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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
amazing how many Roman emperors were assassinated    09/16/24  (35)
Proof that Italians are nonwhites:    09/16/24  (7)
OK, we know Italians aren't white, but are they human?    09/16/24  (3)
we know italians aren't white, but what about the french?    09/16/24  (4)
ITALIANS AREN'T WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1    09/16/24  (3)
South Korea's fertility rate is LITERALLY 0.78. lmaoooooo nyuujew    09/16/24  (18)
women are prole as fuck now    09/16/24  (13)
Italy mortality rate proves Italians are NIGGERS    09/16/24  (6)
FYI you'd still have a lot of problems even if you had a big cock    09/16/24  (2)
Our brilliant military leaders: “Looks like tanks are obsolete against drones.    09/16/24  (25)
Conclusive proof that Italians are savages and are not white:    09/16/24  (13)
Just so we are clear, Italians are basically black people    09/16/24  (4)
azngirl, do you realize that greeks/italians aren't fully white?    09/16/24  (16)
Why do some people assume that italians are 100% white?    09/16/24  (33)
is The Time Machine (1960) a dissident film?    09/16/24  (2)
"We had ancient civilization.. in Rome!!" Also Birdshits: "Italians aren't white    09/16/24  (14)
does nyuug make any serious poasts anymore? or is it just mentally ill trolling    09/16/24  (1)
why do these faggot shitlibs only let me keep half of what I make? (TSINAH)    09/16/24  (28)
Elle Emhoff engaged    09/16/24  (1)
Mark Cuban wants to buy Twitter    09/16/24  (8)
Looks like bloodthirsty Ukrainecucks like RSF are domestic terrorists now    09/16/24  (1)
What Europeans count as white?    09/16/24  (75)
This stupid fag never recruited anyone    09/16/24  (2)
"Cities" are the most cucked places imaginable    09/16/24  (1)
daily reminder to tedcruz: latinos are NOT white    09/16/24  (14)
REMINDER: Obama is white    09/16/24  (14)
nyuug's settling petty scores with poasters who don't poast or see his bumps    09/16/24  (40)
Asians who were adopted by whites should never go back    09/16/24  (36)
Better Film: The Prestige or No Country for Old Men    09/16/24  (28)
irish people are not white    09/16/24  (22)
Russians are about 15%-20% Mongolian. That's not White.    09/16/24  (28)
This chink USNA grad with a fob accent has a more ALPHA resume than most of xo    09/16/24  (31)
nothing matters and absolutely nothing is worth doing ever    09/16/24  (28)
brown eyes = not white    09/16/24  (45)
if you dont have blond hair youre not white.    09/16/24  (36)
What’s your net worth?    09/16/24  (1)
RATE my view, last proper summer weekend SoF (RSF)    09/16/24  (45)
When cons say Obama was divisive they just mean “not white”    09/16/24  (54)
In NYC Can an in shape 40 year old sleep w mid 20s dime pieces?    09/16/24  (8)
Woman charged w/DUI after killing 2 while car was in self driving mode    09/16/24  (11)
Where should I go in NYC to bang chicks? NYU bars?    09/16/24  (11)
"yeah, ok, sure, but can i get an odious internet jew's hot take on this?"    09/16/24  (3)
If you've changed monikers to be unrecognizable >3x/yr, you're deranged/shitlib    09/16/24  (19)
Jews, Italians and Irish are not white people, XO needs to stop    09/16/24  (41)
Real Talk: RSF Prob Doesn't Know If He's Halachically Jewish, Prob Doesn't Care    09/16/24  (50)
Greeks are not white! hth    09/16/24  (52)
visiting nyc...wanna get laid. where do i go?    09/16/24  (16)
Lib crushed to death tearing down bronze Jefferson statue    09/16/24  (84)
Will libs attack the founding fathers next    09/16/24  (4)
Only a matter of time before Korea imports immigrants b/c of low birth rates    09/16/24  (10)
