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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Golf bros, anyone else like buying golf clubs just as much as playing golf?    09/14/24  (23)
which musicians have the best phenotype? by instrument    09/14/24  (8)
Consuela I ran 45 miles this week, 6x vaxxed. When heart explode?    09/14/24  (5)
is surfing even that hard?    09/14/24  (10)
Wikipedia entry on Santeria is 70 pages long. Libs are trying to legitimize it.    09/14/24  (6)
The Churchill Meltdown and Its Lessons    09/14/24  (8)
Rate IMAGE of Disco Fries attempting to summit Teewinot Mountain(not flame)    09/14/24  (10)
New ChatGPT crushes LSAT, qualifies for US math olympiad    09/14/24  (30)
Emilio runs the “Thinking West” Twitter page (link)    09/14/24  (27)
1# most accurate 2020 pollster: Trump wins popular vote by 3%    09/14/24  (8)
ACC countersuing Clemson, FSU for fraudulent misrepresentation    09/14/24  (2)
Student Debt Still Weighing Down Gen X    09/14/24  (14)
"Tourism"=retarded concept    09/14/24  (6)
Yo dawg you try that new weed flavor Hazelnut Holocaust yet? It slaps fr fr    09/14/24  (1)
Notre Dame is a Jekyll and Hyde team    09/14/24  (3)
The Cage Match of the Human Condition: Boom/Mainlining/Evan39/Disco Fries    09/14/24  (13)
“Biglaw Despair: Mainlining the Last Flame”    09/14/24  (28)
Trump Can Only Watch as His Media Stake Takes a $4 Billion Dive    09/14/24  (1)
Ukraine invaded Kursk again..from a different direction (link)    09/14/24  (2)
russian drone operator records a “death message” before an attack (video)    09/14/24  (2)
So Trump is going to win his third straight general election?    09/14/24  (2)
Law Website for Mentally Ill Homosexuals    09/14/24  (5)
Wow Florida State! Go Huskers    09/14/24  (1)
"Chingada Madre Finding Himself In Boom's 'House of Horrors'"    09/14/24  (15)
worthless 0-3 garbage makes me sick    09/14/24  (2)
Haven't seen FSU Seminoles get raped & murdered like that since Ted Bundy    09/14/24  (3)
FSU paying mike norvell $11M & dj ukulele $1M this season for 0-3    09/14/24  (1)
"Give us your tired, your poor" replaced by "They're eating the dogs"    09/14/24  (5)
What's it like for shitlib parents trying to explain Haitians to their kids?    09/14/24  (10)
Evil demon woman    09/14/24  (1)
RATING POSTERS as things Laura Loomer would probably say on twitter    09/14/24  (154)
Matt Taibby writing blistering expose of media cover-up of Springfield cat eatin    09/14/24  (3)
Crazy there's 1 religion that's correct and 1 guy started it    09/14/24  (3)
demon women    09/14/24  (3)
We have a delicious roast Tabby tonight; it is street fed and aged 10 days    09/14/24  (1)
Philosophers: ever heard of "spiritism?"    09/14/24  (1)
Realtalk: China sucks and will never lead civilization    09/14/24  (46)
So NSAM is a schizophrenic govt employee in Arlington Virginia?    09/14/24  (1)
Sports where the pros aren’t even the most talented at their sport    09/14/24  (1)
Bbboom will Nebra$ka beat the 'Panther$' today?    09/14/24  (1)
Rufo offers $5000 for proof Haitians in Springfield are eating cats    09/14/24  (35)
Proof of Haitian eating a cat in Ohio    09/14/24  (1)
Is Darryl Cooper cr?    09/14/24  (38)
Population of Tallahassee fleeing, seeking asylum in Port-Au-Prince    09/14/24  (1)
Need a young stud to go GORILLA MODE on my anus    09/14/24  (1)
Iowa Hawkfraud$ barely holding their own against TTTroy TTTrojans    09/14/24  (2)
Can’t wait till this shithole message board dies forever    09/14/24  (10)
