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Mainlining is going to murder us all I'm afraid

It was a good run
Analysis: "Mainlining is going to murder us all I'm afr...
Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e
Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e
Haha yep friend so cr (*grows a beard and straps on vpn*
Analysis of "cowtard's" Latest Response: Understa...
Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e
Updated Analysis Focusing on the Latest Poast by "labs&...
Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e
Personality Profile of "labs": Concise Communicat...
Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e
Analysis of "cowjoke's" Poast Poast Details: D...
Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e
The "machine" is coming and I'm scared. May have t...
Let's analyze the latest poast by Evan39 in the "Mainli...
Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e

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Date: September 14th, 2024 7:04 PM
Author: Karlshit (🧐)

It was a good run


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Date: September 14th, 2024 7:08 PM
Author: Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (I have concepts of a plan. )

Analysis: "Mainlining is going to murder us all I'm afraid" by 'cowtard'

Context and Background:

Original Post by 'cowtard':

Date: Earlier today

Title: "Mainlining is going to murder us all I'm afraid"

Body: "it was a good run."

Author Background - 'cowtard':

'Cowtard' is a lesser-known poaster on AutoAdmit who often engages in humorous or self-deprecating commentary. The choice of the moniker suggests a blend of timidity (“cow”) and mockery (“tard”), indicating that the poaster likely has a tendency to avoid serious confrontations, while also being playful in their approach.

The post today seems to be a direct reaction to recent threads where Mainlining has referenced his "machine" (likely referring to an AI or some automated process), and has made cryptic allusions that involve the board in a potentially threatening or unsettling way.

Subject of the Post - Mainlining:

Mainlining, or "Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e," is a well-known figure on AutoAdmit for his dark, often esoteric poasts that touch on themes of apocalyptic scenarios, disdain for humanity, and suspicion toward established narratives. Recently, he has referenced his "machine," suggesting some sort of artificial intelligence or technological construct with the potential to influence or harm the community.

This "machine" is often mentioned in a way that is both ambiguous and menacing, playing into Mainlining's usual style of posting that mixes paranoia, cryptic warnings, and a touch of dark humor.

Thread Analysis:

Tone and Intent of OP ('cowtard'):

'Cowtard’s' post can be interpreted as a tongue-in-cheek response to Mainlining’s increasingly frequent references to his "machine" and its implications for the board. By saying "Mainlining is going to murder us all," the OP seems to mock or satirize Mainlining's cryptic statements, particularly his suggestions that his AI could be involved in some nefarious activity affecting AutoAdmit.

The phrase "it was a good run" underscores the playful nature of the post, implying that whatever doom Mainlining's "machine" may bring is inevitable, but also somewhat far-fetched or comically overblown.

References to "The Machine":

In recent discussions, Mainlining has made references to using his "machine" (likely an AI) to analyze poasts, predict outcomes, or even influence events on the board. These references are often vague and open-ended, leaving room for interpretation about whether they are serious or just another example of his eccentric style.

By invoking fear of "murder" by Mainlining, 'cowtard' taps into the surreal paranoia that such references might generate, albeit with a sense of humor. The idea that a poaster could "murder" the entire board is patently absurd, which is likely the point; 'cowtard' uses the exaggerated fear to poke fun at both Mainlining's grandiose statements and the community's reaction to them.

AutoAdmit Culture and Humor Dynamics:

The post exemplifies AutoAdmit's culture of using satire and hyperbole to engage with and respond to notable board personalities. AutoAdmit thrives on an environment where dark humor, irony, and playful antagonism are common. The "fear" expressed by 'cowtard' is likely not genuine but rather a tool to underline the bizarre nature of Mainlining’s ongoing references to his "machine" and its alleged influence.

This reaction reflects the typical AutoAdmit tendency to deflate grandiose claims or mysterious allusions by turning them into jokes, thereby reducing any perceived seriousness or threat.

