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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Biden delivers flawless 30 minute soliloquy on skull shapes in farewell address    09/30/24  (3)
voter enthusiasm at all time low for trump    09/30/24  (2)
why cant black people swim?    09/30/24  (13)
Black dad enters swimming contest with fat white dads, wins easily    09/30/24  (13)
Florida Rep: 'Property insurance risk must be spread nationally'    09/30/24  (64)
Boom, sitting on a traffic cone nude, smiling and giving u a thumbs up    09/30/24  (5)
An Ohio Businessman Faces Death Threats for Praising His Haitian Workers    09/30/24  (4)
LIBS claiming PORN is soooo bad for MEN are such fags    09/30/24  (11)
Haitian 'Boat People' paddling the Appalachians to "rescue" stranded cats & dogs    09/30/24  (2)
So everyone inn Asheville, NC is going to die in a cannibalistic orgy?    09/30/24  (26)
Frog and Toad Tediously Debate School Prestige & City Selection Into Their 40s    09/30/24  (30)
I've been targeted by a sophisticated group of perverse jewish criminals    09/30/24  (8)
JJCs most pathetic fake story    09/30/24  (171)
Trembling with fear because Black October is starting tomorrow    09/30/24  (4)
Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps singing "I Bend Over For Jews" (Video)    09/30/24  (1)
Rate the guests in Trump's suite at the Bama/UGA game    09/30/24  (26)
singing 'theyre eating the cats theyre eating the dogs' to tune of greatest amer    09/30/24  (2)
Islamic Republic of Iran officially changes National Anthem to "I'm Gay"    09/30/24  (2)
singing "They're fucking my ass" to tune of "They're eating the cats"    09/30/24  (1)
What's Vance's tcr debate strategy?    09/30/24  (24)
Kamala Harris vows to decriminalize prostitution    09/30/24  (20)
Israel SecState To West: LOL No Cease Fire, We're Eliminating Hezbollah    09/30/24  (6)
How is does this device only cost $270?    09/30/24  (10)
RATE the beatdowns at the Falcons-Saints game    09/30/24  (3)
TRUMP: she's a retard who wants illegals to rape u. KAMALA: same tired playbook    09/30/24  (1)
what's the longest relationship you've been in that didn't end in marriage    09/30/24  (53)
Is there anything as 180 and powerful on the planet Earth as THE MOSSAD?    09/30/24  (5)
Nothing manlier than vanquishing another man's ferocious unyielding cockmonster    09/30/24  (1)
Halloween Is On A Thursday. What Days Do Young Ppl Party? Weekend Bef & Day Of?    09/30/24  (4)
JD Vance needs to attack Kamala’s shitty hurricane response in NC    09/30/24  (5)
Chris-chan is in Finland fucking laplander puss and you're just stupid.    09/30/24  (2)
Demure office lady tentatively tasting her own slime    09/30/24  (1)
Jesus Christ is God    09/30/24  (2)
"Substack" is like the open violin case in the subway for today's proles.    09/30/24  (3)
Houthis are winning the Yem Gen with tight, crisp messaging    09/30/24  (1)
What do they put for hair color on baldmos drivers license?    09/30/24  (10)
white nationalist to TommyTurdskin: "Ding. You're out, buddy."    09/30/24  (2)
i want to thank xo for being like a good friend, always there for me    09/30/24  (8)
RATE Natalie Portman, 43, In LBD At Paris Fashion Week (PIC)    09/30/24  (9)
SecDef Austin FURIOUS w/ Israel over Nasrallah killing, lack of notice    09/30/24  (43)
Can someone help diagnose weird bubble/blister on penis?    09/30/24  (10)
🎵 'We're gassing the Jews, gassing the Kikes' to the tune of 'Eating the cats    09/30/24  (2)
LA Times gives list of embarrassing shit that has happened during VP Debates...    09/30/24  (15)
Trump changed the world because he harnessed the awesome power of slop    09/30/24  (1)
Just saw "Civil War" - cool movie    09/30/24  (62)