“Soup” is prole trash food and I’m tired of pretending otherwise    09/14/24  (46)
Indians Demand FSU Change Name: "Frankly, we're insulted by the comparison    09/14/24  (1)
rach can we just ban all lib poasters then rape and murder their families    09/14/24  (19)
China is fucked no matter what happens    09/14/24  (166)
I squanched my son and he liked iiiit / the taste of his kimchi ricehoal    09/14/24  (14)
JWST becomes self-aware, renames self FraudCam, zooms in on Tallahassee    09/14/24  (1)
0-12 FSU DEMANDING playoff berth    09/14/24  (13)
Unscramble these words: (1) BUTSXET (2) PNEIS    09/14/24  (7)
Travis Kelce endorses Kamala    09/14/24  (1)
Signs of fall: leaves change, pumpkin lattes, Wisc Badgers exposed as frauds    09/14/24  (2)
FSU is as weak as that button on TSINAH’s shirt    09/14/24  (2)
Trump’s most famous quote will be “THEY’RE EATING THE DOGS”    09/14/24  (65)
It's time for me to be a plaything and fucktoy. Wish me luck.    09/14/24  (1)
Life is nonstop stress and misery once you have kids    09/14/24  (96)
RCP not gonna publish any of these    09/14/24  (1)
I don't think I'll maek it    09/14/24  (24)
How long would you last with me and evan39 going to work on your dick?    09/14/24  (1)
Romans used to do Etruscan land acknowledgements before many ceremonies    09/14/24  (4)
xo philosophy scholars are really fucking ignorant about GERMAN | PHILOSOPHY    09/14/24  (1)
Why aren’t “private equity” leeches being dragged into street + lynched?    09/14/24  (2)
Plato is obsolete    09/14/24  (49)
Why are there woman with powerful energy    09/14/24  (2)
Demonic woman incarnations    09/14/24  (2)
Why Men Hate Kamala    09/14/24  (21)
"Life" is a retard test, and YOU'RE failing!    09/14/24  (1)
I'm going to outlive RSF (much younger than him) and go to his shiva (Hyman)    09/14/24  (3)
Ok bitches I'm gonna read some German authors tonight    09/14/24  (2)
"An AutoAdmit Tale: Eternal Sunshine of Evan39's Mind"    09/14/24  (4)
How would California know that a business paid me?    09/14/24  (46)
IRL memes that are fucking funny    09/14/24  (3)
Why is Trump beating Kamala 58% to 24% among ISRAELIS?    09/14/24  (5)
Nowhere in recorded history do we know of people who raised cats for food    09/14/24  (1)
Can't wait to get umichvoter's latest tease tweet!    09/14/24  (1)
It's ABSURD to think anyone who eats cats doesn't also eat dogs    09/14/24  (1)
Saw an insanely attractive woman at the beach today with a musbro    09/14/24  (1)
Did Trump get super fat recently?    09/14/24  (1)
"benching DJ would interfere w his NIL contracts- i'd be liable." - mike norvell    09/14/24  (3)
Trump CRUSHES Kamala in latest poll:    09/14/24  (3)
Really wish this article wasn't so LONG so that EPAH could respond    09/14/24  (1)
Insane that all the PUA and redpill guys from the early 2010's were 100% right    09/14/24  (108)
Bought the little fucker an iPad. He's calling it a "porn square" at school    09/14/24  (3)
RSF took DAT CLOT SHOT so he could travelshrew and eat and drink indoors in MFH    09/14/24  (1)
we need pitcher/cultural critic John Rocker now more than ever    09/14/24  (2)
OYT what's the update on Black gf    09/14/24  (19)
I’m voting for the bad bitch    09/14/24  (1)
Pic of Laura Loomer in 2017 (NSFL):    09/14/24  (4)
Can someone give me a TLDR on the MGTOW PUA "books"    09/14/24  (2)
Roman Catholicism ended today    09/14/24  (37)
lmao that Trump said it during a debate so now they have to defend it    09/14/24  (12)
itt choose ur top 3 phenotypes    09/14/24  (11)
My son dared me to take the Paqui Chip Challenge. Didn't go well (disco fries)    09/14/24  (32)
