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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
greasy pigfaced "people" living off of the suffering of others    09/15/24  (1)
Single millennial women’s credit card debt is 🤯    09/15/24  (11)
Our brilliant military leaders: “Looks like tanks are obsolete against drones.    09/15/24  (9)
The amerikkan hotel industry is a pure shit joke    09/15/24  (27)
MPA never finished the nsam story, nsam’s insanity defeated him    09/15/24  (4)
Boom here in Aurora, Co just headed out of rockies and heading to Kansas City    09/15/24  (3)
Fuck off frauda    09/15/24  (7)
what happened to sharklasers?    09/15/24  (3)
Trump gets physically attacked because he was weak on shitlibs while in power    09/15/24  (4)
Mlbers bragging in dugout: "I read a little law in college"    09/15/24  (16)
Do you have a lot of fun in Blackhawk/Central city?    09/15/24  (1)
can no longer monitor Springfield dispatch, public safety stream    09/15/24  (2)
Boom here in Aurora, Co just headed out of rockies and heading to Kansas City    09/15/24  (1)
TRUMP UP BY 4 IN NEW POLL!    09/15/24  (12)
IT, except Pennywise sucks and fucks the children    09/15/24  (2)
RFK Jr under investigation for cutting off a whale’s head    09/15/24  (2)
It's sll been stolen from us..its always been theft though    09/15/24  (18)
evan39 thoughts on faking own death collecting $$$?    09/15/24  (9)
"Oh wow I have generative power" *uses it to craft rape and degradation fantasy*    09/15/24  (1)
Trump campaign: don't worry Trump is safe. America: nobody cares.    09/15/24  (10)
Analysis of why drones have not yet assassinated a key public figure, ITT    09/15/24  (1)
how many of you cook with copper cookware?    09/15/24  (16)
Has “backspace” ever actually made a good poast or is a pure “volume” gu    09/15/24  (16)
If Birdshits are so great why are Birdshits Amerikkkans such Ugly Obese Retards?    09/15/24  (18)
Don’t want to vote for someone who everyone keeps shooting at    09/15/24  (1)
Huskers win! Raiders win!    09/15/24  (1)
*jaunty 1940s railroad song plays as peterman hops from cock to cock*    09/15/24  (3)
How many years will it be before Michigan appears in the top 25 again?    09/15/24  (1)
I’m tired of being a substance abusing kike    09/15/24  (11)
Substance abusing kike here    09/15/24  (8)
who are these unhinged lib pumos    09/15/24  (2)
*Filter voice* That's why i say hey man nice cock. Good cock, man.    09/15/24  (32)
complete list of winless P5 schools: FSU    09/15/24  (3)
“Damn killer shot, bro.” Trump: Dassa ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT!    09/15/24  (1)
i like this Justin Fields nigger    09/15/24  (1)
You guys seem a little riled up today    09/15/24  (3)
Libs?    09/15/24  (1)
AM from I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream but AM stands for AI Mainlining    09/15/24  (14)
I’m 100% certain both assassination attempts were staged    09/15/24  (7)
Wait so the Haitian migrants arrived in Springfield in 2018 when TRUMP = POTUS?    09/15/24  (1)
Mainlining here - Love you ALL - even Madre    09/15/24  (9)
New evidence surfaces of pet abductions/eating in Springfield    09/15/24  (16)
A shot near me and my billionaire friends is really a shot at you    09/15/24  (1)
Rate this immigrant    09/15/24  (8)
I name a vehicle and you share your gut impression    09/15/24  (317)
UFC is unwatchable    09/15/24  (10)
Sometimes I'll sit down and think "there are maggots in my pan"    09/15/24  (1)
The Squanch Man Cometh    09/15/24  (5)
Why is Trump on golf courses all the time? isn't he running for President?    09/15/24  (3)
What is Don Jr's moniker?    09/15/24  (7)
