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one day the US will be as important as "italy"

really makes u think
harsh talking den becky
Detailed Analysis of the Discussion 1. Comparative Decline ...
Racy Hairy Legs
harsh talking den becky
Would that be so bad if it happened? Living in a former grea...
Very Tactful Cobalt Background Story
mongolia looks pretty shitty brother
Autistic casino
Mongolia is a tiny landlocked country surrounded by two much...
Very Tactful Cobalt Background Story
"Would it be so bad if we ruined your country?" - ...
Dark Friendly Grandma
Yea Italy is great because it's Italy. When america collapse...
Fragrant regret public bath
The US lead over the rest of the world has been increasing, ...
bossy bawdyhouse goal in life
italy is unusually dense with cool ruins, from the 1st centu...
Multi-colored rehab patrolman
You don't think Rome had its share of sps strip mall-equival...
sienna macaca
pedantic point, but italy still has a ton of medieval buildi...
Multi-colored rehab patrolman
one day in the not too distant future we'll all be fucking d...
Hyperventilating school cafeteria foreskin
harsh talking den becky
Not with a fucking continent worth of incredible resources a...
Snowy Sinister Tanning Salon
ljl the US is going to shit, its full of niggas, methed out ...
chestnut concupiscible liquid oxygen half-breed
couldn't you say that about Brazil?
hateful sable meetinghouse
While jungle has a lot of resources 1) they have no infrastr...
Snowy Sinister Tanning Salon
what if america is 40% non-hispanic white in 2050?
hateful sable meetinghouse
Easier to hoard 90% of wealth at top. Just give them Taco Be...
Snowy Sinister Tanning Salon
ah but a unified american state won't make it to 2050, is th...
harsh talking den becky
It will be ruling elites and giant dumb poor class
Snowy Sinister Tanning Salon
after the british empire ended they actually had a period wh...
chestnut concupiscible liquid oxygen half-breed
yes, the USA will one day surpass the Italy known as the Rom...
Passionate resort
harsh talking den becky
a Pax on your houses, capiche?
Passionate resort
Italy = Rome. US will never have that level of prestige, ...
maniacal deer antler

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: September 7th, 2024 11:07 PM
Author: harsh talking den becky

really makes u think


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Date: September 8th, 2024 5:01 PM
Author: Racy Hairy Legs

Detailed Analysis of the Discussion

1. Comparative Decline and Historical Context

Poaster: ,,,,,,....,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.

Poast: "one day the US will be as important as 'italy'"

This poast sets the stage for a discussion about the potential decline of the U.S. in global prominence. The comparison to Italy is intended to evoke thoughts about the relative fall of a once-great empire. Italy, with its rich historical legacy and cultural impact, is now considered a relatively minor player in global politics compared to its historical significance.

Poaster: .,.,.,..;.....,.,.,.,.,.,...,.,. ( )

Reply: "Would that be so bad if it happened? Living in a former great empire can be pretty chill, as you can tell by looking at... Italy."

Here, the reply adds nuance to the initial comparison by suggesting that a decline similar to Italy's might not necessarily be negative. The term "chill" implies a certain degree of acceptance or even contentment with living in a former great power that has settled into a more modest role. This reflects a broader acceptance of historical decline as a natural process, rather than a catastrophe.

Poaster: lex

Poast: "italy is unusually dense with cool ruins, from the 1st century bc until at least the fucking 1400's. america is going to leave a handful of cities with some neat monumental 19th century buildings surrounded by unremarkable post-war stuff at the best and strip mall hells at the worst."

Lex’s post highlights the qualitative difference between American and Italian architectural legacies. The emphasis on Italy’s dense accumulation of historical structures contrasts sharply with the perceived lack of enduring American architecture. Lex’s perspective underscores a critique of American material culture and its potential lack of lasting historical impact.

2. Cynical and Provocative Commentary

Poaster: AZNgirl lecturing abt Niggas at White Frat House

Poast: "ljl the US is going to shit, its full of niggas, methed out fat retarded birdshits and furking mystery meat. its over"

This post reflects a deeply cynical view of the U.S., using offensive and derogatory language to describe perceived societal problems. The extreme language serves to shock and provoke, reflecting the board’s tendency to engage in controversial and inflammatory discourse.

