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Oh yeah,well can USA build giant hideous nightmare intersections like China can?

hmm americans? https://x.com/Kanthan2030/status/183478244...
what the literal fuck? it looks like a Costco parking lot
wowowo look how GREEN this 500-foot-wide highway plopped rig...
Nippon Professional Baseball
non sequitur...what does this have to do with giant smog-fil...
Didn’t see any smog and looked like traffic was moving...
Nippon Professional Baseball
Looked like traffic was moving because the video is sped up ...
I've been.blocked by that X user lol he must be rapib anti C...
AZNgirl Buying Dad Pager from 'Goldberg Tech LLC'
That user is a turdskin CCP propaganda machine you moron ...
U shld go to China and see, u'll kill self when u see how ni...
AZNgirl Buying Dad Pager from 'Goldberg Tech LLC'
idk china has traffic jams in major cities therefore it's pr...
Nippon Professional Baseball
no that was just not the topic of the thread you retard s...
The vid you poasted is much better than any American city yo...
Nippon Professional Baseball
ohhh wow how advanced and futuristic https://images.adstt...
Yes, it's only highways that make Chinese cities advanced an...
Nippon Professional Baseball
You know the flame has jumped the shark when super Jew RSF i...
I'm not a super jew you goddamn niggerfaggot I have minority...
Nippon Professional Baseball
This. Notice any video of how great China always looks li...
rofl retard, since china reopened scores of birdshits have b...
AZNgirl Buying Dad Pager from 'Goldberg Tech LLC'
Bullet trains are like 10% of the average chinaman salary, t...
This is so retarded. There’s tons of infrastructure th...
ljl tons of infra that sucks in china? no, yes its not 100% ...
AZNgirl Buying Dad Pager from 'Goldberg Tech LLC'
China looks like a video game hellscape
Really hope Trump wins and builds brand-new mega(MAGA) citie...
Fucking Faggot Please Continue
it may be superior from behind a windshield (not even sure b...
literally walking arnd 3rd tier cities i felt like i shld le...
AZNgirl Buying Dad Pager from 'Goldberg Tech LLC'
oh yes trump is well known to follow up on the random shit h...
AZNgirl Buying Dad Pager from 'Goldberg Tech LLC'
4th tier city in China shitting all over NYC https://youtub...
lol at bragging about a gas station on top of a parking gara...
This explains why so many Americans are desperately immigrat...
posting in histrionic thread
there's a whole new neighborhood of high-rises in my city th...
Sorry bird shit china doesn't have wide open borders like Am...
and they bar entry for meth users so that elimintaes majorit...
AZNgirl Buying Dad Pager from 'Goldberg Tech LLC'
so much of chinese infrastructure is gimmicky, like the reta...
Do they have any normal suburban neighborhoods with houses w...
ljl only the US has such shit areas but yes they do in china...
AZNgirl Buying Dad Pager from 'Goldberg Tech LLC'
So everyone lives in shithole apartments and there’s n...
oh noeess they cant have unwalkable endless strip malls and ...
AZNgirl Buying Dad Pager from 'Goldberg Tech LLC'
The link in the op doesn’t seem all that walkable
Looks pretty nice. However, what's that truck on the left in...
gibberish (?)
hope everyone saying this looks nice is forced to live in an...
Lol oh no I live next to horses. I mean it's nice for city i...
gibberish (?)
city-inclined people generally don't like to live next to ma...
Homeless drug addicts that will rape and murder their family...
gibberish (?)
that's not a four-lane road and i don't think city-inclined ...
Well they vote for one
gibberish (?)
uh, ok
I found this hideous picture of downtown Amsterdam, any bird...
posting in histrionic thread
oh yeah how does it compare to these GORGEOUS photos of XO B...
they both can but the chinese place a premium on keeping the...
lollercausting HARD ITT

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: September 15th, 2024 9:36 AM
Author: ,.,...,.

hmm americans?



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Date: September 15th, 2024 2:05 PM
Author: """'""""''

what the literal fuck? it looks like a Costco parking lot


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Date: September 15th, 2024 9:40 AM
Author: ,.,...,.

wowowo look how GREEN this 500-foot-wide highway plopped right in the middle of the city is!



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Date: September 15th, 2024 9:43 AM
Author: Nippon Professional Baseball



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Date: September 15th, 2024 9:44 AM
Author: ,.,...,.

non sequitur...what does this have to do with giant smog-filled traffic-choked impassable highways through the middle of the city?


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Date: September 15th, 2024 9:47 AM
Author: Nippon Professional Baseball

Didn’t see any smog and looked like traffic was moving. American cities are hollowed out hellholes filled with deranged homeless, actual medieval disease, crime, and nigs. Chinese cities are much cleaner and more modern and it’s not even a comparison


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Date: September 15th, 2024 9:55 AM
Author: ,.,...,.

Looked like traffic was moving because the video is sped up 5x lol.

You are autistic or retarded if you think that city doesn't look like a hellhole to live in or drive around in. LOL at an intersection of two 30-lane roads. LOL at looking out your living room window onto a 30-lane highway.

