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Trump's speech in Los Angeles tonight

It’s great to be here in Los Angeles. The City of Ange...
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Date: May 24th, 2024 3:29 AM
Author: Big institution marketing idea

It’s great to be here in Los Angeles. The City of Angels *arms flapping* What a tremendous city. Really, just fantastic. I see a lot of great people here tonight.

The most beautiful people are here tonight, believe me folks. They told me I was going to the Forum tonight but you're all tens.

So, let’s talk about some people who aren't so beautiful. *laughter* Sleepy Joe and Kamala, oh boy. Can you believe these two? It's like watching a bad episode of The Apprentice.

Sleepy Joe doesn’t know where he is half the time. If Sleepy Joe was wandering around outside on Hollywood Blvd right now, people would be stopping to give him change. I'm kidding folks. Joe is actually wandering around the White House right now. He's looking for his dog. Did you hear about this? Sleepy Joe got a new dog and it kept biting everyone, so they took his dog away when Joe was asleep and they killed the poor thing. Joe still has no idea.

And Kamala.. *pause for groans/laughter* Is Kamala something else or what? This woman laughs at everything, I mean everything. She laughs when nothing is funny. They should put her in Kimmel's audience. It’s embarrassing, folks. They’re running the country like it’s a failed NBC pilot.

But enough about these losers. We’ve got some winners here tonight don't we folks. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, where are you? Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. A legend, a total legend. And Jordan Farmar, he's here. Hey Jordan-- another great guy. Give them a round of applause. These guys know how to win, they know how to get things done. They could teach Joe and Kamala a thing or two about teamwork and winning.

Now, let’s cut to the chase. Israel and Palestine. What a mess, folks. Am I right? What a mess. It’s been going on forever. For-ever. And what is Sleepy Joe doing about it? He's still looking for Grover.

But here’s the thing, folks. You’re all here. Jews and Muslims, you're all here right now. All of you motherfuckers are already here, so work it out. Figure it out. Enough is enough.

And that’s what we need, folks. We need winners. We need people who win and people who figure things out and get things done. Right Kareem? We need strength, we need brains, and we need common sense. And somebody needs to get Joe a stuffed animal.

Thank you, Los Angeles. You’ve been tremendous. Thank you!
