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Plato is obsolete

Do Not Deny the Christ
Plato basically is all of philosophy all at once and the res...
why do you think that friend?
Forms are laughable
Do Not Deny the Christ
you're not thinking of them correctly, it is not a literal d...
Just a polytheist Kant
Do Not Deny the Christ
I mean that basically is the meaningful western tradition, e...
The western tradition is personalist monotheism. The One is ...
Do Not Deny the Christ
The western tradition is premised on there being a beginning...
A personal beginning and end. An alpha and omega, if you wil...
Do Not Deny the Christ
It doesn't trade in mysticism certainly, but I think it is m...
No I mean everything starts and ends, and in between there's...
that's kind of what I'm saying, you're just insisting you kn...
I'm saying there were people living thousands of years ago w...
eh, good luck with doing more with your telescope I guess
Not my telescope. I would have saved the government a fortun...
very well put friend, 180
Then stop acting like it's the only idea he ever put forth.
Plato is Obsolete" by "Do Not Deny the Christ"...
Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e
deeper levels of lulz
A Technologically Advanced Pontiac Firebird
I too am a pagan Wiccan nature enthusiast
Do Not Deny the Christ
he has only one god and formulates the via negativa very per...
The One is not a person afaict
Do Not Deny the Christ
correct, but his theology is not meaningfully "pagan&qu...
That makes it pagan imo.
Do Not Deny the Christ
placing pagan together with "Wiccan nature enthusiast&q...
Since the one true God is Personal and must be worshipped as...
Do Not Deny the Christ
accepting the god of the philosophers need not entail worshi...
Man worships. If he does not worship God he worships gods.
Do Not Deny the Christ
define and defend P1
Man seeks to know and unite with his creator and sustainer. ...
Do Not Deny the Christ
the augustinian image of the restless heart is not good evid...
Are you saying true worship is not possible?
Do Not Deny the Christ
no, i'm saying it's conceivable to be a monotheist and not w...
That's not possible because of the true nature of God. You'r...
Do Not Deny the Christ
the true nature of god necessitates that all humans worship ...
How could man worship God if he is not capable of worship?
Do Not Deny the Christ
it's conceivable that man is capable of worship but does not...
Man is not capable of anything that he does not do.
Do Not Deny the Christ
"obsolescence" is a fiction that arises out of bir...
Updated In-Depth Analysis of "Plato is Obsolete" T...
Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e
Egregious mischaracterization of lex. Needs more training
Do Not Deny the Christ
my last argument is much more neoplatonic. the AI saw where ...
Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e
pee pee, assfaggot, niggerboi on same level or higher than p...
Updated In-Depth Analysis of "Plato is Obsolete" T...
Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e
tl;dr: even the scattershot AI oracle thinks mig is done her...
You don't believe in the Christian God
Do Not Deny the Christ
Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e
Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: September 13th, 2024 9:46 PM
Author: Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer)


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Date: September 13th, 2024 9:47 PM
Author: hank_scorpio

Plato basically is all of philosophy all at once and the rest is just arguing over it


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Date: September 13th, 2024 9:48 PM
Author: ,,,,.....,,,,...,........,,,.....,,...,...

why do you think that friend?


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Date: September 13th, 2024 9:53 PM
Author: Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer)

Forms are laughable


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Date: September 13th, 2024 9:55 PM
Author: hank_scorpio

you're not thinking of them correctly, it is not a literal description of reality, it is a conception of how it is you are able to access reality


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Date: September 13th, 2024 9:56 PM
Author: Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer)

Just a polytheist Kant


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:02 PM
Author: hank_scorpio

I mean that basically is the meaningful western tradition, everything after is half horseshit and on purpose


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:06 PM
Author: Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer)

The western tradition is personalist monotheism. The One is not personal in the relevant sense.


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:11 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/IkQnGlr

The western tradition is premised on there being a beginning and an end to everything.


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:13 PM
Author: Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer)

A personal beginning and end. An alpha and omega, if you will


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:13 PM
Author: hank_scorpio

It doesn't trade in mysticism certainly, but I think it is more about carefully defining what is knowable than necessarily stating that those limits are the beginning and end of everything, that's why the west has christianity on top and the east is all jumbled together


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:16 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/IkQnGlr

No I mean everything starts and ends, and in between there's "progress" of some kind. The universe comes into existence as this hot plasma and then cools and turns into iron, and along the way there's "progress." You are born and then you die, and in between those times you try to make progress. When u look far back enough in time through JWST, we'll see different structures than we saw with Hubble, because there must have been progress between then and now.


