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The Economist: Russia permanently losing gas export market share - link

When Russia’s leaders stopped most of the country&rsqu...
Exciting voyeur
great so even more inflation and even more push from WEF ped...
Purple parlour
a majority of NSAM's posts are more coherent than this
confused concupiscible lay fat ankles
Vivacious rough-skinned hell
yea after two years of RUSSIA IS FINISHED stories im sure th...
nofapping curious goyim
I mean, they will still be a world power and all, but you ad...
Exciting voyeur
yea lil fag, destroying EU economy esp germany, showing that...
nofapping curious goyim
The German economy grew .2% last quarter- hardly "destr...
Exciting voyeur
hahahahhahahaa lol jfc this is the most retarded shit ive re...
nofapping curious goyim
that's the resident tranny pumo
big plum nowag
"u realize germany has deindustrialized their furking e...
Exciting voyeur
ohhhh rheinmetall!!! ohh artiliteray shells!!!! ohhhh taht m...
nofapping curious goyim
the pro-russia trolling about how germany's economy is fucke...
supple personal credit line cuckoldry
brace yourself while random and well-known posters call you ...
confused concupiscible lay fat ankles
nofapping curious goyim
wow who would have thought that losing the wealthiest group ...
Vivacious rough-skinned hell
lollllllllllllllll EU is a SPS market compared to gorgeous c...
nofapping curious goyim
So by "great market" you mean a buyer who has both...
Exciting voyeur
TT thinks spending tens of billions to build pipelines to Ch...
Vivacious rough-skinned hell
lol retard they already have a operating pipeline Power o...
nofapping curious goyim
A tiny one compared to China's energy needs. That's why Russ...
Exciting voyeur
ljl retard, yes china doesnt want cheap gas from its next do...
nofapping curious goyim
that’s the whole point, dummy China wants CHEAP gas...
Vivacious rough-skinned hell
nope, china only believes in WIN WIN cooperations and doesnt...
nofapping curious goyim
Lmao tyft
Vivacious rough-skinned hell
ljl u stupid cunt, big supplies give discoutns all the furki...
nofapping curious goyim
Yeah, why export your gas to Europe when you can sell it to ...
drab vigorous forum
yes, china doesnt need gas, oil or other natural resources b...
nofapping curious goyim
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Date: May 6th, 2024 10:31 AM
Author: Exciting voyeur

When Russia’s leaders stopped most of the country’s gas deliveries to the EU in 2022, they thought themselves smart. Prices instantly shot up, enabling Russia to earn more despite lower export volumes. Meanwhile, Europe, which bought 40% of its gas from Russia in 2021, braced itself for inflation and blackouts. Yet two years later, owing to mild winters and enormous imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from America, Europe’s gas tanks are fuller than ever. And Gazprom, Russia’s state-owned gas giant, is unable to make any profits.

Russia was always going to struggle to redirect the 180bn cubic metres (bcm) of gas, worth 80% of its total exports of the fuel in 2021, that it once sold to Europe. The country has no equivalent to Nord Stream, a conduit to Germany, that allows it to pipe gas to customers elsewhere. It also lacks plants to chill fuel to -160°C and the specialised tankers required to ship LNG. Until recently, this was only a minor annoyance. Between 2018 and 2023 just 20% of the total contribution of hydrocarbon exports to the Russian budget came from gas, and despite sanctions Russia continues to sell lots of oil at a good price.

But as the conflict grinds on, the Kremlin needs cash to keep its war machine going. High oil prices will not last for ever, either. The world’s production capacity surpasses global demand; only output cuts by Gulf producers and allies, including Russia, are keeping markets tight. A shortage of funds and equipment is hampering Russia’s efforts to explore new fields. Global demand could ebb further still in years to come. The International Energy Agency, an official forecaster, expects it to peak this decade, as the green transition gears up. In contrast, most forecasters predict demand for gas, a cleaner fuel, to continue climbing.

For Russia, all this makes reviving gas sales important. Unfortunately, exports to Europe, which still accounted for half the 140bcm the country exported last year, will shrink again this year. In theory, Russia now has two options: building pipelines to other places or turbocharging LNG exports.

Siberian express

Russia is already making more use of Power of Siberia, a pipeline that links eastern gasfields, which never served Europe, to China. By 2025 deliveries may reach 38bcm, up from 10bcm in 2020; an extension could carry another 10bcm a year by 2029. But the game-changer would be Power of Siberia 2, a proposed line from Russia’s west to China that would carry 50bcm a year by 2029. By then, China’s demand is projected to hit 600bcm, up from 390bcm last year. Russia hopes to supply a sixth of that.

The problem is that China is not sure it really wants Power of Siberia 2. Obsessed about energy security, its leaders have long sought to limit reliance on any single fuel exporter. Negotiations with Russia over the project have stalled, with disagreements remaining over crucial contract terms, from financing to the price of gas.

Even if completed, the project might offer Russia a poor deal. China will retain other sources of gas, starting with Central Asia. Gazprom, on the other hand, will be dependent on one buyer. Sergey Vakulenko, a former oil executive at the firm, says China could simply wait until 2025-26, when vast new LNG supply from America and Qatar will enter the market, before imposing terrible terms. Russia’s economy ministry already predicts that the price of its gas exports to China will average $257 per cubic metre in 2027, compared with $320 for flows to its remaining European clients.

