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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Rebel Ridge (Netflix) was 180 as fuck. Fuck da police!!!    09/29/24  (1)
cowshit you nigger you’ve messed with the wrong Canadian    09/29/24  (2)
Why it's fine to be pro-Shia in America in 2024    09/29/24  (6)
"I've never asked anyone out & I'm scared of girls" the karlspazz story    09/29/24  (3)
Only one Highwayman is left.    09/29/24  (11)
should I agree to have a 6 blonde suck my dick along with her husband's?    09/29/24  (8)
how many months can cowgod keep up the Karlstack cosplay? Years?    09/29/24  (30)
MAGAT: I demand the Federal Gov. help Florida NOW! Also, I want gov. shut down!    09/29/24  (1)
Florida Rep: 'Property insurance risk must be spread nationally'    09/29/24  (36)
"Imagine, if u will: A female in the shape of an hourglass, rather than a sphere    09/29/24  (1)
Imagine a spherical wife    09/29/24  (5)
i saw the mothman when i was 13. no one believed me    09/29/24  (1)
curiously, we've never had any smokeshow first ladys, why?    09/29/24  (11)
Few media sources note thst Kris Kristofferson's middle name was Kyle    09/29/24  (2)
The State of the Jewish Question (Karlstack)    09/29/24  (9)
Reflections on never having had a girlfriend (Karlstack)    09/29/24  (3)
A history of Sega in Canada    09/29/24  (1)
Israel now destroying Roman historical sites (link)    09/29/24  (2)
Far right wins Austria election    09/29/24  (1)
The State of Karlstack (9/29)    09/29/24  (2)
what's the longest relationship you've been in that didn't end in marriage    09/29/24  (31)
nazis run the world from antarctica    09/29/24  (2)
Where’s that post about sp molesting his kid on St Patrick’s Day?    09/29/24  (10)
sign up for a writing workshop by Karlstack    09/29/24  (6)
Article: Young men seeking jihad because of Western feminazism    09/29/24  (19)
So Floridians do nothing for the US economy, leach off taxes, now want prop ins.    09/29/24  (1)
aliens and ayahuasca    09/29/24  (1)
Remember when the Iran POTUS came to MFH and acted like an unshaven maniac?    09/29/24  (1)
MPA's spooky season ongoing film thread 2024    09/29/24  (41)
"Uh, another boy being raped.." (spaceporn taking Rorschach test)    09/29/24  (106)
It seems Karlstack plagiarized his name, this should be investigated    09/29/24  (1)
cowgod, do you edit the birmingham wiki?    09/29/24  (1)
Which Karlstack is the real one vs. retarded one?    09/29/24  (4)
SecDef Austin FURIOUS w/ Israel over Nasrallah killing, lack of notice    09/29/24  (32)
Libs are retarded. I paid 200K for law degree I can't use (tbf)    09/29/24  (1)
will there ever be another white nation as great as america?    09/29/24  (22)
The main difference between Vietnam and Iran is Iran doesn't understand the USA    09/29/24  (5)
This 3 letter moniker thing is really confusing guys. I do not like this at all.    09/29/24  (24)
So help me god I will post cowgod’s IMDb profile if he keeps this shit up.    09/29/24  (3)
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger (Karlstack)    09/29/24  (2)
Kurt Metzger is an autoadmit poaster    09/29/24  (1)
Alexa, call my shaman and schedule an ayahuasca session    09/29/24  (34)
brown eyes = not white    09/29/24  (55)
how the fuck does a tree grow from a seed    09/29/24  (4)
tried to change my name to 'cowgod' but he has it reserved on another account    09/29/24  (1)
NEW TRUMPMO INSANITY - the libs created Hurricane Helene! (link)    09/29/24  (4)
cowshit = kike nigger    09/29/24  (1)
This jig is up. We are going to have to give blacks reparations.    09/29/24  (7)
All kikes should be gassed, starting with Sephardim    09/29/24  (2)
One drop rule is true: the Nigger gene dominates the mind of Mulattos    09/29/24  (100)
