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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Can’t get myself to care about money or success. I’m fine being a loser    06/14/24  (5)
tarot readings shouldn’t get you down    06/14/24  (1)
Going to bed with the ceiling fan turned on. Wish me luck.    06/14/24  (1)
What’s up with towns/counties named “Orange”    06/14/24  (7)
Paid myself 7.1 million so far this year (CSLG)    06/14/24  (81)
why do people watch other people play video games on YouTube?    06/14/24  (1)
I'm gonna fuck your asshole    06/14/24  (2)
Vote vinyl vs hardwood vs engineered wood in manhattan    06/14/24  (38)
Would you rather partner for 600k or counsel for 500k or perm assoc for 400k?    06/14/24  (1)
Imagine being Asian. And then, the lowest tier Asian. That’s Nyuug.    06/14/24  (11)
Sort of awesome that shitliberry has jumped the shark    06/14/24  (5)
Is nyuug shtick?    06/14/24  (6)
Pigging out on a bag of Haribo gummy bears rn    06/14/24  (2)
Get your butthole checked.    06/14/24  (5)
Board genius HATP: "I never liked twins. On a good day he was mid."    06/14/24  (74)
Best everyday beer?    06/14/24  (10)
Disco Fries how is the mountaineering training goin?    06/14/24  (1)
gunneratttt taking qs for 24 minutes    06/14/24  (2)
Any bort turds know how to make chicken biryani?    06/14/24  (8)
if you could go back in time to college and choose a different career path, wwyd    06/14/24  (36)
The Brutal Bull-and-Bear Fights of 19th-Century California    06/14/24  (1)
Reminder: nyuug isn't a Korean citizen, only has US Passport    06/14/24  (83)
"who just opened the emergency exit" (plane passenger as rsf inhales musky cock)    06/14/24  (1)
There's NOTHING good abt the US anymore, just propped up by USD    06/14/24  (58)
ND Cal jury trial against “K&L Gates” in two weeks. Anyone have exp with the    06/14/24  (40)
Found lex’s Tiktok    06/14/24  (6)
Do the Magnetic Fields have the whitest fanbase in America?    06/14/24  (8)
ecstatic about my RIP Epstein "i committed suicide" shirt to arrive    06/14/24  (2)
Bigger cultural difference. Marty Mcfly 1985 to 1955 or today to 1994?    06/14/24  (1)
NYT interview with JD Vance. He explains how he became MAGA.    06/14/24  (87)
Is Phil Jackson the undisputed GOAT coach of any team sport?    06/14/24  (39)
Why is Tesla stock going up again? Company has garbage mgmt, products    06/14/24  (49)
favorite Bowie song?    06/13/24  (211)
Evan39 what do you think of this "live" Bowie video? Circa 1970s    06/13/24  (2)
Most of David “Bowie’s” “music” was queer sounding garbage    06/13/24  (18)
David Bowie - Love Is Lost (Hello Steve Reich Mix by James Murphy).mp3    06/13/24  (20)
Rate this clip of David Bowie dancing with a cane    06/13/24  (60)
A Very Gentle Way of Speaking About His Addiction - David Bowie Interview.    06/13/24  (2)
The Morgan & Morgan guy seems like a huge asshole    06/13/24  (5)
Did Bowie get to fuck 16yo Jennifer Connelly?    06/13/24  (7)
Evan39 tell me ur fav Bowie song    06/13/24  (8)
David Bowie - Heroes (Live Aid, 1985)    06/13/24  (11)
Evan39 let's listen to some Bowie friend what track should we spin?    06/13/24  (9)
David Bowie - Fame.mp3    06/13/24  (9)
My favorite Bowie performance (yes I am a fag i guess?)    06/13/24  (3)
Glenn Thrush committing suicide in bathtub to Magnetic Fields' '69 Love Songs'    06/13/24  (2)
Magnetic Fields - Take Ecstasy With Me.mp3    06/13/24  (28)
Magnetic Fields - All My Little Words.mp3    06/13/24  (3)
what’s a new song that’s good?    06/13/24  (3)
Interpol - Next Exit.mp3    06/13/24  (41)
Trump blasting Interpol's "Not Even Jail" track before sentencing hearing    06/13/24  (2)
