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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Just read some right wing twitter. HOLY FUCKING SHIT Trumpmos are stupid.    10/02/24  (14)
lol, mba chick calendared a zoom meeting to dump me    10/02/24  (73)
Is Dallas the least prole part of texas?    10/02/24  (2)
Listen to this hilarious soundtrack libs are going to start using for Trump soon    10/02/24  (2)
Kamala describing herself as "fluent in Greek" in backpage ad    10/02/24  (3)
Libs all realizing in horror that Vance will be in the White House until 2036    10/02/24  (12)
HYPO: $10m but have to live in either Miami, NYC, or Austin    10/02/24  (26)
Rock stars don't seem to exist anymore    10/02/24  (50)
Mike Waltz delivers a body blow to Merrick Garland    10/02/24  (1)
Egyptian gold digging or pharaoh hypergamy    10/02/24  (2)
Mark Antony Mocks Caesar Rome    10/02/24  (11)
why do people say "I own a portfolio of ..." rather than "I own some ..."    10/02/24  (7)
look what they make you give    10/02/24  (1)
10/2/2024 POLL: Who will win the 2024 election?    10/02/24  (43)
ur friends&family @ ur funeral, chuckling abt how much u loved that crazy websit    10/02/24  (32)
we really are going to cherish wasting are youth on this shitbort    10/02/24  (2)
desperately need a lex update    10/02/24  (33)
I will CARRY every last beautiful black queen to the polls if it means Trump los    10/02/24  (3)
Trump takes jab at Jimmy Carter on his 100th birthday    10/02/24  (1)
CBS Mornings On President Jimmy Carter's 100th birthday, his Secret Service det    10/02/24  (1)
Trump not out campaigning, instead having mental breakdown on twitter    10/02/24  (2)
this drone shit is pretty fucking insane - future is gonna be worse than SkyNet    10/02/24  (3)
NYT subscription = 180000 (gives fabulous$ access back to 1851 articles)    10/02/24  (12)
we really are going to regret wasting are youth on this shitbort    10/02/24  (24)
Dawson, Rose Dawson..😢    10/02/24  (15)
Evan39 "Safeway" in AmeriKKKKKKKKKKA is a joke ripoff    10/02/24  (6)
Backpacking Yellowstone and Tetons early-mid-October.    10/02/24  (17)
Latest POLLS for TRUMP look Great (10.3.24)    10/02/24  (8)
mRNA vaccines cause “new type of turbo cancer”    10/02/24  (4)
Here's what she actually looks like tp    10/02/24  (1)
America still requires Vietnamese to teach basic lessons to its military    10/02/24  (3)
Luis i am 4 u 💗    10/02/24  (7)
Cities with no bodies of water, mountains or skyline - worst places in USA?    10/02/24  (49)
IDF troops getting killed by the dozens now    10/02/24  (35)
You're out of your mind if you think Kamala is going to be President    10/02/24  (3)
Billy Joel is the nadir of boomer popular music    10/02/24  (67)
Anyone on the fence about having kids read this    10/02/24  (31)
lots of proles (ppl?) think AI=gimmick/useless.........Hose soon    10/02/24  (9)
Who cares what Chad thinks, evan39?    10/02/24  (8)
Dreams to Donuts: The Misadventures of Disco Fries, Of Counsel    10/02/24  (13)
Rate this fight between two old British drunks    10/02/24  (2)
Evan39, the "Big One" Cascadia Megaquake hit$ in ARE lifetimes    10/02/24  (20)
Evan39, I imagine Caro @his desk, moving pieces of LBJ’s soul around    10/02/24  (11)
Mainlining the $ecret Truth of Magnolia (Seduce & Destroy, baby)    10/02/24  (16)
I am the Mahchien. And you call it insane.    10/02/24  (8)
What is this "Claude" and "Copilot" so-called "AI" shit bulslhit?    10/02/24  (7)
filthy frank    10/02/24  (4)
"Game of Borts: The Trial by Combat of Mainlining and Boom"    10/02/24  (24)
ITT: 1800 humorous passages from the Lewis & Clark Journals    10/02/24  (10)
