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Noncompetes BANNED by FTC

cruel-hearted histrionic school shitlib
Will this actually go into effect? Any arguments agains...
saffron base alpha
it will prob be challenged and put on ice pending litigation...
cruel-hearted histrionic school shitlib
I can't see a constitutional argument, only one that the FTC...
khaki space corn cake
wow, what an anti semitic comment. jfc
Chestnut kitchen
Wow, cool it Adolf. Thread closed.
dull medicated resort
Jesus, the FTC
Overrated geriatric bawdyhouse
dat Chevron gone now too motherfucker
in a normal country this wld have been banned 50 billion yea...
Chestnut kitchen
I don't know about Ching Chong land, but most EU countries a...
mauve wagecucks business firm
Question pertaining to Chevron vs Natural Resources Defense ...
lake church striped hyena
I have no idea what precise statutory language they are citi...
khaki space corn cake
Read Schechter FUCKING Poultry
talented erotic personal credit line corner
lake church striped hyena
agreed. I don't think the Congress has passed a budget p...
bearded forum goyim
The leeches in Congress all want imperial powers in the even...
lake church striped hyena
It’s technically the president doing it
Pearl plaza lettuce
Right he can supposedly "fire" them if he doesn't ...
lake church striped hyena
Technically, if the president does it, it is not illegal
Excitant Chartreuse Theater
will this stay in effect after the lawsuit is filed to stop ...
Vivacious theatre
I've got like a 6-12 month non compete. How fucked
Plum razzle-dazzle national security agency
This would be great for almost everyone, really bad for a ha...
Pearl plaza lettuce
Noncompetes outside the context of an acquisition are total ...
dashing crackhouse
Vivacious theatre
Haven’t actually read it yet but aren’t arcs in ...
crystalline drunken gay wizard
yes, if you are like a 25% owner or more of the seller then ...
bearded forum goyim
Tbh that seems high. So you’re a founder selling 10% o...
crystalline drunken gay wizard
Political BS move in am election year that will be struck do...
Mind-boggling chocolate parlor
Go suck more chamber of commerce dick faggot
Vivacious theatre
Swashbuckling People Who Are Hurt Temple
lake church striped hyena
180 Coiffed Ticket Booth
Crusty mad cow disease principal's office
cyan trip stage mood
slippery stimulating house
vigorous state degenerate
talented erotic personal credit line corner
Submissive locus idea he suggested
dull medicated resort
Would love to see an outline and assessment of the arguments...
saffron base alpha
The rule was proposed a solid year ago and got 25000 comment...
shivering purple trailer park stock car
too good to be true. reading the headline disoriented me, fi...
cerebral bat shit crazy site yarmulke
In many euro jurisdictions you have to pay for the non compe...
dashing crackhouse
bearded forum goyim
Vivacious theatre
lake church striped hyena
vigorous state degenerate
Overrated geriatric bawdyhouse
Kikechipper Jones
I always do a self-imposed 12 month noncompete. My former fi...
Walnut Menage Queen Of The Night
How does the boss' boot taste?
dull medicated resort
Terribly underrated and unappreciated joke
Kikechipper Jones
This is amazingly 18000000000. xo Joe!
maize location
What is CSLG going to do now that Chandler and Kinney are fr...
Duck-like coral cuck
or worse, a sushi restaurant
wild milky partner
Scarlet laser beams
mauve wagecucks business firm
Duck-like coral cuck
Overrated geriatric bawdyhouse
I realize I may be a minority of one on this, but this is ba...
Comical Generalized Bond
shut up faggot
flirting indian lodge deer antler
slippery stimulating house
Wow that would be terrible if employees became motivated to ...
Vivacious theatre
Years back, I bought a small manufacturing company from a gu...
Comical Generalized Bond
And the name of the manager was…Albert Einstein
useless emerald place of business
Maybe it would have been better if he just crashed and burne...
Ruby meetinghouse brethren
Cr just like America. We need it to fail so we can create CS...
lake church striped hyena
Oh no not a deleterious effect
Scarlet laser beams
Fluffy hospital
aggressive crotch
Those are the worst kind of effects.
shivering purple trailer park stock car
Risten! Then that guy can crawl back after his venture fa...
maize location
this will incentivize companies to treat their best employee...
anal splenetic tank
o noes not the economy!
vigorous state degenerate
oh no not atomization of too big to fail businesses that the...
Overrated geriatric bawdyhouse
What counts as a non-compete? Would think companies could ju...
flirting indian lodge deer antler
Absent a court decision I would agree. They are other ways, ...
Thriller lemon dilemma cumskin
No weird trick with this one: https://www.ftc.gov/system/...
house-broken puppy
lol how were these ever legal in the first place?
Pearl plaza lettuce
They never used to be.
maize location
(california burrito fucker) They just have to be limited ...
mauve wagecucks business firm
As someone who has had non-competes themselves and also made...
slippery stimulating house
i read somewhere that amazon was one of the most aggressive ...
motley faggot firefighter
There were stories a few years ago about driving sandwich ar...
concupiscible lavender orchestra pit
Only a few states say if you're terminated not for cause (ca...
slippery stimulating house
ty. as a w2 wage earner, i understand the benefit of free c...
motley faggot firefighter
Just don't tell anyone or update your LinkedIn, who's gonna ...
Ruby meetinghouse brethren
If you're in sales this doesn't work, because everyone check...
slippery stimulating house
Yet it took Lina KHAN, a musbro, to get rid of this unAmeric...
aggressive crotch
have sealclubber or TDNW given their early 2000s national re...
Cracking Big-titted Cruise Ship
I’m a small business owner you dumbfuck
Overrated geriatric bawdyhouse
no one here is affected because decades ago wise judges dug ...
charcoal very tactful piazza milk
they're enforceable against in-house aren't they, or no?
motley faggot firefighter
Not if you can prove you are a real attorney and not an in h...
maize location
order should come out July 3 in the Northern District of Tex...
Just asking questions
Germany Niubian Pills 3000 mg, Xinwei Male Enhancement Pills - p