whites in shitlib counties have korean-level birth rates:    09/16/24  (8)
srs q why are east asian birth rates so low?    09/16/24  (53)
High IQ and ability to react in real time are not correlated    09/16/24  (50)
BP, just take me back. I’ve changed. I’m a better woman now.    09/16/24  (16)
South Korean birth rate plunges to all-time low    09/16/24  (62)
S. Korea birth rate is 0.8. They are truly fucked.    09/16/24  (68)
South Korean birth rate is 1.3 NYUUG explain?    09/16/24  (38)
South Korea Births down 11.5, birth rate down to 0.70 - Lolercausting Hard    09/16/24  (32)
Korea's birth rate drive struggles to sway 'YOLO' generation    09/16/24  (4)
What did Jesus say about South Korea's Birth Rate?    09/16/24  (11)
What exactly is NYUUG's defense of low S.Korea birth rate?    09/16/24  (6)
Very online Trumpmo gets visit from FBI for threats, films the convo    09/16/24  (23)
Another Chad stood me up tonight :( What am I doing wrong? (FizzKidd)    09/16/24  (5)
"Touch grass," the basement virgin told the other basement virgin    09/16/24  (4)
Dog strollers outpace baby strollers in Korea, leaving officials fuming mad (lin    09/16/24  (3)
AM I BEING DETAINED    09/16/24  (2)
TT where exactly were you during the most recent assassination attempt?    09/16/24  (1)
Bing Crosby “kill yourselves” to the tune of silver bells    09/16/24  (158)
why does the cost of living keep going up?    09/16/24  (15)
Samuels-Baumeister is going insane tonight. Did daddy finally cut him off?    09/16/24  (2)
Why is FBI/CIA getting such retards for the assassination attempts?    09/16/24  (3)
how important is assassin-deflection game as potus?    09/16/24  (23)
Ukraine has HIMARS, Abrams, Leopards, Patriots and F-16s, still fights like shit    09/16/24  (1)
One weird trick to defeat Secret Service: Show up 12 hours before    09/16/24  (4)
Meet de people from Ghana who dey eat cats and dogs    09/16/24  (1)
Tommy if you love China so much why don’t you live there?    09/16/24  (24)
Anyone here BIO-HACKING? If so, what are you doing?    09/16/24  (1)
rate these blacks fighting at Balthazar in nyc (link)    09/16/24  (20)
Going to just keep buying INTC (Intel) stock    09/16/24  (20)
CHINA WON which is why Birdshits BIG MAD 🐶    09/16/24  (89)
WaPo: The pussy bow vs. the big red tie (Link)    09/16/24  (1)
Note from the moderators: Nobody cares what your net worth is    09/16/24  (1)
Trump's polls have absolutely collapsed.    09/16/24  (9)
buy INTC    09/16/24  (2)
A redditor asked me “why wouldn’t you buy the game digitally”    09/16/24  (23)
Wet dey new man du Haiti bin sneakin em cats dat crazy island flavor em all love    09/16/24  (1)
yas peeing on your chest while harper rims ur asshole    09/16/24  (1)
Tesla Nightmare - LJL at morons driving these deathtraps    09/16/24  (61)
Bitchtits fuckhole cunt nugget    09/16/24  (3)
Nippon tp what's the Lay Of The Land currently re: the Asian Pussy Situation    09/16/24  (2)
Retarded faggot nigger    09/16/24  (6)
Ricky and I are going to be roommates in NYC    09/16/24  (3)
last real lib on xo here (not false flag). taking qs.    09/16/24  (10)
noticeably low status TSINAH tp    09/16/24  (1)
I just don't see Kamala winning    09/16/24  (2)
Ten more Springfield residents sign AFFIDAVITS that their pets were eaten (link)    09/16/24  (23)
Bryce Young officially benched. This guy getting drafted #1 = sports is fraud    09/16/24  (34)
Tesla FSD literally drives me 99% of the time for just $100/month    09/16/24  (29)
(Creed voice) PET SACRIFIIIIIICE    09/16/24  (1)
"dating" creates an economic deadweight loss of several trillion $ per year    09/16/24  (27)
ITT: I give you a hypo and you must choose a city to live in    09/16/24  (85)