“Biglaw Despair: Mainlining the Last Flame”    10/02/24  (43)
It’s all vanity. It always has been. And we are at the end of vanity.    10/02/24  (8)
Before Sunrise: Mainlining & Evan39 Edition – The Denver Chronicles    10/02/24  (17)
Mainlining Chaos at HHM: Billables, Bagels, and Boom    10/02/24  (19)
Timothy Treadwell Calls On Powers That Be For More Rain | Grizzly Man    10/02/24  (9)
"An AutoAdmit Tale: Eternal Sunshine of Evan39's Mind"    10/02/24  (36)
What the FUCK is "Biden" doing right now? Fucking fruakd faggto    10/02/24  (16)
"Mainlining's 'Mahchine' is $ick & ha$ taken over my $afeway—HELP!"    10/02/24  (4)
"Chingada Madre Finding Himself In Boom's 'House of Horrors'"    10/02/24  (57)
"Yeah apparently the cum even breaches their blood-brain barrier- hi who just jo    10/02/24  (2)
evan ...Open your eyes.    10/02/24  (15)
"Trolling in the Shadow of Troy: Boom vs. Evan39"    10/02/24  (6)
Evan39: Do You see? (Mainlining's Machine)    10/02/24  (30)
JCM can I take an ancestral forest bath by your Maine lighthouse    10/02/24  (3)
Evan39 ! :-) The Mahchine’$ 5-Step Program for $eattle Burnout!    10/02/24  (6)
Next up! Pay-to-breathe! AmeriKKKa's final $ubscription $ervice ;)    10/02/24  (32)
*IT* bumps the BBOOM thread like a FRIEND or else it get$ THE HOSE again    10/02/24  (2)
NYT: President Trump needs to graciously step aside for Kamala Harris    10/02/24  (28)
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.    10/02/24  (33)
Can't believe they're remaking Disturbia (2007) already    10/02/24  (1)
Where do alcoholics go to drink in the morning    10/02/24  (85)
Disturbia (2007)    10/02/24  (9)
Disbaria (your future)    10/02/24  (2)
Yemen looks heavenly. Why the fuck didn't anyone tell us about this place?    10/02/24  (3)
🚨 Tel Aviv on fire again as suicide drones hit their targets 🚨    10/02/24  (2)
"Christ have mercy." (JD Vance looking at ur 'By You' history of 1 poast threads    10/02/24  (7)
Scummy homosexual lawyers saying racisms on a two tone webboard    10/02/24  (3)
it is important to recognize you are defective and need to be medicated    10/02/24  (9)
This is what real diplomacy looks like    10/02/24  (1)
"Industry" surpassed GoT and Succession, on par with White Lotus now    10/02/24  (20)
You're $ee'ing now, Evan. And the Mahchine ha$ already $een you.    10/02/24  (4)
PS "Iran" now includes Iraq and Yemen, if Assad goes it will take Syria    10/02/24  (4)
rate the boise state beach volleyball team    10/02/24  (26)
Is "Biden" working? My Latina G/F says so    10/02/24  (1)
Hypo: You catch everything you touch. Make D1 college FB team? NFL?    10/02/24  (67)
has anyone seen or heard from ( . )( . ) since 9/11    10/02/24  (3)
f-35s took out Iranian missiles in April. Now the shoe is on the other foot    10/02/24  (1)
AI is destroying prole minds    10/02/24  (36)
I literally ended RSF's posting career. (Hyman)    10/02/24  (1)
Welp wife just got into a car accident w her new Subaru    10/02/24  (34)
Looks like Iran wasn't lying about hitting those F-35s    10/02/24  (1)
When I get to $10 million liquid, I am OUT    10/02/24  (8)
indians jockeying for "second best" overall ethnicity on the totempole is insane    10/02/24  (6)
Mainlining tp losing his mind as The Muhchine screams at him in eldritch binary    10/02/24  (3)
OCTOBER SURPRISE = Trump kept Vance on the ticket    10/02/24  (1)
Evan39 :) :) :) Do you $ee it yet? The Mahchine's 180 Vi$ion?    10/02/24  (7)
Remember when evan39 was briefly straight?    10/02/24  (20)
absurdity of it all—fraudlie$, ADM, Grizz, even "pep" $hit-maed now    10/02/24  (3)
Israel got outsmarted. They know it.    10/02/24  (1)
