  The most prestigious law school admissions discussion board in the world.
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US News aside, what are the real top 10 schools for undergrad?

I would say something like HYPMS Caltech Columbia/Penn/...
Fantasy-prone nighttime feces
i never understood the whole mit > caltech thing. caltech...
very tactful antidepressant drug hissy fit
MIT is much larger and people interested in prestige have an...
salmon rigor keepsake machete
our company 'doctorate' spreadsheet has on tab2 the list of ...
very tactful antidepressant drug hissy fit
your company sounds gay as fuck
jade church building
Also, there is this: https://www.parchment.com/c/college/...
fluffy awkward trailer park
lol, my ugrad (redacted, because it's obscure enough that it...
very tactful antidepressant drug hissy fit
Sorry to break this to you, but if the numbers are in gray, ...
fluffy awkward trailer park
bipolar pearl death wish friendly grandma
that may be the case, but for the other poster who identifie...
very tactful antidepressant drug hissy fit
Found the West Point faggot
swashbuckling sickened sanctuary
may want to delete. i found yours.
bipolar pearl death wish friendly grandma
very tactful antidepressant drug hissy fit
TBF, this site says Harvard wins the crossadmit battle with ...
Impressive canary den trump supporter
And Wayne State > Yale https://www.parchment.com/c/col...
Impressive canary den trump supporter
The Phoenix alumni club is worth it.
azure adventurous marketing idea field
Impressive canary den trump supporter
vivacious at-the-ready piazza
lascivious jet hairy legs sex offender
The answer is that most people who get into both Caltech and...
lascivious jet hairy legs sex offender
cr. Also Columbia shouldn't be on the list
Chrome floppy national tank
People at/from Caltech sound 100x smarter when they talk. MI...
Chrome floppy national tank
mustard shrine factory reset button
Media lab isn't nonsense. When Stephen Benton was alive, the...
Racy Impertinent Locus
They are spooky af right now, doing gene editing with Kevin ...
Chrome floppy national tank
I honestly haven't kept up with it since the early 2000s, so...
Racy Impertinent Locus
Just Google around and see what you find about Esvelt. A sig...
Chrome floppy national tank
it's for brown lib arts fags to spend a grad year at so they...
very tactful antidepressant drug hissy fit
What's this supposed to prove?
Chrome floppy national tank
egregious Dartmouth trolling
Pearly trust fund set
Even more egregious Columbia trolling. After correcting thei...
fluffy awkward trailer park
(Donald J. Trump)
erotic cerise partner school cafeteria
wild striped hyena
Wharton Penn isn't prestigious because you have to fucking s...
Orange Cruel-hearted Spot
provocative boistinker
Blathering regret
Chrome floppy national tank
haunting gas station
motley shimmering heaven jewess
haunting gas station
The AP comes out with a list each Monday in the fall. This ...
hairraiser half-breed
Higher education in Amerikkka is for cucks and rich foreigne...
lilac cheese-eating jap
(dude who shows up at a Goldman Sachs recruiting event shout...
fluffy awkward trailer park
Yes, I want my brood to avoid the higher education indoctrin...
lilac cheese-eating jap
Well, if you are cool with your kids working construction or...
fluffy awkward trailer park
You are thinking the wrong way. Jobs are for worker bees. Y...
Cream Hospital
glittery space dog poop
I would rather that my kids be NBA superstars signing 9 figu...
fluffy awkward trailer park
I assume someone who went to Duke is smarter than someone wh...
Dashing affirmative action
i appreciate the ethos of an amherst or williams but few if ...
Electric organic girlfriend
I assume the former is the cream of the crop from that popul...
Dashing affirmative action
they are almost always old-money wasps, with the occasional ...
Electric organic girlfriend
most people who would apply to both williams and dartmouth w...
aromatic maniacal office
HYPSM, Caltech, Wharton, and CMU SCS seem like the clear top...
lascivious jet hairy legs sex offender
CMU CS doesn't have a unique value prop you might as well be...
Orange Cruel-hearted Spot
Ok, what's your 8/9/10 then?
lascivious jet hairy legs sex offender
just the typical places the average non-CS high schooler wou...
Orange Cruel-hearted Spot
Hillsdale Notre Dame BYU
Unhinged prole theatre
You all are old. Caltech ran out of money and isn't good any...
Razzle self-absorbed gaping
How did they run out of money? Their endowment per student...
lascivious jet hairy legs sex offender
Poor as shit for a uni that wants to compete in STEM researc...
Razzle self-absorbed gaping
after hyps I'd rather go to UVA, Michigan, or Vanderbilt tha...
Narrow-minded church crotch
Quality of life aside, picking Dartmouth over Michigan only ...
fluffy awkward trailer park
yeah, umich vs tosu game must be a blast.
very tactful antidepressant drug hissy fit
What? No, they're just two very different schools. You don't...
Fantasy-prone nighttime feces
"But I've been going out to tons of spots in Hanover an...
dull gay wizard candlestick maker
I think you meant to say, "Dartmouth is going to have a...
fluffy awkward trailer park
Dartmouth has women & sororities and I don't really see ...
salmon rigor keepsake machete
New Hampshire is lame as shit I'd seriously consider Penn ov...
Orange Cruel-hearted Spot
Of course New Hampshire is lame as shit but you are there fo...
salmon rigor keepsake machete
Plus the exciting annual Dartmouth/Brown football game.
fluffy awkward trailer park
Dartmouth is cr for non-obvious reasons.
Chrome floppy national tank
HYPSMC Wharton Columbia Chicago non-Wharton Penn = Dar...
umber chapel stain
Columbia has no business in the top 20. It’s a garbage...
Hilarious black theater stage scourge upon the earth
Chrome floppy national tank
Razzle self-absorbed gaping
Lol how was Columbia
jade church building
Princeton, Harvard, Stanford, U. Chicago, Caltech, Harvey Mu...
supple fat ankles stag film
Not a single one is worth the tuition
medicated trip psychic public bath
Deep Springs (massive gap the size of an anus freshly ga...
Garnet irradiated circlehead
Odd that we've never talked about this before.
aphrodisiac station
Maybe our next topic should be the N64
Fantasy-prone nighttime feces
It's truly shocking that a bort full of autistic Asians is o...
fluffy awkward trailer park
MIT CalTech Harvard Stanford Cornell Brown Carnegie Me...
Hilarious black theater stage scourge upon the earth
(far above cayuga's waters)
wonderful roommate
To be honest, Yale doesn’t really have a spot on this ...
Hilarious black theater stage scourge upon the earth
all the schools in nescac minus tufts
aromatic maniacal office
SUNY Binghamton is good for London iBanking.
French Coffee Pot Lettuce
for the ultimate undergraduate experience, where can u find ...
Chocolate Giraffe Kitchen
u grad?
vivacious at-the-ready piazza
Cyan indian lodge
Harvey Mudd? Rice? Williams? Lol I never even heard of these...
Fragrant orchestra pit

