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On The "Relationship" Between Presidents Obama and Biden

The relationship between former President Barack Obama and c...
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Certainly, I can provide specific examples that suggest a co...
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There is some evidence to suggest that Barack Obama may have...
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Date: September 16th, 2024 10:38 AM
Author: Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (I have concepts of a plan. )

The relationship between former President Barack Obama and current President Joe Biden has often been portrayed in public as one of mutual respect and friendship, with both men frequently speaking highly of each other. However, various reports and insider accounts have suggested that there may be complexities and tensions beneath the surface that are not always visible in their public interactions. Understanding the nuances of their relationship requires examining their personal dynamics, professional differences, and the political context surrounding their partnership.

Historical Background and Context of Their Relationship

1. Initial Relationship as Senate Colleagues:

Obama and Biden first became colleagues in the Senate, where Biden had already been serving for several decades by the time Obama was elected in 2004. At that time, Biden was a seasoned politician with a reputation for being knowledgeable on foreign policy, while Obama was a rising star with a fresh and charismatic approach to politics.

Their initial relationship was marked by some distance, as Biden, known for his verbose style and deep understanding of legislative details, contrasted with Obama’s more measured and eloquent approach. However, they shared common ground as Democrats focused on progressive policy goals.

2. The 2008 Presidential Campaign:

During the 2008 Democratic primaries, Biden ran against Obama, making critical comments about Obama’s experience, famously describing him as "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean." This comment was widely criticized, and Biden later apologized for it, but it marked an early point of tension in their relationship.

After Obama won the Democratic nomination, he chose Biden as his running mate, largely because of Biden’s extensive foreign policy experience and his ability to connect with working-class voters. This decision helped balance the ticket, combining Obama’s fresh appeal with Biden’s experience and perceived “gravitas.”

3. Vice Presidency and Professional Dynamics:

As Vice President, Biden played a supportive but sometimes challenging role in the Obama administration. While they worked closely together, Biden was not always in Obama’s inner circle when it came to key decision-making processes. Reports suggest that Obama’s closest advisors, such as David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel, and Valerie Jarrett, were often more influential in shaping policy than Biden.

Biden’s style and approach could sometimes clash with Obama’s. For instance, Biden was known for his tendency to speak off-the-cuff, sometimes creating political challenges, like when he prematurely voiced support for same-sex marriage in 2012, effectively pushing Obama to accelerate his public stance on the issue. Additionally, Biden was not always aligned with Obama on foreign policy decisions, such as his opposition to the 2009 surge in Afghanistan and his caution about the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in 2011. Obama ultimately went against Biden’s advice in both instances, which may have created some lingering tension or a sense that Biden’s counsel was undervalued.

4. Post-Obama Administration Period:

After leaving office, Obama and Biden’s relationship continued to be cordial but had some elements of distance. While Obama publicly endorsed Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign, he did not do so early on, reportedly encouraging other candidates to run and waiting until it was clear Biden would win the Democratic nomination before making his endorsement.

There were reports that Obama privately expressed doubts about Biden’s chances in 2020, allegedly questioning whether Biden could "connect" with voters in the current political climate and whether he had the stamina for the campaign. Some of Obama’s aides and advisors were more openly skeptical of Biden’s bid for the presidency, reflecting concerns about Biden’s age, campaign style, and political viability.

Reasons for Potential Misunderstanding or Tension

1. Differences in Temperament and Style:

Obama's Deliberative and Analytical Approach: Obama is known for his measured, intellectual, and often analytical approach to decision-making. He is often described as "No Drama Obama" for his calm demeanor and preference for data-driven decisions. He typically surrounded himself with a tight-knit circle of advisors who reflected his values and working style.

Biden's More Relational and Intuitive Approach: Biden, on the other hand, is known for his emotive and instinctive approach, focusing heavily on personal relationships and direct engagement. His more informal style sometimes led to gaffes or policy divergences that were not always appreciated in Obama’s more controlled environment. This difference in style likely caused some friction, as Biden’s freewheeling approach sometimes conflicted with Obama’s preference for carefully crafted messaging and strategy.

