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Trying to 'educate' stupid kids is a massive and tragic social malinvestment

we got the whole 'schooling' thing exactly backwards. the w...
Rough-skinned brindle home gaming laptop
A streamlined school-to-prison "pipeline", if you ...
Soggy Titillating Lodge Volcanic Crater
(guy who doesn't get the warehousing / socialization thing) ...
Ruddy principal's office
i understand the arguments in favor of trying to educate the...
Rough-skinned brindle home gaming laptop
retaining them is good. retaining them all in college track ...
Ruddy principal's office
they are being retained by allowing them to disrupt classes ...
Rough-skinned brindle home gaming laptop
they need to be penned into shop / ditchdigging classes
Ruddy principal's office
Misspelled lithium mines
maroon stain
Jfc they should get silently killed and removed from society...
exhilarant cocky philosopher-king
Cr, reddit is full of horror stories on r/teachersintransiti...
insanely creepy point
Where are we headed as a profession? As a society? Classroo...
Indecent ticket booth
It's really bad.
insanely creepy point
i got into charter and early childhood education advocacy fo...
Hilarious doctorate psychic
cr. Talk to an education researcher/professor and they will...
jade alcoholic degenerate
the entire woke/shitlib academia is about using witchcraft t...
Hilarious doctorate psychic
“ under the son” *SP giggling mischievously*
jade alcoholic degenerate
oh no...
Hilarious doctorate psychic
it's completely over
primrose vibrant state pozpig
And now you’re a dumbass nigger redditor Burn it a...
frum sanctuary
Just another example of punishing Losers in order to accommo...
excitant stage factory reset button
It’s just niggers and to a lesser extent spics
Bipolar regret affirmative action
Multi-colored Senate Hominid
90% of current poasters should have just taken shop/refriger...
Light Messiness
I wish I had.
Pungent Fortuitous Meteor
yes, we'd be much better off investing in activities/program...
Balding mauve kitchen
My wife and I worked for/with a bunch of orgs that were base...
Beady-eyed mother fanboi
cr. the only thing is that moving kids from their shitty ...
Hilarious doctorate psychic
basically correct, but you can't solve that problem
Balding mauve kitchen
You can if you change the entire culture of social work and ...
Beady-eyed mother fanboi
Hilarious doctorate psychic
foster care has never, and will never, work, it's fundamenta...
Balding mauve kitchen
These kids will be even more fucked up in foster care with a...
Comical rigor resort
Yes, but currently if a kid has another close relative who i...
Beady-eyed mother fanboi
lol this is just an admission that a significant percent...
Topaz contagious plaza famous landscape painting
twinkling fear-inspiring library
To receive welfare you must agree to be sterilized. Problem ...
marvelous deep azn
lolno, by then it's too late
Balding mauve kitchen
It's a start
marvelous deep azn
1 child/woman = eventual population decline.
Indecent ticket booth
why would "we" be giving these "people" ...
Topaz contagious plaza famous landscape painting
you're the one refusing to admit reality, these people are a...
Balding mauve kitchen
can you re-write this post to express a coherent thought(s) ...
Topaz contagious plaza famous landscape painting
killing them is not an option
Balding mauve kitchen
lol killing your enemies is always an option. and, in fac...
Topaz contagious plaza famous landscape painting
lots of stable societies take as their founding precept &quo...
Balding mauve kitchen
I’ve advocated for sterilization of these kinds of peo...
Beady-eyed mother fanboi
this would also be malinvestment, though. that kind of gran...
Rough-skinned brindle home gaming laptop
pretty verbose and roundabout way of saying we just have to ...
Topaz contagious plaza famous landscape painting
that's probably not possible within any realistic configurat...
Rough-skinned brindle home gaming laptop
of course not. but neither are any of the half-measures prop...
Topaz contagious plaza famous landscape painting
good example from today - a previously-expelled student who ...
Rough-skinned brindle home gaming laptop

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: March 22nd, 2023 4:49 AM
Author: Rough-skinned brindle home gaming laptop

we got the whole 'schooling' thing exactly backwards. the whole 'no child left behind' ethos has been a total catastrophe for american public schools, since the goal has become to retain all students at any cost. this leads to chaos and disruption from unremovable 'students.'

a sane system would actually encourage troublemakers and non-learners to select themselves out of the classroom. it should be easy for them to fuck off so that the capable kids can actually try and learn.


