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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Kraftwerk - Metropolis.mp3    09/03/24  (4)
Zurich's wife just called me. He's threatening self-harm, in psych ward    09/03/24  (118)
The Sparks Flew Before They Even Met (NYT wedding)    09/03/24  (29)
What tangible historical things are not fraudulent...:(    09/03/24  (24)
Zurich's wife just called me. Said she married a cum munching fag.    09/03/24  (1)
Metal Gear Solid V released 9 years ago. Really hasn’t been topped since then    09/03/24  (29)
Why are some bort jews (rsf, tbf, consuela) so ashamed of being jewish?    09/03/24  (7)
Slav home renovation simulator    09/03/24  (1)
Minocqua, Wisconsin nice to live? Anyone?    09/03/24  (10)
Hey is Morgan Freeman still alive    09/03/24  (8)
It all started going downhill roughly 2.4 million years ago "Homo habilis"    09/03/24  (10)
You should be able to live in a crime free society. Many in Europe do.    09/03/24  (5)
Alina Habba, Esq. / Managing Partner / LinkedIn    09/03/24  (7)
What business does "France" having possessing nuclear weapons?    09/03/24  (5)
25th Hour - "Fuck you" monologue    09/03/24  (9)
A Rustic Cabin in the Woods Was His Dream. Not Hers. (NYT)    09/03/24  (78)
You cannot get "sick"... The entire premise of the species is disease    09/03/24  (18)
Anecdotes from an alpha aspie ADA.    09/03/24  (1)
Trumpmos do you believe Trump that he never called veterans suckers and losers?    09/03/24  (1)
How many "continents" are there?    09/03/24  (21)
Biggest difference between black and grizzly is attitude.    09/03/24  (8)
WY Officials Euthanize First Grizz to Wander into Bighorn Mountains in century    09/03/24  (5)
Grizzly Man Movie CLIP - That's My Story    09/03/24  (18)
Trump doesn't drink but loves Addy and Ambien...180?    09/03/24  (8)
Do you think ur boipussy cld take SHAQ's BBC? Or wld it be destroyed?    09/03/24  (2)
Rev. Wright was way ahead of his time    09/03/24  (10)
Serious Q: why is Trump still sitting on all the 2020 election fraud evidence?    09/03/24  (35)
Love hanging out with my kids    09/03/24  (4)
Lab friend supports Trump for taking care of our vets    09/03/24  (2)
A real man makes his own luck (Billy Zane, Titanic)    09/03/24  (204)
"Senator, I was there for surrealist poasting and bonhomie. I was unaware of the    09/03/24  (1)
Cum Inside me Please! - Real Missionary Creampie 419.1K views (Xhamster)    09/03/24  (5)
MASE my friend...you're gunna love The Terror S01    09/03/24  (10)
Spaceporn's flippant attitude toward his obvious impairment is concerning    09/03/24  (1)
Fuck these homele$$$ scumm I will fucking kill each oneo f you    09/03/24  (5)
Rate Meriwether Lewis' 1805 descriptions of encounters with Grizz    09/03/24  (56)
"Gentlemen. It has been a privilege poasting with you tonight."    09/03/24  (8)
Fucking brainwa$hed lying sheep 🐑 fag$ following a bull$hit $cript    09/03/24  (48)
07/17/2024: Jimmy summited Teewinot 2x this summer..& we finally beat Medicare    09/03/24  (3)
Being a "discerning" customer-consumer&Amerikka will still ruin you    09/03/24  (3)
BAM! you are dropped in Nunavut at this location. What do u do?    09/03/24  (156)
Titanic Death of Tommy and Mr. Murdoch    09/03/24  (2)
Paralegal Muhammad Voting History    09/03/24  (4)
💥A S S H O L E I N B I O 💥    09/03/24  (3)
Fucking fraud faggot Four Corners Stonehenge and that fag dino skull :(    09/03/24  (9)
Everything is Fraud in Amerikkka &it's exhausting    09/03/24  (27)
crypto is coming back in 2023.... right bros? 😟    09/03/24  (21)
What is this fuking fraud .we're living in an Ice Age.."but climate change!!"    09/03/24  (4)
"Existence" is a scam and a fraud and then top it off with Amerikkkkkla    09/03/24  (12)
I’m here to win, friend    09/03/24  (3)
Elon Musk accuses Reid Hoffman of being one of Epstein's top clients    09/03/24  (44)