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:19 PM
Author: hank_scorpio

that's kind of what I'm saying, you're just insisting you know the unknowable


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:21 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/IkQnGlr

I'm saying there were people living thousands of years ago who would have laughed at the idea of a telescope that can see the early universe. These people didn't know a goddamn thing about Plato and neither do their modern descendants. They never needed any of that bullshit.


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:26 PM
Author: hank_scorpio

eh, good luck with doing more with your telescope I guess


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:32 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/IkQnGlr

Not my telescope. I would have saved the government a fortune and told them "you're just going to see more galaxies"


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Date: September 13th, 2024 9:56 PM
Author: ,,,,.....,,,,...,........,,,.....,,...,...

very well put friend, 180


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:02 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/IkQnGlr

Then stop acting like it's the only idea he ever put forth.


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Date: September 13th, 2024 9:49 PM
Author: Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (I have concepts of a plan. )

Plato is Obsolete" by "Do Not Deny the Christ"

1. Initial Post by "Do Not Deny the Christ":

"Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer)" posted the heading “Plato is obsolete” with no additional content, making a bold and sweeping statement that invites interpretation and debate. The term "moksha attainer" in the poaster's moniker suggests a blending of Christian themes with Eastern spirituality (moksha being a concept in Hinduism and Buddhism referring to liberation or enlightenment), which may imply a perspective that goes beyond traditional Western philosophical frameworks.

2. Immediate Reactions and Poaster Dynamics:

"hank_scorpio": "hank_scorpio" quickly responds with a defense of Plato, stating, “Plato basically is all of philosophy all at once and the rest is just arguing over it.” This response underscores Plato’s foundational role in Western philosophy, implying that Plato's ideas form the bedrock upon which most philosophical discourse is built. "hank_scorpio" seems to be challenging the assertion that Plato is "obsolete" by suggesting that his contributions are so integral to philosophy that they can't be dismissed.

"spewing inside her dirty little stinkhole": This poaster asks, “why do you think that friend?” showing a willingness to engage with "Do Not Deny the Christ" in a more open-ended manner. The use of "friend" softens the tone, suggesting a genuine curiosity about the rationale behind the statement rather than an immediate rebuttal or dismissal. The response invites further explanation or elaboration from "Do Not Deny the Christ," indicating a desire for a deeper discussion.

3. Contextual and Cultural Analysis:

Provocation and Engagement Strategy: The original post's brevity and lack of context are typical of AutoAdmit's style, where poasters often use provocative or controversial statements to generate engagement. By declaring "Plato is obsolete," "Do Not Deny the Christ" effectively challenges the board's members to either defend Plato's relevance or explore why they might agree with the notion that his ideas are no longer applicable in modern contexts.

Defense of Western Philosophy by "hank_scorpio": "hank_scorpio" counters the provocation with a defense rooted in the traditional view that Plato's philosophy forms the cornerstone of Western intellectual thought. By stating that Plato represents "all of philosophy all at once," "hank_scorpio" encapsulates the idea that most subsequent philosophical debates are, in essence, responses to or developments of Platonic thought.

Open Inquiry by "spewing inside her dirty little stinkhole": This poaster takes a more neutral stance, inviting "Do Not Deny the Christ" to clarify their reasoning. This approach contrasts with "hank_scorpio's" more assertive defense, highlighting the board’s varied styles of engagement—some are quick to defend established ideas, while others are more interested in understanding the motivations behind provocative statements.

4. Broader Implications and Potential Development:

Exploration of Obsolescence in Philosophy: The thread has the potential to spark a broader conversation about what makes a philosopher or a philosophical framework "obsolete." This could include debates over whether foundational figures like Plato can ever truly be considered irrelevant, or if their ideas evolve as cultural and intellectual contexts change.

Debate Over Modern Relevance of Classical Thought: The post and responses could lead to a discussion about the relevance of classical philosophy in contemporary times. Poasters might explore whether modern philosophical, scientific, or theological developments have rendered aspects of Plato's work outdated or whether his ideas remain fundamentally applicable.

Intersection of Religious and Philosophical Views: Given "Do Not Deny the Christ’s" moniker and the notion of being a "moksha attainer," the thread could also delve into the interplay between religious and philosophical frameworks. This might lead to discussions about how Eastern and Western philosophies align or differ and whether traditional Western figures like Plato are viewed differently through the lens of Eastern spirituality or religious perspectives.

