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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Tonight I totally failed at cooking—“Fiesta Steak”    06/25/24  (48)
Triscuits are the POTUS of snack foods    06/25/24  (1)
We are old. Posters went to school with Reddick. And posted about his stats    06/25/24  (1)
New Lakers coach in Niggergate scandal    06/25/24  (5)
πŸ™ˆπŸš¨πŸš¨πŸš¨MONKEYPOX IS BACKπŸš¨πŸš¨πŸš¨πŸ™ˆ    06/25/24  (4)
there are certain women you can't fuck unless you're a criminal    06/25/24  (1)
rate Tom Brady's new bitch (pic)    06/25/24  (1)
Why are HOMELESS people walking around with PIT BULLS unleashed?    06/25/24  (42)
WaPo: White supremacist bigots disrupt Idaho town's pride event (link)    06/25/24  (18)
Me and Ricky (39 and 42) at $uicideboy$ concert with 18-22 year olds    06/25/24  (16)
ray dalio: we're all fucked    06/25/24  (31)
dentist cum blast    06/25/24  (2)
"Which professor did you get for CTSJ 342 Fatness, Janie?"    06/25/24  (1)
"Come on down to BOWMAN BUICK for PROGESSIVE SAVINGS!"    06/25/24  (3)
*about to snort line of coke* Ghost of Jordan Peterson: "Oh, sure, go ahead. You    06/25/24  (1)
It’s insane how Costco’s just encourages you to consume more and more    06/25/24  (34)
ITT a list of Marxist courses at a typical LAC (Occidental College)    06/25/24  (49)
"Welcome to Robotics 101, I'm prof-" vonoskar: "Will we be covering tactics?"    06/25/24  (5)
Vonoskar asking black yankee stadium employee where he can find the vomitorium    06/25/24  (45)
Vonoskar clinking his knife against his glass at your dinner party    06/25/24  (65)
hypo: you get $1 million but you have to live in gaza for a month and not die    06/25/24  (21)
Scanning the crowd at Monster Jam thru binoculars & u see vonoskar staring at u    06/25/24  (24)
Masturbating homeless guy on the sidewalk asked me for money with dick in hand    06/25/24  (18)
🎡If you like shitty poasting, and peeing down public drains 🎢    06/25/24  (1)
Had a talk therapy session w/ Jordan Peterson and he seemed to consume my trauma    06/25/24  (1)
Lol r/zyn is the 12th most popular subreddit    06/25/24  (2)
“It’s like LessWrong, but not a bunch of ugly faggots”    06/25/24  (2)
Steve Sailer on Tucker lmao    06/25/24  (7)
TT, what the fuck is this??    06/25/24  (1)
Dark Souls 2: Shortage of the First Zyn    06/25/24  (4)
"oh yeah I also took a gape year" (Peterman)    06/25/24  (2)
Pro-disarmament libs think dialing 911 is some magic genie lamp    06/25/24  (1)
unicycling back in silence from the lesswrong meetup    06/25/24  (14)
Jung explicitly mentions the Demiurge/Satan overlord and Jew worshiping Saturn    06/25/24  (1)
WARNING: Gay men talking about tops has nothing to do with Beyblade    06/25/24  (9)
Discro Fries get ur shit together...im not like old school Sherpas    06/25/24  (2)
Ansolutely Nobody: _____ Ray Dialo: *drops incoherent Unabomber screed on world*    06/25/24  (2)
we must renounce our heritage, marry Jews or race-mix, and learn Chinese/Spanish    06/25/24  (1)
Ali Baba and the 40 catty gay alts    06/25/24  (22)
Going to play 18 and stare at 19 y/o cart girl asses and tits    06/25/24  (17)
I'm brown as shit and I am coming to a GrubHub commercial near you    06/25/24  (9)
Blacks monopolizing "nigger" is just a means of removing your agency in speech    06/25/24  (14)
War hawk tuah what is it good for    06/25/24  (8)
i think we should just do monorails and if that doesn't work burn Riddler effigy    06/25/24  (7)
gambling-based economy    06/25/24  (11)
Rap breakdowns that ruin serviceable pop music    06/25/24  (7)
Taylor "Swift" isn't even that fast (link)    06/25/24  (3)
Top Zoomer professions: holy fool, court magistrate, fortnite e-sports, paperboy    06/25/24  (5)