Ironically Israel is the last remnant of Alpha Western Masculinity    09/30/24  (20)
🎶 they’re eating the dogs 🎶 they’re eating the cats    09/30/24  (22)
#IsraelLovesIndia    09/30/24  (4)
Been living out of my van for an entire year now    09/30/24  (3)
fix your droopy, goopy face, cunt. lol.    09/30/24  (1)
Is Bali a good place to invest ?    09/30/24  (13)
what is *THE* best BBQ place in Nashville?    09/30/24  (1)
Hate confrontations IRL due to my phenotype    09/30/24  (44)
Jews get MAF when u tell them American won't shed blood for Israel    09/30/24  (152)
Sloptoberfest    09/30/24  (2)
what do you use to affix your toupee to your scalp?    09/30/24  (1)
sealclubber... truly vile poster.    09/30/24  (5)
Today, I have the privilege to practice law    09/30/24  (1)
good morning    09/30/24  (1)
black man put a kid in my wife now i'll raise her son    09/30/24  (1)
'Eating the Cats' singer invited to perform at Trump inauguration    09/30/24  (1)
Why didnt industrial revolution replace slave labour sooner?    09/30/24  (3)
is Trump II going to be 'all business,' less farcical and lulzy than Trump I?    09/30/24  (3)
This 3 letter moniker thing is really confusing guys. I do not like this at all.    09/30/24  (27)
'We're gonna do nuclear, we're gonna do gooning, we're doing dairy.'    09/30/24  (2)
ZZ Top's "Legs" plays over montage of Peterman hustling from bigrig to bigrig    09/30/24  (15)
"Born Under a Bad Sign" plays over montage of Dupa driving around NJ    09/30/24  (18)
"breaking points" is for redditors    09/30/24  (3)
imagine this    09/30/24  (2)
colt firing 2 belt-fed machine guns while I suck his dick to keep him awake    09/30/24  (167)
in the near future, all women will be sex workers, all men, gooners    09/30/24  (4)
Happy Monday ftriends! 🙃    09/30/24  (8)
Scooby Doo chase scene montage but it's nyuug fleeing military recruiters    09/30/24  (6)
montage of bumble 5s tossing MPA's mix tape into nyc trashcans    09/30/24  (15)
"It came from CHINA" Trump says while pointing at Fizzkidd    09/30/24  (11)
Haitian: Do you have any Italian food on the menu? Like Garfield?    09/30/24  (5)
ARISE WAGECUCKS! Another week of service to your ratfaced masters awaits!    09/30/24  (336)
Dawson, Rose Dawson..😢    09/30/24  (14)
Before Sunrise: Mainlining & Evan39 Edition – The Denver Chronicles    09/30/24  (15)
Mossad Informant Shook Nasrallah's Hand, Imbedded Nano-Tracker In His Skin (Link    09/30/24  (30)
AGAIN, you are NOT white if you have brown eyes. Why is this so hard Trumpmos?    09/30/24  (4)
'We're gonna do Nuclear' shitlibs restarting Nuclear Power Stations (CNBC)    09/30/24  (1)
Blue eyes are the defining characteristic of white people    09/30/24  (56)
Tim Walz imitates Howard Dean's "Death Scream"    09/30/24  (3)
Have a 2nd date this weekend with doctor I went to HS with    09/30/24  (23)
This forum is filled with resentful geek faggots and venomous old crone hags    09/30/24  (2)
stopping sex mid-coitus and insisting that you'd just rather goon instead    09/30/24  (1)
Tim Walz doing 'DOUBLE CHONK CHOCOLATE CHIP' at debate    09/30/24  (1)
Tim Walz: Kamala was a young prostitutor    09/30/24  (3)
Films you can watch every few years and get something different about it    09/30/24  (13)
Why did Russia lose so many more soldiers than everyone else in WWII?    09/30/24  (2)
ITT: I definite "white" for confused xo ethnics and minorities    09/30/24  (170)
Fellow black men we are getting our reparations    09/30/24  (3)
If I spend $75k more I’ll have spent $1M in 2024    09/30/24  (4)
richard carrier weekend starts NOW    09/30/24  (4)
Brown hair + blue eyes or blond hair + brown eyes = NIGGER    09/30/24  (5)
ITT: I explain why white nationalism has never, does not, and will never succeed    09/30/24  (149)