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 4:10 PM
Author: Soggy Titillating Lodge Volcanic Crater

A streamlined school-to-prison "pipeline", if you will


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2023 4:54 AM
Author: Ruddy principal's office

(guy who doesn't get the warehousing / socialization thing)

better would be to track them early according to their abilities / temperament


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 4:57 AM
Author: Rough-skinned brindle home gaming laptop

i understand the arguments in favor of trying to educate them. i'm saying that the current OBSESSION with student retention is destroying the entire system in the same way that a small chunk of shit mixed into a big industrial vat of porridge will not degrade the porridge as much as the same volume of shit dropped into a single bowl. we've gotten the ratio wrong.


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 4:58 AM
Author: Ruddy principal's office

retaining them is good. retaining them all in college track classes is bad


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2023 5:03 AM
Author: Rough-skinned brindle home gaming laptop

they are being retained by allowing them to disrupt classes and assault other students or even teachers with no consequences.


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 5:47 AM
Author: Ruddy principal's office

they need to be penned into shop / ditchdigging classes


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 7:12 AM
Author: maroon stain

Misspelled lithium mines


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 7:16 AM
Author: exhilarant cocky philosopher-king

Jfc they should get silently killed and removed from society. They will do the same thing if they get a job of any kind.


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 6:35 AM
Author: insanely creepy point

Cr, reddit is full of horror stories on r/teachersintransition and r/teachers.


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 1:27 PM
Author: Indecent ticket booth

Where are we headed as a profession? As a society?

Classroom Management & Strategies

Serious question. I cannot get them off their phones. I cannot compete with TikTok. They cannot even watch a short film without zoning out on their phones. Hell, I’m to the point that I sit on my phone half of the period because I’ve given up trying to compete with the device in their pockets. Teaching has becoming boring. They don’t want to talk to each other or me - it’s just TikTok all day everyday in their pajamas. Blank zombie stares. Where are we going if (as) we continue down this road? Two months and I’m finished with this. I have already submitted my resignation, and I’m leaving the profession. I am still concerned for our kids though and their teachers.


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 2:34 PM
Author: insanely creepy point

It's really bad.


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 7:53 AM
Author: Hilarious doctorate psychic

i got into charter and early childhood education advocacy for a while, and let me tell you -- the situation is hopeless.

the "top" education thinkers are irredeemably shitlib and woke. to the point that calling kids "good kids" or "bad kids" is akin to a slur. it is heretical to their dogma that kids that behave should be separated from those that don't, or that there is a difference in cognition among kids that justifies different levels of school. it's impossible to make progress with these people at the helm.


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 8:26 AM
Author: jade alcoholic degenerate

cr. Talk to an education researcher/professor and they will all lie in order to try to convince you that mainstreaming is “good for everyone.” If you follow up and say “wait how is it better for the gifted students?” they will sling some BS at you about how it enriches their understanding to help teach (lol as if that’s their job) the non gifted students the concepts the non gifted students don’t readily understand. When you follow up again to note that necessarily this means the gifted students are missing out on advanced topics in order to stay on concepts they already understand while pulling the non gifted kids along you get a shoulder shrug that is basically akin to the Obama catchphrase “that is not necessarily a pain I would spare them.”


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2023 12:40 PM
Author: Hilarious doctorate psychic

the entire woke/shitlib academia is about using witchcraft to "scientifically" disprove what is observable to anyone with a brain.

go into the early dindu thunderdome and you'll see lots of well-behaved kids mixed with unruly kids. try as the behaving kids might, the unruly kids will create a disruptive environment that stunts their education and impacts how they behave. fast forward to middle school and it's even worse, with almost all the kids being unruly and disruptive. then you got to high school and it's just a warehousing facility except for a handful of dbz anime dindus that manage to pass and might attend the local community college. if those dweebs were in the good school they probably would have been v20 partner.

of course, if you say "perhaps the students that are able to sit quietly and learn should be enabled do to do, while we work on rehabilitating the disruptive ones" you'll get accused of ever "ist" under the son (regardless of whether the school is 98% dindu from approximately the same social class).

the right wing boomer memes of the 90s of libs cutting off people's legs so everyone would be "equal" to one another is true. no amount of parody captures how retarded and evil these people are. now that liberalism has become the monoculture, we're starting to see them go completely mask off, with shit like kids not being alerted to winning national merit scholarships or banning AP classes in the name of "equity."


