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If BTC halving “works” again, everyone is retarded

This ridiculous meme wherein “whoa every four years th...
Violent university filthpig
To be fair, Thank goodness you've been too dumb to fall f...
high-end base
Why are you so hostile? I was crypto posting at least as ...
Violent university filthpig
To be fair, Because this "crypto is gay and fake and...
high-end base
12 ETFs are getting approved in January and 25 trillion inst...
topaz appetizing organic girlfriend
To be fair, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDtrkXc-YUo&a...
high-end base
"Sounds cool, but what does that guy who chokefucked th...
topaz appetizing organic girlfriend
To be fair, The <40 year old straight white goy male w...
high-end base
Mind-boggling boistinker mediation
Not a cryptomo or economicsmo but this seems very similar to...
Mind-boggling boistinker mediation
Exhilarant lime hall

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: November 12th, 2023 2:28 PM
Author: Violent university filthpig

This ridiculous meme wherein “whoa every four years this asset does a 3x for a month or two”, and then everyone waits patiently and then combines forces to will it into reality, lol

Can’t believe it’s worked three times and everyone seems on board with doing it again next year. Most get rugged by greed but the peak does really come, even if it’s missed by most. Everyone then stews for 4 years and does it again

Mass psychosis


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Date: November 12th, 2023 2:32 PM
Author: high-end base

To be fair,

Thank goodness you've been too dumb to fall for any of this idiocy over the years!


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Date: November 12th, 2023 2:36 PM
Author: Violent university filthpig

Why are you so hostile?

I was crypto posting at least as long as you, but even if I weren’t nothin in my post claimed to be smarter than coiners. I am, in fact, certified as gay and retarded

But I admit, the “bull is programmed every 4 years” is a wild mass psychosis that the market wills into existence


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Date: November 12th, 2023 2:42 PM
Author: high-end base

To be fair,

Because this "crypto is gay and fake and retarded" line is just such absolute bullshit.

Sure, you're not "wrong." Except for the fact that everything else -- from the money printer goes brrrr fiat currency that we all transact with every day to the kike casino stocks that 100% of XOers hold for investment purposes -- is also gay and fake and retarded in every meaningful way in 2023, which means that it's a totally pointless distinction to be making.

But yes, great observation that crypto is gay and fake and retarded. Really groundbreaking thread here, IMO this is a very important distinction that we should never lose sight of between crypto and all of the other assets that everyone buys and holds without feeling a need to constantly point this out.


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Date: November 12th, 2023 2:34 PM
Author: topaz appetizing organic girlfriend

12 ETFs are getting approved in January and 25 trillion institutional dollars are flooding in while supply side on the exchanges is bottoming out

Fidelity, Blackrock, Invesco, pretty much whoever we want

have fun staying poor, faggot

*this is not financial advice


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Date: November 12th, 2023 2:35 PM
Author: high-end base

To be fair,



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Date: November 12th, 2023 2:36 PM
Author: topaz appetizing organic girlfriend

"Sounds cool, but what does that guy who chokefucked the box think of this?"


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Date: November 12th, 2023 2:40 PM
Author: high-end base

To be fair,

The <40 year old straight white goy male who got cancelled and de-personed by (((mainstream media))) for being an open antisemite a decade ago, and then, against all odds, still managed to turn it around and become a successful multi-millionaire who now employs dozens of his best friends after he built up a cancel-proof alternative media empire from the ground up?

Yeah I'm interested in hearing his thoughts, actually.


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Date: November 12th, 2023 2:53 PM
Author: Mind-boggling boistinker mediation


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Date: November 12th, 2023 3:02 PM
Author: Mind-boggling boistinker mediation

Not a cryptomo or economicsmo but this seems very similar to the "real" economy. It only serves as an argument that crypto is at least not superior to fiat in terms of protection from the business cycle


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Date: April 30th, 2024 5:28 PM
Author: Exhilarant lime hall