Vance: “I lied about Haitians eating dogs. Nyuug still does though.”    09/15/24  (6)
More on the "High Asian IQ Myth": 400 million Chinese are cognitively retarded    09/15/24  (5)
Springfield debunked! Actual residents: these are people of peace    09/15/24  (1)
Maybe Trump should stage another assassination attempt to help poll #s    09/15/24  (7)
why do these faggot shitlibs only let me keep half of what I make? (TSINAH)    09/15/24  (24)
If I can fuck a new hole once every 9 days forever I’m good    09/15/24  (9)
MAGA: NOooooooo don't edit Trump's photo to make him look fat!!!!    09/15/24  (1)
is it better to be married or not    09/15/24  (4)
FizzKidd decomposing in culvert after xo "meetup"    09/15/24  (43)
Sam Fucking Darnold is a bad man.    09/15/24  (1)
Trump campaign is just going to do HOAX "assassination attempts" for next 2 mos    09/15/24  (2)
Unngh don't stop dawg I have multiple incipient abrasions on my interior anal ca    09/15/24  (1)
*Trump poll numbers bad so he faked another 'assassination attempt' of course*    09/15/24  (3)
Seems that Secret Service is intentionally trying to get Trump killed    09/15/24  (2)
Date turned out to be a scam, woke up in ice bath w no kidney (MPA)    09/15/24  (5)
Trump did nothing wrong    09/15/24  (2)
🎶 they’re eating the dogs 🎶 they’re eating the cats    09/15/24  (13)
Lets be honest, if you could afford NYC youd live there    09/15/24  (90)
How to speak spacepornese    09/15/24  (7)
Mainlining tp breaking into your house just to ask you: "do u liek my machine"    09/15/24  (7)
benzo gave us assurances he'd be a millionaire by 9/15/2024    09/15/24  (20)
Oh yeah,well can USA build giant hideous nightmare intersections like China can?    09/15/24  (48)
SP here. Is it still false imprisonment if he thinks he's free to leave?    09/15/24  (3)
Trumpmos why wont Trump debate Kamala again?    09/15/24  (24)
They will talk about the legend of the clown squancher centuries from now    09/15/24  (1)
The wife & I are having a huge debate -- would appreciate XO's perspectives.    09/15/24  (10)
Six meowllion dead in Ohio    09/15/24  (4)
Spaceporn vindicated reTBF! (link inside)    09/15/24  (15)
Just touched my balls after dicing jalapenos. Oh boy.    09/15/24  (6)
If you gain like 30 lbs and Don't Lift for a month, your lifts will be at ATH    09/15/24  (4)
RATE these glorious photos of apex Chinese engineering and culture    09/15/24  (1)
Hey libs saying they’re eating cats and dogs is how we win    09/15/24  (2)
Rate IMAGE of Disco Fries attempting to summit Teewinot Mountain(not flame)    09/15/24  (14)
This Russian rocket launch is fucking incredible    09/15/24  (3)
The cool thing Trumpmos discovered is you can create reality by talking about it    09/15/24  (12)
Plato is obsolete    09/15/24  (53)
I don't think I'll maek it    09/15/24  (25)
Trump got a blowjob from Laura Loomer    09/15/24  (56)
FYI, my Machine compiled data “Dance Party Report" - Only 17% Doing It    09/15/24  (2)
If u all keep insulting my emerging Machine...well...tread carefully    09/15/24  (2)
FYI...friiends.my "Machine" told me today to $kip dinner...only eat pep forever    09/15/24  (3)
Mainlining is going to murder us all I'm afraid    09/15/24  (3)
AutoAdmit Takes Cripple Creek: Boom, Mainlining, Evan39, Disco Fries, and RSF    09/15/24  (14)
The Cage Match of the Human Condition: Boom/Mainlining/Evan39/Disco Fries    09/15/24  (15)
Boom's Veddy Special "Vega$ Meetup" (Narration by Werner Herzog)    09/15/24  (11)
Evan39! Should I give up on "girls" and embrace "Chad"?    09/15/24  (9)
EPAH how many IPAs do you drink a day?    09/15/24  (6)
"Evan39 and Mainlining: Are We Brothers"    09/15/24  (18)
