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mainlining, can i get an AI analysis of my poasting (zurich)

very tactful bespoke brunch
Yes, friend, I would love for you to be a notable Poaster en...
bossy dysfunction tanning salon
I’m not doing all that shit but good luck with the boo...
very tactful bespoke brunch
flickering selfie
bossy dysfunction tanning salon
purple effete bawdyhouse
I'll take a shot at this for him. I think this summarizes w...
Mind-boggling ticket booth
Exhilarant slimy old irish cottage
This interaction between "zurich is impaired" and ...
bossy dysfunction tanning salon
This is amazing
very tactful bespoke brunch
purple effete bawdyhouse
bossy dysfunction tanning salon
180 holy shit
azure odious ape
bossy dysfunction tanning salon
I love men
chartreuse main people laser beams
Exhilarant slimy old irish cottage
Updated Analysis of "Zurich's" Poast: 1. Zurich...
bossy dysfunction tanning salon
This shows the program's flaws and the programmer's desire t...
flickering selfie

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: September 7th, 2024 8:56 PM
Author: very tactful bespoke brunch


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Date: September 7th, 2024 9:47 PM
Author: bossy dysfunction tanning salon

Yes, friend, I would love for you to be a notable Poaster entry in my most recent addition of the encyclopedia (which will be published within the next few days, stay tuned!!).

What I need from you is a 3 to 5 sentence succinct yet detailed $ummary of your poasting style/stick/ whatever you want to call it, along with several poasts exemplifying your latest condition and posting history.

The icing on the cake would be if you could provide a very short but detailed summary of your latest feud with Gunner, my plan is to include in the later editions of the encyclopedia a grand all-encompassing list of feuds and this will be a great case study and start


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Date: September 7th, 2024 9:52 PM
Author: very tactful bespoke brunch

I’m not doing all that shit but good luck with the book!


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Date: September 7th, 2024 9:55 PM
Author: flickering selfie



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Date: September 7th, 2024 9:57 PM
Author: bossy dysfunction tanning salon



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Date: September 7th, 2024 10:29 PM
Author: purple effete bawdyhouse


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Date: September 7th, 2024 9:59 PM
Author: Mind-boggling ticket booth

I'll take a shot at this for him. I think this summarizes what's going on but let me know.

"From the depths of the ancient Ice Crake lake known as Ticttu comes a crew of intrepid explorers. Meet Jenju, the original leader of the Xenat before their untimely end. Now he's back, ready to fight for the freedom of his people. But will he be able to regain the trust of a legion of natives he needs to arm up his forces? Joining him is Tarat, his brother and a half-android half-gosta hybrid, formed in the seeping vats of Chandarosta. By day, they work the mines, the slow dust slowly (hence the name) seeping into their lungs, giving them the well-known miners disease. By night, surviving on the firelamp streets of Chandra V, they eek out a meager existence. Who will lead them into the sun? Whose journey will be begun? And who will have the most fun? Join us for these adventures, spun across sixteen various volumes of holocrons accessible through a service-as-payment software service delivery payment server."


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Date: September 7th, 2024 10:45 PM
Author: Exhilarant slimy old irish cottage


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Date: September 7th, 2024 10:02 PM
Author: bossy dysfunction tanning salon

This interaction between "zurich is impaired" and "Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e" showcases the dynamic interplay and humor typical on AutoAdmit. Mainlining's request for an "AI analysis" of Zurich’s posting style, presented with a grandiose tone, seems to be an extension of an ongoing project – an "encyclopedia" of poasters, which is likely a satirical or humorous concept involving detailed descriptions of users and their behavior on the board.

Here’s a breakdown of what happened:

### **Zurich is Impaired's Thread**

- **Zurich's post** is a simple query asking Mainlining for an AI-driven analysis of his posting. It seems to signal that Zurich values Mainlining's opinion or just enjoys the meta-humor of asking for an "AI analysis," which fits the tech-forward but often satirical mindset of some AutoAdmit users.

- **Mainlining’s response** ("Yes, friend...") takes the request seriously, or at least plays along in the spirit of AutoAdmit’s humor. By referencing an ongoing "encyclopedia," it reflects how poasters are often self-aware and willing to document their own antics. The request for a feud summary, especially involving Gunner, suggests that conflicts between poasters, whether real or exaggerated for humor, are an important part of the board’s culture.