2. Role of Vice President and Marginalization:

Biden's Ambition vs. Role Limitations: Biden, having served as a senator for decades and having been a presidential candidate himself, brought his own ambitions and experiences to the role of Vice President. However, the Vice Presidency is inherently a secondary position, and Biden was sometimes seen as being sidelined from key policy decisions. While Obama assigned Biden important tasks—such as overseeing the 2009 economic stimulus package and leading negotiations with Congress—he was not always included in the smaller, more influential decision-making circles. This could have led to feelings of marginalization or underutilization on Biden’s part.

Obama's Reliance on Other Advisors: Obama tended to rely more on other advisors, such as David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, and Rahm Emanuel, who were more aligned with his style and thinking. This may have created a sense that Biden was more of an outsider within the administration, not fully trusted with shaping the inner workings of the White House.

3. Generational and Ideological Differences:

Generational Gap: Obama and Biden represent two different generations within the Democratic Party. Obama, a Gen Xer, was seen as a symbol of change and a new approach to politics, while Biden, a Baby Boomer, came from an older, more traditional Democratic establishment. This generational gap could create different perspectives on how to approach policy and politics.

Ideological Nuances: While both men share core Democratic values, Obama has been associated with a more progressive, transformative vision of governance, emphasizing systemic change. In contrast, Biden has often positioned himself as a moderate and a consensus-builder, focusing on pragmatism and bipartisanship. This ideological nuance could lead to misunderstandings or differing priorities, particularly when dealing with the Democratic Party's shifting base.

4. Public Perception and Media Narratives:

Contrasting Public Personas: Publicly, both men project images of mutual respect and camaraderie, but the media and political observers often scrutinize their interactions for signs of tension or disagreement. For example, the “bromance” narrative promoted by their teams during the Obama years was likely overstated to create a unified image, which may have masked underlying differences.

Media Speculation: The media has frequently speculated about the nature of their relationship, especially during Biden's 2020 campaign when Obama’s delayed endorsement was interpreted by some as reluctance or doubt. Such speculation, whether grounded in reality or not, could contribute to perceptions of tension or misunderstanding between the two men.

5. Obama's Legacy and Biden's Presidency:

Guarding a Legacy: Obama, as a former president, naturally has a vested interest in preserving his legacy. Some of Biden’s policy approaches or decisions might diverge from Obama’s vision or be seen as redefining certain aspects of the Obama era, leading to potential friction. For example, Biden's ambitious legislative agenda on issues like infrastructure, social welfare, and climate change could be viewed as overshadowing some of the achievements of the Obama administration, intentionally or not.

Political Realities: There are also political realities at play—Obama’s reticence to immediately endorse Biden in 2020 could reflect a broader political calculation, one informed by concerns over Biden’s electability, age, and capacity to connect with a broader electorate. Obama may have worried that Biden's candidacy could falter against younger, more dynamic candidates or that Biden might not be the best standard-bearer for the post-Trump Democratic Party.

Conclusion: Navigating a Complex Relationship

While Obama and Biden publicly present themselves as close allies and friends, it is clear that their relationship is more complicated than the public narrative often suggests. It is characterized by differences in style, approach, and generational perspective, as well as the natural tensions that can arise between a former president and his vice president, especially when the latter becomes the current officeholder.

These complexities are typical of any relationship between high-powered political figures who must balance personal rapport with professional ambition, legacy considerations, and the constant evolution of the political landscape. However, both men have demonstrated a pragmatic ability to work together despite these differences, suggesting that any misunderstandings or tensions are part of the normal push and pull of political partnership rather than deep-seated animosity.


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Date: September 16th, 2024 10:42 AM
Author: Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (I have concepts of a plan. )

Certainly, I can provide specific examples that suggest a complicated relationship between Barack Obama and Joe Biden. These examples highlight moments where their public actions or behind-the-scenes maneuvers could indicate tension, differences in strategy, or potentially even distrust or dislike. Here are some key instances that illustrate the complexities of their relationship:

1. Obama’s Support for Hillary Clinton in 2016

Context: During the 2016 presidential election cycle, Joe Biden was considering running for the Democratic nomination after serving two terms as Vice President under Obama. However, it was clear that Obama was more supportive of Hillary Clinton's candidacy than Biden’s potential run.

