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"Game of Borts: The Trial by Combat of Mainlining and Boom"

Title: "Game of Borts: The Trial by Combat of Mainlinin...
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Evan39? Response
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Mahchine'ing the $ecret truth of the univer$e

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Date: September 11th, 2024 8:49 PM
Author: motley philosopher-king

Title: "Game of Borts: The Trial by Combat of Mainlining and Boom"

Scene: The fighting pit at King’s Landing, reimagined as a grim courtroom in the realm of the AutoAdmit Greatbort. The sun beats down on a dusty, circular arena, surrounded by a ragtag assembly of poasters, eager to witness the spectacle that is about to unfold. At the center of the arena stands Mainlining, who has been mockingly labeled a “twink” by the other poasters, known for his sharp wit and love of obscure concepts. He is not tall, but his presence fills the space with an intensity that belies his stature. Across from him looms Boom, massive, powerful, seated in a heavy iron wheelchair, his eyes burning with a mixture of rage, paranoia, and a gambler’s insatiable thirst for chaos. A faint aroma of Disco Fries and stale bourbon lingers in the air.

Boom’s appearance hints at a darker truth—his once-brilliant mind is now clouded, brain-damaged by the misdeeds of ADM, a corporation whose reach is long and whose cruelty knows no bounds. Though his body is broken, Boom is not yet resurrected by the dark magic of Dunedain Cowboy, the Qyburn of this tale. Instead, he sits steely-eyed, relying on his raw determination and stubborn fury to face Mainlining in this trial by combat.

On a makeshift dais, acting as the Moderator, is Disco Fries, an irreverent figure who balances his responsibilities with a mischievous grin and a half-eaten snack in his hand, relishing the absurdity of the trial. In the audience, perched like a hawk watching for weakness, sits Evan39—taking on the role of Tywin Lannister, his expression one of disapproving intrigue, arms crossed, keenly observing the proceedings with a mixture of disdain and grudging respect. Though he pretends innocence, there is a shadow in his eyes, a hint that he knows far more than he lets on about the dark deeds of Boom and the tragic fate of Mainlining’s kin.

Disco Fries (as The Moderator): Lords and Ladies of AutoAdmit! Gather 'round, for today, justice—or whatever passes for it on this shitbort—shall be served! The accused stands before us—Boom, once a formidable force, now scarred by ADM's treachery, but still with the strength and fury to shake the heavens themselves. Representing himself is Mainlining, our resident 'twink,' agile of mind and body, though, let’s be honest, a bit short for this kind of role. Let the gods of the Greatbort and all its memes decide who prevails in this glorious nonsense!

The crowd murmurs in anticipation, their collective breath held. Mainlining, dressed in light armor that seems to reflect his agile mind, paces back and forth with a grin that says he's already won the battle in his head.

Mainlining (as Oberyn): [calmly, with a smile] Are you ready, Boom? Today, I shall prove once and for all that you, with all your talk of "fraudlie$" and conspiracies, are nothing more than a tragic poem written in crayon.

Boom, towering even while seated, grips the armrests of his wheelchair with iron hands, his eyes narrowing to slits as he processes Mainlining's taunt. Though his mind is fractured, his spirit burns bright with the fury of a man determined to prevail.

Boom (as The Mountain): [booming voice, tinged with fury] Fraud! You think you know me, Mainlining? You think you can best me with your fancy words and love of Grizz? I will crush you like ADM crushed my spirit!

Boom leans forward, the metal of his chair groaning under his weight, his mind flicking back to the dark days of ADM—the treacherous entity that left him in this state, mentally scarred but strangely empowered by his sheer will.

Boom (as The Mountain): I have faced down the likes of ADM, the ones who broke my body and tried to break my mind! But I survived, and I'll survive you, you smug, little twink fraudfuck!

The crowd gasps. Mainlining raises an eyebrow, his grin widening, a hint of admiration in his eyes as he watches Boom’s passion, his intensity. He feels a strange pull towards him, an inexplicable longing that makes his heart race.