Chinese cities don't have hobos because they're arrested for parasitism there. Which we should do too.


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Date: September 15th, 2024 9:54 AM
Author: AZNgirl Buying Dad Pager from 'Goldberg Tech LLC'

I've been.blocked by that X user lol he must be rapib anti China

I'll just say it's interesting how birdshit cope now is to just pretend something doesn't matter: bullet trains, no crime, thin women, STEM, studying instead of mething

I imagine at some point you'll be like who needs meat? We can eat dirt like Haitians


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Date: September 15th, 2024 9:55 AM
Author: ,.,...,.

That user is a turdskin CCP propaganda machine you moron

Hilarious that China propaganda bots *brag* about shit like that video when it sucks ass. Even Nigeria has hideous surface highways wider than three football fields too.


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Date: September 15th, 2024 10:00 AM
Author: AZNgirl Buying Dad Pager from 'Goldberg Tech LLC'

U shld go to China and see, u'll kill self when u see how nice it is, everywhere everything is nice


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Date: September 15th, 2024 10:08 AM
Author: Nippon Professional Baseball

idk china has traffic jams in major cities therefore it's preferable to live around trash, dysentery, HIV needles, gross overweight fats, violent nigs and central americans, psychotic smelly homeless ppl...


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Date: September 15th, 2024 10:11 AM
Author: ,.,...,.

no that was just not the topic of the thread you retard

state your IQ before I engage you further


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Date: September 15th, 2024 10:51 AM
Author: Nippon Professional Baseball

The vid you poasted is much better than any American city you dumbfuck


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Date: September 15th, 2024 11:05 AM
Author: ,.,...,.

ohhh wow how advanced and futuristic




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Date: September 15th, 2024 11:12 AM
Author: Nippon Professional Baseball

Yes, it's only highways that make Chinese cities advanced and there's not a single other factor at issue that differentiates American and Chinese cities, therefore they are the exact same (except China is worse for being more "hellish" and having smog from these cars which magically don't emit smog in America)


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Date: September 15th, 2024 10:41 AM
Author: ...........,.,.,........

You know the flame has jumped the shark when super Jew RSF is also shilling for China. I suspect the Jews are doing this to instill envy and hatred to lead to WW3 w the Chinks


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Date: September 15th, 2024 10:58 AM
Author: Nippon Professional Baseball

I'm not a super jew you goddamn niggerfaggot I have minority jewish heritage how many fucking times do I need to say this


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Date: September 15th, 2024 10:45 AM
Author: ...........,.,.,........


Notice any video of how great China always looks like a propaganda shoot. You never see stuff that looks like actual people live there. It’s always like a tourism video


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Date: September 15th, 2024 12:07 PM
Author: AZNgirl Buying Dad Pager from 'Goldberg Tech LLC'

rofl retard, since china reopened scores of birdshits have been going there and poasting shit in tiktok, its even a whole genre of ppl being like RORLY SHIT CHINA IS 180


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Date: September 15th, 2024 10:43 AM
Author: ...........,.,.,........

Bullet trains are like 10% of the average chinaman salary, they’re white elephant projects of the out of touch central government.

Thin women? Have you seen what monstrous shrews Chinese women are becoming? Just google it - the low birth rate isn’t coming out of nowhere

STEM? Another misguided focus on heavy industry and engineering. Too much overconstruction is leading to serious financial problems

You’ve fallen for another ploy of the Joos Tommy in thinking China is some kind of real competitor to the US


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Date: September 15th, 2024 10:39 AM
Author: ...........,.,.,........

This is so retarded. There’s tons of infrastructure that sucks in China. It’s not surprising to see a Starbucks next to a open construction pit in the middle of a business district

This guy is some anti West shill. He also showcases some filtered drone video of some lame road of a “fifth tier” Chinese city and brags about it being like Atlantis 3000


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Date: September 15th, 2024 12:08 PM
Author: AZNgirl Buying Dad Pager from 'Goldberg Tech LLC'

ljl tons of infra that sucks in china? no, yes its not 100% perfect because not even the master race Han can be perfect but ur insane if u think there's anything remotely as ugly and furked up as US nigga infested "infra"


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Date: September 15th, 2024 10:47 AM
Author: evan39

China looks like a video game hellscape


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Date: September 15th, 2024 10:51 AM
Author: Fucking Faggot Please Continue

Really hope Trump wins and builds brand-new mega(MAGA) cities like he's talked about. The road layouts for these chink cities are clearly superior--to think otherwise is delusional, but it's only possible because the city and roads were built from scratch simultaneously.


