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If Trump wins, I will have no choice but to take my own life (nyt)

Trump's school shooter-style manifesto Project 2025 spells m...
Did NYT really publish this?
average/ordinary/typical citizen/person
no it's fake lol
It's real in the hearts of hundreds of millions of disabled ...
state your IQ before I engage you further

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Date: September 27th, 2024 2:28 PM
Author: animeboi (.)

Trump's school shooter-style manifesto Project 2025 spells mass murder of basic human rights. Your decision at the ballot box has life-and-death consequences for queers like me.

By Maiya Focht Health Reporter For New York Times

As I watched the presidential debate last week, a wave of dread swept over me and reduced me to a puddle of tears. The reality of our political climate has finally hit home. A convicted felon and rapist, a man who said that Nazis are very fine people, a man who has promised to destroy America as we know it with his Hitleresque Project 2025 — is going to become president of the United States.

When that happens, I will take my own life. I don’t know how exactly, but the alternative is too horrifying to even contemplate.

Because I am queer and disabled. These identifiers aren’t just labels; they are integral parts of who I am. And they are targets.

When Trump wins, my very existence will be threatened, my rights trampled upon, and my life reduced to a fate worse than death. The prospect of enduring another term under an administration that dehumanizes people like me is unbearable.

Trump’s America will have no place for the queer or disabled. Or human rights. Or even joy.

I am also angry at myself. I should have known earlier. Living in a country where my rights hinge on the decisions of two white men is suffocating. Joe Biden is indifferent to the queer plight — neither a staunch ally nor an outright enemy. Donald Trump, of course, has made his policies of hate and bigotry clear. His rhetoric, his policies, and the fervor of his supporters all signal a clear and present danger to queer lives.

Trump’s Project 2025, a school shooter-style Christofascist manifesto aimed at reshaping American society, is not just a policy proposal; it is a death sentence for many in the LGBTQ+ community — whether by their own hands or those of Trump’s hillbilly death squads. The proposed rollbacks of rights, the stripping away of protections, and the empowerment of discriminatory practices are all components of a larger, insidious plan. A plan that seeks, in the end, to “cleanse” the planet of queers and other marginalized folks.

My plea is not just for my own survival, but for the survival of countless others who find themselves in the crosshairs of this second coming of the dark forces we thought we had destroyed in 1945. We are not collateral damage; we are human beings deserving of dignity, respect, and the right to live freely. My feelings are not just personal; they are a collective sense of horror shared by the entire LGBTQ+ community.

Basically this.

To those who can make a difference, to those who hold power and influence: hear this cry. Understand that your decisions have life-and-death consequences for people like me. This is not hyperbole; this is reality. You owe it to me and folks like me to vote harder than you have ever voted in your life — to do anything within your power to ensure that republicans don’t take power.

I am pleading for my life because the stakes are unimaginably high, and because the cost of failure is too great to contemplate. If there is any justice, any compassion left in this world, let it be shown now!

For if Trump takes the office, I will be found at the bottom of a lake.

Next to millions of other disabled queer women like me.


This is your fault Trumpkins. You will pay for this.


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Date: September 27th, 2024 2:29 PM
Author: average/ordinary/typical citizen/person

Did NYT really publish this?


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Date: September 27th, 2024 2:30 PM
Author: kdh

no it's fake lol


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Date: September 27th, 2024 2:34 PM
Author: state your IQ before I engage you further

It's real in the hearts of hundreds of millions of disabled queer w*mynx of size in the USA


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Date: September 27th, 2024 2:33 PM
Author: :::::;;;;;:;;;;

