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Rate this advice on how to conceive a girl instead of a boy

Sex Timing and Ovulation: Timing intercourse for having a gi...
Ruddy hateful nowag
My guess is that it actually does help increase girl odds a ...
crimson abode karate
This advice all falls apart if you have a huge 8”x7&rd...
Razzle ladyboy hell

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Date: May 21st, 2024 5:34 PM
Author: Ruddy hateful nowag

Sex Timing and Ovulation: Timing intercourse for having a girl may be more challenging than trying for a boy. You will want to have sex several days before you ovulate. However, if you have intercourse too close to ovulation you may end up conceiving a boy. Sperm can live up to five days. You want to time intercourse so that you are having sex as far from ovulation as possible but still close enough that the sperm will still survive. The female sperm live longer than the male, so if you time things right, the male sperm will not make it to the egg to fertilize it. You want to try not to have sex during the two days before your peak day. Unfortunately, if you don’t have a regular cycle or if you ovulate earlier than you normally do, you may end up having intercourse close enough to ovulation to conceive a boy.

Sex Positions: Having sex in the missionary position is said to increase your chance of conceiving a girl, because it limits the depth of penetration. This in turn, restricts how close to the cervix, the sperm are ejaculated. Boy sperm swim very fast for short periods, so by preventing deep penetration, you may be able to prevent the boy sperm from reaching and fertilizing the egg. (Another reason for this is the pH level of the vagina; it is more acidic to the entrance, which is favorable for the girl sperm.)

Sex Advice: NO ORGASM.

Avoiding an orgasm may be another key to conceiving a girl. The female orgasm releases an alkaline secretion which may help boy sperm to survive longer, by creating a less hostile environment. Without these secretions, boy sperm may find it harder to survive, and have less chance of reaching the egg. Rather than restricting your sex life to specific times, when trying for a girl you should aim to have more sex. In the days leading up to your key conception time, you should have as much sex as possible. This will reduce your partner’s sperm count, and mean there are less fast-swimming boy sperm available to join the race for fertilization.


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Date: May 21st, 2024 5:51 PM
Author: crimson abode karate

My guess is that it actually does help increase girl odds a little bit.


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Date: May 21st, 2024 5:57 PM
Author: Razzle ladyboy hell

This advice all falls apart if you have a huge 8”x7” cock.