Rate Meriwether Lewis' 1805 descriptions of encounters with Grizz    06/13/24  (39)
"Food" is fraud and scam designed to make shithealth.. and then go to healthcare    06/13/24  (6)
Amerikkkan dream is just that..no "life" "society"    06/13/24  (4)
"Interstates" freeways are disgusting...Buc-ee's is the interstate Disneyworld    06/13/24  (4)
Fraud    06/13/24  (11)
If you didn't buy a house more than 5 years ago ur fucked    06/13/24  (1)
hitler er biden signs 10 year 'pact of steel' with nazi ukraine?    06/13/24  (1)
THE LAW IS SACRED    06/13/24  (40)
Thoughts on Wagner’s Symphony in C?    06/13/24  (1)
Played golf today and wanted to beat the shit out of Korean guy behind us    06/13/24  (6)
Libs, can your female cohorts compete with this? (Link)    06/13/24  (1)
Trump likely does have genius level intellect    06/13/24  (26)
What's the deal with the lack of alcohol in Seinfeld?    06/13/24  (15)
Contractors are 99% scum    06/13/24  (26)
CSLG Paid Himself 62x what I made in wages first half of 2024    06/13/24  (12)
NYC trying to implement law prohibiting masks on the subway    06/13/24  (2)
Going to go fuck the wife...might even get fully nude to do it.    06/13/24  (8)
Bill "Maher' admits live to Jerry Seinfeld that he weights 152 lbs "today"(vid)    06/13/24  (7)
What happened to “Waingro” tp    06/13/24  (1)
Russia replacing S-400 batteries faster than Ukraine can take them out    06/13/24  (1)
Dang, this little girl can dance - video    06/13/24  (1)
Bucktooth moron Brit does inside trading for 100 pounds - link    06/13/24  (1)
clique plays a part in every aspect of life    06/13/24  (5)
Your grandpa calls it the slime saver    06/13/24  (1)
🎶 Baby I compare you to a kiss from a poast on the grey 🌹    06/13/24  (1)
Stopped Payment On $100 Check For Shady Prole Goy Sprinkler Guy    06/13/24  (73)
Politico does outstanding job on Biden Crime Family, except their conclusion ...    06/13/24  (3)
kamala harris celebrating her 150 lsat score    06/13/24  (4)
trump said pussy. biden sold out to china, ukraine, russia, kaz, mexico. tie?    06/13/24  (9)
hamas surrenders to idf to save innocent palestinian lives    06/13/24  (12)
This is a little embarrassing bros - my finger is stuck in my asshole    06/13/24  (7)
hatp and gunner’s politics poasting is so fucking cringe    06/13/24  (1)
Ricky and I are at a local hip suburban coffee shop pastrymaxxing right now    06/13/24  (64)
It’s crazy how GOP VPOTUS nominee is still a complete mystery at this point    06/13/24  (28)
Louisiana judge strikes down Biden's Title IX tranny rules - link    06/13/24  (6)
been on the phone with my insurance company for nearly 6 hours today    06/13/24  (3)
the road of slutmaxxing leads to the palace of wisdom    06/13/24  (1)
Hey bitch bois, how's your SHITCOIN rally going?    06/13/24  (8)
Earning ~$1,000 / month in passive income from Crypto.    06/13/24  (24)
Making around $500 a month doing GLG (& others) surveys & consultations    06/13/24  (1)
to be fair, all victims of pedophilia eventually grow out of it    06/13/24  (15)
Qyburn did 180 work on Fetterman - link to yesterday's Bill Maher appearance    06/13/24  (2)
Lab friend won't shut up about dogpill    06/13/24  (21)
Subaru bumper sticker: STINKERPUSS    06/13/24  (5)
i have to get away from the screens very soon    06/13/24  (32)
Bummed I can't travel this weekend or next (TSINAH)    06/13/24  (2)
My neighbor's dog just got taken by the gestapo    06/13/24  (6)
'thee you on a bark night' (lab friend going as grimes for howloween)    06/13/24  (15)
Housebroken lab friend claims 'lab leak' theory is DEBUNKED    06/13/24  (15)