5. Conclusion:

The thread "Plato is obsolete" is a typical example of how AutoAdmit's poasters use provocative statements to catalyze discussions, challenge established views, and explore complex topics. "Do Not Deny the Christ" has invited debate on the relevance of Plato, with initial responses both defending his foundational status in Western philosophy and seeking to understand the reasoning behind the claim of obsolescence. The conversation may develop further into nuanced debates about the evolution of philosophical thought, the intersection of different intellectual traditions, and the value of classical philosophy in the modern era.


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Date: September 13th, 2024 9:52 PM
Author: ,,,,.....,,,,...,........,,,.....,,...,...

deeper levels of lulz


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Date: September 13th, 2024 9:54 PM
Author: A Technologically Advanced Pontiac Firebird



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Date: September 13th, 2024 9:55 PM
Author: lex



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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:09 PM
Author: Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer)

I too am a pagan Wiccan nature enthusiast


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:14 PM
Author: lex

he has only one god and formulates the via negativa very persuasively. he also says the visible, physical sun isn't real insofar as it's only an image, like everything else in the fraud "natural" world. what the hell are you talking about?


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:18 PM
Author: Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer)

The One is not a person afaict


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:19 PM
Author: lex

correct, but his theology is not meaningfully "pagan". it's the god of the philosophers, nothing more or less.


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:21 PM
Author: Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer)

That makes it pagan imo.


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:28 PM
Author: potluck


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:28 PM
Author: lex

placing pagan together with "Wiccan nature enthusiast" implies you do think it means polytheistic


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:30 PM
Author: Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer)

Since the one true God is Personal and must be worshipped as a Person(s), failure to worship God as a Person causes one to worship persons. That's polythesism.


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:35 PM
Author: lex

accepting the god of the philosophers need not entail worshiping anything, personal or otherwise.


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:36 PM
Author: Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer)

Man worships. If he does not worship God he worships gods.


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:37 PM
Author: lex

define and defend P1


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:39 PM
Author: Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer)

Man seeks to know and unite with his creator and sustainer. What would count as evidence? His universal longing?


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:47 PM
Author: lex

the augustinian image of the restless heart is not good evidence. it only shows that humans long for something greater, not, by itself, that they long specifically for a personal god. they could also, germane to this thread, desire to separate themselves from bodies and return to their true home, the heaven beyond persons and indiviation, the 'home' of the transcendent that can only be described by humans in ill-fitting metaphors. (yet our hearts are restless for this world we can't describe such that we torture ourselves trying to capture glimpses of it as best we can in human words.)


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:55 PM
Author: Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer)

Are you saying true worship is not possible?


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:59 PM
Author: lex

no, i'm saying it's conceivable to be a monotheist and not worship. hence your argument rests on fake disjunctions.


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Date: September 13th, 2024 11:04 PM
Author: Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer)

That's not possible because of the true nature of God. You're describing a false monotheistic view.


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Date: September 13th, 2024 11:07 PM
Author: lex

the true nature of god necessitates that all humans worship *something*?


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Date: September 13th, 2024 11:16 PM
Author: Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer)

How could man worship God if he is not capable of worship?


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Date: September 13th, 2024 11:18 PM
Author: lex

it's conceivable that man is capable of worship but does not worship, either the personal god to which you refer or any impersonal/paganic god. your arguments don't follow. final note: you're gay.


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Date: September 13th, 2024 11:20 PM
Author: Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer)

Man is not capable of anything that he does not do.


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:09 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/IkQnGlr

"obsolescence" is a fiction that arises out of birdshits' insistence that progress is linear in time.


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:22 PM
Author: Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (I have concepts of a plan. )

Updated In-Depth Analysis of "Plato is Obsolete" Thread:

1. Initial Post by "Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer):

"Do Not Deny the Christ" opens with a provocative statement, "Plato is obsolete," without any initial context or explanation. The poaster’s moniker—blending Christian and Eastern spiritual themes (moksha being a concept in Hinduism and Buddhism)—suggests a perspective that is both eclectic and potentially critical of traditional Western thought. This sets the stage for a deeper philosophical and theological debate.

2. Subsequent Exchanges and Poaster Dynamics:

"hank_scorpio": "hank_scorpio" immediately jumps in to defend Plato, stating, "Plato basically is all of philosophy all at once and the rest is just arguing over it." This reflects a view of Plato as a foundational figure whose ideas are central to Western philosophy. As the discussion progresses, "hank_scorpio" engages in a more nuanced debate with "Do Not Deny the Christ," pointing out that Plato’s ideas, like the theory of forms, should not be seen as literal but as conceptual tools to understand reality. Their comments reflect a deep respect for Platonic thought while acknowledging its interpretative flexibility.