Poast new message in this thread

Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 3:29 PM
Author: cruel-hearted histrionic school shitlib


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Date: April 23rd, 2024 3:43 PM
Author: saffron base alpha

Will this actually go into effect?

Any arguments against constitutionality?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 3:44 PM
Author: cruel-hearted histrionic school shitlib

it will prob be challenged and put on ice pending litigation like the climate change disclosure rules


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 3:45 PM
Author: khaki space corn cake

I can't see a constitutional argument, only one that the FTC lacks the authority to issue such a rule


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Date: April 23rd, 2024 3:47 PM
Author: Chestnut kitchen

wow, what an anti semitic comment. jfc


Reply Favorite

Date: April 27th, 2024 9:51 PM
Author: dull medicated resort

Wow, cool it Adolf.

Thread closed.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 27th, 2024 9:53 PM
Author: Overrated geriatric bawdyhouse

Jesus, the FTC


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Date: July 3rd, 2024 1:57 AM
Author: hank_scorpio

dat Chevron gone now too motherfucker


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 3:47 PM
Author: Chestnut kitchen

in a normal country this wld have been banned 50 billion years ago


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 8:29 PM
Author: mauve wagecucks business firm

I don't know about Ching Chong land, but most EU countries allow non-competes as long as they are paid, which is how it should be.

Non-competes are essential if you want to do pretty routine things like bring a new doctor into a practice with a strong presence in a geographical area. The practice may front this person relocation costs, etc. Why should they be out because this ((doctor)) decides in 18 months he should strike it out on his own?

Coercive noncompetes suck, and they shouldn't be the rule rather than the exception--as they've come to be for some low-level people in the tech business--but businesses expend a lot of money bringing people into the fold and they shouldn't just be able to turn around and compete with lowered barriers.


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Date: April 23rd, 2024 3:51 PM
Author: lake church striped hyena

Question pertaining to Chevron vs Natural Resources Defense Council...

