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As most of my bros know by now I've been on SA heavily since...
sapphire parlour
lmao at this complete fiction
blathering well-lubricated lodge
bro i started blogging this experience because i couldn't be...
sapphire parlour
it upsets me because you're profiting off this scam somehow ...
blathering well-lubricated lodge
I wish I was bros but I have a successful business I already...
sapphire parlour
I for one appreciate it greatly. More butt pics?
Marvelous point
Brass pervert
Literally even if it was all flame it’s so well crafte...
overrated charcoal institution
It's shit. You're shit. And everything you're about is shit.
blathering well-lubricated lodge
(autist retard who told on himself, and is also weirdly jeal...
overrated charcoal institution
Contagious green affirmative action
It’s real
vigorous topaz office messiness
sapphire parlour
are you going to keep doing this
stimulating abusive regret
💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet ...
Vibrant corner
💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet ...
Vibrant corner
💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet ...
Vibrant corner
💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet ...
Vibrant corner
boart spam between nyuug and whatever other mentally ill poa...
sapphire parlour
self-centered doobsian clown rigpig
You’re paying actual hookers for sex and think they ca...
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nudist stock car
Wait til OP finds out whose bills SHE is paying (hint it's a...
honey-headed voyeur
Bro, I encourage you to re-read my post where I explicitly s...
sapphire parlour
women's emotions are based on their cycle. once they start o...
Contagious green affirmative action
They actually are very much in the treat my like a whore cyc...
sapphire parlour
oh yeah most girls are like that. but depending on the phase...
Contagious green affirmative action
aqua laser beams
TY bro. I will once again ask for more vids/pics. Especially...
razzle-dazzle massive masturbator spot
cracking jewess
She's coming over now but when she takes off I'll try to thr...
sapphire parlour
Marvelous point
Brass pervert
brother i warned you about falling in love with dem hoes. i ...
Contagious green affirmative action
They are practically married
honey-headed voyeur
Brother, I can assure you there are no feels beyond we have ...
sapphire parlour
ok 180 i bet they all have BPD or something similar. most...
Contagious green affirmative action
bull headed lettuce field
overrated charcoal institution
you're Kirkland Signature HVAC tbh
spectacular shivering ceo telephone
Contagious green affirmative action
this bump based on the interpretation that "kirkland si...
Contagious green affirmative action
It’s a commentary on higher quality than HVAC who was ...
overrated charcoal institution
HVAC specifically seeks out the girls that look like they ha...
razzmatazz idiotic stage famous landscape painting
overrated charcoal institution
nudist stock car
Relative to fucking randos from Tinder, do you feel less of ...
translucent excitant quadroon
Haven’t put too much thought into it tbh. I started t...
sapphire parlour
bull headed lettuce field
it's weird to think about having much of an ego about gettin...
Contagious green affirmative action
(Guy paying to jestermax)
Bat shit crazy station boistinker
How old are you and how old are these women?
Confused coldplay fan
a few months shy of 40, these chicks are 23-27.
sapphire parlour
Even the redhead?
Confused coldplay fan
She just turned 27.
sapphire parlour
ESPECIALLY the redhead
angry meetinghouse patrolman
Welp Bros, the redhead just came over, she was an hr late wh...
sapphire parlour
I'll add that upon reflection this post make come across as ...
sapphire parlour
I assume you have your tubes tied?
Confused coldplay fan
sapphire parlour
Now That's What I Call Prostitution!
honey-headed voyeur
Vol. 3!
Brass pervert
Link broken
Confused coldplay fan
sapphire parlour
180 when i got divorced i fucked three different women in...
Contagious green affirmative action
No, i get it, that feeling of elation when you think your di...
angry meetinghouse patrolman
180 The redhead needs to send an ass pic asap. She’...
razzle-dazzle massive masturbator spot
Ur right bro. She’s been increasingly loose with the ...
sapphire parlour
Definitely need a butt pic yeah
Marvelous point
Are you fat and bald
Floppy Puce National Jap
nah bro I'm not fat... 6'1 and 165-170. Not a big dude but ...
sapphire parlour
Forgot to add this one was INSISTENT on condoms before we me...
sapphire parlour
Olive filthpig
Ur talking urself into dating one of these literal whores ...
soggy chrome mexican church building
wait excuse me? Where did I say I wanted to date either of ...
sapphire parlour
I've seen this cycle many times Even hinting that ur in ...
soggy chrome mexican church building
i haven't talked about her life beyond the weird scenario sh...
sapphire parlour
k bub
soggy chrome mexican church building
this is all pretty gross man. you can find one to fuck who i...
angry meetinghouse patrolman
what's the diff between this and going to amsterdam and just...
turquoise therapy
Convenience, the fact that you're fucking mid 20 yr old non ...
sapphire parlour
also i really doubt any whorehouse whore is fucking johns li...
Contagious green affirmative action
This is pretty accurate. I mean even the redhead is activ...
sapphire parlour
what the difference between having a5 wagyu cooked by a mast...
Contagious green affirmative action
You are getting significantly more mileage out of these whor...
beady-eyed khaki chapel
Fuck bros, spicy Latina is now sending me unsolicited videos...
sapphire parlour
To be honest bros I haven’t fucked a women under my ag...
sapphire parlour
Broccoli headed zoomers all have broken dicks and m’la...
razzle-dazzle massive masturbator spot
Nice work OP. I’ve done SA some and believe everything...
frozen mind-boggling trailer park
yur life sounds rich and fulfilled, op. wishing yu all the v...
Gaped generalized bond goyim
Thanks brother. It’s always been absurdly important t...
sapphire parlour
this is likely cslg
pearl swashbuckling mental disorder stag film
Not flame, not cslg
sapphire parlour
What’s even more wild is I started this during my annu...
sapphire parlour
Cool that this works for you, but a lot of guys just can't g...
outnumbered flushed plaza
do you always go dutch?
Contagious green affirmative action
Actually, I probably should have added that a big part is th...
outnumbered flushed plaza
Different strokes I guess. I’ve fucked plenty of the ...
sapphire parlour
You mentioned being divorced. Did your extreme sex drive pla...
outnumbered flushed plaza
In hindsight it probably played a role. Sex was extremely v...
sapphire parlour
Why and how did you not cheatmo like crazy when you were mar...
overrated charcoal institution
excellent compartmentalizing where i was able to effectively...
sapphire parlour
Also I’d say I have an extreme sex drive now getting o...
sapphire parlour
I’m now getting blown up by OG, spicy Latina and redhe...
sapphire parlour
bull headed lettuce field
I guess persistence really does pay off.
adulterous indian lodge marketing idea
lol for sure... i was totally done with her but she's a tota...
sapphire parlour
cracking jewess
You inspired me, so I had my first SA experience. I fucked a...
hairless abode
Stoked for you bro. Right on man that's fucking epic. Im...
sapphire parlour
Yeah she gave me an epic blowjob and swallowed because I tol...
hairless abode
How did the initial convo go? Did you invite her to your ...
Brass pervert
School girl yes, glasses an odd choice but hey, whatever she...
Marvelous point
On Valentine's Day I nutted on my sugar baby's face while sh...
buff locale yarmulke
Yeah I’m into that too. Just these glasses seem more l...
Marvelous point
more vids
Sexy sticky incel set
what's the cr free vid hosting site? spicy latina and redhe...
sapphire parlour
jumpshare? Can also use dropbox/onedrive/google drive and ju...
Sienna Deep Alpha Twinkling Uncleanness
UNGH I want to see spicy Latina
Bistre cuckold
Will try to post some today. Fucked her last night and I&...
sapphire parlour
These threads are so cringe
pearl swashbuckling mental disorder stag film