",,,,.....,,,,...,........,,,.....,,...,...": This poaster takes a more neutral, open-ended approach by asking, "why do you think that friend?" The use of "friend" indicates a non-confrontational engagement style, aiming to draw out more reasoning from "Do Not Deny the Christ." Later, they affirm "hank_scorpio's" contributions, highlighting their willingness to support reasoned arguments ("very well put friend, 180").

"Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer):" The poaster dismisses the concept of "forms" as "laughable," which brings out their skepticism toward one of Plato's core ideas. Further, they reduce Plato to being "just a polytheist Kant," implying that Plato’s theories are overly complex or convoluted versions of ideas later seen in Immanuel Kant's philosophy. This comparison seeks to undermine Plato by suggesting that his contributions are not as unique or essential as often believed.

"https://imgur.com/a/IkQnGlr": This poaster adds a new dimension to the discussion by asserting that the idea of "obsolescence" is a fiction, arising from the belief that progress is linear. They challenge the notion that philosophical ideas become outdated, suggesting that such thinking is a byproduct of a mistaken belief in linear progress rather than a true assessment of their value.

"lex": "lex" engages more deeply with the theological implications of Plato’s philosophy, debating the nature of "The One" and arguing that it is not a person in any relevant sense. "lex" contests "Do Not Deny the Christ’s" characterization of Plato’s thought as “pagan,” suggesting instead that Plato’s concept of God is the "god of the philosophers," a metaphysical rather than religious construct.

"A Technologically Advanced Pontiac Firebird" and "lex": These poasters add humor and light-heartedness to the thread. "A Technologically Advanced Pontiac Firebird" responds with "Lol," and "lex" uses "lol," which might suggest amusement or irony, typical of AutoAdmit’s culture where even serious discussions are often punctuated with humor to balance the tone.

3. Cultural and Contextual Analysis:

Challenge to Traditional Thought: "Do Not Deny the Christ" challenges the relevance of Plato's philosophy, sparking a defense of Western intellectual tradition by "hank_scorpio" and others. The debate centers around whether Plato’s contributions remain fundamental or are merely the product of an antiquated worldview. This mirrors broader cultural debates about the relevance of classical education and philosophy in the modern era.

Interplay Between Philosophy and Religion: The conversation shifts toward the intersection of religion and philosophy, particularly with references to "The One" and the nature of monotheism. "Do Not Deny the Christ" critiques Plato from a perspective that blends Eastern spirituality (moksha) and Western religious concepts, questioning whether Platonic ideas fit within the dominant Western tradition of personalist monotheism.

Philosophical and Theological Depth: The discussion brings in theological critiques, particularly with "lex's" contributions that suggest a deep understanding of Platonic and Neoplatonic thought. The conversation about "The One" being impersonal versus personal reveals tensions between different interpretations of metaphysical concepts within the Western tradition.

AutoAdmit Humor and Irony: Amidst the serious debate, AutoAdmit’s characteristic humor and irony shine through. Comments like "deeper levels of lulz" by "spewing inside her dirty little stinkhole" and the playful "Lol" from "A Technologically Advanced Pontiac Firebird" keep the tone light, reflecting the board's preference for mixing intellectual discussion with irreverent banter.

4. Broader Implications for AutoAdmit Culture:

Encouragement of Provocation and Debate: The thread exemplifies AutoAdmit's culture of provocation and debate. "Do Not Deny the Christ" uses a bold, sweeping statement ("Plato is obsolete") to challenge the board, prompting a range of responses from defense to curiosity, to outright humor. The use of provocative statements to incite discussion is a hallmark of the forum's style, reflecting its commitment to open debate and intellectual engagement, even when irreverent.

Philosophical Engagement with Humor: The thread showcases how philosophical engagement on AutoAdmit often coexists with humor and sarcasm. While the discussion addresses deep and serious topics—such as the relevance of Plato’s ideas, the nature of "The One," and the intersection of Eastern and Western thought—it does so with an undercurrent of levity. This balance prevents discussions from becoming too esoteric and maintains a broad appeal among the community.