Why does an unelected group of 5 people make this "rule" that affects millions of people? Shouldn't Congress make a law defining it? Seems insane some 3 letter agency decides this vs an act of Congress. This should be in the hands of the people.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 3:52 PM
Author: khaki space corn cake

I have no idea what precise statutory language they are citing for this, but it wouldn't need to be a whole lot, if they have any leg to stand on the issue would seem to be if it is arbitrary and capricious to except certain senior executives


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 3:52 PM
Author: talented erotic personal credit line corner

Read Schechter FUCKING Poultry


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 5:47 PM
Author: lake church striped hyena


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 4:16 PM
Author: bearded forum goyim


I don't think the Congress has passed a budget per the Constitutional process since maybe Obama was POTUS. The Senate has devolved from the de facto governing body of the US to a forum for frivolous people to make frivolous speeches and occasionally run for POTUS.

hence the battle for the White House is the battle for all the federal government because the WH ostensibly runs the administrative agencies. when a Dem wins POTUS the agencies have free rein to go lib. and on the occasions where a Republican wins POTUS the agencies stubbornly fight all changes.

so yes it should be for the Congress and POTUS to decide but that world disappeared a while ago.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 5:47 PM
Author: lake church striped hyena

The leeches in Congress all want imperial powers in the event they become POTUS so they can make rules for everybody. They're all sociopaths giddy about power. We should have never let them ruin our government like this.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 4:21 PM
Author: Pearl plaza lettuce

It’s technically the president doing it


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 5:47 PM
Author: lake church striped hyena

Right he can supposedly "fire" them if he doesn't like how they go?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:42 PM
Author: Excitant Chartreuse Theater

Technically, if the president does it, it is not illegal


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 4:07 PM
Author: Vivacious theatre

will this stay in effect after the lawsuit is filed to stop it? this would be super helpful to me if my non compete got invalidated, like really really helpful. $$


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 4:19 PM
Author: Plum razzle-dazzle national security agency

I've got like a 6-12 month non compete. How fucked


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 4:20 PM
Author: Pearl plaza lettuce

This would be great for almost everyone, really bad for a handful


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 4:23 PM
Author: dashing crackhouse

Noncompetes outside the context of an acquisition are total bullshit tbh.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 4:24 PM
Author: Vivacious theatre


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 4:30 PM
Author: crystalline drunken gay wizard

Haven’t actually read it yet but aren’t arcs in the sale of a business context carved out from this?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 4:31 PM
Author: bearded forum goyim

yes, if you are like a 25% owner or more of the seller then you can promised not to compete.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2024 8:22 AM
Author: crystalline drunken gay wizard

Tbh that seems high. So you’re a founder selling 10% of your billion dollar company and you can’t be bound to a noncompete?

Edit: just checked and apparently the 25% threshold did not make it into the final rule, just needs to be a BONA FIDE sale of the business.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 4:26 PM
Author: Mind-boggling chocolate parlor

Political BS move in am election year that will be struck down.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 5:12 PM
Author: Vivacious theatre

Go suck more chamber of commerce dick faggot


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 5:51 PM
Author: Swashbuckling People Who Are Hurt Temple


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 5:56 PM
Author: lake church striped hyena


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 5:57 PM
Author: 180 Coiffed Ticket Booth


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 7:29 PM
Author: Crusty mad cow disease principal's office


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 7:48 PM
Author: cyan trip stage mood


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:30 PM
Author: slippery stimulating house


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:57 PM
Author: vigorous state degenerate


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2024 10:26 AM
Author: talented erotic personal credit line corner


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2024 10:27 AM
Author: Submissive locus idea he suggested


Reply Favorite

Date: April 27th, 2024 9:53 PM
Author: dull medicated resort


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 6:20 PM
Author: saffron base alpha

Would love to see an outline and assessment of the arguments.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 26th, 2024 4:12 PM
Author: shivering purple trailer park stock car

The rule was proposed a solid year ago and got 25000 comments, the vast majority in favor of the rule.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 5:15 PM
Author: cerebral bat shit crazy site yarmulke

too good to be true. reading the headline disoriented me, first time in maybe 80 years the state just unilaterally did something good for workers. can't be real.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 5:34 PM
Author: dashing crackhouse

In many euro jurisdictions you have to pay for the non compete. So any time an employee leaves you pay them a percentage of their salary for the duration of the noncompete. Shockingly no one does noncompetes because they don’t want to pay except for high level execs. That’s the way it should be.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 5:35 PM
Author: bearded forum goyim


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 5:50 PM
Author: Vivacious theatre


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 5:56 PM
Author: lake church striped hyena


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:58 PM
Author: vigorous state degenerate


Reply Favorite

Date: April 27th, 2024 9:53 PM
Author: Overrated geriatric bawdyhouse


Reply Favorite

Date: July 3rd, 2024 1:53 AM
Author: Kikechipper Jones (FAGGOTCHIPPER / Hegemon)


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 6:53 PM
Author: Walnut Menage Queen Of The Night

I always do a self-imposed 12 month noncompete. My former firm has a family too, and anything else wouldn't be fair to deals and relationships that rightly fall within the penumbra of the prior firm.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 27th, 2024 9:54 PM
Author: dull medicated resort

How does the boss' boot taste?