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: February 11th, 2025 8:54 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

As most of my bros know by now I've been on SA heavily since late December with my first meet ups happening in mid jan.

I've now fucked approx 6 different chicks off there and seriously corresponded with probably 10-12. Thus far I have never had a sketchy encounter and every single chick I've met in person has been DTF that night and we have indeed fucked that night. 9/10 may briefly mention condoms ahead of time but will usually pull it off mid sex if they're enjoying it and continue fucking while begging for a creampie (I'm snipped).

At this point I'm really down to two regular chicks. I have others that really keep trying to meet up but the logistics can be difficult and it's a lot of work going to dinners every night, turning the charm on, and then fucking new chicks for hours, figuring out what they like, etc.

So the two primaries are the OG and the redhead. I still really want to fuck the younger redhead but she sort of went AWOL. She hasn't been online since before our last tax convo where she had to cancel because she was sick but "really wanted to meet up next week". I sent a follow up text later the following week that is still unread. This isn't necessarily uncommon. The hot married redhead had turned off her profile also and wasn't checking google voice until randomly she did and responded and since she was already kinda into me she agreed to meet up.

At this stage OG and I are more in a situationship than anything. It's very clear she's super into me, I don't pay her every time and she routinely stays for 2-5 days at a time. We fuck every morning and night and generally 1-2x more whether it be in the evening or late morning. She's super submissive and likes to do whatever I tell her. Fucked her ass, creampied her repeatedly, had her suck my dick for hrs, etc.

But aside from that we actually have fun together whether its eating dinner, grabbing a drink whatever. She's also a ripping snowboarder so we snowboard a lot together and she can actually keep up which is super rare.

Just on fri she came over, i gave her $200 cause it's all i had with me, she said she even felt weird taking the money and i was like please just take it. Then she stayed till this morning. Pretty domestic while she's here other than the wild sex.

I am not her only SD but I am her no. 1 so to speak. Meaning she actively chooses to hang out with me any chance she can and routinely cancels on others to spend time with me. On the flip side I know she has several "regulars" who basically pay her bills which is understood.

She is married in an open relationship and at home is basically in a throuple. She was mormon, as was her spouse who is now basically a gay man who's not completely convinced he's gay yet. He's a they/them and his "partner" is an extremely masculine looking they/them w/ female genitalia. She does not sleep with either the spouse or the partner as she likes dick (she likes chicks too) and prefers to be dominated hard.

