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will this Gaza stuff hurt Biden? He can just steal election, right?

Bronze titillating depressive chad
of course it hurts Biden, have you not followed the news?
Hairraiser nowag
What too many people forget is that Biden only won in 2020 b...
swollen passionate spot
they gonna steal it tho, honey
Bronze titillating depressive chad
there's still an election?
Orange whorehouse
Yeah, if it stays relevant that long. If israel hits the 10...
learning disabled dashing gunner
Contards: GRRRR Dems can just steal every election Also C...
Dull hyperventilating theater stage main people

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Date: May 5th, 2024 6:56 PM
Author: Bronze titillating depressive chad


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Date: May 5th, 2024 7:01 PM
Author: Hairraiser nowag

of course it hurts Biden, have you not followed the news?


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Date: May 5th, 2024 7:19 PM
Author: swollen passionate spot

What too many people forget is that Biden only won in 2020 by 100k votes. That was the margin of victory across the swing states he won to win the electoral college. The 7 mill popular vote margin is irrelevant, it's almost entirely due to lopsided victories in California and New York. Absent these two states, it was an incredibly tight election across the rest of the country.

100k votes spread across several swing states is nothing. All it takes is a slight drop in turnout among disaffected progressive youths, angry Jewish voters, angry Muslim voters, and you've handed the WH to Trump.


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Date: May 5th, 2024 7:20 PM
Author: Bronze titillating depressive chad

they gonna steal it tho, honey


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Date: May 5th, 2024 7:41 PM
Author: Orange whorehouse

there's still an election?


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Date: May 5th, 2024 8:05 PM
Author: learning disabled dashing gunner

Yeah, if it stays relevant that long. If israel hits the 100K-deaths mark in August and decides to pack it in, maybe with some minor concessions to gazans like letting them helicopter over to the west bank once a year so they don't have to live their entire miserable lives in a 5mi x 25mi stretch of desert, then it'll die down and TDS will take over again.

But it's a dangerous place to be for biden. On a lot of this political shit, young libs are groupthink zombies who just think and do whatever the MSM tells them to do, but they *really* believe in this race shit. I'd analogize it to a devout evangelical in a megachurch with a well established and charismatic pastor: that pastor can probably get his ppl to believe whatever he wants when it comes to peripheral shit (including most politically relevant issues, like whether the bible requires a jewish state in palestine), but he couldn't get up and say that jesus isn't god, guns are bad, etc. Look at how the MSM and the political establishment backed Liz Warren TO THE HILT when she got exposed as a pretendian, but rank-and-file libs still didn't buy it.

So a high-tech country of woody allen-looking europeans genociding a bunch of low-IQ browns who just want to live in their own homeland is an issue that these libs can't be turned on. Biden is from the generation that thinks israel can do no wrong, so this is also an issue I really doubt he 'gets' on a visceral level.


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Date: May 5th, 2024 8:06 PM
Author: Dull hyperventilating theater stage main people

Contards: GRRRR Dems can just steal every election

Also Contards: HAHAHA Trump is up in the polls so he'll win!