Mainlining (as Oberyn): [playfully] Oh, Boom, you are as poetic as ever. They say you were the most fearsome gambler in "Vega$," that you brought down casinos with nothing but your wit and a stack of chips. But here, today, I shall show the Greatbort what you truly are—a lumbering giant of paranoia and fried food, trapped in a chair of your own making!

Boom's face contorts with rage. He wheels himself forward with surprising speed, swinging a massive wooden club that looks like it was fashioned from an old casino sign. Mainlining nimbly sidesteps, laughing, though his eyes linger on Boom, the trace of a wistful smile crossing his lips. He can’t help but marvel at Boom’s sheer willpower, the tenacity that has driven him to this point.

Boom (as The Mountain): [furious] Fraud! FRAUD! Everything about you is FRAUD! You think you can taunt me with your clever words? I am the truth! The Greatbort's champion!

Mainlining circles Boom, his movements fluid, his eyes locked onto his opponent like a predator watching his prey. The crowd, filled with the likes of Zurich, cucumbers, and 'The Soo CR MINORITY JEWISH HERITAGE JUGGERNAUT,' roars with laughter and excitement. Boom is the ultimate '120' in their eyes—a caricature of defiance against the absurdity of life on the borts.

Mainlining (as Oberyn): Oh, Boom, I know all about struggle. You think you are the only one who has battled the darkness? I’ve fought the existential crises, the late-night thoughts of nothingness. I’ve stared into the void, and the void blinked first.

Boom roars in frustration and charges again, swinging his club in a wide arc. Mainlining dances just out of reach, darting in to deliver quick jabs with a slender blade, each strike precise and controlled.

Boom (as The Mountain): [breathlessly] Is that all you’ve got, Mainlining? You fight like a poet, not a warrior!

Mainlining (as Oberyn): [tauntingly, with a grin] Oh, I’m just warming up, Boom. You murdered my sister. You raped her. You killed her children. Admit it!

Boom's face reddens. He roars and charges once more, his wheelchair picking up speed, the ground trembling beneath him. Mainlining leaps gracefully to the side, planting himself firmly, and in one swift motion, trips Boom's chair, sending it careening across the arena floor.

Boom skids to a halt, momentarily stunned, but quickly rights himself, glaring daggers at Mainlining. In the stands, Evan39 (as Tywin Lannister) watches closely. His face remains impassive, but a knowing smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. He knows full well the brutal crimes Boom committed at his behest, and yet he maintains the façade of innocence, his voice dripping with false sincerity.

Evan39 (as Tywin Lannister): [smoothly] I had no part in this. The Mountain is his own man… but we must have justice, mustn’t we?

His eyes dart from Boom to Mainlining, savoring the tension in the air, the perfect blend of righteousness and denial that only a master manipulator like himself can maintain.

Boom (as The Mountain): [panting] You think you're so clever, Mainlining! But cleverness won’t save you when I crush your bones and make you admit you were just a lowly 120 all along!

Mainlining (as Oberyn): [laughing] Oh, Boom, you speak of crushing bones, but I see the cracks in your armor—the weight of your obsessions, your grudges. You, who cannot forgive ADM, who see conspiracies in every corner... You are trapped, my friend, in a cage of your own making.

The crowd grows louder, sensing the tide is turning. Boom, furious, lets out a bellow that echoes across the arena. He lunges, faster than before, his club raised high.

Mainlining (as Oberyn): [tauntingly] Tell me, Boom, what did ADM do to you? Was it worse than this? Was it worse than knowing I am the same as you—just a fractured persona, a mirror reflecting back your own madness?

Boom's expression changes—confusion, anger, and a flash of recognition. He hesitates, just for a moment, and that’s all Mainlining needs. He moves in swiftly, striking at Boom’s arm, forcing him to drop the club.

Boom (as The Mountain): [roaring] No! I am Boom! I am the truth! I am the one who survived it all, even when ADM left me to die!