Poast new message in this thread

Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 12:56 PM
Author: Fantasy-prone nighttime feces

I would say something like




Chicago in 10th?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 1:01 PM
Author: very tactful antidepressant drug hissy fit

i never understood the whole mit > caltech thing. caltech seems absurdly rigorous whereas mit has lots of 'soft' majors and nonsense like the 'media lab'. caltech admissions is brutally weighted on merit whereas mit is in cambridge so, lol, yeah...


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 1:07 PM
Author: salmon rigor keepsake machete

MIT is much larger and people interested in prestige have an East Coast bias. So most of us know a couple super smart MIT alums and no Caltech alums. We’re not parsing Math Olympiad results and levels of NASA achievement to make fine gradations, just going by reputation and direct experience.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 1:16 PM
Author: very tactful antidepressant drug hissy fit

our company 'doctorate' spreadsheet has on tab2 the list of various olympiad medalists on staff. i think there is like math and comp sci. in a high iq org, those things count for a lot.

and yeah, i prob know irl 15x mit grads vs caltech grads


Reply Favorite

Date: January 25th, 2023 8:27 AM
Author: jade church building

your company sounds gay as fuck


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 1:35 PM
Author: fluffy awkward trailer park

Also, there is this:


This is a 180 site for college rankings, by the way. Someone should make a ranking purely on the basis of who wins cross admit battles, because feel like the wisdom of the masses is better than anything USNWR or anyone else has come up with.

