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The kooky fates of Bobby Kennedy's 10 children summarized

Shit I guess 11 Kathleen: Radcliff grad and New Mexico JD...
cordovan crawly corner
they like to fuck. heh.
histrionic theater stage cuckold
Catholics getting divorced, sex scandals, Ivy degrees, sinec...
cordovan crawly corner
pretty much whatever they want.
histrionic theater stage cuckold
Abusive contagious pit
cordovan crawly corner
Insane. You could write a book about this family. Insane ho...
Abusive contagious pit
He gave his kids wealth and prestige. It's very hard to do, ...
cordovan crawly corner
I don’t remember the part in Great Gatsby where he was...
Costumed business firm yarmulke
when US birdshits want to pretend they are soooo superior u ...
pink stead really tough guy
What you’re describing is a specific problem of the ef...
Costumed business firm yarmulke
AZNS dont do this either in the US/West or in Asia. And Kike...
pink stead really tough guy
Lol American Jews invented divorce and literally spearheaded...
Costumed business firm yarmulke
No you idiot, it's because the kennedys are trash. You conc...
Racy Orchestra Pit
Very tactful theatre rigor
Yes so trashy unlike the Murdaughs, the Sacklers, all the cl...
Costumed business firm yarmulke
I was genuinely confused about where you were going with thi...
Racy Orchestra Pit
Lol ok bro: Murdaughs are Scots, it’s a violently Sco...
Costumed business firm yarmulke
(1) No hate here (we all poast here to learn shit), but you ...
Racy Orchestra Pit
(MAF leprechaun)
pink stead really tough guy
Costumed business firm yarmulke
He had 11 kids over 17 years, starting when he was 25 and th...
Very tactful theatre rigor
Cr. What did David and Courtney do?
cordovan crawly corner
that is what the natural state of women shld be, as it was f...
pink stead really tough guy
Navy narrow-minded office
cordovan crawly corner
Serious question. Did Joseph Kennedy Sr have some kind of Fa...
Abusive contagious pit
pearl harsh market stock car
Charlie Rose: Talk about people you admire in the political-...
plum incel property
i read like 15 Kennedy family biographies in HS. the story o...
histrionic theater stage cuckold
My Boomer father maintains that Kennedy's death when he was ...
cordovan crawly corner
ppl thought 9-11 wld be our generations JFK assasination but...
pink stead really tough guy
Concupiscible Mental Disorder Athletic Conference
The two politicians-- one went to UMass Boston and the other...
Nofapping public bath ceo
UMass Boston is one of the worst schools in the United State...
cordovan crawly corner

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Date: May 25th, 2023 1:43 AM
Author: cordovan crawly corner

Shit I guess 11

Kathleen: Radcliff grad and New Mexico JD, was lieutenant governor of Maryland, failed to win governor, then became a Dem fundraiser and was given a Department of Labor sinecure. Her dotter and grandson died mysteriously during Covid in a canoe accident where the mom got swept away out into the Chesapeake trying to be a gurlpower mom. They had a virtual memorial for her. Kenny Chesney performed via Zoom.

Joe II: UMass Boston, was a Congressman, son Joe III was a Congressmen. Typical Dem blue blood politician. He fought tooth and nail to annul his first marriage in the eyes of the Holy See and his first wife even wrote a book about her battle to stop the annulment of her 12 year marriage. It's unclear what the church decided but he did remarry.

Robert F Kennedy Jr - based, you know the story.

David -???

Courtney -???

Michael - Harvard, Virginia JD, started an energy non profit his dumber older brother Joe II would go on to run. Had affair with teen babysitter, believed to have been 14 but he claimed 16 in multiple polygraphs. Died in a ski accident tossing a football around. The statutory rape investigation was never completed.

Mary - she married Andrew Cuomo for 15 years. Another Catholic divorce. Surprising, she even wrote a book about her Catholic faith. Acquitted of drugged driving.

Chris - this guy seems somewhat normal. Moved to Chicago and worked in commercial real estate, U of Illinois board of trustees. Dem political machine there lost to Pritzger for governor. Seems like an honest hardworking dude. It looks like he attacked Pritzger from the right and the Dems sank him. Sane dude another Kennedy running to the right of wokeism.

Max - lawyer and prosecutor lived a quiet life didn't do much in politics. Wild partier and alchy in his youth. Harvard UG and Virginia law, eventually gave up da life and became a sobermo.

Douglas - some guy who lives on Nantucket and was a journalist for NY Post and Fox News. He broke the first interview with the officer who arrested Timothy McVeigh. He fought some maternity nurses when his son was born because they tried to stop him from taking his infant outside.

Rory - famous documentary filmmaker including Ghosts of Abu Ghraib. JFKjr died flying to her wedding. She lives in Malibu.


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Date: May 25th, 2023 1:53 AM
Author: histrionic theater stage cuckold

they like to fuck. heh.


