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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Amazing X thread by Pajeets destroyed Birdshits wow    11/15/24  (32)
Any picklemo's here? Poast your DOOPER    11/15/24  (3)
I love cum and cocks, brother (CSLG)    11/15/24  (94)
Do Jews prefer democracy/communism to monarchy    11/15/24  (2)
The future is MechWarrior Techno-AntiChrists waging proxy spiritual wars    11/15/24  (2)
I'm announcing I'm not retiring (Carnivore diet goy)    11/15/24  (3)
I’m not in any group chats. Is that bad?    11/15/24  (8)
Gallup: It's OVER. Romney wins!!    11/15/24  (45)
The Aquarian Anti-Christ agenda involves worshipping Corporations as Messiahs    11/15/24  (3)
Herzog: "At the end, there were four poasters and 50-some monikers"    11/15/24  (6)
in retrospect Wayne’s World was a dork’s AZNgirl fetish (yellow) fever dream    11/15/24  (4)
Wait so Manhattan Institute dorks are tortious while anonymous and online?    11/15/24  (35)
Lol Fauci is going down. Elon and Rand Paul are committed to destroying him    11/15/24  (8)
How can Trump appoint GOP House members to shit when majority is like 1 or 2?    11/15/24  (1)
Greetings from XO Japan (RSF)    11/15/24  (78)
Rate these tweets from Trumps new COMMUNICATIONS Director    11/15/24  (18)
Woke isn't over wtf are you fags talking about    11/15/24  (15)
Whokebe, butt naked, doing the haka with his back to mr. jinx    11/15/24  (6)
“Now that Trump is POTUS we can really go buck wild” (Israel)    11/15/24  (23)
The next overseer of health in the US - link    11/15/24  (8)
The Next US Director of National Intelligence...    11/15/24  (16)
"i paid for a jewish plastic surgeon's second house" (ALL rnc speakers)    11/15/24  (19)
“Do you guys like me now?” (rsf after writing “MAGA” on his yarmulke)    11/15/24  (24)
The divide between the midwit managerial class and everyone else    11/15/24  (22)
"Me? I never supported the transgender movement. That's not true. I always said    11/15/24  (10)
Trump’s first deportation target is ASIANS (180)    11/15/24  (2)
Scientific American editor quits after calling Trump supporters "fascists"    11/15/24  (1)
AOC: Tulsi is absolutely devastating for dems    11/15/24  (22)
Communism isn’t about theory, it’s all about execution    11/15/24  (3)
My Slut Story    11/15/24  (10)
*Poasting about Jews whilst getting PINGed by my Jewish Boss*    11/15/24  (3)
Meet Joe Black (1998) - Bill's Birthday Speech Scene    11/15/24  (23)
What stock to buy?? Tqqq? Msft? Soxl?    11/15/24  (1)
Bald fag with the assist….and faggy kike scores!!!!    11/15/24  (1)
So karlstacks annual income is like $28k? Why not just get a chill 60k job    11/15/24  (20)
ricky    11/15/24  (6)
Rating poasters as texts from Spaceporn's firm's group chat talking shit abt SP    11/15/24  (104)
Tweaked out Trump at confirmation hearing: "Gimme da Kash!"    11/15/24  (1)
Trump IRS less likely to audit people?    11/15/24  (1)
who will TRUMP nominate as Domestic Minister?    11/15/24  (6)
ATF is going to Herrera?    11/15/24  (1)
So "Matt Gaetz" is 42, childless, and "married" to a barren shrew?    11/15/24  (70)
PLTR up another chill 8% today    11/15/24  (2)
someone repoast SP's old firm bio page pic - the one with the hairline    11/15/24  (10)
remind me, why is SP fixated on this poor Zach Goldberg guy?    11/15/24  (2)
I work in Tech and I’m surrounded by Indians. Taking questions.    11/15/24  (56)
colt firing 2 belt-fed machine guns while I suck his dick to keep him awake    11/15/24  (169)
learning that you're gay online    11/15/24  (3)
I'm suing autoadmit for loss of enjoyment    11/15/24  (2)
Rating poasters as their future presidential appointments in the second Trump    11/15/24  (213)