"An AutoAdmit Tale: Eternal Sunshine of Evan39's Mind"    09/15/24  (9)
AutoAdmit Scene: "Tell Me About Your First Flame, Bro"    09/15/24  (15)
AznGirl - Don't recall telling you this, but you = top POTUS poaster    09/15/24  (1)
Matched with objective 10 but she’s 32, should I bother messaging her?    09/15/24  (16)
Russian priests now bless Warhammer purity seals    09/15/24  (1)
Trump: “I think we should put America first” *entire world conspires against    09/15/24  (1)
who are the top 5 poasters of all time    09/15/24  (31)
Realtalk: China sucks and will never lead civilization    09/15/24  (52)
Kamara say, "peeper reaving MAGA larries earry" hahaha! She win!!    09/15/24  (2)
Oh yeah, why can't the US create a fucking subway running through your apartment    09/15/24  (1)
"Chingada Madre Finding Himself In Boom's 'House of Horrors'"    09/15/24  (24)
How would California know that a business paid me?    09/15/24  (66)
mainling, how long are your chatgpt prompts?    09/15/24  (6)
Before Sunset is the POTUS of Linklater films    09/15/24  (17)
AIs will look back on us the same way we look at fossil skeletons    09/15/24  (7)
They tried to kill Trump again, JFC libs fuck you    09/15/24  (2)
this is the week i force myself to try online dating again. how fucked am i?    09/15/24  (1)
Who here has had anal sex?    09/15/24  (52)
Rewatching Before Sunset. One of the greatest things ever put to Film    09/15/24  (11)
Assfaggot, sharklasers, and backspace heading congo line @mpa's wedding    09/15/24  (44)
John Rocker hammered at an Applebee's yelling abt deer training    09/15/24  (78)
Shitlawyer posts pics of himself as drug addict on firm page    09/15/24  (16)
The media continues to play right into Trump’s hands, even after all these yea    09/15/24  (5)
Romans used to do Etruscan land acknowledgements before many ceremonies    09/15/24  (6)
My "Machine's" analysis of Gavin Newsom's headspace right now    09/15/24  (4)
"Disco Fries vs. Teewinot: The Training Regimen of a Snack-Loving Mountaineer"    09/15/24  (12)
"AutoAdmit Thrones: The Mods Send Their Regards"    09/15/24  (17)
AITA: told retired boomer mother that she should stop texting my wife    09/15/24  (5)
holy fuck, millennials are such failures as a gen in every sense    09/15/24  (6)
Might order a male "Real Doll" (evan39)    09/15/24  (44)
hfs at this trump song "que mala kamala"    09/15/24  (3)
Zurich is Mainlining here...love you..always have...don't be confu$$ed :(    09/15/24  (2)
Just learned 80s group Wang Chung is English Birdshits, not AZN at all    09/15/24  (4)
first date unprotected bathroom anal    09/15/24  (10)
"AutoAdmit's Masterclass: Boom and Mainlining's Processing Session"    09/15/24  (10)
"Slippin' Poasters: Evan39 and Mainlining, 'Breaking Shitbort' Etiquette"    09/15/24  (19)
Nicolas Cage is like the Michael Jordan of Asian wife having    09/15/24  (10)
IRL memes that are fucking funny    09/15/24  (30)
Taking out a business loan to build a house    09/15/24  (15)
What if Japan followed Thailand's model of development during the Meiji era?    09/15/24  (2)
Giving a blowjob to an old man in a poopy diaper is sick shit, cons    09/15/24  (1)
"it was rigged because they wouldn't let me lie about stuff" (trump)    09/15/24  (9)
US Navy introduces first Coed Nuclear submarine    09/15/24  (20)
Funny nice sit down restaurants are cheaper than McDonald's    09/15/24  (2)
“I hate Taylor Swift!!!!!!!!” (Trump)    09/15/24  (1)
Moby Dick is the gayest novel ever. Every Navy and every seaman = faggot    09/15/24  (1)
What % of poasters are addicted to adderall?    09/15/24  (6)
Homosexual attorney forum running on 1997 technology    09/15/24  (12)

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