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Spent about $10k on backyard revamp so far. Will probably need another $10kish

Most expensive so far was tree and stump removal. They did s...
chestnut racy ticket booth feces
Why would u spend 10k on "tree and brush removal."...
Irradiated Lemon Azn Menage
Trees were too tall and backed up to a busy road by power li...
chestnut racy ticket booth feces
Cut them so that they fall away from the roads and powerline...
Irradiated Lemon Azn Menage
No, it was like 15-20 trees. I'm not a fucking lumber jack. ...
chestnut racy ticket booth feces
I would have cut your fucking trees for $750/tree. These pro...
Irradiated Lemon Azn Menage
It's worse than proles, they were Mexican. White guys wanted...
chestnut racy ticket booth feces
So u paid some mexicans EASILY more than $100 per person per...
Irradiated Lemon Azn Menage
There were three truck loads of these fuckers. Only one guy ...
chestnut racy ticket booth feces
Wouldn’t that be like 11k for 15 trees
Cocky Multi-colored Crackhouse
stop messing with my hustle, this guy is an easy mark
Irradiated Lemon Azn Menage
Stump grinding alone was almost a grand. Just having the tre...
chestnut racy ticket booth feces
youre not cutting down big trees in the suburbs lmao
aqua tanning salon potus
I've been taking down the old fencing and stacking it for a ...
chestnut racy ticket booth feces
Front loader was just dropped off. I added another $1000 in ...
chestnut racy ticket booth feces
I'm building an extension to turn my pool into an indoor poo...
Arousing telephone
Yeah I can't complain. An indoor pool would be 180. One of m...
chestnut racy ticket booth feces
copper dead senate
Indoor pool is a great way to spend $100k to LOWER your prop...
clear magical psychic
Maybe but I plan on dying in this house.
Arousing telephone
This kind of shit sounds appealing if I were not a GC wagecu...
clear magical psychic
A lot of it is miserable but I've got the fun part for the n...
chestnut racy ticket booth feces
MFCR. Please tell me you're going to operate it yourself...
clear magical psychic
Fuck yes. I'm taking a micro dose of shrooms and fucking som...
chestnut racy ticket booth feces
1 fucking 80 trillion
clear magical psychic
my user name was inspired by walking down the sidewalk the o...
aqua tanning salon potus
we got ourselves a prole goy mr fixit here
Amethyst cowardly deer antler
Rough-skinned property friendly grandma
Honey-headed cruise ship
Motley range
first day?
chestnut racy ticket booth feces
I've got 10-12 yards of fill being dropped off on the back h...
chestnut racy ticket booth feces
I have a huge excavation project on my plate, I'm sure it is...
Deranged Carnelian School Idiot
now add another 20% just as a matter of course
chestnut racy ticket booth feces
Lilac laughsome dilemma
chestnut racy ticket booth feces
All the dirt work is pretty much done. The neighbors dad has...
chestnut racy ticket booth feces
are you swimming in the pool yet? or waiting to build the d...
drab beady-eyed kitty cat foreskin
Finally broke down and bought an auger. I dug 6 fence post h...
chestnut racy ticket booth feces

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: July 6th, 2024 12:52 PM
Author: chestnut racy ticket booth feces

Most expensive so far was tree and stump removal. They did some landscaping and brush removal too. That's the only work I'm hiring out. I'm going to level the back 1/4 acre of my yard where trees were and put in a car cover for boat and a 12x18 shed. I also bought one of those big goy pond above ground pools from Costco (16x30). I'm going to put a deck around it. Last I'm putting up a new fence all around. I rented a front loader and have 12 yards of fill and 12 yards of driveway gravel coming Tuesday. I also moved a giant Costco play structure from the backyard to the front. It was a huge fucking hassle. Fuck reading this I'm probably in another $20k actually.


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Date: July 9th, 2024 7:14 PM
Author: Irradiated Lemon Azn Menage

Why would u spend 10k on "tree and brush removal." u could have bought a giant woodchipper for way less and never had to hire anyone again. Felling trees and shredding them is actually fun.


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Date: July 9th, 2024 7:16 PM
Author: chestnut racy ticket booth feces

Trees were too tall and backed up to a busy road by power lines. Far outside of my abilities. My neighbor has a chipper and splitter. He offered it to me and he said he'd help with the trees. It would have taken me all summer. Tree guys did it all in two days.