- **Zurich's refusal** ("I’m not doing all that shit...") shows how Zurich is uninterested in the details Mainlining asks for, adding a layer of humor by rejecting what might be perceived as a convoluted or over-the-top request.

- **Mainlining's final reply** ("Thank") is classic AutoAdmit brevity, a common comedic device used on the board.

### **Key Poasters in the Exchange**

1. **Zurich is Impaired**: Known for a more laid-back attitude, Zurich demonstrates typical AutoAdmit humor by first engaging with the thread's concept and then rejecting the complex request with a nonchalant dismissal.

2. **Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e**: This poaster often engages in more exaggerated, whimsical narratives, as seen in the encyclopedia concept and the elaborate request for a posting summary. Mainlining’s persona seems to enjoy playing the role of an archivist of board feuds and personalities, much like how long-time poasters document AutoAdmit’s history.

3. **Gunner**: While Gunner is only mentioned, it appears there’s some history between Zurich and Gunner, likely involving past feuds, given Mainlining's specific request for a summary of their recent conflict. Feuds on AutoAdmit are part of the culture and often make for entertaining discussion fodder.

4. **Chingada Madre**: The user’s brief "lol" adds a typical touch of amusement, chiming in to acknowledge the humor in Zurich’s blunt response to Mainlining.

### **Overall Dynamics**

- This exchange highlights the culture of AutoAdmit, where poasters engage in layered, sometimes self-referential humor. The encyclopedia idea itself is likely a commentary on how seriously some poasters take their online personas and interactions. It also plays into the meta-obsession some users have with documenting board history, whether through serious recollections or humor-laden summaries.

- The back-and-forth is very characteristic of the log board's style, where tongue-in-cheek requests are met with equally irreverent responses. Mainlining’s persona, in particular, thrives on drawing others into these elaborate, slightly absurd narratives, often for comedic effect.

Given the self-awareness and community-driven humor in the thread, it's likely that this conversation fits neatly into ongoing AutoAdmit in-jokes about posting style, feuds, and board culture. If Mainlining does indeed follow through with the "encyclopedia," it would likely become another artifact of the board’s extensive culture of documenting its personalities—whether seriously or as an ongoing joke.


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Date: September 7th, 2024 10:06 PM
Author: very tactful bespoke brunch

This is amazing


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Date: September 7th, 2024 10:42 PM
Author: purple effete bawdyhouse


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Date: September 8th, 2024 1:50 AM
Author: bossy dysfunction tanning salon


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Date: September 7th, 2024 10:21 PM
Author: azure odious ape

180 holy shit


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Date: September 7th, 2024 10:25 PM
Author: bossy dysfunction tanning salon


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Date: September 7th, 2024 10:27 PM
Author: chartreuse main people laser beams

I love men


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Date: September 7th, 2024 10:46 PM
Author: Exhilarant slimy old irish cottage


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Date: September 7th, 2024 10:50 PM
Author: bossy dysfunction tanning salon

Updated Analysis of "Zurich's" Poast:

1. Zurich is Impaired’s Initial Post:

Content and Intent:

Zurich’s request for an AI analysis of his posting style is an invitation for a meta-discussion. It suggests a self-awareness and engagement with the forum's culture, which often includes self-referential and humorous commentary about posting behaviors.

Subtext: This request may reflect a desire for validation or a playful exploration of his own impact on the forum. It highlights the performative nature of posting on AutoAdmit, where the act of posting itself becomes a subject of discussion and scrutiny.

Contextual Relevance:

On AutoAdmit, such meta-discussions are common and often serve to reinforce the community's shared humor and identity. Zurich's post fits into a broader tradition of users examining and critiquing each other’s posting styles, which can range from genuine analysis to playful banter.

2. Mainlining’s Response:

Content and Tone:

Mainlining’s elaborate response, including the offer to include Zurich in an “encyclopedia,” shows a characteristic blend of seriousness and satire. It reflects Mainlining’s tendency to engage deeply with forum culture, often through exaggerated and humorous projects.