Indian bone flute riff plays as you stare at case of Steel Reserve in Buc-ees    06/25/24  (7)
Overhead fan? Box fan? Oven vent?    06/25/24  (2)
5 hour loop of TRUMP doing signature shimmy dance to Auslander Raus (link)    06/25/24  (8)
"Tezcatlipoca could be here", he thought. "I've never been in this maize field b    06/25/24  (14)
Obama would remove his head @ night & float around the WH consorting with demons    06/25/24  (123)
Unassuming Asian woman in flyover menaced by gang of walking testes (CNN)    06/25/24  (4)
The Ecoonomist (link)    06/25/24  (5)
"We others, we Western drivers..."    06/25/24  (1)
Dead lynx on each shoulder. Fox head codpiece    06/25/24  (7)
Oh no not the death march for Mason Paper and Breeding Hole    06/25/24  (2)
disco, rate my dinner tonight, roasted broccoli and burgers    06/25/24  (5)
"Oh, that's just the Christmas carp in the bathtub", TMF lied unconvincingly    06/25/24  (13)
Fake nun cruising bachelor's parties for cock tp    06/25/24  (1)
Rate this Venn diagram of European countries    06/25/24  (3)
My Health Is Slowly Declining...And I Have No Answers For 4 Years (My Post Covid    06/25/24  (3)
I've been having crippling back pain the last week... what could it be?    06/25/24  (3)
i'M BANKING for your Forbidden interest rates    06/25/24  (4)
Hello, airheaded kike kunt department?    06/25/24  (1)
Will someone make an app that alerts us when the AutoAdmit server is working    06/25/24  (4)
Lending is war by other means    06/25/24  (5)
New law will assign your kids extra dads    06/25/24  (2)
the side that's losing is probably the one that won't let its ppl read the news    06/25/24  (1)
Mostly senile boomer family members are standing by waiting for YOUR text messag    06/25/24  (1)
Kenya Protests Are a Blow to Biden’s Embrace of President Ruto    06/25/24  (1)
Sad new bros. One of my dads died. Only have 3 dads now. RIP daddy    06/25/24  (6)
Thoughtful Boomer drops epic “take” after “researching some history” (hu    06/25/24  (3)
Autoadmit, a once functioning web discussion board for disaffected lawyers has b    06/25/24  (4)
Will the economy improve during Biden's second term?    06/25/24  (3)
Still banned from Twitter this sucks    06/25/24  (5)
u walk into ur hotel room and see Luis's thong on the floor    06/25/24  (1)
Hussein Obama seemed like a big disco kinda guy    06/25/24  (1)
Chic's "My Forbidden Lover" blares as Hussein Obama enters the WH rape dungeon    06/25/24  (10)
spiritual, sexual and physical darkness    06/25/24  (1)
Latinx call it a "papi smear"    06/25/24  (3)
Blacks on jet skis    06/25/24  (1)
Lance "Rafa" Nadal Roiding Up For 2024 Paris Olympics At RG #tennis    06/25/24  (11)
Open Gormog.stream in your browser. MPA is in the Magic: The Gathering finals    06/25/24  (13)
I still LOL that U.S. had a covert muslim POTUS for 8 years    06/25/24  (31)
this 78 iq stinky pussy dog woman wants to live in France    06/25/24  (2)
MPA is reverse crabwalking to an epic 7 card finish on GibleTV atm    06/25/24  (1)
Anyone else having a steak tonight?    06/25/24  (9)
A wasted life:( should be on top! Will be! But does it matter?    06/25/24  (1)
Catch my new show "People Things" on GribotgambolputtieTV (formerly AMC.com)    06/25/24  (3)
It''s new show. "Grelp Hunters". Catch it on Gabor. No, it's on Febuc. Uh, Tubor    06/25/24  (8)
Milk for the pussikins    06/25/24  (1)
Sega Stars: Joe Miller    06/25/24  (2)
Call me Rachmiel.    06/25/24  (69)
business penis    06/25/24  (5)
Has anyone used JD mortgage?    06/25/24  (3)
Just how USELESS is law school in preparing for BIGLAW?    06/25/24  (25)
Best style of pizza?    06/25/24  (58)
Swift&Kelce are just glorified proles..too many to list    06/25/24  (1)
Beautyifull cabin crew potluck. Scarlet Johanssen πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°    06/25/24  (1)