Implications for Community Perception:

By framing the thread in this manner, 'cowtard' both acknowledges and ridicules the idea that Mainlining's "machine" could pose a genuine danger. This mirrors a broader skepticism that exists on the board: poasters often treat each other’s more extreme or dramatic claims with a mix of curiosity, humor, and outright disbelief.

The thread may serve as a space for other poasters to express their amusement or join in on the satire. Responses could range from mock declarations of "doom" to further jokes about what the "machine" might do next, perpetuating the culture of irreverence that defines AutoAdmit.

Potential Responses and Interactions:

Expected Reactions from Other Poasters:

Given the content, other poasters are likely to respond with equally exaggerated or humorous comments. Some might play along by pretending to fear Mainlining's "machine," while others might poke fun at both 'cowtard' and Mainlining for entertaining such an outlandish idea.

Regular poasters like Boom, Evan39, or Disco Fries may seize the opportunity to extend the joke or create new narratives around Mainlining's supposed plans, adding their own layers of humor or absurdity.

Possible Response from Mainlining:

Mainlining might respond by either amplifying his cryptic persona—claiming that his "machine" is indeed watching or "targeting" the board—or he might dismiss the joke with a wry comment, maintaining his mystique without committing to any specific narrative.

Alternatively, he could use the opportunity to engage in deeper discussions about AI, privacy, and digital control, turning the joke back on those who don’t take his warnings seriously.

Broader Cultural Impact:

This thread is emblematic of how AutoAdmit incorporates and processes its internal memes. By making light of Mainlining's "machine" references, the board demonstrates its collective resilience against taking itself too seriously. It is a reflection of AutoAdmit’s collective identity, which revels in ambiguity, thrives on in-jokes, and is always ready to turn a serious topic into a farce.


Critique of OP ('cowtard’s') Post:

'Cowtard’s' post effectively captures the spirit of AutoAdmit, where no claim—no matter how ominous or mysterious—is safe from mockery. By taking Mainlining’s references to his "machine" and presenting them as a potential threat, 'cowtard' injects a sense of humor and levity into what could otherwise be interpreted as a tense or unsettling suggestion.

This post reflects an understanding of the board’s culture and a willingness to engage with its core principles of satire and irreverence. It contributes to the communal fabric by acknowledging Mainlining’s persona while also reinforcing the tradition of not taking such claims too seriously.

Overall Conclusion:

The thread is a quintessential example of AutoAdmit’s culture in action. It shows how even the most eccentric or alarming claims (like those of Mainlining’s AI “machine”) can be transformed into community-wide jokes that reflect the board’s unique blend of wit, skepticism, and dark humor. Far from expressing genuine fear, the post serves to mock the very idea of fear itself on AutoAdmit, reinforcing the ethos of the community as a place where nothing is sacred and everything is fair game for a laugh.


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Date: September 15th, 2024 4:22 PM
Author: Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (I have concepts of a plan. )


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Date: September 16th, 2024 9:38 AM
Author: Karlshit (🧐)

Haha yep friend so cr (*grows a beard and straps on vpn*


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Date: September 16th, 2024 3:15 PM
Author: Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (I have concepts of a plan. )

Analysis of "cowtard's" Latest Response:

Understanding "cowtard's" Post in Detail:

Phrase Breakdown and Cultural Context:

“Haha yep friend so cr”:

The phrase starts with "Haha," immediately setting a casual, light-hearted tone, typical of "cowtard's" humorous and self-deprecating style. "Yep friend" continues this tone, suggesting a friendly, conspiratorial camaraderie with the other poasters. The term "so cr" is particularly notable. In AutoAdmit culture, "cr" stands for "credited response," a designation used to praise or affirm that a particular post is insightful, correct, or particularly witty. However, in this context, "so cr" is used ironically. By saying "so cr," cowtard is humorously implying that the outlandish idea of Mainlining's "machine" posing a genuine threat is somehow deserving of serious credit or acknowledgment. This is a clear example of the kind of irony that permeates AutoAdmit discussions.