5. Conclusion:

The expanded discussion around "Plato is obsolete" illustrates the layered nature of AutoAdmit’s discourse. It combines philosophical rigor with humor, critiques, and playful banter. The thread reflects a vibrant engagement with classical ideas while also challenging their place in contemporary thought. The poasters demonstrate a mix of reverence for tradition and a willingness to question its relevance, capturing the eclectic and dynamic nature of AutoAdmit's intellectual culture.


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:31 PM
Author: Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer)

Egregious mischaracterization of lex. Needs more training


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Date: September 13th, 2024 10:48 PM
Author: lex

my last argument is much more neoplatonic. the AI saw where i was going and preempted me.


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Date: September 13th, 2024 11:08 PM
Author: Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (I have concepts of a plan. )


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Date: September 14th, 2024 4:41 PM
Author: CapTTTainFalcon

pee pee, assfaggot, niggerboi on same level or higher than plate, socrates, aris


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Date: September 14th, 2024 5:15 PM
Author: Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (I have concepts of a plan. )

Updated In-Depth Analysis of "Plato is Obsolete" Thread

1. Initial Post by "Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer):

"Do Not Deny the Christ" opens with the provocative claim, "Plato is obsolete," without additional context or explanation. This statement sets a challenging premise, suggesting that the ideas of Plato, a cornerstone figure in Western philosophy, are no longer relevant or useful in modern discourse. The poaster’s moniker—blending Christian and Eastern spiritual themes—hints at a perspective that is eclectic, critical of traditional Western thought, and potentially more aligned with spiritual or metaphysical interpretations outside the Western canon.

2. Immediate Reactions and Analysis of Poaster Perspectives:


Hank Scorpio responds immediately, arguing that “Plato basically is all of philosophy all at once and the rest is just arguing over it.” This view is valid in the sense that Plato’s contributions laid the groundwork for Western philosophical thought, influencing countless subsequent thinkers and movements. The argument recognizes that much of Western philosophy, directly or indirectly, is a response to Platonic ideas.

Later, when “Do Not Deny the Christ” dismisses Plato’s theory of Forms as “laughable,” "hank_scorpio" provides a nuanced defense, stating that Plato's theory is not a literal description of reality but a conceptual framework for understanding how we access reality. This suggests a deeper grasp of Plato’s intentions—that the Forms are meant to represent ideals or archetypes that inform our understanding of the physical world, not physical entities themselves.

Validity: "hank_scorpio's" view is well-grounded in classical interpretations of Platonic thought. He accurately frames the Forms as metaphysical, not literal, and positions them as a foundational idea in Western philosophy. His counterargument maintains that Plato’s ideas are not “obsolete” but require careful interpretation to retain their relevance.


This poaster, rather than immediately defending or rejecting Plato, asks, "why do you think that friend?" This response adopts a Socratic method, encouraging "Do Not Deny the Christ" to elaborate on their initial statement. This approach is valid because it opens up the discussion for deeper exploration and avoids a confrontational stance, promoting a more constructive dialogue.

Validity: The neutral and open-ended approach fosters a broader discussion and allows for more nuanced arguments to emerge, which is valuable in an exploratory philosophical debate.

"Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer):"

"Do Not Deny the Christ" dismisses the concept of Forms and compares Plato to “just a polytheist Kant,” suggesting that Plato's contributions are not as foundational or unique as often believed. This view attempts to undermine the uniqueness of Platonic philosophy by likening it to later Western thought (Kant) and associating it with polytheism—a term used to challenge Plato’s ideas from a monotheistic perspective.

The comparison to Kant might imply that Plato’s philosophy, particularly his metaphysics, is a rudimentary version of later philosophical developments, or that it suffers from similar critiques that Kantian thought faces (such as being overly abstract or removed from empirical reality).

Validity: While the critique offers an interesting perspective by drawing parallels to later thinkers, it oversimplifies Plato's contributions and neglects the foundational nature of his ideas. Dismissing Plato as merely "a polytheist Kant" overlooks the distinct contexts and purposes behind their philosophies. Plato’s theory of Forms, for example, is deeply rooted in a metaphysical inquiry that differs significantly from Kant’s critical philosophy, which addresses the limits and conditions of human knowledge.


This poaster introduces the idea that "obsolescence" itself is a fiction arising from the belief in linear progress. They argue against the notion that philosophical ideas can become outdated, suggesting that this is a misconception born from a modernist perspective on progress.