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Date: May 25th, 2023 1:56 AM
Author: cordovan crawly corner

Catholics getting divorced, sex scandals, Ivy degrees, sinecures, and lots of untimely death in various accidents


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Date: May 25th, 2023 1:57 AM
Author: histrionic theater stage cuckold

pretty much whatever they want.


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Date: May 25th, 2023 10:25 AM
Author: Abusive contagious pit


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Date: May 25th, 2023 10:17 AM
Author: cordovan crawly corner


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Date: May 25th, 2023 10:26 AM
Author: Abusive contagious pit

Insane. You could write a book about this family.

Insane how Joe Sr was worth $200m in 1920 and was basically The Great Gatsby.


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Date: May 25th, 2023 10:45 AM
Author: cordovan crawly corner

He gave his kids wealth and prestige. It's very hard to do, to get both. They also had a ton of kids and each one was considered royalty. It's the only successful family like this in US history, to generate so many wealthy and famous people for so long.


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Date: May 25th, 2023 11:01 AM
Author: Costumed business firm yarmulke

I don’t remember the part in Great Gatsby where he was a baseball jock class president who went to Harvard and then married into wealth. But I agree the most interesting chapter to me is his 20s when he pwn3d as a trader. What was he doing to time everything perfectly (presumably insider trading) and how did his in laws treat him? How did he treat his parents? Would be an awesome subject for a history nerd podcast or limited series when the streaming content spending spree was still going on.


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Date: May 25th, 2023 10:51 AM
Author: pink stead really tough guy

when US birdshits want to pretend they are soooo superior u just have to point to families like the kennedys or bushes and see how unsuccessful and pathetic the off spring have become. So many drug users and trash as if they were lower middle class hicks.

If rich powerful families produce kids like that imagine what average GOY amerikkka is producing. ITS SICK STUFF


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Date: May 25th, 2023 11:07 AM
Author: Costumed business firm yarmulke

What you’re describing is a specific problem of the effects of wealth hyper inequality on the upper class (both children and adults) and really boarding school culture. That’s completely different than Cletus Jr becoming a homeless fentanyl addict bc he’s illiterate and his uncle molested him. Ie the UMC and more secure elements (the few that still remain) of the MC in America don’t get divorced. That’s not because they have intrinsically higher morals and better self discipline. It’s because the economic system in America viciously punishes UMC people who get divorced and basically ensures that 90+% of the UMC and secure MC who get divorced end up LMC and are forced to work until they’re 70. It’s an economically rational choice to stay married until kids are grown and has been since we were kids, but especially in the last 10-15 years.


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Date: May 25th, 2023 11:42 AM
Author: pink stead really tough guy

AZNS dont do this either in the US/West or in Asia. And Kikes dont really either. This is a uniquely GOY Amerikkkan thing


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Date: May 26th, 2023 12:18 AM
Author: Costumed business firm yarmulke

Lol American Jews invented divorce and literally spearheaded the entire movement in the US to institute no fault divorce. If there’s any one ethnic group that’s most responsible for the deterioration of marriage culture in the US it’s Jews. And say what you want about Catholics. and there’s plenty bad to say, but they have done more to fight the pro-divorce culture of the last 50 years in the US than any other group.


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Date: May 25th, 2023 11:53 AM
Author: Racy Orchestra Pit

No you idiot, it's because the kennedys are trash. You concocted this whole retarded incoherent theory when the real answer is two words: IRISH = TRASH

There was a great article shared on here once about the rise and fall of wasp control of the country that talked about how wasps used to laugh their asses off at the kennedys in their shitty compound trying to dress and behave like wasps ("football on manicured lawns") but being unable to stop being hilariously drunken goons doing trashy keystone cops shit like getting drunk and driving their one night stands off a bridge and causing their wives to have miscarriages.

They were basically proto-kardashians.


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Date: May 25th, 2023 11:18 PM
Author: Very tactful theatre rigor


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Date: May 26th, 2023 12:15 AM
Author: Costumed business firm yarmulke

Yes so trashy unlike the Murdaughs, the Sacklers, all the classy wops like Rudy Giuliani and the classiest of all, Trump and his cokehead kids and his Henry the VIII run of wives and his pornstar escapades with the pizzas with little pizzas on them. It doesn’t get any classier and closetedly homosexual than John Roberts and all the Jesuit-aligned pedos that represent the backbone of Irish Catholic power in America today. Sure the Kennedys were all pathetic drunken coosehounds but pretending that’s uniquely Irish is retarded.


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Date: May 26th, 2023 2:59 AM
Author: Racy Orchestra Pit

I was genuinely confused about where you were going with this poast when you listed a fellow celtic, then a goddamned jew and a wop.

My poast was pro-wasp, not specifically anti-irish (and pro-heeb and -dago). In the future you should probably assume that *anyone* openly hostile to micks has no love lost for yids and guineas.