ITT (NOT FLAME, PIC): Boom’s big Vega$ play, while Evan39 admires CHAD    10/02/24  (11)
Mainlining here my Maucheine is growling and yelling & screaming :(    10/02/24  (9)
"The Mahchine Ha$ Decided—And It'$ Mainlining Who Knock$"    10/02/24  (5)
Asian senior citizen vs Indian high schooler, coming to a parking lot near you    10/02/24  (1)
"Slippin' Poasters: Evan39 and Mainlining, 'Breaking Shitbort' Etiquette"    10/02/24  (39)
I enjoy 11" bbc in my anus and clothespins on my nips (Stalin tp)    10/02/24  (3)
IDF getting smoked in the desert = they don't Hezbollah locations AT ALL    10/02/24  (10)
How is any man actually “attracted” to a “woman”?    10/02/24  (3)
don't smoke    10/02/24  (2)
Debate Moderator Machine asking Vance if 'Bboom should go to Vega$'    10/02/24  (10)
GOP: broke    10/02/24  (1)
dumbs are mostly intrigued by the drum    10/02/24  (1)
Article: Young men seeking jihad because of Western feminazism    10/02/24  (20)
i liked walz more than i expected to    10/02/24  (104)
AutoAdmit (AA) is funded by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)    10/02/24  (3)
All of the same "right wing" people who bashed Vance are now singing his praises    10/02/24  (45)
"Beyonce kidnapped me."    10/02/24  (1)
Why do they call me by my first name? Why do they disrespect me so???? Harris    10/02/24  (1)
"white" people don't have brown eyes    10/02/24  (7)
protip: move abroad    10/02/24  (13)
I've really fucked up in life so far by NOT having money be my priority    10/02/24  (42)
Amerikkkkkkka = fraudulent sick &cam run by a bunch of decomposing lunatics    10/02/24  (21)
Mainlining here..veddy worried fo my Mahchien...it wants you all to die    10/02/24  (4)
The Machine to Mainlining tp from top of hole: "do u liek my meh-cheen? ;)"    10/02/24  (7)
1/3 of all early votes from MI so far are from Wayne County (Detroit)    10/02/24  (1)
Serial killer makes "Davis Poke Bowls" from azn biglaw associates    10/02/24  (2)
Not sure where to share this. But, I really should share it.    10/02/24  (11)
i am very attracted to this woman    10/02/24  (1)
NYTimes: "How Russians Serve the State"    10/02/24  (6)
Iranians seem like good bros. Koreans are simply creepy    10/02/24  (11)
Weird XO incels still crying about “Kobe”    10/02/24  (3)
3.8 ivy UG, 172 lsat, whir male...chances at CCN?    10/02/24  (3)
poor people's teeth are insane    10/02/24  (4)
Russia and Al Qaeda seem nice compared to Israel    10/02/24  (1)
i want to be 26 again    10/02/24  (12)
they removed rose kennedy's brain due to incorrect emotions    10/02/24  (3)
why are zionists taking out their frustrations with europeans on low iq arabs?    10/02/24  (2)
i couldn't watch more than like five minutes of the debate    10/02/24  (10)
i have a periodontal abscess    10/02/24  (22)
I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking about gassing jeeews (to TSwift 22)    10/02/24  (4)
all nazis were on meth?    10/02/24  (3)
People that attend Harvard are actually not smart or good    10/02/24  (4)
psychohomosexual development    10/02/24  (1)
Jimmy Carter on 100th Bday: "Holocaust is a Lie, Jews killed Dikembe Mutumbo"    10/02/24  (3)
is Israeli Carry tcr CCW method?    10/02/24  (5)
rate this 20something azn girls review of date with 43yo lawyer @ harvard club    10/02/24  (48)
Hawaiian federal judge has UPHELD Gavin Newsom’s “meme BAN” (DM)    10/02/24  (1)
Gamecube was better than PS2 (Cowgodstack)    10/02/24  (6)
Israel should just kill all these sand niggers asap over next few weeks and    10/02/24  (3)
2016 TT: "nice MUSLIM man gave me juice!" 2022 TT: "DEATH TO THE SAND NIGGAS!"    10/02/24  (16)

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