Specific Actions and Indications:

Public Neutrality, Private Push: While Obama publicly remained neutral initially, various reports suggest that he privately encouraged Biden not to run. Obama reportedly believed that Hillary Clinton was the stronger candidate with a better chance of winning, given her extensive political experience, established fundraising network, and deep connections within the Democratic Party. In addition, Obama may have thought Clinton’s policy positions would better preserve and build upon his own legacy, particularly in areas like healthcare, foreign policy, and social issues.

Subtle Discouragement: According to reports from insiders, Obama subtly discouraged Biden from running by not giving him a full-throated endorsement or encouragement when Biden was weighing his decision in 2015. Biden later said in his memoir, Promise Me, Dad, that Obama gave him his blessing to run but stopped short of full encouragement, which some interpreted as Obama’s way of indirectly pushing Biden out of the race.

Public Statements Favoring Clinton: When Hillary Clinton announced her campaign, Obama made positive public remarks about her candidacy, saying she would be “an excellent president.” While not explicitly an endorsement, this contrasted with his more subdued public comments about Biden's potential candidacy.

2. Obama’s Delayed Endorsement of Biden in 2020

Context: When Joe Biden decided to run for president in 2020, many assumed that Obama would quickly endorse his former vice president. However, Obama refrained from making a public endorsement until April 2020, after Biden had effectively secured the Democratic nomination.

Specific Actions and Indications:

Delayed Endorsement: Despite their long-standing working relationship, Obama waited over a year after Biden announced his candidacy to offer his public endorsement. This delay fueled speculation that Obama might not fully support Biden’s campaign or that he had reservations about Biden’s viability as a candidate. Politico reported that Obama had, in fact, encouraged other potential candidates, such as Beto O’Rourke and Elizabeth Warren, to run, suggesting he was open to alternatives.

Reported Doubts About Biden's Candidacy: According to reports from insiders, Obama expressed concerns privately about Biden's candidacy, reportedly saying, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** things up.” He is also rumored to have questioned whether Biden could “connect” with the voters in the current political climate. These statements, if accurate, suggest that Obama had doubts about Biden’s electability and political strategy.

Supporting Other Candidates: Obama’s close advisors, including David Plouffe and David Axelrod, were notably supportive of other Democratic candidates, such as Pete Buttigieg. Plouffe even publicly praised Buttigieg as “the most talented person in the race,” while Axelrod frequently commented on Biden’s campaign missteps. This could indicate that Obama’s inner circle was not wholly aligned behind Biden’s candidacy.

3. Lack of Defense for Biden’s Decision to Stay in Office Before 2024 Election

Context: As President Biden’s approval ratings dipped and concerns about his age and fitness for office grew, some Democrats began speculating that he might consider stepping down or choosing not to run for re-election in 2024. Obama’s lack of a public defense for Biden’s decision to stay in office until the end of his term, and potentially run for a second term, added fuel to these discussions.

Specific Actions and Indications:

No Public Support for Re-election Decision: Unlike former presidents who sometimes rally around their successors to support their decisions or shore up party unity, Obama has remained notably silent about Biden’s decision to run for a second term in 2024. While he has praised Biden’s presidency in broad terms, he has not offered a strong public defense or encouragement for Biden to continue in office amid growing speculation and criticism.

Reported Private Advice to Step Down: Some reports suggest that Obama has privately counseled Biden to consider not running for re-election in 2024, concerned that another Biden candidacy could risk the Democrats’ chances of maintaining the White House, especially given the polarized political environment and Biden’s declining popularity in key swing states.

Unclear Public Statements: When Obama has been asked about Biden’s future or his decisions, he often offers generic praise without committing to specific support for Biden’s 2024 candidacy. This neutrality or vagueness could be interpreted as a sign of reservations or at least a lack of enthusiasm.

4. Competing Legacies and Policy Differences

Context: While both Obama and Biden are aligned on many core Democratic values, there are subtle but important differences in their policy approaches and legacies, which could create tension or distrust.

Specific Actions and Indications:

Health Care Strategy: Obama’s signature achievement, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), has been a central part of his legacy. However, Biden has taken a more aggressive stance in expanding the ACA through initiatives like lowering the Medicare eligibility age and advocating for a public option, which might be seen as overshadowing or redefining Obama’s original vision.