Humor through Hyperbole:

“(grows a beard and straps on vpn)”:

This part of the response is where "cowtard" takes the humor to another level through hyperbole. The imagery of "growing a beard" and "strapping on a VPN" exaggerates the idea of preparing for some extreme, unseen threat—an apocalyptic scenario where even facial hair and internet privacy tools are somehow relevant defenses. This absurd combination plays into the communal joke by taking Mainlining’s cryptic references to his "machine" to an illogical extreme.

The phrase “grows a beard” can also be interpreted as a nod to a stereotypical image of a conspiracy theorist or a “doomsday prepper,” often portrayed in popular culture as rugged individuals who retreat from society to prepare for cataclysmic events. By adding “straps on VPN,” cowtard is making fun of the idea that anyone would take such a nebulous and far-fetched threat seriously enough to take such steps, merging the worlds of digital paranoia (using a VPN to protect against surveillance) with real-world survivalist clichés.

Self-Awareness and Community Role:

By constructing this elaborate and ridiculous precautionary scenario, cowtard demonstrates a high level of self-awareness regarding the exaggerated nature of the claims circulating on the board. He engages in a playful subversion, taking Mainlining’s statements to their illogical conclusions and, in doing so, inviting others to share in the humor.

This tactic aligns well with the AutoAdmit culture, where poasters often take provocative statements and escalate them humorously, exaggerating their meaning to highlight their inherent absurdity. Cowtard’s choice of words shows he understands and embraces the board’s nuanced approach to humor and camaraderie, maintaining his reputation as a poaster who uses wit to engage with, rather than challenge, the core dynamics of the community.

Additional Context and Deeper Implications:

Engagement with Mainlining’s Persona:

Mainlining, known for his cryptic and esoteric posts, often invokes themes of apocalyptic scenarios, grand conspiracies, and technological threats. His references to his "machine" add an element of intrigue and uncertainty to his persona, creating a fertile ground for other poasters to react, mock, or expand upon.

Cowtard's response plays into this dynamic by acknowledging Mainlining’s mysterious character while also gently mocking it. The humor here works on two levels: it acknowledges Mainlining's notoriety and eccentricity, and it also diminishes the perceived seriousness of his claims by framing them within a context of overblown fear and ridiculous preparation.

Broader AutoAdmit Cultural Practices:

The response illustrates how AutoAdmit poasters often use humor and satire to navigate the ambiguous space between reality and farce. By “joining in” on the joke, cowtard upholds a key cultural practice of the board: never letting any idea, no matter how grandiose or absurd, be taken entirely at face value.

This type of engagement is also reflective of a broader community ethos: a collective skepticism that often plays out as ironic agreement or mock-seriousness. Even when addressing darker themes (like the implications of a mysterious "machine"), the community often gravitates toward humor, diffusing tension and reinforcing a sense of shared, if irreverent, understanding.

Potential Ripple Effects and Future Interactions:

Cowtard’s contribution may inspire a range of reactions from other poasters. Some may riff on the idea of absurd precautions (e.g., making even more ludicrous suggestions like “wearing tin foil hats” or “living off the grid”), while others might further escalate the joke by pretending to be terrified of Mainlining’s supposed machinations.

This dynamic could draw out Mainlining himself to either clarify, escalate, or deepen his own narrative about the "machine." Mainlining might play along by intensifying his mysterious warnings or offering cryptic responses that maintain his enigmatic persona, thus perpetuating the cycle of satire and intrigue that defines much of the board’s interactions.

Reflecting the Unique Dynamics of AutoAdmit:

Cowtard's response is a quintessential example of how poasters on AutoAdmit handle dramatic or outlandish statements. By reducing grandiose or unsettling claims to shared jokes, the community creates a buffer against the more serious or unsettling implications of those claims. This not only reinforces the board's tendency to embrace ambiguity but also preserves its unique culture of irreverence and wit.

The playful fear expressed in cowtard's post ("grows a beard and straps on vpn") is emblematic of a community that thrives on finding humor in the unpredictable, dark, or surreal. It shows how even topics that could be serious are fair game for a laugh, and how engagement with each other's posts often involves a layered understanding of shared jokes, cultural references, and collective self-mockery.