Trumpmos why wont Trump debate Kamala again?    09/14/24  (15)
Being God's favorite Christian is hard sometimes    09/14/24  (5)
currently attempting to become the best in the world at this flash game:    09/14/24  (61)
If you're an xo poaster, I want to use your dick to cum    09/14/24  (1)
Conner Weigman facing another season-ending injury jfc    09/14/24  (1)
Holy shit lmao    09/14/24  (1)
looking for a credited turtleneck brand    09/14/24  (3)
Kamala knows she has this in the bag -- operating from a position of power now    09/14/24  (1)
Boomers who sit around drinking not doing shit bitching about their Gen X kids    09/14/24  (2)
Kumar Rocker (born 11-22-99) is an American pro athlete and son of former MLB re    09/14/24  (3)
FizzKidd and Karlstack hooking up on break from Panda Express & Tim Horton's    09/14/24  (12)
Which founding father would've been most opposed to the Internet?    09/14/24  (2)
Trump had some good answers and did well for the first third and the end    09/14/24  (7)
lol lsu    09/14/24  (6)
Why do I have AIDS    09/14/24  (4)
The JEWS since WW2 have done a SlowMo Destruction of Western Civ    09/14/24  (4)
birdshits have no independent existence separate from jews tp    09/14/24  (1)
"DJ Uli-- oo-ee-- u-not gonna be quarterbacking here any more!"    09/14/24  (2)
who are the top 5 philosophers of all time    09/14/24  (138)
cowshit you suck imo    09/14/24  (24)
I am for moderately conservative Jews who want Israel to keep existing    09/14/24  (1)
🚨 TommyT 🚨 I walked by the lizard enclosure at the zoo this morning    09/14/24  (6)
realizing i'll be a millionaire in 2024, feel nothing (benzo)    09/14/24  (118)
Peter Thiel’s ideas all come from cowshit posts    09/14/24  (3)
benzo, is it still one week "tops" until you're a millionaire?    09/14/24  (13)
In the market for a convertible - recs?    09/14/24  (4)
Black Wall Street: Sloth is good    09/14/24  (6)
FSU worthless 0-3 garbage    09/14/24  (2)
Chad with criminal record for beating women has 800 matches in 48 hours    09/14/24  (28)
dear racists, you eat birds too.    09/14/24  (2)
Memphis to Florida State: "Turn around so I can finish on your face."    09/14/24  (15)
Today in Trumpworld, Laura Loomer is called a faggot by nazis on a bridge (link)    09/14/24  (2)
Gorgeous KAMALA does 2nd Interview, knocks it out of CRICKET stadium    09/14/24  (6)
Elon Mush to Gavin Newscum "and while ur down there dont ignore my scrotum"    09/14/24  (1)
Karlstack go to Springfield, Ohio now    09/14/24  (29)
Do you Birdshits realize how FOOLISH Trump makes the US look?    09/14/24  (29)
JAKARTA-BANDUNG High Speed Rail for $7b is highly retarded    09/14/24  (3)
Herb Dean dead at 61    09/14/24  (3)
Lol at the entire MSM going after Laura Loomer now    09/14/24  (1)
If US slaves weren't well fed they would eat cats and dogs too.    09/14/24  (1)
How much does a Managing Director at this firm make?    09/14/24  (9)
US arguing over whether Niggas eat Dogs while Country burns to Ground    09/14/24  (1)
Trump's gonna win    09/14/24  (9)
BIRDSHIT women are going to Marriage Markets in China looking for Chink Husband    09/14/24  (3)
All media has to do is go ask those Haitians if they’re eating cats and dgos    09/14/24  (1)
Chris Rudi Confirms Migrants Are Eating Cats    09/14/24  (43)
My Week 3 CFB parlay: Oregon State +16.5, Wazzu +4.5, Colorado State +7.5    09/14/24  (6)
Revising my opinion: Trump won the debate, HTH shitlib kikes (TBF)    09/14/24  (7)

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