Foreign Policy Disagreements: Biden and Obama have had notable policy disagreements in the past, such as Biden’s opposition to the 2009 surge in Afghanistan and his caution about the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound in 2011. Biden’s handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 was also a point of divergence. While Obama did not publicly criticize the withdrawal, some of his former advisors were vocal in their critique, suggesting a difference in approach that Obama himself may privately share.

Obama’s Concerns About Biden’s Political Approach: Biden's insistence on bipartisanship and his belief in his ability to work with Republicans could be seen as at odds with Obama’s more cautious stance toward Republican obstructionism, especially after the gridlock he experienced during his second term. Obama might see Biden’s approach as naive or overly optimistic given the current political climate.

5. Personal Disposition and Differences in Style

Context: Obama and Biden have contrasting personal styles and temperaments, which could lead to misunderstandings or friction. Obama is known for his reserved, cerebral demeanor, while Biden is more extroverted, folksy, and prone to gaffes.

Specific Actions and Indications:

Lack of Closeness During Obama’s Presidency: Despite working together for eight years, Obama and Biden were not as personally close as they sometimes portrayed. Some insiders have described Biden as feeling “sidelined” or “underused” during the Obama years, suggesting that while they were publicly aligned, there was some underlying frustration on Biden’s part.

Differences in How They Handle Conflict: Obama is known for his preference for careful deliberation and often private handling of conflict, while Biden is more likely to speak his mind publicly or engage directly. This difference in style might contribute to a sense that they do not always see eye to eye or that there is some underlying tension.

Conclusion: Evidence of a Complicated Relationship

While Barack Obama and Joe Biden maintain a public image of mutual respect and friendship, several examples suggest that their relationship is more complicated than it appears on the surface. Obama’s support for Hillary Clinton in 2016, his delayed endorsement of Biden in 2020, his lack of a robust public defense of Biden’s decision to remain in office, and their policy and personal differences all point to a dynamic that may involve underlying tensions or at least a recognition of their different political and personal styles.

These examples reflect a relationship that, while functional and respectful, might also be characterized by moments of skepticism, doubt, and strategic disagreement, suggesting that the proclaimed closeness might not be as deep or uncomplicated as publicly presented. This complexity is not unusual in politics, where alliances often need to navigate a mix of shared goals, competing ambitions, and personal differences.


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Date: September 16th, 2024 10:44 AM
Author: Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (I have concepts of a plan. )

There is some evidence to suggest that Barack Obama may have reservations about Joe Biden that could be rooted in differences in age, background, and perceived intellectual capability. While it is difficult to definitively say whether Obama lacks respect for Biden, the dynamics of their relationship—combined with reports from insiders and public behaviors—point to certain factors that might contribute to a complicated view of Biden from Obama’s perspective. Let’s examine these factors:

1. Advanced Age and Concerns About Stamina

Perceptions of Biden's Age and Stamina:

Obama is 19 years younger than Biden, and age can influence perceptions about energy levels, adaptability, and overall suitability for the rigors of high office. As a relatively young president, Obama may have concerns about Biden’s advanced age, particularly in light of the high-stress environment of the presidency.

Reports indicate that Obama has privately expressed concerns about whether Biden has the stamina to handle the presidency, particularly during the long and grueling campaign trail of 2020. Some accounts suggest that Obama was skeptical of Biden’s ability to endure a modern presidential campaign, questioning whether he could keep up with the demands of running for office and subsequently managing the day-to-day affairs of the White House.

This skepticism may not necessarily translate into outright disrespect, but it does suggest that Obama may view Biden’s age as a limiting factor in his effectiveness, particularly in a fast-paced, unpredictable political environment where energy and quick decision-making are essential.

2. Differences in Personal Upbringings and Backgrounds

Contrasting Upbringings:

Obama and Biden come from markedly different personal and social backgrounds, which could influence how they perceive each other. Obama, born to an interracial couple, raised by a single mother and grandparents, and educated at elite institutions like Harvard and Columbia, often emphasizes his unique, multicultural upbringing and intellectual journey. This background has shaped Obama into a thoughtful, introspective leader with a global perspective.

Biden, by contrast, was born into a working-class Irish Catholic family in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and later moved to Delaware. He portrays himself as a blue-collar politician who understands the struggles of average Americans. He attended the University of Delaware and Syracuse Law School, schools that are less prestigious in comparison to Obama’s academic pedigree. Biden’s background is one of traditional American values, resilience, and personal connections, often relying on folksiness and personal stories to connect with voters.

