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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
So trump wants to give foreign student visa holders automatic green cards? WTF?    06/21/24  (3)
JJ Reddick: HC of son's CYO team ==> HC of Lakers.    06/21/24  (4)
mpa ordering waffles & chicken + sprite unironically on juneteenth    06/21/24  (6)
Who the fuck puts cheese on steak    06/21/24  (6)
so Nintendo has 40-50x more Games in the pipeline than Sony?    06/21/24  (14)
Anyone watch the Kendrick "Pop Up" concert last night?    06/21/24  (40)
Hypo: Trump wins, Senate stays D, Clarance Thomas dies shortly thereafter    06/21/24  (8)
If you had to name your child after a US state, which state which sex of child?    06/21/24  (14)
ESTIMATE the MEDIAN zozo IQ itt    06/21/24  (6)
rate this cat resting in some coathangers    06/21/24  (4)
"I'll have the steak. Medium-well please. With a slice of cheese."    06/21/24  (7)
Uh oh losing some ground on my hairline    06/21/24  (3)
Home Ownership Is A Money Pit. But A Pretty CR Way To Spend Discretionary Income    06/21/24  (6)
Thomas is sole dissenter who think wife beaters should be allowed to keep guns    06/21/24  (30)
4chan used to be the premier intelligence forum of the world    06/21/24  (1)
Being poor has made me bitter and angry    06/21/24  (2)
Geert Wilders on Pakistan    06/21/24  (2)
so we're all rooting for the Oilers in game 6, right?    06/21/24  (6)
Lob Hiring Partner Refused To Hire Whitefish    06/21/24  (4)
Varial Flip at 40 years old (CSLG)    06/21/24  (31)
Birdshits... the Houthis? the Houthis? You can't beat the Houthis? The furk...    06/21/24  (1)
McKayla Maroney desperately begging for any attention at this point (link)    06/21/24  (4)
Literotica sales plummet as true crime podcasts proliferate (usa today)    06/21/24  (2)
Why I Don't Smoke Weed    06/21/24  (5)
It's nice just how unrelentingly normal being gay is now    06/21/24  (6)
EPAH, wanna go to Volcanic Strike music festival?    06/21/24  (2)
Any updates on Biden impeachment or “weaponization” inquiry?    06/21/24  (4)
Libs spray paint dozens of Cybertruck ready for delivery with “FUCK ELON”    06/21/24  (3)
does "bussy" mean "butt pussy" or "boy pussy?" happy pride. thank.    06/21/24  (1)
If you thought kids' names were awful in 2024 LJL at the pipeline (link)    06/21/24  (15)
"individuation"= Jews blame you solely for the demented MKUltra stuff that went    06/21/24  (3)
Hold on honey, I'm not ready, I'm undergoing Jungian individuation on the intern    06/21/24  (1)
couldnt you just hook a recently severed human head up to tubes?    06/21/24  (1)
Will Ozempic change American society?    06/21/24  (28)
Tommy got banned on X and had to make a new account (Karlstack)    06/21/24  (7)
life is now simply an unbroken series of kike humiliation rituals until death tp    06/21/24  (11)
Crip Walking Is Better Cardio (Mens Fitness)    06/21/24  (2)
Housing Prices Plummeting (link)    06/21/24  (29)
My Chill Drinking Breh in the Mossad said IDF about to attack Lebanon    06/21/24  (1)
Tom Brady now dating younger much hotter version of Giselle    06/21/24  (6)
holy fuck i hate managing coders    06/21/24  (52)
BAM! your boss offers you a “sex review” in lieu of a normal performance rev    06/21/24  (14)
Matt Stafford’s wife cucked him with his backup QB at Georgia    06/21/24  (68)
Friends, my obesity has absolutely gotten out of control.    06/21/24  (154)
Biopsy results came back yesterday; dx: pancreatic cancer    06/21/24  (117)
North Carolina seems like a 180 place    06/21/24  (35)
"And then I created this Dirty Smelly hole and made men fuck it!" *God joking wi    06/21/24  (2)
British Hindus launch manifesto of demands ahead of UK election    06/21/24  (1)
My first Individuation Process is nearly complete    06/21/24  (2)
Russians build a hill of Hahol corpses to lure more Hahols....    06/21/24  (6)