Navigable Lake "Titicaca" lies at 12,507 ft elevation...fraud never freezes    09/03/24  (9)
"Scientists" too busy obsessing over global warming miss City Killer asteroid    09/03/24  (3)
Hypo: you find a bag w a lot of cash in it    09/03/24  (32)
Kraftwerk - Ruckzuck.mp3    09/03/24  (5)
NEU! - Für immer.mp3    09/03/24  (12)
Chromatics-Tick Of The Clock -playing for passengers before takeoff helps    09/03/24  (2)
$ick&$ad Reality =need another Vredefort impact to wipe the stain of "humanity"    09/03/24  (19)
hypo: a US Army platoon of xo poasters in '68 Vietnam War    09/03/24  (66)
If "big one" hits is earthquake insurance actually going to be able to pay out?    09/03/24  (4)
Typing away. "YOU GOTTA FIGHT". You startle, look round office. "FOR YOUR RIGHT!    09/03/24  (2)
do not lose hope ye, asteroid surely is coming as it came 66m years ago    09/03/24  (6)
what is the most prestigious place to live in Nunavut, Canada?    09/03/24  (8)
hypo: $100,000 but you have to spend a week trying not to get killed in haiti    09/03/24  (5)
cracking a cold one, Mainlining boots up The Revenant again    09/03/24  (12)
Thomas Jefferson: "Screw the fraud media"    09/03/24  (8)
On August 18, 2024, Defendant accused Plaintiff Alt No. 53 of being a “rancid    09/03/24  (1)
Amerikkka is 100% fraud and scam from medicine to insurance to food    09/03/24  (13)
Since I was baby I saw Fraud for wat it is....has maed life very difficult    09/03/24  (9)
Why/how/who allow$ "humanity" & this Fraud setup to persist?    09/03/24  (6)
Practicing attys do you think Zurich is likely “impaired” under Maryland Sta    09/03/24  (108)
https TP - wat were humans doing for the first 150,000 fraud years?    09/03/24  (7)
Zurich won't stop messaging me. Blocked after he asked me to be his guardian    09/03/24  (13)
Amateur porn site Ricky's SINagogue    09/03/24  (6)
Fraud    09/03/24  (1)
SP don’t do whatever you’re planning on doing today    09/03/24  (1)
Fraud "$cientists" cannot explain Saturn's persistent Hexagon    09/03/24  (13)
What place on shithole "Earth" has the most “unique” non-fraud geography?    09/03/24  (34)
HYPO: ~$300k/yr to do thankless wagecuck paperpushing your whole life    09/03/24  (4)
RSF--Christmas Eve Penguins at Devils - you, me, and the snoot. Down?    09/03/24  (4)
more fraud..landlocked Bolivia has a "Navy"    09/03/24  (23)
Wesley R. Johnson, Jr. = XO's patron saint    09/03/24  (9)
Hypo: $12 million to be teleported to random spot on Earth's landmass    09/03/24  (74)
kissing the mirror, deeply, pulling lips back, writing in the fog "Z U R I C H"    09/03/24  (1)
Hypo: dropped in Mountain Time Zone, 72 hrs to get to NY, no planes    09/03/24  (24)
HYPO: $5M to be dropped solo randomly in ocean on sailboat. Accept?    09/03/24  (50)
spaceporn pours a $150 glass of scotch, puts on queen’s “another one bites t    09/03/24  (3)
Jordan Peterson, psychologist, discovered at age 59 that benzos make ppl crazy    09/03/24  (1)
ur room at the insane asylum feces scrawled with foot tall "ZURICH" on each wall    09/03/24  (1)
Hypo: You are warned that the FBI is on its way to arrest you (2 hr headstart)    09/03/24  (79)
June 22, 1998 "Leo, Prince of the City"    09/03/24  (7)
zurich being asked to stand "very still" in 16th c. Italian as Michelangelo chis    09/03/24  (1)
More fraud? Venice bulid upon a forest of ancient tree trunks?    09/03/24  (9)
HYPO: $5M to walk across Afghanistan--Khyber Pass to Kandahar to Herat    09/03/24  (72)
Zurich’s dad telling him to eat his own vomit out of the dog food bowl    09/03/24  (1)
hypo: FBI issues warrant stating ur "dressed to impress in ur Gucci silk vest"    09/03/24  (1)
Nvda or MU?    09/03/24  (1)
REMINDER: if Trump loses Pennsylvania he is absolutely fucked    09/03/24  (24)
zurich laughing at u as u stress over weak energy field conditions of alcubierrr    09/03/24  (1)
Hypo: $10 and one (1) pepperoni grows inside your hold each morning, must be ext    09/03/24  (2)