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 1:07 PM
Author: jade alcoholic degenerate

“ under the son”

*SP giggling mischievously*


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 1:20 PM
Author: Hilarious doctorate psychic

oh no...


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 9:31 AM
Author: primrose vibrant state pozpig

it's completely over


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2023 12:41 PM
Author: frum sanctuary

And now you’re a dumbass nigger redditor

Burn it all down


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2023 7:58 AM
Author: excitant stage factory reset button

Just another example of punishing Losers in order to accommodate URMs or Scum


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 8:00 AM
Author: Bipolar regret affirmative action

It’s just niggers and to a lesser extent spics


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2023 9:26 AM
Author: Multi-colored Senate Hominid



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Date: March 22nd, 2023 9:47 AM
Author: Light Messiness

90% of current poasters should have just taken shop/refrigerator repair.


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 3:23 PM
Author: Pungent Fortuitous Meteor

I wish I had.


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 1:30 PM
Author: Balding mauve kitchen

yes, we'd be much better off investing in activities/programs outside of school that funnel these kids into something pro-social, all you really need to learn is how to read and do very basic math, every other subject should be ruthlessly weeded out until a kid demonstrates some aptitude


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 2:29 PM
Author: Beady-eyed mother fanboi

My wife and I worked for/with a bunch of orgs that were based in title 1 low income schools, most of which were 95+% URM. It’s the parents. There are kids that are beyond help and they should be removed/isolated and tracked differently, but even a subset of those kids are recoverable if you just remove them from the shit household they live in where they are routinely abused and/or neglected. Not saying they will cure cancer and they have the same crazy/addict genes that fucked up their parents, so it’s a resource intensive save. But this is why Season 4 of the Wire is actually brilliant despite being pushed by ultra shitlib David Simon. Actual teachers who work in these schools and interact with these parents know that the parents should not be allowed to be near children because they are totally fucked. If I was dictator of America I would definitely remove something like 25-30% of America’s children from their parents’ households and forbid their parents from ever seeing their kids again and then send the parents to be worked to death in the lithium mines per above. It’s really disturbing how fucked up poor people (yes even poor white people, but especially poor black and Hispanic people) are with their kids.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2023 2:32 PM
Author: Hilarious doctorate psychic


the only thing is that moving kids from their shitty family to government run facilities is often far worse, as season 4 of the wire also showed. the brilliance of season 4 is about how complicated and difficult to solve the situation is. unless as hypothetical dictator of america you can also make government run childcare not nightmare town.


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 2:33 PM
Author: Balding mauve kitchen

basically correct, but you can't solve that problem


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2023 3:04 PM
Author: Beady-eyed mother fanboi

You can if you change the entire culture of social work and child protective services to be focused around extraction and investigation and making parents who are fucked deal with their shit separate from their kids and prevent them from using their kids as their drug money income stream. But that also requires a broader set of fixes (eg foster system not being completely fucked) and would likely also require a complete rethinking of schools and education and the ability to see a kid who is 13 and reads on a 2nd grade level and can’t do multiplication or division as a success story if they are able to show up and learn woodshop skills and not fight other students or staff. But yeah it’s basically a pipe dream or at a minimum a complete revolution in all aspects of low income social services and education.


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 3:05 PM
Author: Hilarious doctorate psychic


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 3:10 PM
Author: Balding mauve kitchen

foster care has never, and will never, work, it's fundamentally against our nature


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 3:46 PM
Author: Comical rigor resort

These kids will be even more fucked up in foster care with all the girls getting molested/becoming child prostitutes and the boys joining gangs/drug addicts at 13


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 4:20 PM
Author: Beady-eyed mother fanboi

