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Have you noticed the way we think is 'coded'?

If you input a certain variable (thought or idea), you'll ge...
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Date: November 8th, 2024 1:19 PM
Author: ..,..,..,..,,...,,..,..

If you input a certain variable (thought or idea), you'll get the same reaction 90%+ of the time. But how folks react also depends on the environment they're in.

So if you throw out a specific topic on reddit, we'll see a pretty predictable response. The reactions feed off each other--newbies watch how others react and pick up on that behavior, basically adding it to their own "code."

Then, if those same people move to a different setting, they'll pick up on the new behavior there and adjust how they act and react. It's like we're all just running different scripts depending on where we are and who we're around.

The question is, who wrote the original code? Whoever it was, they did it so well that we can't even see the purpose of the experiment, let alone figure out how to opt out of this game.

And maybe that's the trick—-convincing us that we're the ones in control when really, we're just running the programs we've been handed.

Every move we make, every reaction we have, feels like a choice, but is it? Or are we just following the scripts that were set in motion long before we realized there was a game being played?


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Date: November 8th, 2024 1:23 PM
Author: Mig

Yeah mate


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Date: November 8th, 2024 1:28 PM
Author: Ass Sunstein

Wake up, sheeple!