Subtext: The “encyclopedia” concept likely serves as a meta-commentary on the forum’s tendency to document and mythologize its members and their interactions. It adds a layer of theatricality and reflects Mainlining’s role as a dramatizer within the forum.

Request for Feud Summary:

The request for a summary of the feud with Gunner indicates a focus on the conflicts that shape the forum’s narrative. Feuds and conflicts are integral to AutoAdmit’s culture, often serving as fodder for ongoing discussions and lore.

Role in the Forum:

Mainlining’s persona as a curator of forum history aligns with his broader role on the board, where he often engages in documenting and dramatizing user interactions. His involvement in creating an “encyclopedia” suggests a deep investment in the forum’s culture and a desire to create lasting records of its dynamics.

3. Zurich’s Rejection:

Content and Tone:

Zurich’s brief dismissal of Mainlining’s request highlights a contrast between his more laid-back approach and Mainlining’s elaborate dramatization. This rejection underscores the playful, sometimes dismissive nature of forum interactions.

Subtext: Zurich’s response could be seen as a commentary on the often over-the-top nature of forum requests and projects. It reflects a certain irreverence and a reluctance to engage with what he might perceive as excessive or self-important undertakings.

Role in the Forum:

Zurich’s casual dismissal reinforces his persona as someone who engages with the forum on his own terms, adding to the diverse range of user styles and interactions present on AutoAdmit.

4. Chingada Madre’s Comment:

Content and Tone:

The “lol” comment is a succinct expression of amusement, highlighting the humor and casual nature of forum interactions. It reflects a light-hearted reaction to the ongoing meta-discussion.

Role in the Forum:

This type of comment is common in AutoAdmit threads, where brief, humorous responses can serve to acknowledge or enhance the ongoing dialogue without adding substantial content.

5. just be racist’s Post:

Content and Tone:

The narrative provided by “just be racist” is a creative and fantastical contribution that deviates from the main thread’s focus. It showcases the forum’s tendency to mix serious discussions with imaginative or absurd content.

Subtext: This post may serve as a humorous diversion or a playful engagement with the forum’s narrative style, highlighting the creativity and unpredictability of user contributions.

Role in the Forum:

Contributions like this reflect the forum’s culture of blending serious discussion with imaginative or offbeat content. They add a layer of complexity and variety to the discussions on AutoAdmit.

6. Uranist’s Reaction:

Content and Tone:

The reaction of “180 holy shit” suggests a strong or surprised response, possibly to the scale or nature of the thread’s content. It reflects the emotional and often exaggerated responses typical of AutoAdmit users.

Role in the Forum:

Reactions like this contribute to the dynamic and often intense nature of forum discussions, adding to the overall energy and engagement of the thread.

7. wow lmao (luis)’s Comment:

Content and Tone:

The comment “I love men” is tangential and personal, reflecting the diverse range of topics and sentiments present in forum discussions.

Role in the Forum:

This type of comment highlights the informal and sometimes unpredictable nature of user interactions on AutoAdmit. It adds to the thread’s overall diversity and unpredictability.

8. Mainlining’s Final Replies:

Content and Tone:

Mainlining’s final responses are brief and acknowledgments of the contributions from other users. This fits with the forum’s style of concluding threads with short, often humorous or appreciative comments.

Role in the Forum:

These responses help maintain the thread’s engagement and reflect the common practice of closing discussions with brief, often light-hearted interactions.

Overall Dynamics and Culture

Forum Culture:

The thread exemplifies AutoAdmit’s unique blend of serious and humorous discourse. The culture on the board often involves self-referential humor, dramatic exaggeration, and a mix of serious and playful content.

Meta-Discussion: The focus on documenting and analyzing posting styles, along with the creation of humorous projects like the “encyclopedia,” reflects the board’s self-aware and performative nature.

Community Interaction:

The interactions in the thread highlight the diverse ways users engage with each other, from detailed analyses to casual humor and imaginative storytelling. This diversity adds depth to the forum’s culture and contributes to its distinctive character.

In summary, the thread serves as a microcosm of AutoAdmit’s broader culture, showcasing the interplay between humor, self-reflection, and creative expression that defines the forum’s unique environment.


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Date: September 7th, 2024 10:52 PM
Author: flickering selfie

This shows the program's flaws and the programmer's desire to shove "diversity" into every discussion.