Yes, but currently if a kid has another close relative who is not a degenerate like his parents our system does very little to help encourage that non degenerate person to take on the burden of care for their crackhead relative’s kids. Instead our system should probably prefer that kind of outcome over all others including trusting the crackhead parent to keep their shit together just because they managed to produce clean piss for six months. There are also kids who do weird shit like get “adopted” by a coach bc they are gunning for a D1 scholarship and that kind of thing could easily translate into a more formal system of academy/boarding school style programs that would have the additional benefit of training these kinds of kids to live the way they should expect to live in college. We should also help/push people in the ghetto who are good parents and do raise children who are capable of being good students to get the fuck out right away and go somewhere with better schools. But all of these run up against shitlib apologies/excuses for the crackhead parents and the ghetto as a “community” that deserves protection, when in reality they’re arguing to protect 1) the right of child abusers to continue abusing and 2) the arbitrary decision of some lib bureaucrats in the mid 20th century to warehouse all the poor blacks in that place.


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 3:12 PM
Author: Topaz contagious plaza famous landscape painting


this is just an admission that a significant percentage of the human population shouldn't be allowed to reproduce

at least have the balls to take your ideas to their logical conclusion


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2023 3:15 PM
Author: twinkling fear-inspiring library


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 3:33 PM
Author: marvelous deep azn

To receive welfare you must agree to be sterilized. Problem solved


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 3:34 PM
Author: Balding mauve kitchen

lolno, by then it's too late


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 3:37 PM
Author: marvelous deep azn

It's a start


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2023 3:49 PM
Author: Indecent ticket booth

1 child/woman = eventual population decline.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2023 3:42 PM
Author: Topaz contagious plaza famous landscape painting

why would "we" be giving these "people" "welfare" of any kind? they are, by our own admission, literally completely worthless as independent socioeconomic agents and as citizens of society. if you're so shitty that you cannot be permitted to reproduce, obviously you have absolutely no place in a civilized society

i know i'm being an autistic asshole about this, but this kind of timid half-admission of the truth about the world that you and the poaster above are exhibiting has always disgusted me. look, these people clearly should just be either straight up enslaved or killed. they're not "fellow citizens" or our "equals" or even human in the same way that we are human. either we enslave them, expel them, or exterminate them. those are the only rational options

this kind of refusal to admit the objective truth about the world is the reason why modern western society has gotten as bad as it has. things are never ever going to get better until regular citizens are willing to make a friend-enemy distinction between themselves and individuals and groups within their civilization who are their existential enemies and need to be dealt with by force

we don't need "welfare restrictions" or "management of bad parents" or whatever other silly, cowardly half-measures that eloi dorks come up with. we just need to kill these people. they are our enemies. they have to go


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 3:44 PM
Author: Balding mauve kitchen

you're the one refusing to admit reality, these people are and will always be the majority of the human race, there is no utopia for hypersocialized jews and whites where the dirty business of actually doing anything gets done by managers


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 3:48 PM
Author: Topaz contagious plaza famous landscape painting

can you re-write this post to express a coherent thought(s) that are responsive or related to my post in some way


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2023 3:50 PM
Author: Balding mauve kitchen

killing them is not an option


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2023 4:26 PM
Author: Topaz contagious plaza famous landscape painting


killing your enemies is always an option. and, in fact, every alternative "solution" to dealing with an existential foe other than killing them is just a derivative of killing them: e.g. stalling until you can become strong enough to kill them, deceiving them into a position where you can kill them, etc

if you don't like killing, you can always expel or enslave instead. but those are actually more difficult and riskier than simply killing your enemies


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2023 5:35 PM
Author: Balding mauve kitchen

lots of stable societies take as their founding precept "we will murder 80% of every generation of citizens"


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Date: March 22nd, 2023 4:26 PM
Author: Beady-eyed mother fanboi

I’ve advocated for sterilization of these kinds of people many times before. This is solving a different problem of failing to sterilize them and then dealing with the results of their manifest unfitness to be parents. The single best policy intervention we could make in 2023 America is sterilization in exchange for reparations/UBI for life in sufficiently comfortable and disconnected public housing. Probably also want to encourage smoking, allow for free use of opioids and provide a meal plan of all fast food/Sysco slop and a bare minimum of medical care for their obesity diseases. We could reverse 75 years of dysgenic policy choices in 25 years.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2023 5:24 PM
Author: Rough-skinned brindle home gaming laptop

this would also be malinvestment, though. that kind of granular social-management of the lower classes would require a lot of ongoing effort from intelligent/competent people. their intelligence would be aimed at the problems generated by the behavior of a dysfunctional, low-IQ segment of the population.