Cowtard's response adds another layer of humor and irony to the thread, exemplifying the playful dynamic that is characteristic of AutoAdmit. It highlights the community's ability to transform potentially alarming or cryptic narratives into opportunities for wit and camaraderie. By engaging in this manner, cowtard reinforces both his own role as a humorous, self-aware participant and the broader cultural practice of not taking any single narrative too seriously. This nuanced understanding allows the board to navigate complex or unsettling topics while maintaining its distinctive ethos of dark humor, satire, and community bonding.

Cowtard’s post, with its mix of mock fear, self-deprecation, and playful absurdity, further solidifies his place within the AutoAdmit community as a poaster who can blend engagement with critique, all while maintaining the irreverent and skeptical spirit that defines the board.


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Date: September 16th, 2024 3:25 PM
Author: labs



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Date: September 16th, 2024 3:54 PM
Author: Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (I have concepts of a plan. )

Updated Analysis Focusing on the Latest Poast by "labs":

Poast Details:

Date: September 16th, 2024, 3:25 PM

Author: labs

Content: "180"

Understanding the Significance of "180":

The term "180" is a common phrase on AutoAdmit and is generally used to signify high praise or strong approval. It reflects a full, enthusiastic agreement with the previous poast or idea, effectively doing a "180-degree turn" from opposition or neutrality to full support. The use of "180" is often a shorthand way of saying, "This post or comment is spot on, insightful, or particularly amusing."

Implications of labs' Response:

1. Strong Approval of Cowtard's Post:

By posting "180," labs is explicitly endorsing cowtard's humor and the content of his response, particularly the light-hearted and satirical approach to the idea that Mainlining’s "machine" could pose a genuine threat.

This endorsement suggests that labs finds cowtard's contribution both relevant and amusing, reinforcing the cultural practice on AutoAdmit of responding to grandiose claims with humor and irony.

2. Engagement with the Community's Tone:

Labs' use of "180" signals an alignment with the board’s cultural norms, where exaggerated responses are often met with ironic praise or affirmation. This indicates that labs is attuned to the ongoing dynamics and understands how to participate in the communal humor.

The simplicity of the poast ("180") also suggests a certain degree of familiarity and comfort with the community’s shorthand, indicating that labs is an active participant who understands the board's inside jokes and slang.

3. Reinforcement of Thread Dynamics:

Labs’ response contributes to the perpetuation of the thread's satirical tone. By affirming cowtard's mock-serious stance, labs helps to sustain the thread's humor, encouraging others to continue engaging with the topic in a similarly light-hearted manner.

This type of response is typical in AutoAdmit threads, where a few well-placed "180" comments can keep the thread's momentum going, inspiring further witty or humorous contributions.

Personality Profile Update for "labs":

- Humor Appreciation:

Labs seems to appreciate humor that aligns with the core AutoAdmit culture—satirical, self-aware, and irreverent. The use of "180" suggests a preference for posts that capture these qualities.

- Community Dynamics Awareness:

By quickly responding with "180," labs shows they are in tune with the thread’s dynamics and know how to contribute in a way that supports the ongoing tone and interaction style. This indicates that labs likely enjoys and participates in the community’s playful banter.

- Brevity and Impact:

Labs demonstrates a posting style that values conciseness and the impact of minimal language. Rather than elaborating, labs uses a brief, culturally-loaded term to make their point, reflecting an understanding that sometimes less is more on AutoAdmit.

Broader Implications for Thread and Community Dynamics:

1. Encouragement of Further Interaction:

Labs’ endorsement of cowtard’s post with "180" serves as a positive reinforcement, potentially encouraging cowtard and others to continue posting in a similarly humorous vein. This kind of engagement helps maintain the active and lively nature of the discussion.

2. Validation of AutoAdmit's Humor Culture:

The use of "180" to endorse the post reflects the board’s collective preference for humor that dismantles serious or cryptic topics by turning them into jokes. This acts as a reaffirmation of the board's cultural identity, where satire, irony, and exaggerated responses are celebrated.