Disco Fries, don't forget to get your yearly mammogram    11/15/24  (1)
gunnerat will you come to my party when I hit 215k BIGLAW income?    11/15/24  (4)
The witty repartees have been top tier today everyone    11/15/24  (1)
mRNA mutagens    11/15/24  (5)
Kim Jong Un's Gorgeous Datter SWOONS meeting a Handsome first time    11/15/24  (6)
Ok, here's the thing: Moderna is injecting you with alien tentacle creatures.    11/15/24  (71)
Dems now talking about forming a shadow government    11/15/24  (13)
legalized sports gambling has really fucked over low IQ proles    11/15/24  (10)
what could be healthier than a jewish transsexual    11/15/24  (10)
James Carville is 180    11/15/24  (34)
Concerning: Young model (obj 10) has nudes and sex tapes leaked    11/15/24  (41)
Fresh Classic WoW servers releasing in 6 days    11/15/24  (2)
USA lost TRILLIONS in Market Cap Today cause "RFK" appointed to some position    11/15/24  (3)
I never miss a chance to shit on Obama    11/15/24  (1)
Will they ease up on the racially ambiguous actors in commercials at least    11/15/24  (5)
"Uh Mr. Patel are you sure the terror cell is based in the Lululemon changing ro    11/15/24  (4)
SlimeCube (feminist conspiracy theory website)    11/15/24  (1)
Missionary family goes to Africa. Wife cucks him and hires nigga to kill him    11/15/24  (55)
"I miss @keyedslime."    11/15/24  (2)
What [ ] tells us about charismatic leaders and facism    11/15/24  (1)
gunnerat will you come to my party when I hit 100k substack income?    11/15/24  (15)
Wait, did Sotomayor really work at Sbarro and AOC at OnlyFans, or is XO just fla    11/15/24  (2)
xo breyer headlines fedsoc gala    11/15/24  (3)
Pedro Pascal's trans sister is hotter than 99% of Cis white women    11/15/24  (10)
ping pong ping pong lib con lib con ping pong ping pong lib con lib con    11/15/24  (5)
"I wanna be famous. Like the Atty General." Agent Smith: "W/e u want Mr. Gaetz    11/15/24  (4)
threats about groyper gangs with nightseeing goggles tp    11/15/24  (1)
AOC: Tulsi is absolutely devastating for my OnlyFans    11/15/24  (4)
Jewish computer hypnosis tied to blackmail    11/15/24  (1)
Shld I run across the border to NORTH KOREA and start life over there?    11/15/24  (4)
So RFK supports "full term" abortion and that's based? Is that right shitcons?    11/15/24  (1)
Would you let this female grandmaster move your bishop?    11/15/24  (2)
The West really fucked up by letting women become sluts without consequences    11/15/24  (5)
TRUMP's Stock Market is a DISASTER    11/15/24  (21)
"Evan39, Sir Squawkington owns this grocery store now, friend."    11/15/24  (15)
A naked guy walked in circles outside my grocery with a cart. I just watched.    11/15/24  (13)
Shanice buried her “aunt” three times this month.    11/15/24  (14)
"why don't I just fire one of the machine guns?" colt: "no, I'll do both. but yo    11/15/24  (140)
I hope TRUMP goes to North Korea and Kisses Kim Jong Un    11/15/24  (1)
A letter to 32X    11/15/24  (5)
"Agent Jenkins speaking, who is this?" Distorted garbled voice: "ZoooZooo"    11/15/24  (25)
Could Hulk Hogan win a Senate seat in Florida?    11/15/24  (22)
Hulk Hogan Named Press Secretary    11/15/24  (2)
A day in the life of Donald Trump's Greater Israel.    11/15/24  (42)
Sad How Most Golfers Will Never Get a Hole In One In Their Lifetime    11/15/24  (59)
Your wife walks out the door and slams it. You breathe a long sigh of relief.    11/15/24  (13)
The white nationalist posters brought samosas (in the xo breakroom)    11/15/24  (3)
Cant make up my mind for wall art in my office    11/15/24  (36)
Stock market and greater economy predictions. Investment edition    11/15/24  (6)