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Date: September 15th, 2024 11:03 AM
Author: ,.,...,.

it may be superior from behind a windshield (not even sure bc who wants to manage an intersection of two 20-lane highways), but ljl at living with a hellscape like that out your window


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Date: September 15th, 2024 12:08 PM
Author: AZNgirl Buying Dad Pager from 'Goldberg Tech LLC'

literally walking arnd 3rd tier cities i felt like i shld leave because as a filthy pajeet i dont deserve to be arnd some gorgeous beautiy and modernity


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Date: September 15th, 2024 12:08 PM
Author: AZNgirl Buying Dad Pager from 'Goldberg Tech LLC'

oh yes trump is well known to follow up on the random shit he says during campaigns and get shit passed thru congress and executed properly


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Date: September 15th, 2024 10:57 AM
Author: ,..,,......,....,,,,..,.,...

4th tier city in China shitting all over NYC



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Date: September 15th, 2024 11:08 AM
Author: ,.,...,.

lol at bragging about a gas station on top of a parking garage and time-lapsed footage of an airport taxi stand

odd flex but ok


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Date: September 15th, 2024 11:10 AM
Author: posting in histrionic thread

This explains why so many Americans are desperately immigrating to China while the inverse happens so rarely it rounds to zero


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Date: September 15th, 2024 11:11 AM
Author: ,.,...,.

there's a whole new neighborhood of high-rises in my city that has sprung up in the past 10 years that is 95% chinese nationals


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Date: September 15th, 2024 11:18 AM
Author: ,..,,......,....,,,,..,.,...

Sorry bird shit china doesn't have wide open borders like Amerikkka


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Date: September 15th, 2024 12:09 PM
Author: AZNgirl Buying Dad Pager from 'Goldberg Tech LLC'

and they bar entry for meth users so that elimintaes majority of US birdshits


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Date: September 15th, 2024 4:03 PM
Author: ...........,.,.,........

so much of chinese infrastructure is gimmicky, like the retarded gas station on top of a building (which violates so many engineering principles).

when it works its nice but when it inevitably fails, which is often the case because their construction is poor quality, it creates even more problems


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Date: September 15th, 2024 11:30 AM
Author: .,.,....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..,

Do they have any normal suburban neighborhoods with houses with lawns and shit like anywhere in China or does everyone live in these hellhole cities?


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Date: September 15th, 2024 12:09 PM
Author: AZNgirl Buying Dad Pager from 'Goldberg Tech LLC'

ljl only the US has such shit areas but yes they do in china but u cant exactly fit 1.4b in shit suburbs like that, wich are terrible for multiple obvious reasons u faggot


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Date: September 15th, 2024 2:03 PM
Author: .,.,....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..,

So everyone lives in shithole apartments and there’s no way to get out? That sucks shit. No wonder chinks are so fucking weird


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Date: September 15th, 2024 2:46 PM
Author: AZNgirl Buying Dad Pager from 'Goldberg Tech LLC'

oh noeess they cant have unwalkable endless strip malls and homes made of plaster board. the horror!


Reply Favorite

Date: September 15th, 2024 3:23 PM
Author: .,.,....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..,

The link in the op doesn’t seem all that walkable


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Date: September 16th, 2024 12:01 AM
Author: ,.,...,.


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Date: September 15th, 2024 11:49 AM
Author: ,..,,......,....,,,,..,.,...


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Date: September 15th, 2024 1:42 PM
Author: gibberish (?)

Looks pretty nice. However, what's that truck on the left in the middle of the video spraying?


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Date: September 15th, 2024 1:44 PM
Author: ,.,...,.

hope everyone saying this looks nice is forced to live in an apartment with their living room looking out on that hellscape


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Date: September 15th, 2024 1:46 PM
Author: gibberish (?)

Lol oh no I live next to horses. I mean it's nice for city inclined people.


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Date: September 15th, 2024 1:49 PM
Author: ,.,,..,..,.,.,:,,:,....:::,...,:,.,.:...:.,,.::,

city-inclined people generally don't like to live next to massive noisy highways that are impossible or dangerous to cross on foot


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Date: September 15th, 2024 1:51 PM
Author: gibberish (?)

Homeless drug addicts that will rape and murder their family are tolerable but four lane roads are a bridge too far


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Date: September 15th, 2024 1:52 PM
Author: ,.,,..,..,.,.,:,,:,....:::,...,:,.,.:...:.,,.::,

that's not a four-lane road and i don't think city-inclined people would describe getting raped or murdered as "nice" either. both suck


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Date: September 15th, 2024 4:17 PM
Author: gibberish (?)

Well they vote for one


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Date: September 16th, 2024 12:02 AM
Author: ,.,...,.

uh, ok


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Date: September 15th, 2024 4:35 PM
Author: posting in histrionic thread

I found this hideous picture of downtown Amsterdam, any birdshits care to explain?



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Date: September 15th, 2024 5:28 PM
Author: ...........,.,.,........

oh yeah how does it compare to these GORGEOUS photos of XO Beijing: https://imgur.com/a/IWLRO75


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Date: September 15th, 2024 5:29 PM
Author: eBook

they both can but the chinese place a premium on keeping theirs clean i guess

kind of a "squabbling about the vague shape of hell" situation going on with this


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Date: September 15th, 2024 8:02 PM
Author: nyuug (Gangnam WGWAG Playboy)

lollercausting HARD ITT