The redhead is on a different program where she's in an unhappy sexless marriage she intends to leave in the next several months. She's is completely sex crazed and just wants to fuck as much as possible. We're very sexually compatible and she has the hottest body. Sometimes I pay, sometimes I don't.

We generally meet up at random times where she comes over whenever she can get a 2-4 hr window to fuck. We fuck the entire window, take a shower and she leaves. She sexts me frequently throughout the week as well as just bs about her day. She works full time as a hair dresser/stylist, has a daughter and is married. We get along great but due to her circumstances we don't spend more time together. I'm her only SD. No bs.

Takeaways: You can't fuck any girl you want. I mean you can if you just throw money at them but generally speaking most girls are looking for some level of mutual attractiveness. If you are moderately attractive with a good personality and no seriously weird kinks, you are miles ahead of the other dudes on there.

It is extremely easy to see which girls are pros and I tend to avoid them. I also tend to avoid trashy looking girls, or girls who look like they may have a drug problem. When chatting with the girls, ones who go sexual right away (like first or second msg) i tend to avoid as it seems like more a set up to be robbed or something.

Generally there's a little bit of back and forth but it requires less wit and creativity than tinder or dating apps might. Generally you can start to build some banter and attraction just from that and then dinner/drinks go easy.

I'm a big believer in always sitting at the bar with these chicks so a) you don't have to stare at each other akwardly the whole meal, b) you can shoot the shit about stuff happening around the restaurant, make jokes, etc. c) since you're side by side its way easier to touch each other, whisper stuff to each other, etc. Builds sexual tension so by the time you say lets get out of here they can't wait to get to your place.

While I'm temporarily toning it down, if a few more that i was messaging a while back pop back up I could very well be banging tons of chicks again.

Here taking Qs.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 4:30 PM
Author: blathering well-lubricated lodge

lmao at this complete fiction


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Date: February 12th, 2025 5:25 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

bro i started blogging this experience because i couldn't believe it was this easy to bang early to mid 20 year old nymphos for relatively nominal sums of money.

It turns out I was wrong. I've done my best to be as honest as possible throughout my reporting on this subject. I've posted pics and text threads. I've reported on failures like the pornstar looking chick with fake tan and big fake tits who was a terrible lay. I've reported on big wins like the OG and the redhead. I've reported on the bizarre, i.e. the married mormon with a daughter who's husband is a cuckold and wanted me to film us fucking so she could show him after I came inside her repeatedly.

Apparently this upsets some poasters although I'm really not sure why. Just out here trying to create some content for my bros and document my adventures for the great boart.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 6:11 PM
Author: blathering well-lubricated lodge

it upsets me because you're profiting off this scam somehow and advertising for them

are you the fag who runs that site?


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Date: February 12th, 2025 8:30 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

I wish I was bros but I have a successful business I already neglect when I’m gone so def don’t have time to do seeking ads on the side.

If I was smart I would but anyone who’s read my writing can confirm I’m a certifiable retard so just here for the content and to entertain my bros.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 10:58 PM
Author: Marvelous point

I for one appreciate it greatly.

More butt pics?


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Date: February 16th, 2025 4:29 PM
Author: Brass pervert


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Date: February 13th, 2025 5:57 PM
Author: overrated charcoal institution

Literally even if it was all flame it’s so well crafted and effortful that calling flame is an autist retard tells on himself move.


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Date: February 14th, 2025 2:11 AM
Author: blathering well-lubricated lodge

It's shit. You're shit. And everything you're about is shit.


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Date: February 14th, 2025 2:21 AM
Author: overrated charcoal institution

(autist retard who told on himself, and is also weirdly jealous of OP for some reason)


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Date: February 12th, 2025 6:15 PM
Author: Contagious green affirmative action


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Date: February 12th, 2025 9:44 PM
Author: vigorous topaz office messiness

It’s real


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Date: February 11th, 2025 11:28 PM
Author: sapphire parlour


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Date: February 11th, 2025 11:29 PM
Author: stimulating abusive regret

are you going to keep doing this


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Date: February 11th, 2025 11:29 PM
Author: Vibrant corner

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

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💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡


Reply Favorite

Date: February 11th, 2025 11:29 PM
Author: Vibrant corner

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡


Reply Favorite

Date: February 11th, 2025 11:29 PM
Author: Vibrant corner

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡


Reply Favorite

Date: February 11th, 2025 11:29 PM
Author: Vibrant corner

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡

💩🤡💩🤡 why is homosexual pedophile "internet guy" tp spamming about pencil dicks? 💩🤡💩🤡


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Date: February 12th, 2025 11:09 AM
Author: sapphire parlour

boart spam between nyuug and whatever other mentally ill poasters are out there is making it tough to continue.

