Date: September 27th, 2024 1:29 AM
Author: Misanthropic crawly school
Mike has a rather unique perspective about what the ideal size is:
Karl: If you could press a button that magically made you smaller, what length and girth would you set the device to?
Mike: 8x7
Karl: 7" girth is still MASSIVE of course, but you think women can generally handle that with some lube and foreplay?
Mike: I'm not sure that women would do better. I just have nothing to compare it to. For me, 8x7 is a pretty significant reduction… I am trying to say I wouldn't want my dick to feel alien to me. I am accustomed to using it a certain way and enjoying certain things about it that might change if I was a different size. Over time it wouldn't matter. I am trying to think of an analogy but any difference in so familiar a body part would take getting used to. I would lose a sex trick or two… lol
Karl: The women who can take you, they have loved your size?
Mike: Yes. Sometimes too much, and after breaking up they want to continue sex or guilt me into it. Women who really like size can be aggressive and hard to satisfy. I don't want to be a machine.. I can't at this age. Women that can easily accommodate me usually like toys and it's impossible to compete with a toy. I really want to avoid that.
Karl: I'm not completely surprised some women can handle your size, even at almost 10" girth. My wife can take our 8.4" girth dildo vaginally, and me anally at the same time. These women who have been able to take you, would you say they are the rare exceptions, and that most women definitely can't handle your size?
Mike: Yes definitely not a problem for women with experience. There are a few factors. I like short petite women. The petite women that I seek out have problems with my size. The women who come looking for me usually don't have a problem.