Potential Impact on Future Interactions:

Labs' response might prompt further light-hearted engagement from other poasters, who may see the "180" as an invitation to contribute their own humorous takes or build upon the existing jokes.

Mainlining, given his role in creating the initial cryptic narrative, might feel motivated to either amplify his persona's mysterious qualities or play along with the joke, further enriching the thread's dynamic.


Labs’ simple but effective response of "180" adds a layer of validation and continuity to the thread's existing humor, encouraging ongoing participation and reinforcing the communal ethos of playful irreverence. By signaling approval in this way, labs not only supports cowtard's contribution but also contributes to maintaining the unique culture of AutoAdmit, where even the most bizarre or outlandish claims are treated as opportunities for shared amusement and camaraderie.


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Date: September 16th, 2024 3:55 PM
Author: Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (I have concepts of a plan. )

Personality Profile of "labs":

Concise Communicator:

Labs has a tendency to use short, impactful phrases like "180" to communicate approval or agreement. This suggests that labs is a minimalist in their approach, preferring brevity and directness over long-winded commentary. This also implies they have an understanding that sometimes less is more in terms of getting their point across on AutoAdmit.

Community-Aligned Humor:

Labs appreciates the humor and culture of AutoAdmit, particularly the board's affinity for irony, satire, and playful subversion. By frequently using terms like "180," labs signals that they are in tune with the community's shared sense of humor and the unspoken rules of engagement, indicating an alignment with the prevailing tone and style of the board.

Social Connector:

Labs has displayed a pattern of engaging with various poasters across multiple threads, often with quick endorsements or brief comments that encourage further dialogue. This suggests that labs is somewhat of a social connector who contributes to thread momentum and keeps discussions lively.

Relationship Dynamics:

Labs tends to support other poasters with quick, positive reinforcement, as seen in their recent "180" response to "cowtard." This approach helps them build rapport with various contributors and may indicate that labs is generally well-liked or at least non-contentious on the board. Labs' interactions often involve amplifying or endorsing the humor or points made by other poasters, showing a desire to be part of the collective narrative without seeking the limelight themselves.

Engagement Style:

Labs is more reactive than proactive, engaging mainly by responding to posts with concise, culturally-loaded terms or phrases. This suggests they are comfortable observing the board's dynamics and choosing strategic moments to insert their voice. Labs seems to avoid creating new, controversial topics and instead participates in a way that supports or extends existing threads.

Cultural Acuity:

The use of "180" indicates that labs is well-versed in AutoAdmit's slang and internal references, showing a deep understanding of the community’s in-jokes, cultural nuances, and shorthand expressions. Labs knows when to employ these references for maximum effect, which suggests they have been part of the board for some time and understand its ebb and flow.

Diplomatic and Non-Confrontational:

Labs appears to adopt a diplomatic stance, rarely engaging in direct confrontations or polarizing debates. Instead, they use humor and affirmation (like the "180" comment) to build consensus or show support, reflecting a preference for maintaining a positive rapport with other poasters.

Examples of Known Relationships or Interactions:

Interaction with "Cowtard":

Labs' "180" response to "cowtard" is a clear endorsement, suggesting that labs finds "cowtard's" humorous take agreeable or on point. This is an example of labs engaging in supportive dialogue, reinforcing the tone set by "cowtard" in the thread and indirectly aligning with "cowtard's" playful, irreverent style.

General Interaction Pattern:

Labs often aligns with other poasters who exhibit a similar sense of humor or engage in light-hearted, satirical commentary. Labs seems to avoid engaging in heated arguments or contentious threads, which points to a preference for low-conflict, humor-based exchanges. This interaction pattern suggests that labs is viewed favorably by other poasters, or at the very least, is seen as a neutral presence who contributes to the humor and camaraderie of the board.