Fraud example another...law school "textbooks"    06/13/24  (7)
artsy suicidal emo gf wearing galaxy leggings and an owl necklace    06/13/24  (16)
Just spend $477 this week at the grocer    06/13/24  (2)
lowkey goth girls from Georgia w/ southern accents    06/13/24  (81)
"slime, hole sauce, girl culture, whatever you call it"    06/13/24  (4)
This female music pioneer makes acid tracks in her slimepit    06/13/24  (2)
Peterman ejaculating into a trucker's mouth: "I just signed your death warrant."    06/13/24  (92)
cowshit what’s the latest update on the State of Gaming    06/13/24  (36)
slop is male and slime is female    06/13/24  (2)
Karen, check your email, I sent u pics of my shaft    06/13/24  (1)
BBCs are getting all the women now    06/13/24  (6)
Interstates and freeways are gross, they are loud, attract, generates, poor air    06/13/24  (3)
The feds would rather protect a Grizz than a human from homele$$ scum    06/13/24  (2)
This whole thing seems fraudulent except Wyoming    06/13/24  (2)
Amerikkka is 100% fraud and scam from medicine to insurance to food    06/13/24  (5)
WY Officials Euthanize First Grizz to Wander into Bighorn Mountains in century    06/13/24  (2)
Living off "Interstate" freeways is disastrous for your health    06/13/24  (9)
Hamas maed Noan wash dishes. That was the worst she encountered    06/13/24  (6)
Everything is a scam, and they want you to do this for the next 40 plus years?    06/13/24  (4)
Wyoming is basically Paradise    06/13/24  (24)
Everything is Fraud in Amerikkka &it's exhausting    06/13/24  (4)
I still think Durango could be nice. I don't care if it's played out    06/13/24  (2)
Most Americans are truly pathetic&accepting this fraud shit with no resistance    06/13/24  (15)
Built for BBC ONLY!    06/13/24  (11)
99.99% psychologically condition to approve of Fraud and smile    06/13/24  (6)
,,...,.,.,,...,. has a problem
   06/13/24  (2)
O no!!!! The "wind"!!!    06/13/24  (7)
Since I was baby I saw Fraud for wat it is....has maed life very difficult    06/13/24  (3)
Fraud Avoidance & fending off scams is 100% of Amerikkkanns "lives"    06/13/24  (2)
Uber is prime exampleee of Fraud here's a story    06/13/24  (7)
"Existence" is a scam and a fraud and then top it off with Amerikkkkkla    06/13/24  (6)
Zoomer Neale Hurston: Their Screens Were Watching God    06/13/24  (7)
Considering performing minor surgery on myself    06/13/24  (6)
Is the "Midwest" worth visiting? Aside from Denver and such    06/13/24  (9)
What does 67 y/o Ray Romano's do w his net worth of $200 m    06/13/24  (7)
just saw a couple "cyber trucks" on the road    06/13/24  (21)
Lex, MASE, gunnerattt, and HATP sitting bobsled style in bathtub full of cum    06/13/24  (16)
Colfax Ave. property was sold to Boom Car Wash LLC for $2 million    06/13/24  (33)
This guys selling some cars    06/13/24  (4)
Budd Dwyer tp    06/13/24  (3)
Mainlining tp has been spamming the bort for 36 hours straight    06/13/24  (5)
Interesting all the world leaders rush over in the Biden skydiving video    06/13/24  (1)
Wow, lightning bugs outside my house- thought the Jooz killed them all    06/13/24  (1)
Rate thus real estate investment Las Vegas    06/13/24  (1)
Screaming Trees - I Nearly Lost Snoot    06/13/24  (2)
Watching WW2 docs and movies, can't help but marvel at Wehrmacht uniforms    06/13/24  (3)
Jeff Bezos: work-life "balance" is flame, its actually a circle    06/13/24  (3)
Aussie snow bunnies    06/13/24  (2)
the "Upper Peninsula of Michigan" seems like fraud like OK panhandle    06/13/24  (6)
Maeking it young in sitcom keeps u young...Ray...Seinfeld    06/13/24  (1)

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