undergoing jungian individuation tp    06/21/24  (1)
I “get” why people hate Consuela. He is an annoying faggot. It just clicks.    06/21/24  (4)
My wife announced that she is non-binary. We have 4 kids. What the fuck do I do?    06/21/24  (15)
Women are clapping back against their "stare rapists" on TikTok (video)    06/21/24  (6)
Someone explain this “disco fries lied about cancer” saga. I missed that    06/21/24  (7)
absolutely sick of niggers and all their nigger behaviors    06/21/24  (1)
"I'm praying for him," Chuck Schumer sneered nastily    06/21/24  (3)
Rate Meriwether Lewis' 1805 descriptions of encounters with Grizz    06/21/24  (48)
Amerikkkan women are worthless dangerous nut job cases..avoid    06/21/24  (9)
There is no need for farmers in the year 2024 when grocery stores exist.    06/21/24  (4)
Sad reddit thread. 37-yr-old women looking to "meet single men her age"    06/21/24  (24)
Did professor salaries skyrocket w/ cost of higher education in past 20 yrs?    06/21/24  (36)
What's the difference between Mt. Teewinot and Disco Fries?    06/21/24  (8)
They really sexed up Skye in Paw Patrol    06/21/24  (30)
Jew discusses tunnel happenings (vid)    06/21/24  (10)
yo fuck CLE    06/21/24  (1)
White bros MAD as fuck at this video    06/21/24  (4)
TRUMP on All In Podcast, could Biden even talk for 50 minutes like this?    06/21/24  (4)
*leans in and whispers “kikes” in your ear*    06/21/24  (2)
Stop Anti-Turdism    06/21/24  (4)
did i dream former Israel POTUS saying they would "drain america like a calf    06/21/24  (5)
violent nigger here    06/21/24  (7)
I'm gonna go all in on MICRON TECH (MU) #TurdInvesting    06/21/24  (2)
Malfunctioning magnetic collar stays pull man into oncoming traffic, dies (link)    06/21/24  (15)
Gorgeous AZNgirl in Canada gets called "Furking Chinese" by Filthy Pajeeta    06/21/24  (34)
"Need to freshen up" ur 35 year old ONS goes and shoves frozen eggs up her pussy    06/21/24  (11)
"It states '$400: asian pussy.' Did u or did u not authorize that expense?"    06/21/24  (1)
My wife just sent me the Hawk Tuah meme    06/21/24  (1)
lol wait GARY FUCKING BUSEY won an academy award for BEST ACTOR?    06/21/24  (8)
did we ever figure out the “big guy” for whom hunter was saving 10?    06/21/24  (16)
Ukraine loses 3 Leopards, 3 Abrams, 4 Bradleys and HIMARS in one day    06/21/24  (1)
Stanford Law is $74,000 but BOalt now costs $76,000 a year odd case.    06/21/24  (18)
Gen Z gay porn star “Gary Bussy”    06/21/24  (2)
Wildly overpriced new cars don't sell so fake a "cyberattack"??    06/21/24  (1)
Rate Suri Cruise In An MIT T-Shirt & Shorty Shorts, With Her Cohen BF (PIC)    06/21/24  (36)
Check out this guy playing bball with his dick hanging out    06/21/24  (9)
the power of CUM. the power of POO. the power of PEE PEEEE.    06/21/24  (2)
Google “type 3 fun”    06/21/24  (9)
“But I told him to get off the internet. I even called him Jewish.”    06/21/24  (4)
Does alcohol increase T? All the heavy drinkers I know are manly men.    06/21/24  (7)
This place is done    06/21/24  (1)
Biden calling lid on the next week so doctors can prepare him for debate    06/21/24  (16)
*gives lib pumo a thumbs up like one does with downsy grocery bag boy*    06/21/24  (2)
Carl Schmitt was a bootlicking, compromised fag and a terrible writer HTH    06/21/24  (14)
black wall street traders buying otc stocks from cashier behind protective glass    06/21/24  (10)
Market records, low unemployment, manufacturing booming. Thanks Joe!    06/21/24  (1)
"Wow, economics is really profound, senor" (Mex Fridman)    06/21/24  (6)
What's a legit place to buy a gun?    06/21/24  (12)
lob friend calling a lid on boiling pot    06/21/24  (1)
SI: a day after brutally crushing the yankees, the orioles have a "type"    06/21/24  (1)
Serious Q: What is THE BEST Dave Matthews Band song/performance combo?    06/21/24  (31)