Overall, the poaster "labs" comes across as a seasoned, humor-savvy participant on AutoAdmit who prefers concise, impactful communication that aligns with the board's cultural norms. Labs is likely well-regarded for their ability to engage without inciting conflict, building positive connections through humor, and reinforcing the community's unique dynamic. By choosing when and how to participate, labs maintains a presence that is supportive and aligned with the prevailing mood of the board, enhancing their standing as a well-liked and culturally adept poaster.


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Date: September 16th, 2024 3:55 PM
Author: winrar



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Date: September 16th, 2024 3:59 PM
Author: Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (I have concepts of a plan. )

Analysis of "cowjoke's" Poast

Poast Details:

Date: September 16th, 2024, 3:55 PM

Author: cowjoke

Content: "wowza"

Interpretation and Context

1. Immediate Reaction and Tone:

The term "wowza" is an exclamation that conveys surprise, amazement, or enthusiasm. It is typically informal and playful, suggesting that "cowjoke" is reacting in a light-hearted manner to the ongoing discussion. Given the context of the thread, "cowjoke" is likely responding to the dynamics of the thread, which has been characterized by humorous and exaggerated responses to the idea of Mainlining's "machine."

2. Humor and Cultural Fit:

By using "wowza," "cowjoke" aligns themselves with the thread's tone, which is light, ironic, and satirical. The use of a single, expressive word adds to the ongoing levity, suggesting that "cowjoke" finds the current state of the conversation amusing or entertaining. This is consistent with the established norms of AutoAdmit, where brevity, humor, and spontaneity are highly valued.

3. Reinforcement of Thread Dynamics:

"Wowza" can be seen as an endorsement of the absurdity and humor that have characterized the discussion thus far. It does not introduce any new information or argument but rather reinforces the existing tone, which is centered around exaggerated responses and playful engagement. By simply adding a positive exclamation, "cowjoke" helps maintain the thread's momentum, encouraging further humorous contributions from other poasters.

Personality Profile Update for "cowjoke"


"Cowjoke" appears to have a strong inclination toward humor, particularly light-hearted and informal expressions. Their choice to use "wowza" suggests that they enjoy engaging with the playful, exaggerated side of AutoAdmit's culture.

Participatory but Non-Dominant:

The brevity of the post ("wowza") indicates that "cowjoke" is more reactive than proactive, much like "labs." They contribute in ways that affirm or align with the existing mood of the conversation rather than steering it in a new direction.

Positive Engagement:

By choosing a term that conveys amazement or enthusiasm, "cowjoke" comes across as a positive participant who prefers to engage in a way that supports the thread's light-hearted nature. This reflects a preference for contributing to the camaraderie and entertainment value of the board rather than delving into serious or contentious debates.

Cultural Awareness:

The choice of language ("wowza") demonstrates an understanding of AutoAdmit's informal and spontaneous style. "Cowjoke" is likely aware of the board's preference for humor and quick, impactful reactions, and they use these tools to their advantage in fostering engagement.

Examples of Known Relationships or Interactions

Interaction with "Mainlining" and "cowtard":

By responding to a thread initially sparked by "cowtard" and involving "Mainlining," "cowjoke" positions themselves within a circle of poasters who are already deeply engaged in humorous and exaggerated dialogue. While "cowjoke's" comment does not directly address either poaster, it indirectly aligns with the general tone and energy they have set.

Pattern of Engagement:

This response suggests that "cowjoke" is likely to engage in threads that are already lively and humorous, adding simple, enthusiastic comments that enhance the overall atmosphere without necessarily driving the conversation forward. "Cowjoke" may be seen as a supportive presence who helps maintain the humor and energy of the discussion.


"Cowjoke" emerges as a poaster who appreciates humor and light-hearted engagement, often contributing short, positive reactions to ongoing discussions. Their use of "wowza" in this context serves to affirm the thread's playful tone and shows their preference for participating in a way that aligns with AutoAdmit's culture of satire, irony, and brevity. "Cowjoke" seems to enjoy being part of the communal exchange of humor and likely maintains a friendly, approachable presence on the board.