Based on a few minutes of playing with it, it looks like the top five schools are the following:

1) H (wins every cross admit battle)

2) S (wins against every school except H)

3) M (wins against everyone except H and S)

4) Y (wins against everyone except H, S, and M)

5) P (wins against everyone except H, S, M, and Y)


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:05 PM
Author: very tactful antidepressant drug hissy fit

lol, my ugrad (redacted, because it's obscure enough that it's tmi to share) crushes "mit"


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:10 PM
Author: fluffy awkward trailer park

Sorry to break this to you, but if the numbers are in gray, then the difference is not statistically significant. I didn't bother to check LAC's, but assuming you didn't attend a prestigious LAC, it's probably because there were like five cross admits and only two of them chose MIT.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:13 PM
Author: bipolar pearl death wish friendly grandma


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:28 PM
Author: very tactful antidepressant drug hissy fit

that may be the case, but for the other poster who identified the school, you can also look up the nsf's rankings based on per capita stem phds. there is one one 'outlier' school on that list, and it's where i went.

one flaw of usnwr rankings is that they penalize schools with low graduation rates. mine pretty much either fails people out or has an extremely low 5yr grad rate (when i went, it was bordernline single digit...i got out in 4, but my gpa paid a price). but, the people that do graduate are extremely smart and a large % go on to phds.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 3:10 PM
Author: swashbuckling sickened sanctuary

Found the West Point faggot


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:13 PM
Author: bipolar pearl death wish friendly grandma

may want to delete. i found yours.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:15 PM
Author: very tactful antidepressant drug hissy fit



Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:11 PM
Author: Impressive canary den trump supporter

TBF, this site says Harvard wins the crossadmit battle with Wayne State 64-36%



Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:12 PM
Author: Impressive canary den trump supporter

And Wayne State > Yale



Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:29 PM
Author: azure adventurous marketing idea field

The Phoenix alumni club is worth it.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:31 PM
Author: Impressive canary den trump supporter


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 6:07 PM
Author: vivacious at-the-ready piazza


Reply Favorite

Date: January 25th, 2023 12:40 AM
Author: lascivious jet hairy legs sex offender


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 1:45 PM
Author: lascivious jet hairy legs sex offender

The answer is that most people who get into both Caltech and MIT choose MIT (or Stanford or Harvard).


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:34 PM
Author: Chrome floppy national tank

cr. Also Columbia shouldn't be on the list


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 5:45 PM
Author: Chrome floppy national tank

People at/from Caltech sound 100x smarter when they talk. MIT guys seem richer.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 5:47 PM
Author: mustard shrine factory reset button


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 5:49 PM
Author: Racy Impertinent Locus

Media lab isn't nonsense. When Stephen Benton was alive, they were pioneering holographic video.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 6:06 PM
Author: Chrome floppy national tank

They are spooky af right now, doing gene editing with Kevin Esvelt. Epstein gave them money too.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 6:54 PM
Author: Racy Impertinent Locus

I honestly haven't kept up with it since the early 2000s, so I'm completely out of the loop. That sounds terrible, though.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 25th, 2023 1:42 PM
Author: Chrome floppy national tank

Just Google around and see what you find about Esvelt. A significant amount has been written about him. He is currently a "Polymath Fellow" funded by some French environmental org. It's hard for me to imagine why environmentalists want to artificially manipulate the evolutionary trajectory of entire species. In any case, what does this have to do with media, such that it would be run out of a "media lab?"