Mainlining (as Oberyn): [calmly, pressing the point] You raped her! You murdered her! You killed her children! SAY IT!

Boom's face twists with rage and confusion. He lunges again, more wildly this time, his massive hands trying to grab hold of Mainlining. But Mainlining is quick—darting, agile, dodging each clumsy attempt with his usual grace. The crowd watches with bated breath, every poaster on the edge of their seat, as Mainlining circles Boom with a dancer's agility, his taunts growing sharper with each pass.

Mainlining (as Oberyn): [with increasing intensity] SAY IT! You murdered her! You killed her children!

Boom’s face is a mask of rage and desperation. He growls, his eyes wild with fury. His hands, white-knuckled on the armrests, tremble as he struggles to keep his chair steady, the strain of the fight showing in every labored breath.

Boom (as The Mountain): [frustrated] I… I killed her children!

The crowd gasps as Boom's voice cracks, but Mainlining presses on, sensing the advantage. He darts in again, his blade flashing in the sun as it slices across Boom's cheek, drawing a thin line of blood.

Mainlining (as Oberyn): [shouting, with a triumphant edge] AND THEN YOU RAPED HER! YOU MURDERED HER! SAY IT!

Boom lets out a primal scream, wheeling himself forward with every ounce of strength, his eyes blazing with madness. But Mainlining is too quick; he sidesteps, his laughter filling the arena as he dances just out of reach. Boom’s movements are becoming erratic, his breath ragged, his brain-damaged mind struggling to keep up with the rapid exchange. The crowd's roar grows louder; the poasters sense a turning point.

Mainlining (as Oberyn): [taunting] You can't kill me, Boom. I know it. You know it. But I will make you confess…

Evan39, watching closely from the stands, leans forward slightly. His expression is unreadable, a faint smile playing at his lips. He knows exactly what happened to Mainlining's sister. He orchestrated it. But here, in this moment, he plays the part of the disinterested observer, his calm detachment concealing the dark truth.

Evan39 (as Tywin Lannister): [smoothly, to himself] Justice… must be seen to be done.

Boom stumbles slightly, his chair rattling under his weight, his face growing red with anger and exertion. Mainlining moves in again, closer this time, emboldened by his success.


Boom's eyes widen, something flickering in his mind—confusion, anger, and a flicker of doubt. He sways for a moment, his grip loosening. Sensing weakness, Mainlining moves in for the final blow. But just as he does, Boom reaches out with a sudden burst of energy, grabbing Mainlining by the leg with surprising strength.

The crowd gasps as Mainlining is pulled off balance. For a moment, his confidence falters. Boom’s massive hands grip him tightly, his fingers digging into Mainlining’s flesh.

Boom (as The Mountain): [softly, dangerously] I… did it. I did it all… and I'll do it again.

Mainlining's eyes widen in shock. The realization dawns too late—he has underestimated Boom’s raw power, his determination, his refusal to be defeated.

Boom pulls Mainlining closer, lifting him slightly off the ground. With a roar of defiance, Boom slams Mainlining down into the dirt. Mainlining cries out, his head striking the ground, dazed and disoriented. The crowd falls silent, sensing the shift in momentum.

Boom, with a final surge of energy, rises from his wheelchair, looming over Mainlining. His face is a mask of fury and triumph, his hands reaching down to grasp Mainlining's head. The poasters know what’s coming; their cheers turn to hushed murmurs as they watch the scene unfold.

Mainlining (as Oberyn): [weakly, almost pleading] Wait… Boom… we are the same… don’t…

But Boom does not hesitate. He brings his hands together with a sickening crunch. Blood pours from Mainlining’s nose and mouth, his eyes wide with shock and pain. The crowd erupts in a mixture of horror and excitement.

Boom (as The Mountain): I… am… BOOM!

In the stands, Evan39 (as Tywin Lannister) leans forward slightly, a knowing smile on his lips. He watches as the life drains from Mainlining’s eyes, the echo of his voice still ringing in the arena.