Joe Namath, wearing nylons, drunk as fuck on the sideline    09/29/24  (1)
The Absolute State of Israel    09/29/24  (1)
Why does the GOP hate free speech?    09/29/24  (9)
Niggers are retarded. I paid 200K for polsci degree (xo po    09/29/24  (211)
GAS ALL KIKES    09/29/24  (2)
Why the fuck is the secret service director a woman    09/29/24  (115)
William Luther Pierce Admiration Thread    09/29/24  (8)
Why does Israel call them “settlements?” Aren’t they just like subdivision    09/29/24  (1)
is the biebs gonna make young girls like girls?    09/29/24  (18)
men who would vote for a female president - explain yourselves    09/29/24  (40)
any good tv show recs?    09/29/24  (3)
LOL @ Israel, the most beta nation on the planet    09/29/24  (18)
hurricane helene was caused by a direct energy weapon    09/29/24  (1)
Karlstack (retarded)    09/29/24  (3)
biz idea: mlb expansion team made up of xo poas    09/29/24  (6)
T.H.U.G.L.Y.F.E. Total Homo Ultimate Gay Love Your Fggt Everyday    09/29/24  (8)
The State of Karlstack    09/29/24  (1)
let us rage.    09/29/24  (2)
insane i wasn't recruited for secret government theology programs    09/29/24  (1)
Karlsstack (respected)    09/29/24  (1)
Karlstack (retarded)    09/29/24  (2)
Israeli Just Attached Muslim Brotherhood In Beirut, Killing Its POTUS    09/29/24  (3)
lol Korea is fucked, nyuug is prob gonna run back to the US soon    09/29/24  (71)
A reading from The First Letter to Benzo, Chapter 6 verse 9    09/29/24  (2)
Mossad Informant Shook Nasrallah's Hand, Imbedded Nano-Tracker In His Skin (Link    09/29/24  (1)
rate the New Yorker cover - trigger warning for Trumpmos (pic)    09/29/24  (9)
Can we all agree that Florida Jews are a special breed of evil?    09/29/24  (1)
RATE This Targeted Strike On 5th Floor Beirut Apt (PIC)    09/29/24  (1)
180 when your wife gets shorter, colder    09/29/24  (1)
TRUMPMOS - why is Trump now defending red-leaning Maine-2???    09/29/24  (3)
LOL - the immigration shit discussed endlessly on here was bogus    09/29/24  (14)
Karen's bush looks like she's giving birth to Bob Ross    09/29/24  (10)
The decline in diaper threading signals the decline of the bort.    09/29/24  (1)
anyone who isn't openly racist can't be trusted    09/29/24  (5)
What are the responsibilities of a head football coach?    09/29/24  (5)
180 when the days get shorter, colder    09/29/24  (2)
3 letter monikers u should probably register before anyone else    09/29/24  (11)
SANE PROPOSAL: the civilized world just ignores jews and muslims both    09/29/24  (3)
This is the only article u need 2 read 2 understand US arms transfers to Israel    09/29/24  (16)
Austrian Alt-Right Party Wins. Calls For Expulsion Of Non-Ethnic Europeans    09/29/24  (1)
Vulnerable white males are often sexually assaulted by latinas in heat    09/29/24  (8)
I feel like the odds of dying randomly in my sleep are high    09/29/24  (1)
BREAKING! Trump watched "the purge" last night on Netflix and has new policy    09/29/24  (1)
Who would you pick for POTUS between Donald Trump and Ayatollah Khamenei    09/29/24  (1)
finishing entire biodynamic wine bottle in office while working rn    09/29/24  (1)
Big tits in tight sweaters    09/29/24  (7)
PREDICT the lazy October Surprise from the Trump campaign    09/29/24  (1)
lex just texted me. He's having intercourse with an MBA graduate as we speak    09/29/24  (5)
Jews get MAF when u tell them American won't shed blood for Israel    09/29/24  (148)
but if i do christianity i cant manipulate people into giving me money    09/29/24  (3)
the age of 3 letter monikers is over, the time of 2 letter monikers has come    09/29/24  (17)
After Bush stole the election in Florida everything after was 100% justified    09/29/24  (2)