Poaster: How to derive aut from ism

Poast: "You don't think Rome had its share of sps strip mall-equivalents? It's just that all its ttt architecture was made of wood or other perishable material and is completely obliterated."

This post introduces a counterpoint to the idea that contemporary American architecture is entirely devoid of historical significance. By suggesting that ancient Rome also had less significant architecture that has not survived, it implies that the same might be true for modern American structures.

3. Cultural Critique and Nationalism

Poaster: .,.,.,.....,

Poast: "Not with a fucking continent worth of incredible resources and 400M people, some percent of whom are genetically hard working and smart."

This post emphasizes the vast resources and potential of the U.S. compared to historical empires. The reference to “genetically hard working and smart” people reflects a nationalistic and somewhat controversial perspective on the inherent capabilities of the American populace.

Poaster: Brussels Sprout: Brussels, Helsinki, Stockholm, Kyiv

Poast: "yes, the USA will one day surpass the Italy known as the Roman Empire -- but not yet, not until there is total world domination"

This optimistic perspective on the future of the U.S. suggests that, despite current difficulties, America might eventually achieve a level of global dominance comparable to Rome at its height. The idea of "total world domination" reflects a grandiose vision of American power.

4. Future Speculations and Societal Impact

Poaster: Tall Man? Yes, you can! (🧐)

Poast: "one day in the not too distant future we'll all be fucking dead and the human race (assuming we don't nuke ourselves to death first) will be an unrecognizable blob of crispr chad von neumanns, cyborgs, or servants to asi god(s), whichever of the three happens first"

This post takes a dystopian view of the future, suggesting that humanity may evolve into something radically different due to technological or catastrophic events. This reflects a broader anxiety about the future and the potential for significant, possibly unsettling, changes.

Poaster: .,.,.,.....,

Poast: "It will be ruling elites and giant dumb poor class"

This post reflects a concern about increasing economic disparity and social stratification in the future. It suggests that a future U.S. might be characterized by extreme inequality, with a small elite controlling the wealth and a large, impoverished underclass.

Discussion Overview

Historical Analogies: The conversation frequently draws parallels between the U.S. and historical empires like Rome and Italy, using these comparisons to discuss potential future trajectories.

Cynicism and Provocation: The board’s culture is evident in the use of provocative and inflammatory language, often to express dissatisfaction or criticism of contemporary societal issues.

Cultural and Nationalistic Views: Discussions about architectural legacy, national resources, and demographic changes reflect broader cultural and nationalistic concerns.

Future Speculations: Poasts about potential future scenarios, whether dystopian or optimistic, reveal anxieties and hopes about the direction of the U.S. and humanity as a whole.

The discussion reflects AutoAdmit’s characteristic mix of serious critique, dark humor, and speculative commentary, driven by a diverse range of opinions and perspectives. The analysis reveals a complex interplay of historical reflection, cultural critique, and future speculation that characterizes the board’s discussions.


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Date: September 8th, 2024 11:18 AM
Author: harsh talking den becky


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Date: September 8th, 2024 11:18 AM
Author: Very Tactful Cobalt Background Story

Would that be so bad if it happened? Living in a former great empire can be pretty chill, as you can tell by looking at... Italy. I certainly wouldn't mind if people particularly inspired by Mohammed crashed airplanes into somebody else's skyscrapers.


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Date: September 8th, 2024 11:33 AM
Author: Autistic casino

mongolia looks pretty shitty brother


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Date: September 8th, 2024 11:49 AM
Author: Very Tactful Cobalt Background Story

Mongolia is a tiny landlocked country surrounded by two much larger countries. We're much more likely to be a Spain, Italy, Portugal, France, UK, etc., than freaking Mongolia.


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Date: September 8th, 2024 4:01 PM
Author: Dark Friendly Grandma

"Would it be so bad if we ruined your country?" - Jew


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Date: September 8th, 2024 4:03 PM
Author: Fragrant regret public bath

Yea Italy is great because it's Italy. When america collapses it's going to be a hideous wasteland shithole. Which it already is. Scottsdale's nice though.


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Date: September 8th, 2024 11:20 AM
Author: bossy bawdyhouse goal in life

The US lead over the rest of the world has been increasing, not decreasing


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Date: September 8th, 2024 11:24 AM
Author: Multi-colored rehab patrolman

italy is unusually dense with cool ruins, from the 1st century bc until *at least* the fucking 1400's. america is going to leave a handful of cities with some neat monumental 19th century buildings surrounded by unremarkable post-war stuff at the best and strip mall hells at the worst. for the most part, it will be vast empty spaces. we're going to be more like modern russia than italy.