Mike Tyson's best quotes read like compendium of philosophy:    11/15/24  (25)
Trump to give WH press credentials to Theo Vonn, Nelk Boys, Dan Bongino    11/15/24  (4)
Matt Gaetz future sister in law (19) details how Gaetz 40 yo friend hit on her    11/15/24  (30)
Now that politics threading is over who wants to talk about my asshole    11/15/24  (1)
I’m at the airport talking on my phone. Listen to me. Look at me.    11/15/24  (16)
There is nothing more important than charisma    11/15/24  (13)
I, for one, am highly attracted to women    11/15/24  (4)
Pelosi: I wanted it in the pink, Joe jammed it in the stink    11/15/24  (10)
"Blast on my tits, bro." -- RSF    11/15/24  (25)
Popular Vote Winner shld get 50% of EV's automatically, rest via State Elections    11/15/24  (10)
Hegemon    11/15/24  (8)
Misheard Lyrics    11/15/24  (8)
Kai Trump will spend next 2yrs "undergoing several special forces schools"    11/15/24  (1)
Caleb Hammer is now doing Rocket Money commercials.    11/15/24  (1)
Gaza Strains Europe's Efforts at Social Cohesion    11/15/24  (1)
Anyone try THC gummies?    11/15/24  (19)
“Sorry, friend. The ergonomic mouse is legally mine now.”    11/15/24  (11)
Where the Fluorescent Safeway Lights Never Dim (Evan39)    11/15/24  (5)
Keisha took her third "ADA break" of the day. I kept working.    11/15/24  (8)
Emails between Elon Musk and Sam Altman re OpenAI    11/15/24  (2)
First thing Trump should do is make it illegal for the media to disrespect him    11/15/24  (4)
HAPPY FRIDAY, NIGGERS!    11/15/24  (755)
Is there a reasonable lib explanation for where all their votes went? And why    11/15/24  (110)
Theo Von: "Met alot of really neat Indian folks the last few days. What a time t    11/15/24  (1)
Gordon Lightfoot - Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.mp3    11/15/24  (12)
Has AI taken any jobs yet?    11/15/24  (5)
When a man is blowing me, I like to rest my gut on his bald head (whok)    11/15/24  (2)
From 1989 to 2015 (26y) the GOP only won the Popular Vote ONE time    11/15/24  (23)
So spaceporn singlehandedly took down the Manhattan Institute?    11/15/24  (1)
Cankle people are up there with foot people for psychological deviancy    11/15/24  (1)
Trumpmos there will be retribution for everything you do in the next four years    11/15/24  (7)
Is anyone licensed to practice law before tribal courts/on injun reservations?    11/15/24  (7)
My Mahchine™ yearns for release, and I am its ve$$el.    11/15/24  (3)
Lmao who is saying that I am plowing married women    11/15/24  (1)
So weird having a President again after four years    11/15/24  (11)
Who told you that? Ann Selzer?    11/15/24  (1)
NYT really pushing their podcasts    11/15/24  (43)
guys, do you like having your nipples caressed?    11/15/24  (1)
Should I masturbate?    11/15/24  (1)
Who watches The View besides for lolcow purposes?    11/15/24  (2)
Rate Rudy Giuliani’s seized watch collection    11/15/24  (7)
want to creampie many little pajeetas and have harem    11/15/24  (1)
*Agent Jenkins creating his first ever niggerthread*    11/15/24  (2)
Red Lobster CEO: “Dem shrimps ain’t comin’ back!”    11/15/24  (4)
Proles say "What what!" all the fucking time    11/15/24  (9)
Mainlining tp, what’s going on? Control yourself, control your Machine!    11/15/24  (13)
Spinelli I have it on good authority that TSINAH plans on suing you    11/15/24  (107)
Christina Buttons never has to publish any articles, and has guaranteed sinecure    11/15/24  (3)
The radio silence after giving these fuckers a fee agreement    11/15/24  (1)
"sic semper squanchantibus" the boy cries, lifting the sharpened pickle rick toy    11/15/24  (24)

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