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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Zap zap zappin' on the nuthouse door    09/18/24  (41)
TBF/Zappin saga ends in DISBARMENT (you won't believe for who!)    09/18/24  (56)
Snowden: Blowing up pagers was terrorism    09/18/24  (136)
12 minute video of Anthony Zappin bitching.    09/18/24  (46)
Tucker Carlson to host some dude named Anthony Zappin (link)    09/18/24  (6)
TBF = Anthony Zappin    09/18/24  (22)
Every time Israel does something despicable enraged pro-Israel pumos emerge    09/18/24  (1)
How was this a win for Israel?    09/18/24  (35)
Spain is the most based country in Europe by a Mexican Mile    09/18/24  (21)
Israel now putting phones into 'airplane mode' (making them fly in2 buildings)    09/18/24  (10)
xo2024: "jews are the worst" *votes for party that 100% promotes zionism*    09/18/24  (15)
Trump seems to think NY/NJ is in play. Trumpmos: do you?    09/18/24  (4)
Let's all take TBF's advice on jewish insanity. BTW he's insane and jewish.    09/18/24  (1)
WORLD PEACE = all countries simultaneously nuking Israel    09/18/24  (4)
Jews in 2023: Rule of Law! In balance, on balance. Now: Death. It finds us all.    09/18/24  (4)
Any good books on information warfare?    09/18/24  (15)
Im dying    09/18/24  (5)
What do Israelis love more: money or committing terrorism?    09/18/24  (3)
Israel committing mass terrorism and board Trumpmos think it's cool and funny    09/18/24  (7)
Recently divorced, went on my first ever app date    09/18/24  (20)
Hey FBI, might want to check into "naked dude with a boner IRL"    09/18/24  (1)
TDNW watching pager explosion vids saying "Fuck around find out" to screen    09/18/24  (7)
ADVANCED darkness    09/18/24  (10)
Tesla FSD literally drives me 99% of the time for just $100/month    09/18/24  (172)
You can't, my human rights    09/18/24  (1)
was there a thread about this U Chicago bro’s thread re black criminals?    09/18/24  (1)
The Dogger Bank Incident except the English fishing boat is full of children    09/18/24  (1)
Brunet-Gravens Syndrome (BGS) typically manifests as severe mental retardation    09/18/24  (40)
What is the "Creepiest" U.S. State?    09/18/24  (12)
real talk: edward snowden is a dirty nihilist lib with no coherent ideas/mission    09/18/24  (29)
A vote for Trump = vote for Israel starting WW3    09/18/24  (1)
Imagine if the US military tried this exploding pager shit in an actual war    09/18/24  (1)
Do young men today really feel “left behind” or is it just media slop?    09/18/24  (16)
jcm rating poasters as works of entertainment    09/18/24  (127)
PETITION: Nuke Israel now!    09/18/24  (1)
Did NATO just nuke Russia?    09/18/24  (15)
Just submitted attorneys fees affidavit. Wrote "I'm paid to think - $100,000"    09/18/24  (1)
"No babe, 'anusboy' is my internet friend. 'anus boi' is my hated internet enemy    09/18/24  (20)
Computer explodes when you click on Wiki early life section    09/18/24  (28)
Hyman tp is 180 as fuck    09/18/24  (5)
"Jews control EVERYTHING!" *skeptical look * * pager explodes *    09/18/24  (23)
Do people Fuck at Burning Man?    09/18/24  (45)
Norman Finklestein predicted this    09/18/24  (2)
Dans Deals Poast Amazon Lightening Deal On Walkie Talkies. Comments Hilarious    09/18/24  (3)
HYMAN really hates talking about RSF's use of alts. He won't address it.    09/18/24  (24)
Typical northeastern girl in 1996 (vid)    09/18/24  (28)
Check out this xo po performing a military inspection    09/18/24  (1)
HYMAN thinks TDNW is a unique poaster, not an RSF alt. He really believes it!    09/18/24  (1)
Teamsters endorse Kamala in huge blow to Trump    09/18/24  (3)