Reply Favorite

Date: January 25th, 2023 9:09 AM
Author: very tactful antidepressant drug hissy fit

it's for brown lib arts fags to spend a grad year at so they can try and transition to 'tech'

case in point



Reply Favorite

Date: January 25th, 2023 6:42 PM
Author: Chrome floppy national tank

What's this supposed to prove?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 12:59 PM
Author: Pearly trust fund set

egregious Dartmouth trolling


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 1:38 PM
Author: fluffy awkward trailer park

Even more egregious Columbia trolling. After correcting their falsified USNWR data, they were revealed to be a TTT in steep decline.

Also, xoxo is clearly slipping because nobody has pointed out that you need to distinguish between Wharton Penn and non-Wharton Penn. Wharton Penn is arguably the most prestigious undergraduate outside of HYPS. Non-Wharton Penn is just a standard Big Ten school with a mediocre football team.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:55 PM
Author: erotic cerise partner school cafeteria

(Donald J. Trump)


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 11:34 PM
Author: wild striped hyena


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 11:42 PM
Author: Orange Cruel-hearted Spot

Wharton Penn isn't prestigious because you have to fucking study undergrad business and it's trivial to transfer in from TTT non-Wharton Penn. It's a practical choice for the Wall Street pipeline that's it. Your grandma doesn't give a single fuck about Wharton Penn


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 1:08 PM
Author: provocative boistinker



Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 1:47 PM
Author: Blathering regret


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:53 PM
Author: Chrome floppy national tank


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 7:03 PM
Author: haunting gas station


Reply Favorite

Date: January 25th, 2023 1:43 PM
Author: motley shimmering heaven jewess


Reply Favorite

Date: January 25th, 2023 6:31 PM
Author: haunting gas station


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 1:43 PM
Author: hairraiser half-breed

The AP comes out with a list each Monday in the fall. This year, University of Georgia is #1.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 1:50 PM
Author: lilac cheese-eating jap

Higher education in Amerikkka is for cucks and rich foreigners. LJL @ sending your children to these indoctrination centers and paying out the ass for the privilege of doing so. If your child is smart/driven, they don't need college. Ever hear of a library?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 1:52 PM
Author: fluffy awkward trailer park

(dude who shows up at a Goldman Sachs recruiting event shouting, "My kid doesn't need an indoctrination center like Harvard! Ever hear of a library?")


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 1:57 PM
Author: lilac cheese-eating jap

Yes, I want my brood to avoid the higher education indoctrination scam, but desperately want them to get wage cuck jobs @ fucking Goldman fucking Sachs LJL @ you.

$200K for a college education invested in VTI over 50 years is $3-4M when my kids retire. Or you can just hand them a check and tell them to build a company. LOL @ giving the money to LaQuisha Brown, the DEI director, and Ari Winkelstein, the university president.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:17 PM
Author: fluffy awkward trailer park

Well, if you are cool with your kids working construction or working their way up to manager at Hardees, more power to you. But almost all decent jobs require a college degree these days. Employers are not likely to accept a library card as a substitute.

And LJL at anyone who pays $200k for a college degree. My niece went to community college and transferred to flagship state. She got a degree with less $20k in debt (and could have easily kept it under $15k but she decided to gamble that Biden would forgive it). She got zero help from the family.

Yes, you will get no argument from me that spending $200k to get a theater degree from NYU is stupid, but it doesn't follow that all college degrees are stupid. If you take out $20k in debt to get a CS degree at the local state school and earn a job in the low six figures after graduation, most people would consider that to be a very smart investment.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 11:39 PM
Author: Cream Hospital

You are thinking the wrong way. Jobs are for worker bees. You want your kids to be investors and business owners.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 11:57 PM
Author: glittery space dog poop


Reply Favorite

Date: January 25th, 2023 12:16 AM
Author: fluffy awkward trailer park

I would rather that my kids be NBA superstars signing 9 figure contracts, but that isn't going to happen, either. If you have a family business to give to your kids, congrats. But for everyone else, college is the simplest path to a non-shitjob.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 1:52 PM
Author: Dashing affirmative action

