Has anyone ever worked at a Call Center?
| irradiated station brethren | 04/03/12 | | poppy embarrassed to the bone tattoo university | 04/03/12 | | irradiated station brethren | 04/03/12 | | contagious shrine laser beams | 04/03/12 | | Rose trip set karate | 04/03/12 | | irradiated station brethren | 04/03/12 | | Beady-eyed emerald associate | 04/03/12 | | Infuriating aggressive tanning salon | 04/03/12 | | Rose trip set karate | 04/03/12 | | Infuriating aggressive tanning salon | 04/03/12 | | obsidian range | 04/03/12 | | Beady-eyed emerald associate | 04/03/12 | | Infuriating aggressive tanning salon | 04/03/12 | | irradiated station brethren | 04/03/12 | | Overrated Mauve Legal Warrant Hall | 04/03/12 | | irradiated station brethren | 04/03/12 | | Hairraiser up-to-no-good theater | 04/03/12 | | nyuug | 09/05/24 | | nyuug | 09/05/24 | | nyuug | 09/10/24 | | rickpanama | 09/05/24 | | ,,,...,,......,,....,,,,,,,,....... | 09/05/24 | | evan39 | 09/05/24 | | Soren "Bob" Odenkierkegaard | 09/05/24 | | Sickly argumentative UES Jew in puffy jacket | 09/05/24 | | Senior Ethics Official | 09/05/24 |
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Date: April 3rd, 2012 3:16 AM Author: Beady-eyed emerald associate
it depends on the call center.
taking calls for comcast or some shit (which I've done) is hell, your colleagues are all ghetto redguards and the work is hyper fast paced like fast food.
but I've also worked at a call center that had a gov't contract, and it was like one 5 minute call every hour. i did a bunch of homework in the downtime.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=1914966&forum_id=2#20380576) |
Date: April 3rd, 2012 3:21 AM Author: Infuriating aggressive tanning salon
I brought my laptop to work and watched movies. Played card game with my co-workers and talked on the phone with my friends. Truly terrible job but for a broke teenager, the money was good.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=1914966&forum_id=2#20380596) |
Date: April 3rd, 2012 11:04 AM Author: Overrated Mauve Legal Warrant Hall
man I miss my call center job. thirteen dollars an hour, part time, while in college. Evaluated solely on the number of calls you took, which made it easy to stand out.
also, some nights we wouldn't have calls for an hour or more
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=1914966&forum_id=2#20381421) |
Date: September 5th, 2024 1:42 AM
Author: ,,,...,,......,,....,,,,,,,,.......
Yeah, but it was for sales support. Probably better to support a new sale than deal with people complaining about shit. But it still sucked. There was a giant whiteboard where the prole manager would tally the number of calls/successes of each person on the team. He updated it seemingly every 10 minutes. Then we’d get a break and most people would play ping pong. Some would eat their sack lunch. No one went out for food, we were all making minimum wage. Everyone had prole stories like paying alimony and child support on minimum wage or having to go to anger management classes. Grown men would get picked up by their moms or girlfriends at the end of the day because they didn’t have their own car. It felt a bit like The Office
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=1914966&forum_id=2#48050947) |
Date: September 5th, 2024 6:51 AM Author: Senior Ethics Official
I sold discover and gm platinum credit cards. All cold calls.
Good money for a 16 year old.
And they tolerated rampant drug use which was a plus.
One time there was a video game tournament during work and i was sooo baked i sleep walked to the finals. Pretty sure i won the final but everyone thought i was the loaing player. I was too baked to contest the results though.
Not even close to worst job in the world. Yhis was early 2000s though
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=1914966&forum_id=2#48051084) |