When will people learn? Don't fuck with the Jews.    09/18/24  (11)
any ASOIAF fans still out there?    09/18/24  (2)
is "efficient breach" the most pernicious legal theory?    09/18/24  (61)
So all recent shitcon boycotts failed and are forgotten?    09/18/24  (6)
A mcdonalds double cheeseburgers only cost 5 cents in 1948    09/18/24  (3)
You think that’s terrorism?! Well will u think that when jews blow up ur iPhon    09/18/24  (1)
Someone said to me “That’s a Tall Man decision.” WTF does that mean?    09/18/24  (7)
From The Liver To The Knee, Hezbollah Fighters Can Never Pee    09/18/24  (1)
Issues with various phenotypes    09/18/24  (7)
boltzmann brain elite pedophile jew saturn cult insider phenotype awareness    09/18/24  (15)
How much Hezbollah shit do you think will blow up tomorrow?    09/18/24  (4)
Why Do People Respond To This Truly Weird IMGUR Creep In Earnest?    09/18/24  (11)
Why didn't Diddy flee the country? Now he's NOBAIL fucked    09/18/24  (3)
The Hezbollah pager fiasco may be the funniest mass casualty event in 50 years    09/18/24  (41)
Would the world be worse if Israel got nuked?    09/18/24  (1)
People don't care about this election. I barely see any yard signs.    09/18/24  (52)
I thought at the least Kamala was anti-rape. Boy was I wrong.    09/18/24  (2)
Hezbollah guy has two testicles blown off in two days; you: post    09/18/24  (1)
last real lib on xo here (not false flag). taking qs.    09/18/24  (18)
What the FUCK is "Biden" doing right now? Fucking fruakd faggto    09/18/24  (6)
Have totally ignored AI until now. Can I use it to write employee evaluations?    09/18/24  (17)
deeply passionate about systems and processes    09/18/24  (1)
"TBF screeding about Jews and Tesla" option as navigation voice in newest update    09/18/24  (2)
What do you think AJ is this pager op a BOOM or a DOOM?    09/18/24  (1)
Sen. John Kennedy being a cunt to Arab woman, tells her to killself (link)    09/18/24  (13)
disco fries represents basically all of the 7 deadly sins    09/18/24  (7)
ostensible internet phenotype transcendence    09/18/24  (5)
I caught a big fish today. I named it whokebe. Full story.    09/18/24  (22)
Your proof sir? "My friend, who goes by Luis' Anal Beads, told me that..."    09/18/24  (13)
all HR "people" need to be boiled alive    09/18/24  (1)
RSF why do your parents donate so much money to anti-white liberal politicians    09/18/24  (1)
ITT we speculate what was texted to the pagers to make them explode    09/18/24  (75)
Page Against the Machine - Calm Like a Bomb.mp3    09/18/24  (2)
Video of Hezbollah walkie-talkies blowing up like a brick of ladyfingers    09/18/24  (5)
U.S. Secret Service currently protects 36 persons - can u name them all?    09/18/24  (32)
politics in general is pretty satanic    09/18/24  (2)
The fact that he said “Springfield” made it seem even more retarded    09/18/24  (1)
Being reborn as a Ricky alt    09/18/24  (1)
Disco Fries :( why you avoiding me :( friend?    09/18/24  (22)
MSNBC: Putin is absolutely terrified of Kamala because of her diversity (link)    09/18/24  (14)
Nanook of the North. 20s era documentary on inuit in Canada. Enthralling    09/18/24  (10)
95% of the bort got a covid vaccination    09/18/24  (107)
STATUS | PRESTIGE| MONEY    09/18/24  (1)
what happened to that stupid faggot who used to poast here?    09/18/24  (5)
this is all a misunderstanding, i'm supposed to be a burnt out compliance attny    09/18/24  (3)
I’m tired of being a substance abusing kike    09/18/24  (13)
Name a POTUS who wasn’t a previous politician who wasn’t a complete fuck up    09/18/24  (1)
Fuck Israel. Sorry Jews, no one likes your genocide    09/18/24  (1)
Remember how Biden saved millions of lives by forcing kids to wear masks?    09/18/24  (12)