Also surprised at the amount of hate from boart incels.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 11th, 2025 11:33 PM
Author: self-centered doobsian clown rigpig


Reply Favorite

Date: February 11th, 2025 11:50 PM
Author: charismatic international law enforcement agency

You’re paying actual hookers for sex and think they care about you and you have to charm them lol


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2025 12:07 PM
Author: nudist stock car


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2025 12:08 PM
Author: honey-headed voyeur

Wait til OP finds out whose bills SHE is paying (hint it's always Tyrones)


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2025 12:16 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

Bro, I encourage you to re-read my post where I explicitly said I was NOT paying them or only giving them a tiny fraction of the agreed upon PPM because at this point they just want to keep fucking me.

The OG will come over one night, sometimes i'll have the agreed ppm, sometimes i wont. She'll then choose to stay for 3-5 days with no additional money.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2025 12:29 PM
Author: Contagious green affirmative action

women's emotions are based on their cycle. once they start ovulating they'll be back to "treat me like a fucking whore!" right now they're probably in the "cozy up with a guy who treats me nice" phase.

it must be so fucking exhausting to be a woman.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2025 12:40 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

They actually are very much in the treat my like a whore cycle the second my dick is hard. Rest of the time they spend cozying up but esp the OG.

Think very similarly to Riley Reid playing an innocent girl next door until the dicks are out at which point she’s begging for them to be shoved in her ass.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2025 1:03 PM
Author: Contagious green affirmative action

oh yeah most girls are like that. but depending on the phase of the moon they are more likely to be "treat me like a whore!" outwardly without being warmed up


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Date: February 12th, 2025 1:15 PM
Author: aqua laser beams


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Date: February 12th, 2025 11:56 AM
Author: razzle-dazzle massive masturbator spot

TY bro. I will once again ask for more vids/pics. Especially of the redhead. Thanks in advance.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 12:05 PM
Author: cracking jewess


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Date: February 12th, 2025 12:14 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

She's coming over now but when she takes off I'll try to throw some up if i have time before my flight.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 10:59 PM
Author: Marvelous point


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Date: February 16th, 2025 5:47 PM
Author: Brass pervert


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2025 12:02 PM
Author: Contagious green affirmative action

brother i warned you about falling in love with dem hoes. i think you should purposefully steel yourself and cut bait when you starting catching feels.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 12:07 PM
Author: honey-headed voyeur

They are practically married


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2025 12:14 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

Brother, I can assure you there are no feels beyond we have fun hanging out. I'm well aware she's fucking other men for money and have zero desire to pursue a relationship with either of these women beyond what we already have.

I do appreciate the fact that I'm their favorite and they are willing to see me without the money but I in no way plan on having any relationship with any of these women.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 12:23 PM
Author: Contagious green affirmative action

ok 180

i bet they all have BPD or something similar. most manic pixie dream girls that fuck great do. which is super appealing when they're in their doting stage.

get a memento tattoo like "don't forget you met them on a whore marketplace"


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Date: February 12th, 2025 12:25 PM
Author: bull headed lettuce field


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Date: February 12th, 2025 1:25 PM
Author: overrated charcoal institution


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Date: February 12th, 2025 12:22 PM
Author: spectacular shivering ceo telephone

you're Kirkland Signature HVAC tbh


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2025 12:24 PM
Author: Contagious green affirmative action


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Date: February 12th, 2025 12:24 PM
Author: Contagious green affirmative action

this bump based on the interpretation that "kirkland signature" = superior brand, but the tbh is making me think this was an insult.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 1:27 PM
Author: overrated charcoal institution

It’s a commentary on higher quality than HVAC who was clearly shopping at the Dollar Store, but also on OP’s obvious ***coughJewishcoughcuhcough** pride in the good deal he’s getting when you factor in attractiveness and cost per unit/nut.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 12:27 PM
Author: razzmatazz idiotic stage famous landscape painting

HVAC specifically seeks out the girls that look like they have drug problems lol, there's enough pussy to go around (unless you're an incel)


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2025 1:25 PM
Author: overrated charcoal institution


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Date: February 12th, 2025 5:02 PM
Author: nudist stock car


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Date: February 12th, 2025 12:25 PM
Author: translucent excitant quadroon

Relative to fucking randos from Tinder, do you feel less of a sense of accomplishment and/or ego boost from these SA sexings?


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Date: February 12th, 2025 12:31 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

Haven’t put too much thought into it tbh. I started this journey solely for the lolz of banging chicks off SA and out of curiosity as to whether it really was that easy to fuck chicks for relatively nominal sums of money.

Decided to essentially live blog for the great board so my brothers could share in my experiences while locked away wage slaving. Never really anticipated it to work out the way it did.