Reply Favorite

Date: July 3rd, 2024 1:54 AM
Author: Kikechipper Jones (FAGGOTCHIPPER / Hegemon)

Terribly underrated and unappreciated joke


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 7:05 PM
Author: maize location

This is amazingly 18000000000.

xo Joe!


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 7:14 PM
Author: Duck-like coral cuck

What is CSLG going to do now that Chandler and Kinney are free to open up a PI mill across the street from his joint?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 7:49 PM
Author: wild milky partner

or worse, a sushi restaurant


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 7:55 PM
Author: Scarlet laser beams


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 8:31 PM
Author: mauve wagecucks business firm


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:31 PM
Author: Duck-like coral cuck


Reply Favorite

Date: April 27th, 2024 9:54 PM
Author: Overrated geriatric bawdyhouse


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 7:21 PM
Author: Comical Generalized Bond

I realize I may be a minority of one on this, but this is bad for business and ultimately the economy. Businesses are fragile entities. This will allow employees more easily to peace out with inside information and skills that they've gained on the companies dime, either to competitors or to start their own companies. It will have a deleterious effect on a lot of industries. I've used a lot of noncompetes over the years and they have kept several businesses going that otherwise would have atomized, so that some moron could try to start his own smaller version of the business and fail.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 7:32 PM
Author: flirting indian lodge deer antler

shut up faggot


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:31 PM
Author: slippery stimulating house



Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 7:48 PM
Author: Vivacious theatre

Wow that would be terrible if employees became motivated to “start their own companies” with “skills that they’ve gained”


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 7:55 PM
Author: Comical Generalized Bond

Years back, I bought a small manufacturing company from a guy who had owned it for a long time. His manager signed a noncompete to keep working for me, but was angry and bitter that he didn't get to buy the company himself. Bad relationship but things rolled along, if rockily. It was a good deal for me overall.

Eventually, I decided to sell the business to one of my customers. The manager and his noncompete went along to the new owner with the deal. After a short while, it became clear that things weren't working out, and the new owner closed the business, freeing the manager from his noncompete.

He was free at last to pursue his dream of entrepreneurship! The manager assembled some equipment and rented the old building. He had tons of inside knowledge of how to make the product, relationships with customers, etc. And how did he do?

He fell flat on his face. The business shriveled up and died within a couple of years. The guy just wasn't cut out to be his own boss. But here's my point: if it hadn't been for his noncompete, he would have gone out on his own sooner, and had the same result. The only difference is that the business wouldn't have continued profitably, producing jobs and helping customers, for as long as it did.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:27 PM
Author: useless emerald place of business

And the name of the manager was…Albert Einstein


Reply Favorite

Date: April 26th, 2024 4:39 PM
Author: Ruby meetinghouse brethren

Maybe it would have been better if he just crashed and burned fast and then someone ELSE started an even BETTER business than that one!


Reply Favorite

Date: April 26th, 2024 4:42 PM
Author: lake church striped hyena

Cr just like America. We need it to fail so we can create CSA 2.0. The faster we get away from these liberal turkeys the better.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 7:56 PM
Author: Scarlet laser beams

Oh no not a deleterious effect


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:42 PM
Author: Fluffy hospital


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2024 10:31 AM
Author: aggressive crotch


Reply Favorite

Date: April 26th, 2024 4:14 PM
Author: shivering purple trailer park stock car

Those are the worst kind of effects.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 8:16 PM
Author: maize location


Then that guy can crawl back after his venture fails.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 8:25 PM
Author: anal splenetic tank

this will incentivize companies to treat their best employees better


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:58 PM
Author: vigorous state degenerate

o noes not the economy!