I assume someone who went to Duke is smarter than someone who went to Columbia. And same with Williams over Dartmouth.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 1:59 PM
Author: Electric organic girlfriend

i appreciate the ethos of an amherst or williams but few if any people choose them over dartmouth if given the option. they are either destination schools for people who grew up in that new england prep school culture or fallbacks for ivy strivers. and the latter far outnumber the former.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:12 PM
Author: Dashing affirmative action

I assume the former is the cream of the crop from that population though, and superior to the third tier ivy strivers. But I could be wrong.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:23 PM
Author: Electric organic girlfriend

they are almost always old-money wasps, with the occasional jew, but still not the best of them, who would still go to hyp first

but that creates a culture of prestige if not a strictly academic one, which in some ways is all prestige is. which is why amherst and williams punch above their weight in their air of prestige.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 25th, 2023 8:22 AM
Author: aromatic maniacal office

most people who would apply to both williams and dartmouth would choose williams. people who arent interested in LACs at all wouldnt apply to williams in the first place.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:06 PM
Author: lascivious jet hairy legs sex offender

HYPSM, Caltech, Wharton, and CMU SCS seem like the clear top 8.

And then, I dunno, maybe Duke and Dartmouth?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 11:40 PM
Author: Orange Cruel-hearted Spot

CMU CS doesn't have a unique value prop you might as well be at Georgia Tech or UWaterloo or any fungible good CS school out of a list of 10 to 15


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 11:41 PM
Author: lascivious jet hairy legs sex offender

Ok, what's your 8/9/10 then?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 11:52 PM
Author: Orange Cruel-hearted Spot

just the typical places the average non-CS high schooler would pick over CMU whether it's Columbia or Duke or whatever. Maybe Brown or Cornell. At least those have some cultural significance

For some reason Penn Chicago and Northwestern (probably Dartmouth too) are cope schools with subpar brands in my mind even though they're functionally equivalent to Columbia/Duke/etc


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:12 PM
Author: Unhinged prole theatre


Notre Dame



Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:16 PM
Author: Razzle self-absorbed gaping

You all are old. Caltech ran out of money and isn't good anymore. Yale sucks too.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:49 PM
Author: lascivious jet hairy legs sex offender

How did they run out of money? Their endowment per student is higher than all but HYPSM once you remove undergrad-only LACs.



Reply Favorite

Date: January 25th, 2023 9:41 AM
Author: Razzle self-absorbed gaping

Poor as shit for a uni that wants to compete in STEM research


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:17 PM
Author: Narrow-minded church crotch

after hyps I'd rather go to UVA, Michigan, or Vanderbilt than any of the others. LJL at spending 4 years in fucking boonfuck new hampshire or furthest ithaca just because its an "ivy" when you can live a 180 college life in a 180 town. School prestige is fucking done here anyways.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:20 PM
Author: fluffy awkward trailer park

Quality of life aside, picking Dartmouth over Michigan only makes sense if you are a striver loser who bases your entire life on the USNWR rankings. If you look at the quality of their faculty (which seems like a better way to compare schools), Michigan is a mile ahead of Dartmouth. Attending Michigan football games and smashing sorority slores are just an added bonus.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:23 PM
Author: very tactful antidepressant drug hissy fit

yeah, umich vs tosu game must be a blast.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 5:26 PM
Author: Fantasy-prone nighttime feces

What? No, they're just two very different schools. You don't interact with "faculty" frequently at a big state school, or if you do you're not the kind of guy who is "smashing sorority slores". Dartmouth is going to have a much more intelligent and ambitious student body versus Michigan, and interacting with them is what will make up most of your experience for four years


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 7:15 PM
Author: dull gay wizard candlestick maker

"But I've been going out to tons of spots in Hanover and meeting chicks left and right. You're right about the D-bomb. It's definitely powerful!"