Similarly never really expected board intel’s to get so angry about it either. I’m basically just here as a stenographer recording my experiences for my bros.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 12:33 PM
Author: bull headed lettuce field



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Date: February 12th, 2025 1:10 PM
Author: Contagious green affirmative action

it's weird to think about having much of an ego about getting girls after you've proven you can anyway. which you i think you clearly could without paying for it. nyuug types who are obsessed with getting pussy for their ego always seem to be broken and trying to fill the hole of not getting any as a dorky 20 something.

seeking seems to be like paying for "tinder super ultra premium" in that you're fast tracked to amazing pussy and swap expending effort for expending money. but based on how you look in that vid, how these whores are treating you, etc. i'm sure you'd do fine on the apps too. it's not much of an ego boost. it's like shooting fish in a barrel if you're fit, successful, Tall, and funny.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 4:28 PM
Author: Bat shit crazy station boistinker

(Guy paying to jestermax)


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Date: February 12th, 2025 4:31 PM
Author: Confused coldplay fan

How old are you and how old are these women?


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Date: February 12th, 2025 4:34 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

a few months shy of 40, these chicks are 23-27.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 4:34 PM
Author: Confused coldplay fan

Even the redhead?


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Date: February 12th, 2025 4:45 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

She just turned 27.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 6:35 PM
Author: angry meetinghouse patrolman

ESPECIALLY the redhead


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Date: February 12th, 2025 4:44 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

Welp Bros, the redhead just came over, she was an hr late which was annoying but she showed up wearing a large overcoat and nothing on underneath. We smoked a joint and immediately started fucking. Fucked for 30-40 mins and then came because she was begging me to cum inside her. Took a 25 min break and my dick recovered (I was honestly concerned it wasn't going to with how much i've been fucking and how spent it felt).

Anyway it got hard again and she hopped back on and we were back at it. We had to finish by 2 so she could get ready and go and we started up again at 12:30 (she had arrived at 11:30). I fucked her nonstop until 1:55 when my dick finally had had enough. I took it out and then she started making out with me and grinding all over me and I go well i guess i'll fuck you just a little bit longer.

"She goes like for 30 seconds until 2, ok!). I put my dick back in and start fucking her, i look at the clock, 1:58, shit time isn't on my side. I start fucking her and she looks me dead in the eye, pulls her legs behind her head and says "I want you fuck me so hard i can't walk for days and shoot all your cum inside me, i want you to fuck me till I'm pregnant."

Well fuck away I did. I fucked her harder than anyone and every time i would remotely slow down she would beg me don't stop. I saw the clock strike 2 and just went into super focus mode and was able to cum. Promptly pulled my cock out , grabbed the phone and showed her it was dead on 2:00 pm.

I then said "get in the shower and clean up you dirty little slut." Response "Ok baby, thank you so much for your cum, thank you, I'll be a good girl now and get clean."

We got in the shower and she kept saying she has never in life been fucked like that. She had told me that she had told her friend about me so of course during sex im asking her did you tell her what a little slut you are and how hard i fucked you? And she's going yes i told her everything baby, etc etc.

So when we're showering she's like omg im literally gonna call my friend as soon as I leave. She's not gonna believe how amazing I just got fucked. She goes jaw on the floor, didn't think anyone could fuck like that, etc etc. She said thank god she's gonna be so sore the next few days since i'll be gone and she's already trying to figure out how to come out sat when im back or monday.

Absurd... Meanwhile the OG is texting me throughout that she's been having trouble staying focused in the morning because she keeps thinking of my dick inside her, etc etc.

Will try to update with some screengrabs or photos shortly but I also gotta pack for a flight and I'm stoned.

EDITED To Add link

https://imgur.com/a/qxdKqCK FUCK IMGUR removed

hopefully these work:

https://ibb.co/Gvz7RZKZ NSFW warning



She just sent me this with a text "That post fuck glow"

https://ibb.co/Q3CPSw23 (this one im only leaving up for a day since its way too identifiable.)


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Date: February 12th, 2025 4:52 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

I'll add that upon reflection this post make come across as braggadocious.

However, I think I was excited because I was more impressed with myself. It was one of those situations where I was honestly stressing whether I'd get another boner and then once we started fucking again i was pretty sure I wouldn't cum again. So then to really focus and get it going with 2 mins on the shot clock and to do it on demand was pretty impressive to me.

I normally don't have that level of cock control that I'm sure most pumos have.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 4:54 PM
Author: Confused coldplay fan

I assume you have your tubes tied?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2025 4:56 PM
Author: sapphire parlour



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Date: February 12th, 2025 4:57 PM
Author: honey-headed voyeur

Now That's What I Call Prostitution!


Reply Favorite

Date: February 16th, 2025 6:08 PM
Author: Brass pervert

Vol. 3!