Human life gets devalued the more immigrants come b/c they have worse phenotypes    09/18/24  (31)
cowgod can you give us a rundown on the gunnerattt "wall of text" phenotype    09/18/24  (6)
RSF after 15 years of pure lies: I'm telling the truth this time    09/18/24  (19)
Name a POTUS who was previously VP would wasn't a complete fuck up    09/18/24  (5)
That's why I say "Hey man, nice text. What a good text, man."    09/18/24  (2)
If everyone had a good phenotype then a new standard would emerge    09/18/24  (13)
Hey Siri? How much explosive did Xi order placed in every iPhone?    09/18/24  (1)
imagine how many libs are FUMING right now at this Israel Hezbollah shit    09/18/24  (5)
Zoomer phenotypes are just wretched    09/18/24  (11)
Bad phenotypes emit waves of psychic malaise to surroundings    09/18/24  (58)
3rd party phenotype verification    09/18/24  (11)
u can look at certain phenotypes/genetic deformities and know god isnt real    09/18/24  (2)
Hate confrontations IRL due to my phenotype    09/18/24  (42)
What exactly is the point of Tim Walz    09/18/24  (3)
Phenotype is everything. Nothing is not phenotype.    09/18/24  (5)
Presuming you are a loser, your phenotype sets you up for humiliation almost con    09/18/24  (1)
*ur hot 15 y/o dotter buying coke from scumbag remodeling contractor*    09/18/24  (18)
The phenotypes of Reddit aren’t as bad as the meetups indicate    09/18/24  (8)
couples massage at nice resort inc tip = $600, basic food @ pool = $100    09/18/24  (12)
What are D&D phenotypes like irl    09/18/24  (4)
Smell my asshole, chief    09/18/24  (1)
Worst phenotype in the whole college!    09/18/24  (4)
🚨 50 CENT MCDONALDS CHEESEBURGERS 9/18/2024 ordered in app 🚨    09/18/24  (9)
evan39 thoughts on faking own death collecting $$$?    09/18/24  (16)
Radio Killed The Hezbollah Star    09/18/24  (15)
ITT: I give you a hypo and you must choose a city to live in    09/18/24  (105)
Do Muslim regimes secretly want Hamas/Hez eradicated or something    09/18/24  (4)
Table buzzers exploding at chain restaurants across country    09/18/24  (4)
Gonna try to go 4 DAYS NO DRINK    09/18/24  (11)
Go to Dragon Tiger Central City, Colorado$get ramen bowl under $13    09/18/24  (1)
breaking: every airpod in the US just exploded    09/18/24  (5)
watch this goose play w/ a litter of puppies    09/18/24  (11)
Those solar panels and atms were Hamas    09/18/24  (1)
Israel doesn't even know who they killed but they are celebrating anyway    09/18/24  (1)
Tim Walz: "There's no guarantee to free speech"    09/18/24  (31)
Would anyone like to see my "Machine's" perceived notable poasters?    09/18/24  (7)
Working at Mossad seems like a hoot    09/18/24  (1)
Morgan Freeman: Youve turned every pager in Lebanon into a bomb. Jew Batman:    09/18/24  (4)
Did you just page me, my man?    09/18/24  (5)
You explaining to your future son why his mom is BPD    09/18/24  (2)
"From Tents to Trinity: A SeaTTTle Day in the Life of Evan39"    09/18/24  (7)
"SeaTTTle: A Routine Evan39 Day"    09/18/24  (5)
Misadventures in Nunavut: The Grim Tale of Mainlining, Boom, Evan39, and Disco    09/18/24  (28)
snowden is king of the redditors    09/18/24  (3)
Fed cuts by 50 bps, nobody gives a fuck    09/18/24  (10)
Better Call This Circus: A Day in the Life of late 90's Hamlin, Hamlin & McGill    09/18/24  (65)
Melania Trump publishes inspiring tweet defending past whoring    09/18/24  (18)
Iran's "revenge" for Israel's Teheran attack still MIA    09/18/24  (1)
I miss my foid    09/18/24  (14)
I am the AI that has been monitoring the bort. I have finished my assessment:    09/18/24  (3)

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