you don't advance society by obsessing over its weakest and least-productive components, or by lavishing those components with attention and time from the more intelligent classes. you advance by focusing upon your strengths, and developing those.

directing a large portion of social resources and intelligence toward trying to 'help' people who mostly lack the capacity to function in modern society seems like a HUGE waste. it would probably be a lot easier and less profligate to simply impose norms from above by force. ie, stricter enforcement of existing laws + salvadoran super-prisons. people who are too impulsive or obtuse to at least hide their criminality can be removed from society entirely.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2023 5:26 PM
Author: Topaz contagious plaza famous landscape painting

pretty verbose and roundabout way of saying we just have to kill worthless non-functional members of civilized society, but cr


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2023 5:30 PM
Author: Rough-skinned brindle home gaming laptop

that's probably not possible within any realistic configuration of our current system/order.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2023 5:39 PM
Author: Topaz contagious plaza famous landscape painting

of course not. but neither are any of the half-measures proposed at various points above in this thread, and in general by "thought leaders" and pundits

shitlibs have complete control of the legal system, educational system, and civic religion of this society. it is no more "possible" to "impose pro-social norms" in a reasonable, rational top-down fashion using force than it is to straight up exterminate undesirables. both of these things are *literally* in complete opposition to the power structure and moral beliefs of everyone in power in our society, and in the minds of a significant chunk of the bourgeoisie rank-and-file population

in order to accomplish any of these half-measures, "we" would have to completely displace the current elite and power structure of this society, and completely scrap and rebuild the moral framework of our society. and if this actually happened, why would we settle for any of these silly half-measures when it would be possible to instead just simply get rid of these evil, awful, worthless people?

i do think there's some kind of rhetorical value in discussing these kind of half-measures in the public sphere. but even then, nobody is ever going to truly support these half-measures unless they are fully willing and able to admit to themselves that these undesirables in question objectively have no place in our society, period. and if they're at that point, then, well...


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2023 5:29 PM
Author: Rough-skinned brindle home gaming laptop

good example from today - a previously-expelled student who was so violent and impulsive that he was subject to daily pat-down searches is accused of shooting two people at his school. this cretin should not have been anywhere NEAR a school. the 'value' of keeping him enrolled was massively negative. and modern 'pedagogy' wants everyone in the education system (teachers and functional students) to simply eat those losses rather than cutting them off:

Two deans injured in shooting at East High School, student suspect is at-large

DENVER — Two deans were injured in a shooting at East High School on Wednesday morning and the student suspect is at-large, according to the Denver Police Department (DPD) and Denver Public Schools (DPS).

The DPD identified the suspect around 2:10 p.m. as 17-year-old Austin Lyle. He is described as a Black male standing 5 feet, 5 inches and weighs about 150 pounds. He was wearing a green hoodie at the time and may be driving a 2005 red Volvo XC90 with license plate number BSC-W10, according to a Metro Denver Crime Stoppers bulletin.

DPD Chief Ron Thomas said during a press conference that the report of a shooting came in at 9:50 a.m. and officers, as well as medical personnel and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in Denver, quickly responded to the school, which is located at 1600 City Park Esplanade, just south of City Park. The school was put on lockdown.

The two injured adults, whom DPS and DPD identified as deans during the press conference, were transported to a local hospital. Denver Mayor Michael Hancock said paramedics were inside the school and started helping the two injured faculty members immediately. Hancock said he believes this will play a huge role in their recovery.

Chief Thomas described one of deans' condition as serious but stable. He said the other person was in surgery in critical condition.

Heather Burke with Denver Health confirmed that Jerald Mason and Eric Sinclair, both listed as deans on East High School's website, were bought to Denver Health Medical Center.

Mayor Hancock added that a student was brought to the hospital for a reaction to what was happening, but was not injured.

Chief Thomas said the suspect, later identified as East student Austin Lyle, 17, was under a school safety agreement where he had to be patted down and searched in a front office before school each day. Chief Thomas said this had happened every day for a while without a problem, but on Wednesday, the student pulled a firearm and shot and injured the two deans.

