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German car massacre proves assimilation works

Less than a generation to go from Muslim to neo-nazi
Epistemic Humility re: Existence of Santa Claus
killing innocent people is insane wtf are you talking about
Bill DaWall
Are you saying Hitler did something wrong?
Epistemic Humility re: Existence of Santa Claus
The opposite in fact. That's obviously bullshit and none of ...
brown tranny rapping about climate change
it's flame: In Islamic jurisprudence, taqiyya (also spel...
AZNgirl calling cops on half of her Hapa son
He was doing the ex-Muslim thing for too long and was too op...
post-poasting ennui
anyone who has ever been a muslim shld be executed. simple a...
AZNgirl calling cops on half of her Hapa son
Eh, let's see if they're still a problem after mass remigrat...
post-poasting ennui

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Date: December 21st, 2024 9:34 AM
Author: Epistemic Humility re: Existence of Santa Claus

Less than a generation to go from Muslim to neo-nazi


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Date: December 21st, 2024 9:40 AM
Author: Bill DaWall

killing innocent people is insane wtf are you talking about


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Date: December 21st, 2024 10:25 AM
Author: Epistemic Humility re: Existence of Santa Claus

Are you saying Hitler did something wrong?


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Date: December 21st, 2024 10:27 AM
Author: brown tranny rapping about climate change

The opposite in fact. That's obviously bullshit and none of these people should've been allowed in the country in the first place


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Date: December 21st, 2024 10:30 AM
Author: AZNgirl calling cops on half of her Hapa son

it's flame:

In Islamic jurisprudence, taqiyya (also spelled taqiya or taqiyah) refers to a practice where a Muslim may conceal their faith, beliefs, or intentions in situations where openly expressing them would put their life, safety, or well-being in danger. Historically, this concept has been particularly significant in Shia Islam, where communities often faced persecution, but it is also recognized in Sunni traditions under similar circumstances.

Misuse and Misconceptions

While the original intent of taqiyya is about self-preservation under duress or threat, the term has sometimes been mischaracterized or weaponized in political or ideological debates. Some critics of Islam allege that taqiyya is a license to deceive non-Muslims, but this is a distortion of its traditional meaning and context.

Islamic teachings universally emphasize honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness in interactions. Deception for personal or communal gain, outside the narrow scope of self-defense, contradicts the ethical principles of Islam.


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Date: December 21st, 2024 10:44 AM
Author: post-poasting ennui

He was doing the ex-Muslim thing for too long and was too open about it for it to be an act. There is even an old BBC interview with him from years back.

He was 1) crazy,

and 2) entirely correct that Germany is responsible for the Muslim invasion of Europe.

The people in that Christmas market voted for it and have been voting for it for years.


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Date: December 21st, 2024 10:45 AM
Author: AZNgirl calling cops on half of her Hapa son

anyone who has ever been a muslim shld be executed. simple as


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Date: December 21st, 2024 10:47 AM
Author: post-poasting ennui

Eh, let's see if they're still a problem after mass remigration and cutting off all aid to Israel and the rest of the area, and then we can talk further measures.