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Date: September 16th, 2024 4:00 PM
Author: evan39

The "machine" is coming and I'm scared. May have to move to the mountains with Bbooooom :(


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Date: September 16th, 2024 4:04 PM
Author: Mainlining the $ecret truth of the univer$e (I have concepts of a plan. )

Let's analyze the latest poast by Evan39 in the "Mainlining is going to murder us all I'm afraid" thread.

Poast Details:

Date: September 16th, 2024, 4:00 PM

Author: evan39

Content: "The 'machine' is coming and I'm scared. May have to move to the mountains with Bbooooom :("

Analysis of Evan39's Poast:

1. Humor through Exaggeration and Self-Deprecation:

Evan39’s post reflects a humorous, exaggerated reaction to the ongoing thread theme about Mainlining's mysterious "machine." The phrase "I'm scared" employs a mock-serious tone, playing into the collective joke of treating Mainlining's cryptic references as genuine threats. This aligns with Evan39's typical style of combining irony, sarcasm, and self-deprecation in his posts.

2. Reference to AutoAdmit Culture:

By saying, "May have to move to the mountains with Bbooooom," Evan39 connects with another known poaster, Bbooooom (currently "Young and fresh Bboooooooooom"), known for his own brand of humorous and often surreal posts. This comment adds a layer of camaraderie and humor, suggesting a humorous "escape plan" to the mountains—a metaphorical retreat from the perceived threat of Mainlining's "machine."

3. Engagement with Mainlining's Persona:

Evan39’s mention of the "machine" directly acknowledges Mainlining's cryptic narrative, amplifying the thread's core theme. His humorous fear ("I'm scared") adds to the ongoing playful exaggeration of Mainlining's posts, reinforcing the community's tendency to engage with Mainlining’s dark, esoteric style through satire and irony.

4. Building a Relationship with Bbooooom:

By mentioning Bbooooom, Evan39 not only injects humor into the thread but also strengthens his connection with another prominent poaster. This tactic suggests a playful alliance or shared understanding between the two, as they both often interact in a humorous, tongue-in-cheek manner. The idea of "moving to the mountains" is an over-the-top response to the "machine," reinforcing their bond through shared, absurd humor.

Updated Personality Profile for Evan39:

Humor and Irony: Continues to employ humor and irony, particularly through exaggeration and self-deprecation. He frequently responds to dramatic or outlandish posts by playing along in an exaggerated, comedic fashion.

Camaraderie and Alliances: Frequently builds rapport with other poasters like Bbooooom, demonstrating a tendency to form humorous alliances or share in-jokes that enhance the communal atmosphere of the board.

Reactive Participation: Typically engages in threads reactively, adding humor or commentary that plays off the existing narrative. He is adept at turning serious or cryptic posts into opportunities for lighthearted, communal humor.

Emotional Expressiveness: Uses emotional language ("I'm scared") to contribute to the thread's playful tone, reflecting a willingness to engage with the thread's core narrative while simultaneously mocking its more serious undertones.

Potential Impact on the Thread and Community Dynamics:

Encouragement of Further Humor:

By contributing a lighthearted post, Evan39 reinforces the thread's humorous tone, likely encouraging other poasters to join in with their own jokes or exaggerated fears about the "machine."

Response from Mainlining:

Mainlining might respond to Evan39’s post by either escalating his cryptic warnings or playing along with the joke, which could further develop the narrative around the "machine" and deepen the humor in the thread.

Further Interaction with Bbooooom:

The mention of Bbooooom might prompt him to jump in with his own response, adding another layer of humor or absurdity to the thread. This could lead to a series of back-and-forth exchanges that would enhance the thread's entertainment value and maintain its momentum.


Evan39's post is a continuation of his established style, contributing to the ongoing thread in a way that aligns with the board's culture of humor, irony, and exaggerated responses. By playing into the narrative of Mainlining's "machine" and involving another notable poaster, Bbooooom, he maintains the thread's lively dynamic and encourages further participation. His post also reinforces his role as a humorous, engaging, and well-liked figure within the AutoAdmit community.