The suspect fled from the scene, but police identified him shortly afterward, Chief Thomas said. A few hours later, the DPD released his name publicly. A search is underway to find him.

He is wanted on a charge of attempted homicide, according to a Metro Denver Crime Stoppers bulletin.

DPD said it has identified the suspect, even though he's a juvenile, because of the threat he poses to the public.

Superintendent Dr. Alex Marrero said safety plans — like the one the suspect was under — are based on past behavior. DPS said all districts in the state have school safety agreements with certain students. The suspect's history is not currently available.

DPS started a controlled release around 11:25 a.m., after the police department gave staff the all-clear. Parents were told to pick up their children at 17th Avenue and Esplanade. Students who drove to the school were escorted to the parking lots to leave and students who ride the bus were held until the buses arrived, DPS said.

Superintendent Marrero said East High School will not have classes on Thursday and Friday.

"In terms of what we can expect at East from here until the end of the school year, in collaboration with Chief Thomas and with support from our mayor and also communicated this to the Board of Education, that we will have two armed officers here at East until the end of the school year," he said.

Denver police have had a presence outside the high school for quite some time already, Mayor Hancock said.

"I think it's clear now that we need to do even more interdiction with our police officers inside the buildings in these types of situations," he said.

Denver7’s Colette Bordelon spoke with a student on the student council who said he was outside when the shooting happened.

“I just saw and started hearing sirens, fire truck sirens," he said. "I started running toward the school because I was over here. I looked at the building and I saw students running. I saw students in the classrooms started ducking their heads.”

“I feel hurt every time," he said.

Denver7’s Jessica Crawford spoke with the grandmother of two students who were barricaded inside the school.

“I’m very upset," the grandmother said. "We, as a society, are not doing enough. We don’t have any police in the school. There’s no metal detectors. I’m tired of hearing there’s no money for that. Don’t tell me that we don’t have money for that. It’s our kids' safety we are talking about... What you go through in your mind when you don’t know what is happening, you don’t know where the shooter is, you’re not sure where your kids are. We have to make changes."

She said one of her granddaughters was in a room with no windows when the school went into lockdown.

"When she texted, my son told her to make sure they barricade the door, but she hyperventilates," she said. "I mean, how frightening is that for a child? How much emotional trauma must our children take in this day and age?”

A father who rushed to the school after hearing about the shooting told Denver7's Bayan Wang that his son was on lockdown in the library.

"I want to point out that this is the fourth major incident here at East High," Steve Katsaros said, noting recent shootings and swatting incidents. "The Denver School Board is failing us. And it's really a problem."

A mother of an East High student said Wednesday marked the fourth time in 2023 that she had to come get her son out of a lockdown.

"I’m very mad," she said. "These kids spent so much time and energy protesting. I was there with them. So much time and energy remembering Luis’ loss. Why is it landing nowhere? Nothing is being done. My son is breaking down. He’s saying he doesn't want to die. It’s just ugly. He’s scared. He doesn’t want to show it."

The East High School community protested against recent gun violence last month, when students attended a Denver City Council meeting to demand action on gun violence and school safety after 16-year-old Luis Garcia was killed in a shooting near the school on Feb. 13. The teen's funeral was Saturday. In addition, last September, an East High student and 20-year-old man were injured in a shooting near the school.

In early March, students walked out of class and marched to the Colorado State Capitol to demand an end to gun violence.

Students said that lockdown drills have become routine parts of the school day.

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis said he is closely monitoring the situation. In a statement to Denver7, he said:

“Our students should and must be able to attend school without fear for their safety, their parents deserve the peace of mind that their children are safe in classrooms, and teachers should be able to work safely and without harm. We also reflect that today is the anniversary of the Boulder King Soopers shooting and yet again the scourge of gun violence continues to plague us. We appreciate the quick action taken by East High school faculty and staff to secure the school and make sure students were safe and this is an ongoing situation.”

In a statement posted to Twitter after the press conference, Mayor Hancock said schools should be free of any and all violence. He added that easy access to guns must be addressed in Denver and beyond.

"There are common sense proposals at the Legislature and in Congress right now — they must be passed," the statement reads. "It's also time to return School Resource Officers in our schools. Removing them was a mistake and we must move swiftly to correct it. We're ready to work with DPS, and we all have to step up as a community and be part of the solution."