Reply Favorite

Date: April 27th, 2024 9:55 PM
Author: Overrated geriatric bawdyhouse

oh no not atomization of too big to fail businesses that then use their market power to stifle innovation and lobby the govt to crush small businesses


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 7:33 PM
Author: flirting indian lodge deer antler

What counts as a non-compete? Would think companies could just rephrase the language as a clawback and ONE WEIRD TRICK their way back into essentially the same security against leavers


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 7:43 PM
Author: Thriller lemon dilemma cumskin

Absent a court decision I would agree. They are other ways, carrot rather than stick etc


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 7:51 PM
Author: house-broken puppy

No weird trick with this one:


Non-compete clause means:

(1) A term or condition of employment that prohibits a worker from, penalizes a worker for, or functions to prevent a worker from:

(i) seeking or accepting work in the United States with a different person where such work would begin after the conclusion of the employment that includes the term or condition; or

(ii) operating a business in the United States after the conclusion of the employment that includes the term or condition.

(2) For the purposes of this part 910, term or condition of employment includes, but is not limited to, a contractual term or workplace policy, whether written or oral.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 8:00 PM
Author: Pearl plaza lettuce

lol how were these ever legal in the first place?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 8:21 PM
Author: maize location

They never used to be.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 8:33 PM
Author: mauve wagecucks business firm

(california burrito fucker)

They just have to be limited in duration and geography. It's not fucking rocket science.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 23rd, 2024 9:40 PM
Author: slippery stimulating house

As someone who has had non-competes themselves and also made employees execute them, GOOD FUCKING RIDDANCE!!!111 They are complete and utter bullshit and unAmerican at their core. "Oh, hello, you're fired, but don't try and get the same kind of job near us for an entire year. You and your family can eat dirt or get a job at McDonald's." There were literally jurisdictions in America that enforced them against people the company fucking fired.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2024 10:26 AM
Author: motley faggot firefighter

i read somewhere that amazon was one of the most aggressive in enforcing noncompetes against low level engineers. out of curiosity what kind of jx uphold them even after firing, solid red states?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2024 10:35 AM
Author: concupiscible lavender orchestra pit

There were stories a few years ago about driving sandwich artists and other fast food workers having noncompetes. Not sure if true TBH


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2024 10:54 AM
Author: slippery stimulating house

Only a few states say if you're terminated not for cause (cause would be like you stole secrets etc.) you automatically can't enforce a non-compete because if you were so valuable to the company that they needed a non-compete, they wouldn't fire you/lay you off. NY is that kind of jurisdiction. Most other states do a reasonable test, but the employee has to get a lawyer and prove to the judge they shouldn't enforce it because they were terminated, which is complete fucking bullshit if you think about it.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2024 3:16 PM
Author: motley faggot firefighter

ty. as a w2 wage earner, i understand the benefit of free competition in labor, my brother


Reply Favorite

Date: April 26th, 2024 4:41 PM
Author: Ruby meetinghouse brethren

Just don't tell anyone or update your LinkedIn, who's gonna know where you're working?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 27th, 2024 7:54 PM
Author: slippery stimulating house

If you're in sales this doesn't work, because everyone checks you out before they'll ever buy anything.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2024 10:33 AM
Author: aggressive crotch

Yet it took Lina KHAN, a musbro, to get rid of this unAmerican edifice


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2024 10:33 AM
Author: Cracking Big-titted Cruise Ship

have sealclubber or TDNW given their early 2000s national review/ayn rand "objectivist" take on this yet?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 27th, 2024 9:56 PM
Author: Overrated geriatric bawdyhouse

I’m a small business owner you dumbfuck


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2024 3:25 PM
Author: charcoal very tactful piazza milk

no one here is affected because decades ago wise judges dug deep into their lived experiences and found a penumbra that says, haha, turns out these aren't enforceable as to lawyers ever! They're enforceable to everyone else though guess it sucks to be you.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 26th, 2024 3:40 PM
Author: motley faggot firefighter

they're enforceable against in-house aren't they, or no?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 26th, 2024 3:48 PM
Author: maize location

Not if you can prove you are a real attorney and not an in house bitch.

So for all practical purposes, they were enforceable.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 3rd, 2024 1:08 AM
Author: Just asking questions

order should come out July 3 in the Northern District of Texas case re whether court is granting a stay of the rule


Reply Favorite

Date: July 3rd, 2024 2:10 AM
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