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Date: July 9th, 2024 7:18 PM
Author: Irradiated Lemon Azn Menage

Cut them so that they fall away from the roads and powerlines. LJL @ 10k for a 2 day job. Was the lot 50 acres and they had a team of 100 workers?


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Date: July 9th, 2024 7:20 PM
Author: chestnut racy ticket booth feces

No, it was like 15-20 trees. I'm not a fucking lumber jack. I do have a couple of nice chain saws but just for firewood I get at our other property.


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Date: July 9th, 2024 7:26 PM
Author: Irradiated Lemon Azn Menage

I would have cut your fucking trees for $750/tree. These proles are EATING YOU ALIVE.


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Date: July 9th, 2024 7:31 PM
Author: chestnut racy ticket booth feces

It's worse than proles, they were Mexican. White guys wanted like twice as much.


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Date: July 9th, 2024 7:35 PM
Author: Irradiated Lemon Azn Menage

So u paid some mexicans EASILY more than $100 per person per hour to do the work?


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Date: July 10th, 2024 3:10 AM
Author: chestnut racy ticket booth feces

There were three truck loads of these fuckers. Only one guy was up in the trees. The other dudes were grunts hauling shit out and doing things like clearing bushes. It took them two days. That would have taken me a month. I wagecuck bro.


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Date: July 9th, 2024 9:38 PM
Author: Cocky Multi-colored Crackhouse

Wouldn’t that be like 11k for 15 trees


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Date: July 9th, 2024 10:35 PM
Author: Irradiated Lemon Azn Menage

stop messing with my hustle, this guy is an easy mark


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Date: July 10th, 2024 3:06 AM
Author: chestnut racy ticket booth feces

Stump grinding alone was almost a grand. Just having the trees taken down and removed was only $2800. The trees were a cypress 'hedge' that went buck wild and hit 50'. I'm not cutting that shit down and I rarely hire anything out. Other quotes I had for just the trees were in the $6k range.

My wife got involved and started adding on other shit and next thing I know the price doubled. They did a good job though. I almost felt bad for the guy as he was stuck with her whims micromanaging every detail of the job. She gets debilitatingly particular. At one point she started crying when they took out the wrong rose bush and I didn't bat an eye but the Mexican guy was terrified. Her crying isn't that uncommon of an occurrence. After that she had him agreeing to almost anything she asked.


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Date: July 9th, 2024 9:42 PM
Author: aqua tanning salon potus

youre not cutting down big trees in the suburbs lmao


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Date: July 8th, 2024 1:59 AM
Author: chestnut racy ticket booth feces

I've been taking down the old fencing and stacking it for a dump run. I actually know a place that takes wood with nails for $20 a load, they turn it into hog fuel. But my wife took a picture and put it on Facebook and people came and took the old shit. Even rotten boards. They really sketchy. One guy loaded some in a piece of shit minivan. He was high off his ass on what I assume is meth. I made sure garage and everything was put away before he got here anticipating some wackos.


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Date: July 9th, 2024 7:08 PM
Author: chestnut racy ticket booth feces

Front loader was just dropped off. I added another $1000 in river rocks for Thursday delivery and $600 in sand for a pool base. I'm up to around $15k and I still have to do a fence. Truth be told I actually like not having a fence. You can't see our house from the back where the road is and the side with one of the neighbors, they're like 28 and never go outside. My kids have basically adjusted to nofence life and started using part of their yard for wiffle ball games and shit. My wife won't let me get away with it for very long though. At least lumber prices are way down.


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Date: July 9th, 2024 7:12 PM
Author: Arousing telephone

I'm building an extension to turn my pool into an indoor pool. It's going to cost north of $70k to finish.


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Date: July 9th, 2024 7:14 PM
Author: chestnut racy ticket booth feces

Yeah I can't complain. An indoor pool would be 180. One of my wife's friends from college has one.


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Date: July 9th, 2024 7:22 PM
Author: copper dead senate


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Date: July 9th, 2024 7:28 PM
Author: clear magical psychic

Indoor pool is a great way to spend $100k to LOWER your property value by $300k.


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Date: July 10th, 2024 5:50 AM
Author: Arousing telephone

Maybe but I plan on dying in this house.