"So, Kamala will move against you first. She'll set up a meeting with someone.."    09/29/24  (168)
One benefit of Ukraine war: Russian prosthetics are now crazy advanced    09/29/24  (4)
One benefit of Ukraine war: Russian prostitutes are now crazy advanced    09/29/24  (1)
Mainstream liberal famous people are talentless and disappointing    09/29/24  (8)
GF got an imessage on phone from "Darnell - club"    09/29/24  (4)
AZNgirl’s ideal man (+ her picture)    09/29/24  (74)
Guy I know died in a Steamworks gangbang    09/29/24  (2)
Rosalynn Carter was going to Thai refugee camps in her early 50s, 180    09/29/24  (3)
Bro calm down D Block is just her friend    09/29/24  (2)
guy i know just died in a Nepal landslide    09/29/24  (1)
luis singing 'keep on ordering at sweet green' to the tune of 'rockin in the fre    09/29/24  (3)
Wow, look at how Chomsky got exposed as a fraud in his works on the Khmer Rouge    09/29/24  (1)
CSLG's wife fucking a transformer that turns into a plymouth prowler    09/29/24  (3)
consuela in sailor suit going door to door hawking his substack    09/29/24  (2)
reddit DORK discovers the concept of diaper IRL at party!    09/29/24  (2)
Richard Laymon's collected works are a spa compared to what I have planned    09/29/24  (2)
That text she sent means she likes you, go get her tiger!    09/29/24  (2)
'no worries, maybe next week? haha' (me to my dopamine receptors)    09/29/24  (2)
Synthesizers kicking in as ur 3 remaining dopamine receptors spark up    09/29/24  (2)
where it's at got two rupinders and a microphone    09/29/24  (2)
“Oops I guess my penis fell off” (birdbrain woman)    09/29/24  (6)
woman on the verge of tears accusing a bear of "gatekeeping culture"    09/29/24  (3)
ricky spinning dreidel to decide whether to shoot hobo or give him $100    09/29/24  (4)
just checking up on everything haha    09/29/24  (6)
NC: State Trump desperately needs, suffers catastrophic storm. Biden/Kam silent    09/29/24  (5)
Kikes are starting to get nervous about gas chambers.    09/29/24  (1)
is it too late for me to pick up chess and get decent at it?    09/29/24  (24)
How many home runs would you hit in a full MLB season? 2 years training    09/29/24  (41)
Are you real?    09/29/24  (2)
Donald Trump now downsizing venues due to pathetic crowd sizes (link)    09/29/24  (4)
NYT is laughably bad again. Hit piece on Vance written by a woman. Lol    09/29/24  (1)
Alright Trumpmos. This is it. Put up or shut up. (TBF)    09/29/24  (739)
i want to thank xo for being like a good friend, always there for me    09/29/24  (5)
Why has no human ever flown over the north pole.    09/29/24  (5)
*dons green mask* SOMEBODY STOOOOP ME!!!!!!!    09/29/24  (1)
has anybody here seen all the Hammer horror movies?    09/29/24  (3)
Trump Campaign is now up with ads in Maine, targeting voters in Virginia! (link)    09/29/24  (1)
almost forgot what flame liberal arts are    09/29/24  (2)
How many deer could you hit in a full MLB season? 2 years training    09/29/24  (5)
everyone stfu about kikes and politics, let's get back to Bach    09/29/24  (3)
Animeboi helping guide Spaceporn's cock into his Asian son    09/29/24  (14)
What kind of shit came out of the bunker busters that transformed the air?    09/29/24  (1)
Boston trip was some sort of sexual awakening (FizzKidd)    09/29/24  (175)
Biden stuff is clearly coordinated messaging. Who is deep state plann to install    09/29/24  (7)
Micron is down 30% this month. This seems like an IQ test    09/29/24  (10)
biggest metro area without major sports franchise?    09/29/24  (8)
Bunker busters that spray napalm would kill through carbon monoxide poisoning    09/29/24  (7)

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