.    09/04/24  (2)
"i became pro life when melania kept byron [sic] despite his prognosis" (trump)    09/04/24  (10)
Emal minutes before K–T extinction event: "Hi. Checking-in on the draft MTD    09/04/24  (9)
Tucker does it again    09/04/24  (2)
ITT I rank every horror anthology movie of the last 40 years    09/04/24  (16)
JFK's Harvard application essay    09/04/24  (4)
Chingada Madre! your "theories" = $tale as your repetitive insult$    09/04/24  (4)
Reminder about Kamala Harris' Qualifications--She's Never Had Children    09/04/24  (1)

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