USA should launch nukes at enemies like lawn sprinkler. One big array then a    06/25/24  (2)
R. Kelly - Fiesta plays as disco fries covers burned steak in unripened avocado    06/25/24  (8)
journalist exposing teens for leaving skid mark on rainbow painted street    06/25/24  (7)
The greatest benefit of being wealthy must be having a butler/maid    06/25/24  (1)
Assange: “The Northern Marianas Have Been Incredible” (nyt)    06/25/24  (5)
*puts entire generations in front of a screen* "I heard these generate money."    06/25/24  (7)
Do you have wet or dry ear wax?    06/25/24  (16)
I saw millions crushed by the weight of the screen    06/25/24  (7)
What losing Consoles did you actually like    06/25/24  (2)
Post stereotypical wasp, cavalier, and scots irish phenotypes    06/25/24  (6)
For first 500 years we had writing, we didn't even record the names of kings    06/25/24  (18)
the rape of the sabine women    06/25/24  (8)
Rate these "sexy elven women" from the new stable diffusion 3.0    06/25/24  (2)
cowgod, did u attend the mlb game at rickwood field?    06/25/24  (4)
can't wait till tsinah botches a "citizens arrest" and catches a homicide charge    06/25/24  (1)
OldHLSDude has passed    06/25/24  (19)
Az-tech priest standing on Apple Ziggurat: Cut his heart out&feed it to ChatGPT    06/25/24  (1)
This video can't be real, can it?    06/25/24  (26)
boor will u post before+after pics of turkish hairsurgery    06/25/24  (3)
Google search results for "Assange" turns up nothing >48 hours old    06/25/24  (1)
JD Vance, Will Smith, Robert Redford Interstellar bookcase meetup (link):    06/25/24  (1)
Assange plea deal stirs up bitter memories in Morocco    06/25/24  (1)
Jews, Italians and Irish are not white people, XO needs to stop    06/25/24  (10)
Assange's wife tells supporters he needs $90/mo for FiOS    06/25/24  (1)
if you dont have blond hair youre not white.    06/25/24  (16)
Why do people spend 10s of $1000s on fancy closet shelving? Wayfair is same shit    06/25/24  (6)
Worse: east coast hit with 400 nukes or Internet being disabled for all USA?    06/25/24  (1)
Guild navigator 2nd cousin: Folds space; Shrew GF: Needs space    06/25/24  (5)
Lob Associate getting triggered by "Surf & Turf" menu at firm retreat    06/25/24  (7)
What's stopping Russia from blowing up satellites and cutting Internet cables?    06/25/24  (1)
Glen Bell, founder of Taco Bell, had a 7.5 inch penis and 3 balls    06/25/24  (1)
"how much twerking will these lentils pay for?" (guy padding resume in uganda)    06/25/24  (1)
can i get on the waitlist for a black organ donor's penis?    06/25/24  (3)
gibberish what's the latest fuck report    06/25/24  (5)
Moved in with GF for shelter-in-place. Discovered lingerie she's never worn    06/25/24  (15)
cowshit what’s the latest update on the State of Gaming    06/25/24  (58)
For sale: wedding dress, never worn    06/25/24  (7)
Wow an unprecedented HEAT WAVE    06/25/24  (1)
Mandela effect? Natural American Spirits were called Native American Spirits    06/25/24  (2)
Just lost 50k on Ian Miles Cheong's NAMBOKcoim (NBK$)    06/25/24  (4)
Norman Finklestein "sounds off" on gooning (vid)    06/25/24  (10)
Surprised there was never a good chariot racing game    06/25/24  (17)
Poll: how many thousands/millions are you spending on πŸ”₯ fireworks πŸŽ‡πŸŽ†    06/25/24  (1)
How are the poor living with fraudflation..no more stimulus cash&no free phones?    06/25/24  (13)
Today in totally normal and ok behavior for Julian Assange    06/25/24  (1)
Any Devfags know the best industry OCR Parser?    06/25/24  (1)
Shove some $5 McDonald's up ur arse    06/25/24  (2)
Most gun owners are good people    06/25/24  (9)
Hey prole fag get the biggie bag    06/25/24  (1)

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