The project would also entail other risks. To recoup its investment, Gazprom would have to run the pipe at full tilt for at least 20 years. In principle, that is achievable. As it decarbonises, China has room to cut consumption of coal, the cheapest and dirtiest fuel, while still using gas. But an economic rebound could prompt it to ramp up its renewables capacity further still, in which case it may wean itself off gas sooner. Or its economy could do worse than expected, prompting it to switch back to coal.

Supersizing LNG production—Russia’s second option—looks a somewhat safer bet. Once on a ship, fuel can be sent anywhere. And Russia’s LNG may outcompete that from elsewhere. The gas Russia feeds its main liquefaction terminals is cheaper than any exporter bar Qatar, and liquefaction works well in the cold. Russia aims to boost its LNG exports to 100m tonnes by 2030, equivalent to 138bcm of gas, and up from 31m last year. It projects its market share will reach 20% by 2030, up from 8% now.

Yet that may be ambitious. New LNG plants and transport facilities require Western goods that sanctions have made elusive. Japanese investors in Arctic LNG 2, Russia’s flagship LNG project, have withdrawn; Chinese ones have asked America for sanction waivers that are unlikely to be granted. To plug the gap, Russia is lavishing Novatek, its biggest LNG firm, with hand-outs and developing homegrown tech.

An autarkic gas industry will take time to emerge. Arctic LNG 2, originally slated to start deliveries by the first quarter of 2024, suspended production last month. Rystad Energy, a consultancy, expects Russia’s LNG production to reach only 40m tonnes by 2035—some 100m short of the Kremlin’s ambitions. Finding buyers will be tough. Anne-Sophie Corbeau of Columbia University thinks Russia will have to sell to poorer countries, offering generous contracts.

This litany of difficulties means Russia will not be able to claw back much of the revenue it once earned from Europe. As the green transition rolls on, forecasters reckon the golden age of gas will last for a couple of decades at best. Western sanctions and Russian blunders are not preventing war in Ukraine. But they are dealing a blow to Russia’s future as a leading energy supplier.



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Date: May 6th, 2024 10:50 AM
Author: Purple parlour

great so even more inflation and even more push from WEF pedos to drive electric cars and eat bugs and live in shitboxes is in store. sounds awesome.


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Date: May 6th, 2024 12:45 PM
Author: confused concupiscible lay fat ankles

a majority of NSAM's posts are more coherent than this


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Date: May 6th, 2024 3:33 PM
Author: Vivacious rough-skinned hell


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Date: May 6th, 2024 12:51 PM
Author: nofapping curious goyim

yea after two years of RUSSIA IS FINISHED stories im sure this is true and russia is done here


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Date: May 6th, 2024 1:15 PM
Author: Exciting voyeur

I mean, they will still be a world power and all, but you add this kind of stuff to the direct cost of the war itself in both lives and money and there's no universe in which it's been worth it to Russia.


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Date: May 6th, 2024 1:28 PM
Author: nofapping curious goyim

yea lil fag, destroying EU economy esp germany, showing that NATO and US is a paper tiger, and in the end destroying europe once and for all TOTALLY isnt worth it!!


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Date: May 6th, 2024 3:03 PM
Author: Exciting voyeur

The German economy grew .2% last quarter- hardly "destroyed." And to the extent their economy has been hurt, it just taught Germans a generational lesson that they were stupid to try to engage in a mutually profitable economic relationship with Russia.

So now Russia is going to have to sell their oil to China at a huge discount all so they can knock a point or two off of Germany's growth rate.

Russia is an economic pariah among the nations which collectively make up a large majority of the world's GDP. Oh, but at least some dictator in Niger likes them.


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Date: May 6th, 2024 3:08 PM
Author: nofapping curious goyim

hahahahhahahaa lol jfc this is the most retarded shit ive read in a while

u realize germany has deindustrialized their furking economy? they are FURKED< they are paying X more for energy now cause they import it from KIKE USA etc instead of just getting cheap ruskie gas

and stupid bitch merkel shut their nuke plants and they are FURKED

germany is FURKED

oh it grew by .2%!!! LOL that is what birdshits are happy with now



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Date: May 6th, 2024 3:09 PM
Author: big plum nowag

that's the resident tranny pumo


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Date: May 6th, 2024 3:12 PM
Author: Exciting voyeur

"u realize germany has deindustrialized their furking economy?"

No, I admit I missed that detail in my nightly watching of German news programs.



