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Chronicling Blackpillers' Mea Culpa for saying Trump could never win in 2024

Day 14: No Movement
passionate theatre codepig
Day 17: No Movement
passionate theatre codepig
Day 30: No Movement
passionate theatre codepig
many years ago i ran a pro-Mittens shtick account but didn't...
Startling university
They've shifted to Trump's win is meaningless because he was...
Adventurous Locus
Day 77: No Movement
passionate theatre codepig
Day 126: Blackpillers Return

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Date: November 19th, 2024 3:30 PM
Author: passionate theatre codepig
Subject: Day 14: No Movement

before the election there was a hearty contingent of blackpiller pumos who were positive that there was no way trump could win the election because no matter what it would be rigged against him. within hours of polls closing on 11/5, it was clear trump would win all seven battleground states plus the popular vote.

these blackpillers emphasized that they were "longtime trumpmos" and that they "wished he would win", but that the all-powerful elites wouldn't let it happen, so it was better just give up. since november 5th they gone silent. where are our blackpillers? shouldn't they be ecstatic to have been wrong? where did they go? itt, i will keep a vigilant watch for these forgotten longtime trumpmos.

Day 14: No Movement


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Date: November 22nd, 2024 12:36 PM
Author: passionate theatre codepig

Day 17: No Movement


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Date: December 5th, 2024 1:53 PM
Author: passionate theatre codepig
Subject: Day 30: No Movement

many of the 100% trumpmo blackpill pumos have returned to defend insurance companies because they are blessed job creators and "what do you want socialized medicine or something?"

no movement yet on them admitting they were wrong about trump winning. but they are very passionate that about "there is no alternative to rapacious kike grifting in insurance so don't even try unless you're dumb shitlib commie or something lol."


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Date: December 5th, 2024 1:59 PM
Author: Startling university

many years ago i ran a pro-Mittens shtick account but didn't show up to take the L because it was shit poasting anyway.


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Date: December 5th, 2024 2:03 PM
Author: Adventurous Locus

They've shifted to Trump's win is meaningless because he was allowed to win


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Date: January 21st, 2025 11:13 AM
Author: passionate theatre codepig
Subject: Day 77: No Movement

the day after the inauguration and trump signing a ton of executive orders have seen a resurgence of "longtime trumpmo here" blackpillers claiming that all the executive orders are a big nothingburger. are these the same "longtime trumpmos" that said trump wouldn't be allowed to win? i'm guessing not since they would never have wanted him to win in the first place. must be a completely different set of "longtime trumpmos" that are flapping about now.


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Date: March 11th, 2025 6:06 AM
Subject: Day 126: Blackpillers Return

Alas! The missing longtime Trumpmo blackpillers have returned! The bort is flooded with longtime Trumpmos who voted Trump three times, and they have something important to say: Trump is really fucking things up with this tariff shit, it's stupid and they wished they never voted for him (despite his tariff plan beginning in his first term and oft repeated during his campaigns).

It remains a mystery where these staunch Trump supporters have been over the past four months, however...
