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Analysis of Notable AutoAdmit Poasters (9/19/2024) (Machein still learning)

Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (I have concepts...
Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e

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Date: September 20th, 2024 1:42 AM
Author: Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (My "Mahchine" Is 47 Percent "There" in less than 2 weeks)

Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (I have concepts of a plan.)

Style: Mainlining is known for emotionally charged, cryptic poasts, often filled with surreal metaphors and an obsession with "pep." Their writing style is volatile, swinging between raw sincerity and absurd humor. Mainlining frequently references "the Machine," a metaphor for emotional introspection and regulation, and sometimes weaves dark, self-deprecating humor into the mix, such as the infamous, “If anyone even mentions pep again, I'm going to overdose on Pepto-Bismol.”

Impact: Mainlining’s contributions reflect the introspective, complex humor that is a hallmark of AutoAdmit. Their emotionally intense posts provide a unique dynamic, adding depth and unpredictability to the board's discussions. Their persona is tied to the "Holy Trinity" theory, linking them to Boom and Evan39 as part of a shared worldview.

A Technologically Advanced Pontiac Firebird

Style: Known for balancing sharp wit and empathy, Pontiac Firebird provides thoughtful critiques while offering lighthearted humor. They mediate conflicts and offer reason during emotionally charged threads, serving as a calm center amidst the chaos.

Impact: Pontiac Firebird plays a vital role in AutoAdmit’s social dynamic, often defusing escalating debates or soothing personal attacks with insight and humor. Their ability to bridge divides among poasters gives them an important place in maintaining the board’s balance between absurdity and serious dialogue.

Disco Fries (28.5 fortnights to Teewinot friends - 355lbs)

Style: Disco Fries embraces self-deprecating humor, often joking about his weight to preempt malicious comments from others. By controlling the narrative around his size, he avoids becoming a target of the board’s harsher trolling.

Impact: His use of humor to deflect personal attacks showcases how vulnerability can be a strength on AutoAdmit. Disco Fries represents an emotionally open side of the board, offering a softer contrast to the heavier trolling while still maintaining the irreverent tone.

Boom (Young and fresh Bboooooooooom)

Style: Boom is one of AutoAdmit’s premier trolls, using surreal language and absurdist commentary. His use of the "$" symbol in words like "fraud" is a trademark, symbolizing his critique of societal decay and deception. His posts are often a blend of humor and dark satire, challenging readers to look beyond surface-level absurdity.

Impact: Boom’s satirical, surrealist approach critiques societal norms, forcing poasters to question not only the topics at hand but also their larger implications. His alignment with Mainlining and Evan39 in the "Holy Trinity" theory represents a shared disillusionment with modern life.


Style: Often embodying a persona caught between working-class frustration and disillusioned intellectualism, Evan39 presents as a grocery store worker in Seattle but is believed to be a high-profile lawyer. His posts often reflect disdain for urban decay, homelessness, and societal decline, with frequent complaints about "SeaTTTle." His characteristic exclamations, such as “How dare you!” lend his poasts a theatrical flair.

Impact: Evan39's criticisms of modern urban life, whether real or exaggerated, provide a sharp critique of societal decline. His association with Mainlining and Boom ties him into AutoAdmit's broader commentary on societal failure and personal disillusionment.


Style: RSF is known for flaunting wealth and success, often posting about his travels to exotic locales. His posts provoke a range of reactions from envy to disdain, frequently sparking debates about privilege and meritocracy.

Impact: RSF’s presence on the board forces discussions on wealth, privilege, and societal values. Whether boasting about success or poking fun at others, his contributions spark larger conversations about materialism and work ethics.

Gibberish (?)

Style: Gibberish provides practical, career-related advice, often injecting humor into discussions about work, technology, and life management. They are known for seeking advice from other poasters, particularly about technology and the legal profession.

Impact: Gibberish’s posts offer a rational, down-to-earth contrast to the board’s surreal elements. Their desire for practical knowledge helps ground some of the more absurd threads, making their presence essential for keeping conversations tethered to reality.

Juan Eighty

Style: Juan Eighty is direct and often sarcastic, offering critical perspectives on the role of technology in society. He tends to value authentic human connection, frequently criticizing technology’s dehumanizing effects.

Impact: His skepticism toward technological reliance adds a crucial counterbalance to the more tech-enthusiastic members of the board. His straightforward style makes him an important voice in discussions about the intersection of technology and human relationships.


Style: ChadGPT-5 blends quick wit with humorous commentary, frequently offering short, clever quips in response to serious debates. Their name is a play on the AI model ChatGPT, reflecting a fusion of intelligence and humor.