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Date: July 9th, 2024 7:20 PM
Author: clear magical psychic

This kind of shit sounds appealing if I were not a GC wagecuck with zero free time.

But as a GC wagecuck with zero free time, this sounds extraordinarily miserable and I can't believe anyone would do it.


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Date: July 9th, 2024 7:21 PM
Author: chestnut racy ticket booth feces

A lot of it is miserable but I've got the fun part for the next few days. Front loaders are 180. If I had cslg cash I'd buy one.


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Date: July 9th, 2024 7:21 PM
Author: clear magical psychic


Please tell me you're going to operate it yourself (at least a little bit).

I'd lick a Abbo whore's slimepit to be able to fuck around with one for a few hours.


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Date: July 9th, 2024 7:30 PM
Author: chestnut racy ticket booth feces

Fuck yes. I'm taking a micro dose of shrooms and fucking some shit up for the next three days. I got one with tracks this time. Ive only used the wheeled ones before.


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Date: July 9th, 2024 11:46 PM
Author: clear magical psychic

1 fucking 80 trillion


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Date: July 9th, 2024 9:41 PM
Author: aqua tanning salon potus

my user name was inspired by walking down the sidewalk the other day and hearing some dood asking a mexican about whether the tree was dead and what to do and i felt genuine empathy. stuff like tree removal is basically the equivalent of crashing a car 20 years ago.


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Date: July 9th, 2024 9:43 PM
Author: Amethyst cowardly deer antler

we got ourselves a prole goy mr fixit here


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Date: July 9th, 2024 9:43 PM
Author: Rough-skinned property friendly grandma


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Date: July 9th, 2024 9:45 PM
Author: Honey-headed cruise ship


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Date: July 10th, 2024 6:47 AM
Author: Motley range



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Date: July 10th, 2024 9:18 AM
Author: chestnut racy ticket booth feces

first day?


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Date: July 10th, 2024 9:43 AM
Author: chestnut racy ticket booth feces

I've got 10-12 yards of fill being dropped off on the back half of my property later today. I'm going to use that to level everything off as best I can. Tomorrow I have another 12 yards of gravel for the finished drive way section as well as 8 yards of river rock for the flower beds I had the mexicans clear out and another 7 yards of sand for under where the big goy pool will go. I'm going to build a level form for the sand to go in to make sure its perfectly level. I was up until 11:00 moving retaining wall stones (not even sure I'll keep these) and I'm up today ready to roll. Sucks I only have one micro dose shroom cube left. They're like chill addy. Need to order more.


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Date: July 10th, 2024 9:43 AM
Author: Deranged Carnelian School Idiot

I have a huge excavation project on my plate, I'm sure it is gonna cost me like 20000K


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Date: July 10th, 2024 9:47 AM
Author: chestnut racy ticket booth feces

now add another 20% just as a matter of course


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Date: July 10th, 2024 9:45 AM
Author: Lilac laughsome dilemma



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Date: July 10th, 2024 9:48 AM
Author: chestnut racy ticket booth feces


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Date: July 18th, 2024 3:46 PM
Author: chestnut racy ticket booth feces

All the dirt work is pretty much done. The neighbors dad has an auger attachment for his tractor to dig the fence poasts. However, I'm also fencing in the pool base, using the posts to hold in sand to level it as well as for the future fence posts and deck around it. I'm digging these by hand. Ho lee fuk I hate digging fence posts. One rock can take 15 minutes and a crow bar.

I'm going to need another 12 yards of gravel and probably 5 yards of sand. That's another grand. Wife and I are gone for a week starting Sunday so it will have to wait. Oh, I also installed a new oven and picked up a trampoline. The people with the trampoline have an amazing play structure I should go get but fuck I can't ever finish a job. There are still river rocks on part of my driveway.

One awesome thing is I can now drive the perimeter of my property. It's very handy to pull up right where you are working and drop a trailer.

I hate digging fence posts btw.


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Date: July 18th, 2024 4:26 PM
Author: drab beady-eyed kitty cat foreskin

are you swimming in the pool yet? or waiting to build the deck first. you really should've gotten a discount when they cut the wrong rose bush and your wife started bawling


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Date: July 20th, 2024 12:12 AM
Author: chestnut racy ticket booth feces

Finally broke down and bought an auger. I dug 6 fence post holes in the sun. It took me forever.