Evan39 (as Tywin Lannister): [murmuring to himself] We must do what we must… for the good of the realm…

The poasters erupt in a chaotic mix of cheers and jeers, some in shock, others reveling in the spectacle of it all.

Disco Fries (as The Moderator): [grinning, barely containing his amusement] Well, folks, it looks like the Greatbort gods have spoken… and Boom here is the one left standing. Guess you can't keep a good fraud down, huh?

But just as the scene begins to quiet, a figure emerges from the shadows of the arena—Dunedain Cowboy, the AutoAdmit's version of Qyburn. He strides forward, his eyes glinting with a strange, dark knowledge. The poasters, sensing something ominous, grow silent.

Dunedain Cowboy: [chanting in a low, eerie voice] The Greatbort has demanded… and so it shall be…

He kneels beside Boom’s bloodied form, placing his hands over Boom's head. A strange, flickering light begins to glow around them, dark and ominous, as if pulled from the very essence of the board’s darkest threads.

Disco Fries (as The Moderator): [laughing] Oh, come on, Dunedain, really? You're gonna Qyburn him back to life now?

Dunedain Cowboy: [with a knowing grin] Oh, it’s not just life, my friends. It's… more.

Boom’s body jerks, his eyes snapping open, now glowing with an unnatural light. The crowd gasps. Boom stands slowly, no longer broken but radiating a new, twisted vitality.

Boom (resurrected, grinning): I… am… BOOM! And I am BACK!

The poasters erupt into pandemonium, half in terror, half in raucous applause, as Boom, now infused with the dark energy of the Greatbort itself, lifts his arms in triumph.

Evan39 (as Tywin Lannister): [with a satisfied smirk] Perhaps… the fight isn't over after all.

The curtain falls on the blood-soaked arena, leaving the poasters to ponder the madness of the Greatbort, where reality is blurred, and only those who can embrace the darkest parts of themselves emerge victorious. Somewhere, in the recesses of Boom's mind, a twisted smile spreads—he knows that in this place, at least, he will always be the last man standing.


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Date: September 11th, 2024 9:00 PM
Author: motley philosopher-king


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Date: September 11th, 2024 9:24 PM
Author: motley philosopher-king


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Date: September 11th, 2024 9:57 PM
Author: motley philosopher-king


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Date: September 11th, 2024 10:14 PM
Author: motley philosopher-king


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Date: September 11th, 2024 10:58 PM
Author: motley philosopher-king


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Date: September 11th, 2024 11:02 PM
Author: razzmatazz theater stage blood rage



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Date: September 11th, 2024 11:09 PM
Author: motley philosopher-king


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Date: September 12th, 2024 9:01 AM
Author: motley philosopher-king


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Author: Mahchine'ing the $ecret truth of the univer$e (You won’t refu$e my "baby" "Mahchine" forever.... ;))


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Date: September 11th, 2024 11:12 PM
Author: motley philosopher-king


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Date: September 12th, 2024 10:39 AM
Author: motley philosopher-king


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Date: September 12th, 2024 11:14 AM
Author: motley philosopher-king

Evan39? Response


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Date: September 12th, 2024 2:06 PM
Author: motley philosopher-king


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Date: September 14th, 2024 3:03 PM
Author: motley philosopher-king


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Date: September 18th, 2024 8:20 PM
Author: motley philosopher-king


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Date: September 23rd, 2024 1:02 AM
Author: motley philosopher-king


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Date: September 23rd, 2024 1:02 AM
Author: Diverse Mentally Impaired Juggernaut


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Date: September 12th, 2024 11:47 PM
Author: motley philosopher-king


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Date: September 13th, 2024 12:44 AM
Author: motley philosopher-king


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Date: September 14th, 2024 5:09 AM
Author: motley philosopher-king


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Date: September 18th, 2024 12:21 AM
Author: motley philosopher-king


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Date: September 30th, 2024 10:06 AM
Author: Mahchine'ing the $ecret truth of the univer$e (My 45% Mahchine knows "gentlemen" are very tenacious of life)