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Date: February 12th, 2025 5:04 PM
Author: Confused coldplay fan

Link broken


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Date: February 12th, 2025 5:06 PM
Author: sapphire parlour



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Date: February 12th, 2025 6:18 PM
Author: Contagious green affirmative action


when i got divorced i fucked three different women in the same day (went crazy on the apps, scheduled 3 dates, and fucked all of them).

i understand the feeling of being bashful about bragging but also being ecstatic that you can easily fuck and suck hot women and wanting to express that. pumo on xoxo is perhaps the best outlet for that. fuck the haters and you're generating 180 content


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Date: February 12th, 2025 6:44 PM
Author: angry meetinghouse patrolman

No, i get it, that feeling of elation when you think your dick has NOTHING left and some slut inspires you to nut when you thought you couldn't. doesn't come off as bragging, it's just an accurate description of the experience.

many years ago i had an epic thread about some blonde eharmony slut who came over and was sucking me off within 2 minutes of meeting, then fucked me raw all through the afternoon and night. I had 14 orgasms, although the last 7 or so I was basically empty and nothing really came out. it's a transformative experience


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Date: February 12th, 2025 7:42 PM
Author: razzle-dazzle massive masturbator spot


The redhead needs to send an ass pic asap. She’s holding out.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2025 10:00 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

Ur right bro. She’s been increasingly loose with the nudes and seems to becoming more and more drunk on my dick to the point it feels appropriate to start demanding she produce content for me so I’ll work on this.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 11:03 PM
Author: Marvelous point

Definitely need a butt pic yeah


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Date: February 12th, 2025 4:50 PM
Author: Floppy Puce National Jap

Are you fat and bald


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Date: February 12th, 2025 4:54 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

nah bro I'm not fat... 6'1 and 165-170. Not a big dude but im in good shape and am super active. Bald no, thinning hair that i shave, yes but i look good with a shaved head/5 o clock shadow generally.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 4:58 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

Forgot to add this one was INSISTENT on condoms before we met the first time and even the first time when we started hooking up. I think I came and then we showered and then when we were laying in bed she just put it back in (in part cause the condoms kept breaking) with no condom.

When she came over this time it was even a second thought... She was deep throating and gagging all over my dick, drooling on it, etc then just hopped on up lol. There were condoms all over my nightstand and she never even acted like she had any desire to use them. Just demanded all my cum in her. lol


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Date: February 12th, 2025 5:00 PM
Author: Olive filthpig


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Date: February 12th, 2025 5:09 PM
Author: soggy chrome mexican church building

Ur talking urself into dating one of these literal whores

Jfc ur dumb


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Date: February 12th, 2025 5:10 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

wait excuse me? Where did I say I wanted to date either of them?


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Date: February 12th, 2025 5:18 PM
Author: soggy chrome mexican church building

I've seen this cycle many times

Even hinting that ur in a "situationship" shows where your head is

When hvac makes his escort threads he isn't talking about their lives, friends, feelings, schedules or anything about them beyond their holes


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Date: February 12th, 2025 5:26 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

i haven't talked about her life beyond the weird scenario she's in which was interesting to me. This one girl who stays over for days at a time is fucking numerous other dudes and is "polymerous". I can assure you I'm not falling for her.

Also the fact that these chicks are into me means i routinely get to fuck them for free way more than you ever would with an actual escort where you're paying by the hour.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 6:19 PM
Author: soggy chrome mexican church building

k bub


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Date: February 12th, 2025 6:53 PM
Author: angry meetinghouse patrolman

this is all pretty gross man. you can find one to fuck who isn't so filthy and weird.


I am not her only SD but I am her no. 1 so to speak. Meaning she actively chooses to hang out with me any chance she can and routinely cancels on others to spend time with me. On the flip side I know she has several "regulars" who basically pay her bills which is understood.

She is married in an open relationship and at home is basically in a throuple. She was mormon, as was her spouse who is now basically a gay man who's not completely convinced he's gay yet. He's a they/them and his "partner" is an extremely masculine looking they/them w/ female genitalia. She does not sleep with either the spouse or the partner as she likes dick (she likes chicks too) and prefers to be dominated hard.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 5:19 PM
Author: turquoise therapy

what's the diff between this and going to amsterdam and just paying for better looking literal hoes 50 euros?


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Date: February 12th, 2025 5:22 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

Convenience, the fact that you're fucking mid 20 yr old non pros. For ex. im the redhead's only SD and yeah im aware she could be lying except she's already given me her social media and she's very much married with a child and a job.

There's a significant number who are on there because they have a kink for it and also are into older dudes some of whom are constantly cycling through (for them that's their kink) versus others who are looking for 1 dude. No joke I've had 3 different girls ask for dick size verification to make sure they're gonna have a good time.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 6:24 PM
Author: Contagious green affirmative action

also i really doubt any whorehouse whore is fucking johns like this. they simply wouldn't have the energy or vaginal fortitude.

ive seen people poast whore ads here for like 5k overnight GFE. that seems in line with what you're getting


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Date: February 12th, 2025 7:35 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

This is pretty accurate.

I mean even the redhead is actively trying to get my dick hard immediately after I just came after fucking her dor 40 mins.

She just texted me she wished we were still fucking. Unreal, I’m pretty sure my dick is sore. Although tbf I’ve also been fucking the other seeking chick nonstop for the last 4 days


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Date: February 12th, 2025 6:26 PM
Author: Contagious green affirmative action

what the difference between having a5 wagyu cooked by a master in your kitchen and driving to mcdonalds and eating a mcdouble in the restaurant?