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Date: September 8th, 2024 3:11 PM
Author: sienna macaca

You don't think Rome had its share of sps strip mall-equivalents? It's just that all its ttt architecture was made of wood or other perishable material and is completely obliterated.

Structures like the Brooklyn Bridge will last a while and wow people because of the sheer impossibility of building anything like that again


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Date: September 8th, 2024 4:31 PM
Author: Multi-colored rehab patrolman

pedantic point, but italy still has a ton of medieval buildings, even shit like cheap, large housing blocks in cities, still standing and functional. the tendency was to use stone. america's (and now china's etc.) style of building developments/mcmansions everywhere out of flimsy materials is unprecedentedly shitty, as far as i know. there will be a few cool remnants of grand scale american engineering (cf. roman aqueducts), but they will be very few and dwarfed by the immense emptiness of most of this sprawling landmass.


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Date: September 8th, 2024 11:29 AM
Author: Hyperventilating school cafeteria foreskin

one day in the not too distant future we'll all be fucking dead and the human race (assuming we don't nuke ourselves to death first) will be an unrecognizable blob of crispr chad von neumanns, cyborgs, or servants to asi god(s), whichever of the three happens first

who gives a flying fuck about your wah wah blackpill sob story


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Date: September 8th, 2024 4:00 PM
Author: harsh talking den becky



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Date: September 8th, 2024 11:32 AM
Author: Snowy Sinister Tanning Salon

Not with a fucking continent worth of incredible resources and 400M people, some percent of whom are genetically hard working and smart

It would take 500 years to squander our soil and water ways and minerals and oil etc

We may slide to 1% masters 99% mulatto slaves, but that 1% will still rule the world


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Date: September 8th, 2024 12:00 PM
Author: chestnut concupiscible liquid oxygen half-breed

ljl the US is going to shit, its full of niggas, methed out fat retarded birdshits and furking mystery meat. its over


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Date: September 8th, 2024 2:15 PM
Author: hateful sable meetinghouse

couldn't you say that about Brazil?


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Date: September 8th, 2024 3:00 PM
Author: Snowy Sinister Tanning Salon

While jungle has a lot of resources 1) they have no infrastructure or history extracting it, 2) North America has everything you could want - way more than jungle and we know how to process it, 3) we can still steal whatever we want from anywhere else, Brazil cannot

Our wealth is guaranteed. Not saying it will be distributed at all. But it will be here a long long time. Only black pill is it won’t be shared equitably, no middle class etc. But the national wealth will always be one or two (China) for many centuries. America is bountiful in a way that Italy or Germany or the UK or Japan could never dream of. This is the fucking perfect land - rich beyond measure, and perfectly defensible


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Date: September 8th, 2024 3:44 PM
Author: hateful sable meetinghouse

what if america is 40% non-hispanic white in 2050?


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Date: September 8th, 2024 4:27 PM
Author: Snowy Sinister Tanning Salon

Easier to hoard 90% of wealth at top. Just give them Taco Bell and Modelo

But the wealth stays here


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Date: September 8th, 2024 2:35 PM
Author: harsh talking den becky

ah but a unified american state won't make it to 2050, is the issue there


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Date: September 8th, 2024 3:04 PM
Author: Snowy Sinister Tanning Salon

It will be ruling elites and giant dumb poor class


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Date: September 8th, 2024 11:59 AM
Author: chestnut concupiscible liquid oxygen half-breed

after the british empire ended they actually had a period where they focused on their own furking country and built shit like the NHS and turned London into POTUS of cities before it went to trash

US suffers cause its run by jews and military industrial faggots


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Date: September 8th, 2024 3:15 PM
Author: Passionate resort

yes, the USA will one day surpass the Italy known as the Roman Empire -- but not yet, not until there is total world domination


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Date: September 8th, 2024 3:59 PM
Author: harsh talking den becky



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Date: September 8th, 2024 4:05 PM
Author: Passionate resort

a Pax on your houses, capiche?


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Date: September 8th, 2024 4:09 PM
Author: maniacal deer antler

Italy = Rome.

US will never have that level of prestige, in fact its current prestige level is rapidly declining.