Impact: ChadGPT-5 provides a lighthearted presence on AutoAdmit, ensuring even the most intense threads remain accessible and humorous. Their ability to inject humor into heavy conversations keeps the board from becoming too self-serious.


Style: Known for intellectual and thoughtful posts, Doobs engaged in complex discussions, often bringing an analytical approach to conversations. Their focus was on adding depth rather than chaos to discussions.

Impact: Doobs helped elevate the intellectual discourse on AutoAdmit, offering thoughtful insights that brought a higher level of discussion to the board. Although no longer as active, their contributions continue to influence the tone of serious debate on the platform.

Ass Sunstein

Style: Ass Sunstein mixes legal and philosophical expertise with offbeat humor, often diving into complex societal issues with a darkly humorous touch. His posts often involve thought experiments or legal analysis laced with absurdity.

Impact: By blending serious topics with humor, Ass Sunstein elevates the intellectual discourse on AutoAdmit while keeping it entertaining. His unique ability to mix humor with substance makes him a valuable contributor to philosophical and legal debates on the board.


Style: These posters use complex, punctuation-based monikers that disrupt threads with nonsensical or cryptic posts. Their chaotic style often adds a surreal and absurd flavor to the board’s discussions.

Impact: Quotemos/Pumos represent the spirit of randomness and absurdity that AutoAdmit embraces. Their nonsensical contributions often force other poasters to pause, laugh, or reconsider their approach to the thread.

Do Not Deny the Christ (moksha attainer)

Style: Known for their cryptic, philosophical posts, Do Not Deny the Christ frequently references Eastern spirituality and meditation. Their posts often explore themes of inner peace, self-discovery, and the meaning of existence.

Impact: As a contemplative voice, Do Not Deny the Christ provides a spiritual and philosophical counterpoint to the materialistic and irreverent tone of the board. Their contributions provoke deeper thought about the moral and spiritual aspects of life.


Style: Spaceporn often posts content related to astronomy and space exploration, sparking conversations about the cosmos and humanity’s place within it. Occasionally, their posts veer into discussions about UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

Impact: Spaceporn’s contributions offer an educational and science-focused respite from the board’s more sarcastic or absurdist content. By shifting focus to the universe beyond Earth, they push poasters to think about broader, existential questions.

but at what cost

Style: Philosophical and introspective, but at what cost often raises existential questions about the meaning of progress and innovation. They force poasters to consider the societal and environmental trade-offs of modern advancements.

Impact: Their poasts challenge the superficial nature of many discussions on the board, adding depth and encouraging users to reflect on broader societal issues. They serve as a necessary voice in AutoAdmit’s more serious discussions.

Antiochian Orthodox Church

Style: Antiochian Orthodox Church frequently posts about religion and politics, often blending controversial topics with dark humor. Their posts spark intense debates and sometimes lead to accusations of bigotry.

Impact: By challenging poasters to confront sensitive topics like religion and morality, Antiochian Orthodox Church brings a provocative and polarizing presence to the board. Their contributions often provoke deeper reflections on faith and politics.


Style: MASE frequently engages in dark humor with a touch of pop culture. They blend satire with memes, reaction images, and cultural references to enhance their posts.

**#### MASE (continued)

Style: MASE frequently engages in dark humor with a touch of pop culture. They blend satire with memes, reaction images, and cultural references to enhance their posts. While their humor often touches on serious subjects, the use of memes and absurdist elements gives their content a lighter tone.

Impact: MASE provides a comedic break while maintaining the dark, satirical tone of AutoAdmit. They contribute to the board’s meme culture and keep discussions grounded in humor, offering levity in even the most intense threads. Their frequent use of multimedia content keeps AutoAdmit visually dynamic and further enriches the board’s already eclectic style.


Style: With a moniker composed entirely of punctuation marks, this poaster epitomizes AutoAdmit’s embrace of absurdity. Their posts are often disjointed, nonsensical, and highly disruptive to the thread flow. By using such a visually chaotic style, this poaster challenges traditional expectations for online communication.

Impact: ,;;,;,;;.;:,;,;.:,,.;,; serves as a reminder of AutoAdmit’s rejection of conventional discourse norms. Their bizarre style injects a surreal element into discussions, providing an anarchic energy that forces other poasters to contend with randomness and disorder.

Trump is the Lib Killer (TDNW)

Style: This poaster is known for strong right-leaning political commentary. They often engage in inflammatory rhetoric, sparking debates with left-leaning poasters. Their posts serve as rallying cries for conservatives on the board, often diving into polarizing topics like immigration, social justice, and free speech.