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Date: May 6th, 2024 3:16 PM
Author: nofapping curious goyim

ohhhh rheinmetall!!! ohh artiliteray shells!!!! ohhhh taht must be 99% of germanys economy!! u got me there, jew


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Date: May 6th, 2024 3:14 PM
Author: supple personal credit line cuckoldry

the pro-russia trolling about how germany's economy is fucked is just so bizarre to read, like have you ever left your basement? i was just there, germany is kickass and 190 and everyone there is living a great life, just like in america, which was also allegedly dun here a while back

putin's invasion of ukraine resulted in the pro-russian parts of the country being displaced and all their shit bombed out, he basically forged a Ukrainian national identity that didn't exist before, while showing everyone WHY they should be closer to the EU instead of Russia

furthermore, NOW germany etc. who were cool with russian oil before now are, for generations, going to want a strong buffer between the EU and Russia, which is a FRIENDLY UKRAINE

it was an irreversible geopolitical blunder on Putin's part

people still talking about Russia's future 180ness are unhinged from reality


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Date: May 6th, 2024 3:28 PM
Author: confused concupiscible lay fat ankles

brace yourself while random and well-known posters call you a jew. but yes, they need to touch grass.


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Date: May 6th, 2024 3:36 PM
Author: nofapping curious goyim



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Date: May 6th, 2024 3:35 PM
Author: Vivacious rough-skinned hell

wow who would have thought that losing the wealthiest group of countries in the world as your main export market would bite russia in the ass

have fun, russiacucks


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Date: May 6th, 2024 3:37 PM
Author: nofapping curious goyim

lollllllllllllllll EU is a SPS market compared to gorgeous china u furking retard jfc u ppl are so braindead abt this UKRAINE bullshit its insane


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Date: May 6th, 2024 3:46 PM
Author: Exciting voyeur

So by "great market" you mean a buyer who has both of your balls firmly in his hand and, as such, can demand and get a significantly reduced price?

By getting a reduced price on Russian oil, China and India are SANCTIONING Russia for all intents and purposes.


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Date: May 6th, 2024 3:48 PM
Author: Vivacious rough-skinned hell

TT thinks spending tens of billions to build pipelines to China is a great idea but for some reason russia avoided doing this for 30 years and even now when it’s desperate is very hesitant to do so

can’t imagine why


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Date: May 6th, 2024 4:12 PM
Author: nofapping curious goyim

lol retard they already have a operating pipeline

Power of Siberia (Sila Sibiri, formerly named the Yakutia–Khabarovsk–Vladivostok pipeline, also known as China–Russia East-Route Natural Gas pipeline; Russian: Сила Сибири, Chinese: 中俄东线天然气管道; pinyin: zhōng é dōng xiàn tiānránqì guǎndào) is a Gazprom-operated pipeline in Eastern Siberia that transports natural gas from Yakutia to Primorsky Krai and China. It is a part of the eastern gas route from Siberia to China.

The pipeline was filled with gas in October 2019.[1][14] Deliveries to China started on 2 December 2019.[15][16] In 2020, China has imported 4.1 billion cubic meters of natural gas from Russia through the pipeline. It is expected that amount will increase to 38 billion cubic meters by 2023.[17]



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Date: May 6th, 2024 4:14 PM
Author: Exciting voyeur

A tiny one compared to China's energy needs. That's why Russia is trying like hell to negotiate a bigger pipeline and China is all like "you pay for all the costs of building it- actually, why don't we talk about this next year?"


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Date: May 6th, 2024 4:23 PM
Author: nofapping curious goyim

ljl retard, yes china doesnt want cheap gas from its next door neighbor!! it wld rather ship it from qatar or something for much more!!

In 2022, China significantly increased its natural gas imports from Russia, with a 54% rise to 16 billion cubic meters, largely through the Power of Siberia pipeline. This pipeline is projected to reach a capacity of 38 bcm by 2025. This increase is part of China's strategy to diversify its energy sources and enhance energy security.[3]


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Date: May 7th, 2024 9:10 AM
Author: Vivacious rough-skinned hell

that’s the whole point, dummy

China wants CHEAP gas. so after russia finances and builds the whole thing with a minimum 20 year break even period China comes back and says “we want cheaper cheaper cheaper” and russia will start selling at a loss

this war has bent russia over the proverbial Chinese barrel


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Date: May 7th, 2024 10:07 AM
Author: nofapping curious goyim

nope, china only believes in WIN WIN cooperations and doesnt take advantage of others ESPECIALLY its friends. something the evil shithole USA cld learn from


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Date: May 7th, 2024 1:07 PM
Author: Vivacious rough-skinned hell

Lmao tyft


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Date: May 6th, 2024 4:10 PM
Author: nofapping curious goyim

ljl u stupid cunt, big supplies give discoutns all the furking time its NBD u faggot, the czar has endless furking gas and natural resources and faggot US kike "price caps" arent doing SHITZ nigga, russia has NEVER been so enriched from its natural resources as NOW


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Date: May 6th, 2024 3:49 PM
Author: drab vigorous forum

Yeah, why export your gas to Europe when you can sell it to China (who doesn't really need it or even necessarily want it) for half the price? Russia just can't stop winning.


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Date: May 6th, 2024 4:13 PM
Author: nofapping curious goyim

yes, china doesnt need gas, oil or other natural resources because it powers its country using recycled chopsticks mixed with AZNgirl girlcum after they are pounded by 5'5 kikes at a special beijing area factory repurposed for these purposes


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Date: May 7th, 2024 8:34 AM
Author: Swashbuckling factory reset button