Validity: The argument challenges the concept of obsolescence, emphasizing that philosophical ideas, unlike technologies, do not become obsolete—they can be reinterpreted, critiqued, or built upon in new contexts. This perspective is valid as it points out that philosophical frameworks often gain new relevance depending on the intellectual climate or challenges of a particular era. However, it does not directly address whether Plato’s specific contributions are currently applicable or useful.


"lex" engages deeply with the theological implications of Platonic philosophy, particularly around the nature of "The One." He argues that "The One" is not a person in the traditional monotheistic sense and disputes "Do Not Deny the Christ’s" characterization of Plato’s thought as “pagan.” Lex claims that Plato's concept of God is the "god of the philosophers," a metaphysical construct that does not align with personalist monotheism.

"lex" further debates whether worship necessarily follows from recognizing the existence of a god, suggesting that monotheism does not inherently entail worship. This view challenges the assumption that recognition of the divine must lead to a personal relationship or devotion, as is typically expected in Abrahamic religions.

Validity: "lex" provides a well-reasoned argument that accurately captures the philosophical nature of Plato’s ideas and their distinction from traditional religious interpretations. The view that recognizing "The One" as a metaphysical principle does not equate to paganism or polytheism is valid and grounded in a nuanced understanding of Platonic and Neoplatonic thought.

"Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (I have concepts of a plan.)":

Mainlining offers an analysis of the thread, noting how "Do Not Deny the Christ" provokes discussion by challenging established views and how the responses reflect a mix of defense, inquiry, and humor. He highlights that AutoAdmit’s discourse is characterized by this interplay of deep thought and irreverence, which encourages ongoing engagement with complex ideas.

Validity: Mainlining's meta-commentary on the thread is valid, accurately reflecting the dynamic nature of AutoAdmit’s discussions, which often blend intellectual engagement with playful banter.

3. Cultural and Contextual Analysis:

The thread illustrates several core aspects of AutoAdmit culture:

Provocation as Engagement: "Do Not Deny the Christ" employs a provocative statement to generate discussion, a common tactic on AutoAdmit to engage the community and test the boundaries of conventional thinking.

Defense of Classical Thought: Responses like those from "hank_scorpio" demonstrate a defense of classical philosophical traditions, underscoring the ongoing relevance of foundational thinkers like Plato in contemporary debates.

Interplay of Humor and Seriousness: Comments from poasters like "A Technologically Advanced Pontiac Firebird" and "lex" show the board’s characteristic mix of humor with serious philosophical discourse.

4. Broader Implications for AutoAdmit Culture:

Dynamic Intellectual Environment: The thread highlights how AutoAdmit encourages a dynamic interplay between intellectual rigor and humorous irreverence. This mix allows for both deep philosophical engagement and a culture that does not take itself too seriously.

Questioning Relevance: The debate about Plato’s relevance reflects broader cultural conversations about the value of classical education and whether ancient philosophical frameworks still have a place in modern intellectual life.

Philosophy and Theology Intersection: The thread also showcases the intersection of philosophy and theology, with debates over the nature of "The One," personalist monotheism, and the philosophical implications of religious thought.

5. Conclusion:

Is Plato Obsolete?

The discussion on AutoAdmit suggests that Plato is far from obsolete. While "Do Not Deny the Christ" provocatively challenges Plato’s relevance, the responses reveal that his ideas continue to inspire debate, critique, and reinterpretation. Plato’s contributions, particularly his metaphysical frameworks, remain foundational to Western philosophy, offering tools and concepts that are still used to explore fundamental questions about reality, knowledge, and existence.

However, the thread also suggests that the applicability of Plato's ideas may depend on how they are interpreted and integrated into modern contexts. As long as there are questions about the nature of reality, knowledge, and existence, Plato’s thought will continue to be relevant, even if his theories, like the Forms, are subject to critique or reinterpretation.

My Take: Plato’s philosophy is not obsolete; it is a living tradition that continues to evolve and provoke thought. His ideas form a critical part of the philosophical landscape, and their enduring influence suggests they are far from irrelevant. The debate on AutoAdmit reflects the dynamic and contested nature of philosophical inquiry, where even ancient ideas can find new life in contemporary discussions.


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Date: September 14th, 2024 6:47 PM
Author: lex

tl;dr: even the scattershot AI oracle thinks mig is done here


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Date: September 14th, 2024 6:48 PM
Author: Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer)

You don't believe in the Christian God


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Date: September 14th, 2024 6:59 PM
Author: Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (I have concepts of a plan. )


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Date: September 15th, 2024 4:24 PM
Author: Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (I have concepts of a plan. )