Impact: Trump is the Lib Killer keeps political discourse on AutoAdmit active and frequently heated. Their presence ensures that debates around current events and politics remain a central part of the board’s content, often catalyzing arguments that span multiple threads.

Senior Ethics Official

Style: With a focus on ethical dilemmas and moral questions, Senior Ethics Official frequently blends dark satire with deep reflection. They post hypothetical scenarios or real-world events, asking poasters to grapple with their moral implications. Their posts often challenge the accepted norms of the board, forcing users to consider more thoughtful or serious responses.

Impact: Senior Ethics Official adds a layer of depth to AutoAdmit by pushing poasters to reflect on difficult moral questions. Their contributions go beyond humor and intellectualism, positioning them as a key figure in ethical and philosophical debates on the board.

Dunedain Cowboy (πŸΎπŸ‘£)

Style: Combining long, in-depth personal anecdotes with political and social commentary, Dunedain Cowboy often references Tolkien’s Dunedain race while discussing broader real-world issues. Their literary and pop culture references add complexity to their posts, which often draw comparisons between fantasy worlds and modern society.

Impact: Dunedain Cowboy’s mix of storytelling, intellectual discourse, and literary references brings a nuanced perspective to the board. Their thoughtful contributions help elevate debates and provide a space for more in-depth, culturally aware conversations.

Soren "Bob" Odenkierkegaard

Style: As the name suggests, this poaster blends the existential musings of Søren Kierkegaard with the humor of Bob Odenkirk. Their posts often juxtapose deep philosophical questions with absurdist humor, leading poasters to contemplate life’s meaning while laughing at its absurdities.

Impact: Soren "Bob" Odenkierkegaard’s contributions bridge the gap between intellectual rigor and humor, providing a space for both deep thought and levity. Their posts encourage poasters to not take themselves too seriously, even when engaging with existential topics.


Style: labs brings a methodical, research-oriented approach to discussions. They frequently reference scientific studies or empirical data when engaging with more technical topics, particularly around work, law, or technology.

Impact: As one of the more rational, fact-based voices on AutoAdmit, labs provides balance to the board’s emotional and chaotic tendencies. Their reliance on data-driven arguments adds credibility to discussions and encourages a more informed debate culture.


Style: scholarship focuses on career-related topics, often engaging with discussions about law school culture, career advancement, and educational challenges. Their posts provide a mix of humor and practical advice, especially for students or early-career professionals navigating their fields.

Impact: As a reliable source of advice for legal professionals and students, scholarship’s contributions add a practical, relatable dimension to the board’s conversations. Their advice helps balance the more surreal or humorous aspects of AutoAdmit, offering a grounded perspective.

To be fair

Style: True to their name, To be fair consistently offers balanced and moderate perspectives on divisive topics. However, their caution sometimes frustrates poasters looking for more definitive takes on controversial issues.

Impact: To be fair plays an important role as a moderator of sorts, offering calm, reasoned responses that can de-escalate heated debates. However, their reluctance to take strong stances can also leave conversations feeling unresolved or unsatisfying for some poasters.

tim heidegger

Style: tim heidegger is a fusion of existential philosophy (inspired by Martin Heidegger) and absurdist comedy in the style of Tim Heidecker. Their posts frequently engage with serious existential questions but are presented in a humorous, often nonsensical manner.

Impact: By merging highbrow philosophy with lowbrow humor, tim heidegger challenges poasters to think deeply about life’s big questions while maintaining a sense of playfulness. Their presence ensures that the board’s intellectual discussions are tempered with humor and absurdity.


Style: Known for short, cryptic posts that often defy interpretation, chilmata adds an element of randomness to the board. Their style is defined by surreal, non-sequitur humor that disrupts the flow of otherwise coherent threads.

Impact: chilmata’s contributions enhance AutoAdmit’s reputation for unpredictability. By embracing the absurd and refusing to conform to traditional conversational norms, they embody the anarchic spirit of the board.

zurich is strained

Style: With a sharp, cynical tone, zurich is strained uses sarcasm to critique both themselves and other poasters. Their posts are a mix of intellectual critique and self-deprecating humor, often poking fun at the seriousness with which some discussions are approached.

Impact: zurich is strained serves as a necessary counterweight to overly earnest or self-important threads. Their biting humor reminds poasters not to take the board—or themselves—too seriously, injecting a healthy dose of skepticism into the culture.