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 7:16 PM
Author: fluffy awkward trailer park

I think you meant to say, "Dartmouth is going to have a much wealthier student body." I went to HYPS and currently work at a flagship state school comparable to Michigan. And honestly there is almost no difference in the quality of the students. The very best students at HYPS are a little better, but 70-80% are legacies, athletes, affirmative action, or random rich kids who are not particularly impressive. And if the difference between HYPS and Michigan is small, I think it's safe to assume that the difference between Michigan and Dartmouth is basically non-existent. So given the option, I would rather have bigger name professors, football games, and massive quantities of sorority slores. But to each their own.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 11:53 PM
Author: salmon rigor keepsake machete

Dartmouth has women & sororities and I don't really see a benefit to 20k women vs. 2k women. There are plenty of options in either place and the male competition at Dartmouth includes tons of Asians, nerds and twinks. A lot of the women are athletes and outdoorsy hippie types but I don't see a problem with that. Better wife candidates than some instagram-addicted Midwestern prole blonde chick that will gain 10 pounds/year.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 11:55 PM
Author: Orange Cruel-hearted Spot

New Hampshire is lame as shit I'd seriously consider Penn over Dartmouth because you can just transfer to Wharton


Reply Favorite

Date: January 25th, 2023 1:04 PM
Author: salmon rigor keepsake machete

Of course New Hampshire is lame as shit but you are there for college living in a bubble and probably won't get murdered if you walk one block off campus.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 25th, 2023 12:18 AM
Author: fluffy awkward trailer park

Plus the exciting annual Dartmouth/Brown football game.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 25th, 2023 6:41 PM
Author: Chrome floppy national tank

Dartmouth is cr for non-obvious reasons.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:17 PM
Author: umber chapel stain





non-Wharton Penn = Dartmouth = Brown


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 5:55 PM
Author: Hilarious black theater stage scourge upon the earth

Columbia has no business in the top 20. It’s a garbage diploma mill and is increasingly being recognized as such.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 6:04 PM
Author: Chrome floppy national tank


Reply Favorite

Date: January 25th, 2023 9:37 AM
Author: Razzle self-absorbed gaping


Reply Favorite

Date: January 25th, 2023 8:28 AM
Author: jade church building

Lol how was Columbia


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 2:20 PM
Author: supple fat ankles stag film

Princeton, Harvard, Stanford, U. Chicago, Caltech, Harvey Mudd, M.I.T., Rice, Hillsdale, Duke


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 3:01 PM
Author: medicated trip psychic public bath

Not a single one is worth the tuition


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 5:48 PM
Author: Garnet irradiated circlehead

Deep Springs

(massive gap the size of an anus freshly gaped by a few cowboys)



Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 5:53 PM
Author: aphrodisiac station

Odd that we've never talked about this before.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 5:56 PM
Author: Fantasy-prone nighttime feces

Maybe our next topic should be the N64


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 7:03 PM
Author: fluffy awkward trailer park

It's truly shocking that a bort full of autistic Asians is obsessed with comparing the prestige of different universities.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 6:01 PM
Author: Hilarious black theater stage scourge upon the earth







Carnegie Mellon


John’s Hopkins






Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 11:49 PM
Author: wonderful roommate

(far above cayuga's waters)


Reply Favorite

Date: January 25th, 2023 9:48 AM
Author: Hilarious black theater stage scourge upon the earth

To be honest, Yale doesn’t really have a spot on this list and I expect it to be gone within the next 5. It’s cashing in on its legacy, but I don’t think anyone looks at a resume anymore and thinks, “wow, he/she went to Yale”


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 6:17 PM
Author: aromatic maniacal office

all the schools in nescac minus tufts


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 7:07 PM
Author: French Coffee Pot Lettuce

SUNY Binghamton is good for London iBanking.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 7:11 PM
Author: Chocolate Giraffe Kitchen

for the ultimate undergraduate experience, where can u find the finest young minds lectured/taught/graded personally by the best faculty without teaching assistants/grad students?

there must be an Oxford, Cambridge of America

also, where can u go to school without having to look at millionaire Athlete/Moguls living large?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 24th, 2023 7:12 PM
Author: vivacious at-the-ready piazza

u grad?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 25th, 2023 1:04 PM
Author: Cyan indian lodge


Reply Favorite

Date: January 25th, 2023 12:31 AM
Author: Fragrant orchestra pit

Harvey Mudd? Rice? Williams? Lol I never even heard of these schools before.