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Date: February 12th, 2025 6:27 PM
Author: beady-eyed khaki chapel

You are getting significantly more mileage out of these whores with the ski resort bachelor pad. sooooo fucking cr


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Date: February 12th, 2025 9:28 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

Fuck bros, spicy Latina is now sending me unsolicited videos, the redhead is sending unsolicited nudes and saying that sat is already too far away and she’s playing with herself thinking about me fucking her today. OG is already saying she needs me back to shove my cock in her pussy.

When I tell all of them I can’t judge their pics/vids quite yet since there’s a 60 yr old women next to me they all insist that a) she likes it and b) she probably is hoping to jerk my big cock off mid flight.

lol bros… this shit is unbelievable


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2025 9:33 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

To be honest bros I haven’t fucked a women under my age range since I well before I got married when I was early to mid 20s. These fucking zoomers are a different breed the likes of which I’ve never seen.

They all love dom/sub sex, choking slapping and very dirty talk is all normalized and they all seem like totally sex repressed freaks just over the moon to be getting dicked down for hrs on end by an older dude.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 9:40 PM
Author: razzle-dazzle massive masturbator spot

Broccoli headed zoomers all have broken dicks and m’lady them


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Date: February 12th, 2025 9:29 PM
Author: frozen mind-boggling trailer park

Nice work OP. I’ve done SA some and believe everything you’ve said.

If I was single I’d be doing the same thing as you.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 9:49 PM
Author: Gaped generalized bond goyim

yur life sounds rich and fulfilled, op. wishing yu all the very best.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 9:56 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

Thanks brother. It’s always been absurdly important to me to try to keep a level head and remain who I am at my core despite success, marriage (now failed) or anything else.

I care deeply about ppl important to me including my ex wife and treat these girls the same way I’d treat anyone else which is with kindness respect and my innate personality. That alone seems to blow their mind and then when I fuck them for hours with an active interest in them cumming, they seem to become absolutely addicted to my dick. I’m not upset about it, more pleasantly surprised by modern society and how it works for me. I can’t imagine I’d feel the same if I was a poor mid 20s zoomer.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 11:16 PM
Author: pearl swashbuckling mental disorder stag film

this is likely cslg


Reply Favorite

Date: February 13th, 2025 12:30 AM
Author: sapphire parlour

Not flame, not cslg


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2025 9:52 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

What’s even more wild is I started this during my annual 3 month winter sojourn to the inter mountain west.

I haven’t even considered the fact that when I come back in April, I’ll have to get a whole new stable of seeking chicks in my local area.

The thought of having to spend literal hours upon hours on apps and dates to get the same situations from tinder or dating apps when I can jump straight to seeking and convince chicks they’re simply in love with my cock and not the money is already overwhelming.

Being a billionaire must be a next level experience where this is all handled in advance and everywhere you go non whore whores are lined up to fuck you. But then why does bezos marry the whore of all whores? Boggles the mind when you have a taste of what women will do for the mere hint of a successful man.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 11:10 PM
Author: outnumbered flushed plaza

Cool that this works for you, but a lot of guys just can't get into any of these sex-for-pay arrangements, of any variety.

I could have 100 billion dollars, and if I bought the best pussy in the world it would still feel much less satisfying than pussy I "earned" in my own mind. To me, the hunt and the validation of "earning" the pussy is better than the actual physical sensation- I can get that jerking off.

Which is why I've never even been tempted to get a hooker. To each his own I guess.


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Date: February 12th, 2025 11:15 PM
Author: Contagious green affirmative action

do you always go dutch?


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Date: February 12th, 2025 11:21 PM
Author: outnumbered flushed plaza

Actually, I probably should have added that a big part is that if the girl is a total tramp, there's not much a feeling of accomplishment in fucking her.

But if you fuck a nice girl from a good family who has a single digit body count, then it seems like a validation.

OTOH, if I were to fuck a slut from some website who sucks cock for money, not only would it not feel like an accomplishment, it would feel sleazy and not much of a turn-on at all. In fact, I'd probably need to take a Viagra to fuck a hooker.


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Date: February 13th, 2025 12:29 AM
Author: sapphire parlour

Different strokes I guess. I’ve fucked plenty of the type you reference and the bulk are prudes, sexually inexperienced and I get bored fucking than after a week of I even stick around that long.

I need extremely horny chicks to keep up with me and that doesn’t really lend itself to your average religious chick whose slept with 3 guys.


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Date: February 13th, 2025 1:39 AM
Author: outnumbered flushed plaza

You mentioned being divorced. Did your extreme sex drive play a role in that?


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Date: February 13th, 2025 4:38 AM
Author: sapphire parlour

In hindsight it probably played a role. Sex was extremely vanilla, not exciting in the least and I didn’t have a strong sexual desire for my wife. Even she repeatedly told me I was way more experienced and “really good at sex”.

But she frequently did not want sex, was not sexually comfortable in the least and I became increasingly less interested in sex with her to the point that I actively compartmentalized sex in a largely successful effort to turn it off in my brain. For example in the couple years before the divorce we were having sex maybe 4x a year and each time afterwards I wished we hadn’t had sex at all.