zurich supposedly handcrafted a bluewater capable sailing yacht while litigating    09/03/24  (1)
SP calling 9-11 to report someone for litigating under the influence    09/03/24  (4)
zurich reportedly gave "energizing" lecture at Society of African Explorers last    09/03/24  (1)
Hypo: $1 million lump sum tax free BUT u can never eat pepperoni again    09/03/24  (8)
Secret Knowledge-I have heard of you. And may I say, brother, I like your style.    09/03/24  (9)
Forget the Yellowstone Caldera, Humans Have Earned Vredefort-like Impact    09/03/24  (5)
u & zurich, both in regatta jackets, opting to go for an evening row on Italian    09/03/24  (1)
Zurich casually reminding you that your father saved 1,000 lives at the Battle o    09/03/24  (1)
Imagine being the junior associate on team drafting the US constitution    09/03/24  (8)
Zurich angrily deriding u & ur family at Olive Garden, "you used to stand for so    09/03/24  (2)
So MAGA is over after this election right?    09/03/24  (98)
You can't begin to fathom the sacrifice of obtaining secret knowledge    09/03/24  (4)
I Worked For MrBeast, He's A Fraud (14 million views    09/03/24  (17)
Zurich keeps coming to my apartment, breaking the lock, talking about "old days"    09/03/24  (1)
"The Gimp" from Pulp Fiction is such a great memorable movie character    09/03/24  (6)
Will KAMALA HARRIS win in 2024?    09/03/24  (114)
Hypo: $12 to be teleported to a random spot IN Earth's land mass.    09/03/24  (4)
I made pretty intense love to zurcih last night under a rain-drenched skyline.    09/03/24  (1)
REMINDER: Whole younger gen lolyers have no clue about Clause 7.6    09/03/24  (2)
Criminal Defendant Hack: You can postpone almost any case to point of no return    09/03/24  (27)
CLAUSE 9.2 AND THE WAY IT WORKS WITH 7.6    09/03/24  (342)
Picture a perfect picture. Picture me in my lit hat. Picture me distinguishing t    09/03/24  (1)
Vredefort Impact 2.0 = All of "Humanity's" problems solved in 1-hour.    09/03/24  (5)
oh fortuitous asteroid, when come thou?    09/03/24  (10)
How good & invigorating would it feel to take 5 gunshots on the steps of Cravath    09/03/24  (1)
Microsoft Humiliation Ritual    09/03/24  (1)
What if the boy who cried wolf also said the the emperor has no clothes?    09/03/24  (1)
This story makes New Orleans sound like Somalia    09/03/24  (25)
how much does RSF spend per month?    09/03/24  (97)
Zurich, are you impaired, my man?    09/03/24  (10)
Everything is a lie. Hoard cash    09/03/24  (6)
Mainlining running half a dozen alts with the same shtick. Weird!    09/03/24  (3)
Hyman killed RSF this weekend. JFC    09/03/24  (8)
ACC countersuing Clemson, FSU for fraudulent misrepresentation    09/03/24  (1)
S&p will crash    09/03/24  (1)
1-0 memphis is coming to fuck up FSU next    09/03/24  (2)
UF (0-11) vs. FSU (0-11) loser leaves FBS    09/03/24  (2)
any chance boston college hands FSU 2nd conf loss tonite    09/03/24  (13)
I love how Chechens just bully tf out of russians (video)    09/03/24  (12)
Deep diving into a poaster's lineage is angry autistic weirdo shit.    09/03/24  (1)
NYT: Ukrainian school kids talk about how the war has affected them    09/03/24  (3)
HYPO: $5M to be dropped in Sahara with 2 camels and (almost) any gear. Accept?    09/03/24  (71)
Rate this nervous smile, pube beard, and phenotype.    09/03/24  (24)
Rate Kamala’s Canadian-Californian accent (link)    09/03/24  (3)
How is Russia not a hero    09/03/24  (1)
why is Russia our "enemy"? what did they ever do to us?    09/03/24  (162)
Spaceporn to NAMBLA: "Get down!" *fires load at Spaceporn Jr. in hallway*    09/03/24  (16)
Hypo: $30M (tax free) but 1st randomly dropped in Central African Republic    09/03/24  (57)
I don't think they shoot Films in California at all anymore    09/03/24  (29)
Least populated nice ciTTTy that has OPERA & Museums & such?    09/03/24  (7)

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