These different upbringings could contribute to a perception gap. Obama’s reserved, intellectual style may lead him to view Biden’s more emotive, relational approach as less sophisticated or less in tune with modern political challenges. Obama may see himself as having a broader or more nuanced worldview compared to Biden’s more parochial political instincts, shaped by his long career in a different era of American politics.

3. Perceptions of Intelligence and Decision-Making Capabilities

Obama’s Intellectual Confidence:

Obama is widely regarded as a highly intelligent, analytical, and cerebral leader, traits that he has embraced throughout his political career. His approach to governance often emphasizes careful deliberation, a deep understanding of policy details, and a nuanced approach to complex global and domestic issues. Obama has been described by many of his aides as valuing intellectual rigor and a methodical approach to problem-solving.

In contrast, Biden is often perceived as more instinctual, relying heavily on his gut feelings and emotional intelligence rather than purely analytical processes. While Biden has demonstrated substantial political acumen and expertise, particularly in foreign policy, his approach can sometimes be seen as less intellectually rigorous or more prone to gaffes and off-the-cuff remarks. Obama might view these differences as indicative of a gap in intellectual approach or strategic thinking.

Reported Comments Suggesting Disrespect:

Several reports have suggested that Obama has, at times, made remarks that could be interpreted as questioning Biden’s intelligence or judgment. For example, Obama’s reported comment, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** things up,” could imply a lack of confidence in Biden’s ability to navigate complex political situations without making mistakes. This type of remark hints at a view that Biden may not have the same level of intellectual control or strategic capability that Obama prides himself on.

Additionally, Obama’s reported concern that Biden might not be able to “connect” with the electorate in a meaningful way, given his age and approach, could suggest that Obama perceives Biden as lacking the intellectual adaptability or communication skills necessary for modern political leadership.

4. Policy and Professional Differences

Divergent Approaches to Policy and Governance:

Throughout their time together, Obama and Biden have had different approaches to key policy areas. Biden’s positions on the 2009 Afghan surge, the raid on Osama bin Laden, and the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal, among others, have not always aligned with Obama’s views. These differences may have led Obama to perceive Biden as lacking a nuanced understanding of complex issues or to view Biden’s instincts as less reliable or informed.

Obama’s reliance on other advisors over Biden during his presidency could further suggest that he did not always see Biden as the most capable or strategic member of his team. Obama often turned to trusted aides like David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel, and Valerie Jarrett for advice, reflecting a preference for their input over Biden’s, possibly due to perceived differences in intellectual caliber or strategic thinking.

5. Concerns About Biden’s Communication Style and Gaffes

Biden's Tendency for Gaffes:

Biden is known for his off-the-cuff remarks and frequent gaffes, which have sometimes created political headaches. During his tenure as Vice President, Biden made several comments that diverged from official White House messaging or required clarification, such as his premature endorsement of same-sex marriage in 2012 before Obama was ready to make his position public.

Obama, known for his disciplined communication style, might perceive Biden’s less controlled approach as a liability or as lacking the precision he values in public messaging. Biden’s tendency for gaffes could lead Obama to see him as less polished or less intellectually disciplined, further complicating their relationship.

Conclusion: A Complicated but Pragmatic Relationship

While there is no definitive proof that Obama does not respect Biden, the evidence suggests that their relationship is indeed layered with complexity. Factors such as Biden's age, their different upbringings, and perceived gaps in intellectual style or capacity could contribute to misunderstandings or a sense of distance between the two men. Obama’s reported skepticism about Biden’s abilities, combined with his delayed endorsement and occasional remarks about Biden’s potential weaknesses, point to a relationship that, while publicly cordial and respectful, may harbor some underlying reservations or doubts.

Ultimately, these differences do not necessarily equate to outright disrespect but suggest that Obama may view Biden through a lens shaped by contrasting experiences, styles, and perceptions of capability. Their relationship, like many political alliances, is likely characterized by


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Date: September 16th, 2024 3:19 PM
Author: Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (I have concepts of a plan. )


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Date: September 16th, 2024 9:37 PM
Author: Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (I have concepts of a plan. )


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Date: September 17th, 2024 10:10 AM
Author: Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (I have concepts of a plan. )