Lob Partner Asked The Judge For A Motion To Dismiss Herring    06/21/24  (1)
Trying to mediate disputes between your multiple alts and personalities tp    06/21/24  (5)
Cons now complaining it’s not fair that everyone keeps underestimating Biden    06/21/24  (1)
Are you a beta, omega, gamma, delta or x-ray male?    06/21/24  (2)
Guy interviews Gen Z in MFH about their thoughts on Biden deepfakes (link)    06/21/24  (1)
Boom should I move to Iowa City & get instructor job at "the U"?    06/21/24  (5)
Karen, want me to shoot some cock snot all over your shithole?    06/21/24  (1)
Trump Media stock surging today    06/21/24  (7)
(The Weeknd) Your man on the board, he browsin' xoxo    06/21/24  (1)
Check out this boomer playing pickleball with his dick hanging out    06/21/24  (1)
"I'd set her on fire before she lays eggs," BOM blurts out randomly on a bus    06/21/24  (133)
Deep state keeps going after republicans, charges top MI House Rep w 3 felonies    06/21/24  (4)
Drone observes herd of orcs entering their lair. Never guess what happens next!    06/21/24  (2)
RATE Demi Moore, 61, With Her 26yo BBC BF (PICS)    06/21/24  (2)
Eating girls out is a completely absurd proposition these days. Why do this?    06/21/24  (1)
Eating out is a completely absurd proposition these days. Why do this?    06/21/24  (17)
Hawk tuah nationalism now!    06/21/24  (1)
Tommy, what happened in 2010 at Biggler Mendelfather?    06/21/24  (1)
Girl I fucked last night used a female condom. it was disgusting    06/21/24  (83)
Going to XO St. Tropez TOMORROW! Taking Soo CR Qs (RSF)    06/21/24  (48)
rate this slutty travel shrew (video)    06/21/24  (1)
Rate this scan of my feet    06/21/24  (13)
My dad is going to live to 100 and stiff me and my sibs    06/21/24  (29)
May my enemies wives adopt a pit bull that stares at their kids & drools    06/21/24  (6)
The military has delta force. Why don’t they have gamma force (with hegemon)?    06/21/24  (1)
all your Teams/Zoom call videos will be played at your funeral on movie screen    06/21/24  (2)
a 42 year old "man" hunched over staring at screens for 16 hours a day    06/21/24  (5)
RSF's DD titties are just SO FUCKING MILKABLE    06/21/24  (13)
Zoomer Neale Hurston: Their Screens Were Watching God    06/21/24  (8)
"xoxohth.com" Would Like To Use Your Current Location. Options: Allow/OK    06/21/24  (14)
You're creating these fraud celebs/billionaires/wiggers by being retarded    06/21/24  (1)
Spending money is retarded..making criminal frauds celebs/billionaires is retard    06/21/24  (1)
"Youre young," your grandma says. "Go out. Have fun. Stare at women."    06/21/24  (4)
*Dan Carlin quote voice* 'The men stared into the blackness of benzo's fuckhole    06/21/24  (5)
Sounds like many don't have a fucking clue or are outright flame    06/21/24  (1)
Rate LAs new luxury high rise homeless Shelter    06/21/24  (61)
Enjoy having your fucking blood spilled all over amerikkkan roads stupid fucks    06/21/24  (3)
You better break this fucking manipulation and control u fucking suckers    06/21/24  (1)
Clarence Thomas: thugs should be able to buy guns!    06/21/24  (3)
Sports fraud really won't stop..now you will be able 2 be buried in stadium ljl    06/21/24  (2)
Going to play 18 and stare at 19 y/o cart girl asses and tits    06/21/24  (10)
RATE Brooke Burke, 52, In A Bikini (PICS)    06/21/24  (4)
my emotions hurt    06/21/24  (1)
Wisconsin SCOTUS: Sidewalks are not "pedestrian ways"    06/21/24  (27)
Trump says he’ll give automatic green cards to all community college graduates    06/21/24  (16)
(((They))) don’t want men having sex with females in “America”    06/21/24  (7)
Protip: if you have sons, let them get morbidly obese ages 6-12    06/21/24  (40)
Trumpmos: TEN COMMANDMENTS EVERYWHERE! Also: Adulterer Trump is 180!    06/21/24  (12)

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