cat lady liberals really facing a catch 22 here    09/16/24  (1)
Boomers can go to college for free even now, lol at millennials    09/16/24  (5)
Haitian Batman remake contains controversial Catwoman nyotaimori scene    09/16/24  (3)
So Wha Iffen Dey Be Eatin da Cats (The Dayton Daily News)    09/16/24  (4)
⚠ Your connection to this site is not secure    09/16/24  (2)
Mar-A-Lago issues new, Haitian-inspired menu from Chef RFK Jr (link)    09/16/24  (4)
Spielberg was considered best director until Tarantino displaced him    09/16/24  (3)
DEN DEY EAT DA WOOF WOOF    09/16/24  (8)
THEY'RE EATING CATS MEE MAW    09/16/24  (1)
I just topped Disco Fries famous evening at Outback Steakhouse.    09/16/24  (3)
Better Film: Running Man or Total Recall    09/16/24  (6)
To the tune of Poison ‘Talk Dirty to Me’: MOCK/THREATEN/DEFAME    09/16/24  (9)
Vice President Papa Shango    09/16/24  (4)
i delayed gratification for 28 years so i could sit alone 24/7 in new york city    09/16/24  (73)
TMF & MND hosting weekly salon of intellectuals & artists in their Yonkers home    09/16/24  (238)
trump/vance clearly trying to lose    09/16/24  (1)
Human sacrifice scheme    09/16/24  (1)
"wet-leasing" is the most cringe kike term ive ever heard holy shit    09/16/24  (6)
help! i’ve committed suicide successfully!    09/16/24  (4)
Now That’s What I Call A Classic Anti-Semitic Trope    09/16/24  (3)
Over 50% of airplanes are 'leased' jfc    09/16/24  (1)
Western healthcare has disrupted the cycles of generational turnover    09/16/24  (1)
Better Film: The Master (2012) or Nightcrawler (2014)    09/16/24  (5)
Disturbing how quickly libs resort to political violence to achieve their goals    09/16/24  (3)
Michael Richards, "MPA" (12th generation Puritan), marrying Xing Quak ("FizzKidd    09/16/24  (17)
movie idea: polar express but the train is carrying jews not gifts    09/16/24  (2)
Imagine how EASY doing another 9-11 will be with DRONES    09/16/24  (8)
National Review's former EIC drops n-bomb on Megyn Kelly show    09/16/24  (13)
u watching mass drone terror attack on live TV: "i heard about this on xoxo! :D    09/16/24  (1)
*tears* *sniffle* the weed is TOO STRONG    09/16/24  (1)
We need shitty 5% THC 70s 80s weed back to save America    09/16/24  (6)
vape in mouth. safety dildo inserted up ass. tesla fsd cuck mode engaged    09/16/24  (2)
Better movie: Schindler's List or Dumb & Dumber    09/16/24  (6)
If you’re Jewish and you know it say “My Man!”    09/16/24  (5)
bottom lobster tp    09/16/24  (5)
Anyone w job w zero room for growth, advancement or more $? Bizarre feeling.    09/16/24  (50)
when thread doesn't get bumped quickly u know ur enemy is working on long reply    09/16/24  (6)
"No Babe, Our Ancestry.com Sub Isnt For Our Family. This Rich Guy From A Law For    09/16/24  (1)
𝙉𝙞𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙈𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙮 🦍🎺🎉    09/16/24  (43)
“It’s a rare strain” *hands you most popular global strain*    09/16/24  (1)
(To the tune of Black Hole Sun) My wife's son, full of cum. Lots of rectal pain    09/16/24  (107)
Trump Jr. ditched the dusty old pussy for a 37 year old socialite (DM)    09/16/24  (49)
michelle pfeiffer in a latex catsuit straddling u on the sofa while u watch curb    09/16/24  (2)
to the tune of "Hey Jude": Day crewwwww / you're fucking faaaaaags / if you all    09/16/24  (107)
Messaged all my parent groups, “Does anyone want to date my dad?”    09/16/24  (7)
I shouted out, "Are you Jewish, my man?" When after all, it was DBG    09/16/24  (5)
Hyman, my man (to tune of Beatles - Michelle)    09/16/24  (4)

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