So yes sex was def a reason but also def not the sole reason with the main reason being significant codependency with me always having to think 3-4 steps ahead to prevent her from being unhappy/stressed/angry etc.

I finally spent a lot of time in therapy and realized I was solely living to make someone else happy often at the expense of my own happiness, plans etc. we don’t have kids and I finally decided I wanted to have more control over my own life.

I also realized when I left 3 years ago for someone I had a very strong sexual compatibility with that I can’t just shut off sex, that it’s a strong part of who I am, that it can heal relationships, bring much more closeness emotionally and otherwise etc and that it was extremely important for me to be with someone who at a minimum at least values sex as an important priority.

My ex is a great person but we were business partners not romantic partners.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 14th, 2025 2:39 AM
Author: overrated charcoal institution

Why and how did you not cheatmo like crazy when you were married to this woman?


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Date: February 14th, 2025 11:16 AM
Author: sapphire parlour

excellent compartmentalizing where i was able to effectively turn off sex in my brain... Just stopped wanting sex which is pretty lol considering my natural state. Turned off parts of myself for a long time to stay in the marriage as long as i did.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 13th, 2025 4:40 AM
Author: sapphire parlour

Also I’d say I have an extreme sex drive now getting out of a very long term unsexed relationship, but in general I’d classify it as very high rather than extreme as I’ve had several multi year relationships with ppl who are sexually compatible (exes who still seek me out) and it was never an issue in those relationships (although there were certainly other issues).


Reply Favorite

Date: February 13th, 2025 12:32 AM
Author: sapphire parlour

I’m now getting blown up by OG, spicy Latina and redhead. Redhead and spicy Latina both sent nudes, redhead told me she’s so sore she can barely walk but was so turned on by our session she got horny and played with herself. Latina has been begging me to meet up for weeks which is lulzy cause she’s the most inexpensive. She’s been demanding I cream pie her and just sent more nudes so I’m gonna give her another try.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 13th, 2025 5:09 AM
Author: bull headed lettuce field



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Date: February 13th, 2025 7:24 AM
Author: adulterous indian lodge marketing idea

I guess persistence really does pay off.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 13th, 2025 3:03 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

lol for sure... i was totally done with her but she's a total freak...

She texted me this morning "Baby please I can't wait, I was thinking of wearing a school girl outfit with these glasses as you fuck me. I'm so horny i need you in me so bad"


redhead sent me this while i was on the plane after i had fucked her non stop for 3 hrs straight:



Reply Favorite

Date: February 13th, 2025 3:25 PM
Author: cracking jewess



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Date: February 13th, 2025 7:02 PM
Author: hairless abode

You inspired me, so I had my first SA experience. I fucked a 6.5/7 on the first "date"; she didn't even want cash, just wants to be taken out and go on trips with me. She wants to be a mistress.


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Date: February 14th, 2025 1:59 AM
Author: sapphire parlour

Stoked for you bro. Right on man that's fucking epic.

Im figuring out 1) a bunch of the guys are weirdos who slutty chicks will happily fake it for in exchange for money and 2) that a bunch of said slutty checks also just love sex and if youre halfway decent, theyll happily forego the money in exchange for dick.


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Date: February 14th, 2025 8:50 AM
Author: hairless abode

Yeah she gave me an epic blowjob and swallowed because I told her it's good for her health, lulz.


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Date: February 17th, 2025 2:32 PM
Author: Brass pervert

How did the initial convo go?

Did you invite her to your home or a hotel?


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Date: February 14th, 2025 2:37 AM
Author: Marvelous point

School girl yes, glasses an odd choice but hey, whatever she wants.


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Date: February 16th, 2025 4:57 PM
Author: buff locale yarmulke

On Valentine's Day I nutted on my sugar baby's face while she wore glasses and a schoolgirl outfit not flame


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Date: February 16th, 2025 9:37 PM
Author: Marvelous point

Yeah I’m into that too. Just these glasses seem more like Grandma than schoolgirl.


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Date: February 15th, 2025 7:19 AM
Author: Sexy sticky incel set

more vids


Reply Favorite

Date: February 15th, 2025 2:46 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

what's the cr free vid hosting site? spicy latina and redhead have sent several. I was getting blown up on valentines day with nudes.


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Date: February 16th, 2025 8:00 AM
Author: Sienna Deep Alpha Twinkling Uncleanness

jumpshare? Can also use dropbox/onedrive/google drive and just share the direct link (others wouldn't be able to see the rest of your account files if you just generate a URL for the 1 file).


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Date: February 16th, 2025 10:31 AM
Author: Bistre cuckold

UNGH I want to see spicy Latina


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Date: February 16th, 2025 4:27 PM
Author: sapphire parlour

Will try to post some today.

Fucked her last night and I’m totally done with her. It’s just too difficult to hang out with her. Intellectually painful and I hang out with plenty of retards.

Sex is never that great. Just want her to leave lol.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 17th, 2025 3:45 PM
Author: pearl swashbuckling mental disorder stag film

These threads are so cringe