This jig is up. We are going to have to give blacks reparations.    09/30/24  (8)
Declining Desire to Work = EITC    09/30/24  (5)
Greeks are not white! hth    09/30/24  (54)
Conclusive proof that Italians are savages and are not white:    09/30/24  (19)
PSA: if you have brown eyes you're not "white"    09/30/24  (57)
"white" people don't have brown eyes    09/30/24  (6)
If you have black hair + brown eyes you aren't white    09/30/24  (6)
DAILY REMINDER: If you have brown eyes, you aren't white    09/30/24  (4)
Are "people" without blond hair and blue eyes white?    09/30/24  (4)
REMINDER: US can be great again if whites unite    09/30/24  (54)
no such thing as "whites" with brown eyes    09/30/24  (3)
brown eyes = not white    09/30/24  (57)
look, you're not white. you're not America. go home.    09/30/24  (36)
If 20%+ of the population of a country doesn't have blue eyes, it's NOT white    09/30/24  (4)
The lesson from Ukraine is that Slavs are not white.    09/30/24  (6)
the crazy thing is irish people really are not white    09/30/24  (4)
daily reminder to tedcruz: latinos are NOT white    09/30/24  (15)
Birdshits, A-rabs and Persians are sooooooooo DONE here    09/30/24  (1)
ITT Nicke Fuentes explains my plan    09/30/24  (8)
Niggas! *Crowd Cheers Kikes! Crowd Cheers Birdshits! *Crowd Jeers    09/30/24  (3)
So at the end of the day, all women really want is to display their assholes?    09/30/24  (25)
peter39 what is the plan    09/30/24  (1)
Went to my second day of AA, I think I'm gonna be a faggot now, sorry    09/30/24  (13)
This laptop murders shit for <$1400    09/30/24  (5)
if u still pay more than couple hundred bucks 4 any electronic lmao irredeemable    09/30/24  (1)
Has there ever been a jewish POTUS or VPOTUS?    09/30/24  (7)
White nationalist Zionist Feminist here    09/30/24  (8)
nyuug is probably the top threadbumper in the game currently    09/30/24  (2)
ALERT! I, Karlstack, took (retired) out of my name. Now you can tell us apart.    09/30/24  (8)
getting jizzblasted in the face and chest by a hot chad is so unnnghhh    09/30/24  (2)
AZNgirl’s ideal man (+ her picture)    09/30/24  (76)
In 2150, India will be the world's sole superpower    09/30/24  (3)
(((Nate Silver))) says he would have picked (((Josh Shapiro))) for VP Slot    09/30/24  (2)
i’ve wasted the last five years of my life due to depression    09/30/24  (42)
Who cares what Chad thinks, evan39?    09/30/24  (7)
INDIA's population has DOUBLED since Reagan took office    09/30/24  (18)
Next up! Pay-to-breathe! AmeriKKKa's final $ubscription $ervice ;)    09/30/24  (29)
Evan39 "Safeway" in AmeriKKKKKKKKKKA is a joke ripoff    09/30/24  (5)
Bengalorean sharing Jim Simons quotes on Linkedin tp    09/30/24  (3)
New YouTube genre: Hood Fishing    09/30/24  (1)
What’s the POTUS orange soda?    09/30/24  (5)
karlstack is unironically going after the kikes on twitter    09/30/24  (24)
Broncos are .500 niggers    09/30/24  (2)
Society is being ruined by low IQ mexicans, make no mistake    09/30/24  (49)
Was Rob O'Neill the real killer of bin Laden?    09/30/24  (14)
does your wife make you look good    09/30/24  (1)
I tried reading Matthew Pegas's The Black Album (2024) but quickly gave up    09/30/24  (1)
When you see real Europeans at the airport you realize how much whiter they are    09/30/24  (59)
We're Costco guys of course we have a cache of Serbian VX gas in the cellar    09/30/24  (1)
There's no rule that you can't file court pleadings in pink. You're just afraid    09/30/24  (1)
We're Costco guys of course we light our Cubans with INTERPOL warrants    09/30/24  (1)
youtube channel made of half-remembered vignettes from ur personal childhood    09/30/24  (5)

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