I feel like it'd be really on-brand if you responded to this poast as a pro-polack poast.


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Date: May 26th, 2023 12:34 PM
Author: Costumed business firm yarmulke

Lol ok bro: Murdaughs are Scots, it’s a violently Scottish surname. Martha Stewart ate thousands of gashes in prison to pay for her expensive commissary habit and now she’s slutting it up on the cover of SI as an octogenarian. I don’t think even the Kardashians are quite that gross and desperate for attention. George W Bush was deserting the military and swerving all over the road until he got charged with a DUI. In 1976 in rural Maine mind you when you had to be unable to count to 5 in a field sobriety test to get charged as a civilian and this dude’s dad was head of the CIA and couldn’t make that one disappear? But at least he didn’t kill anyone (that we know of) with his car, as opposed to his wife. And then the apple that fell right next to the tree Jenna was routinely featured as a girl passed out in the middle of a party in those frat party photo weekly zine things they had at big state u colleges back in the day, and got booked for MIPs on a weekly basis. So classy!

But more to the point, if WASPs are so great, why did they let the Immigration Act of 1965, AA and no fault divorce happen when they controlled everything? There is no group of people on the planet that was ever pwn3d more thoroughly by Jewish conniving than fucking American WASPs.


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Date: May 26th, 2023 6:34 PM
Author: Racy Orchestra Pit

(1) No hate here (we all poast here to learn shit), but you probably need to look up "celtic", which I chose deliberately because it covers both irish (the target of my original ire) and scotchtrash (which the murdaughs obviously are).

(2) Having climbed every mountaintop, won the Wars of the World, and spread their beautiful language and religion to the four corners of the globe, in Q3 of the 20th Century WASPs took collective but unspoken and unconscious action -- like salmon navigating to the stream of their birth, or jews aggregating into an SPV to securitize a new pool of assets -- to withdraw from their leadership of this world like john gault. In their place yeah is a whole lot of jews.


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Date: May 26th, 2023 3:58 AM
Author: pink stead really tough guy

(MAF leprechaun)


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Date: May 26th, 2023 12:34 PM
Author: Costumed business firm yarmulke



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Date: May 25th, 2023 11:39 AM
Author: Very tactful theatre rigor

He had 11 kids over 17 years, starting when he was 25 and the last one born 6 months after he was assassinated at 42. His wife spent >8 years pregnant.


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Date: May 25th, 2023 11:39 AM
Author: cordovan crawly corner

Cr. What did David and Courtney do?


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Date: May 26th, 2023 3:59 AM
Author: pink stead really tough guy

that is what the natural state of women shld be, as it was for all of human history until jews ruined the world. women are more stable and less insane if they are continually pregnant


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Date: May 25th, 2023 11:54 AM
Author: Navy narrow-minded office



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Date: May 25th, 2023 11:55 AM
Author: cordovan crawly corner


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Date: May 25th, 2023 11:21 PM
Author: Abusive contagious pit

Serious question. Did Joseph Kennedy Sr have some kind of Faustian deal?


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Date: May 26th, 2023 2:16 AM
Author: pearl harsh market stock car


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Date: May 25th, 2023 11:31 PM
Author: plum incel property

Charlie Rose: Talk about people you admire in the political--

Bill O'Reilly: This'll be a short conversation.

Charlie Rose: --sector. All right. Who reflects your views best?

Bill O'Reilly: Bobby Kennedy. Flat-out best politician we've had in my lifetime here in the United States.

Charlie Rose: Why? Not why he was the best politician but why he reflects your views and why you admire him.

Bill O'Reilly: The guy genuinely wanted to right wrongs in our society, which is what all public servants should do. I mean, that's why they should be in the game, to right wrongs, all right, to represent the folks. Kennedy, a wealthy guy, a rich guy, had this, for whatever reason, this empathy, which wasn't faked, like 90 percent of them Bill Clinton number one on the list...


Bill O'Reilly: But Bobby Kennedy was a rare type of politician who didn't care what you thought of him. He didn't care. He said, ''Look, here's who I am, and this is what I'm going to do,'' and he went and he did it. The weasels we have now, most of them, care about themselves, themselves and themselves. And that-- that's why I'm doing what I do. I'm-- my job to keep an eye on these guys.



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Date: May 26th, 2023 12:06 AM
Author: histrionic theater stage cuckold

i read like 15 Kennedy family biographies in HS. the story of Joe Sr.'s Machiavellian ascent of the WASP hierarchy while amassing a huge fortune daytrading by sheer force of will is impressive. JFK and RFK were pretty based, but they were caught up in the whole postwar MLK 'I have a Dream' Jewish fantasia of negro/diversity worship, and all the satanic hypocrisy entailed by that (Kennedy wouldn't have let a black through his frontdoor, and his personal letters are peppered with N-threading, antisemitism, brutal sexism, etc -- yet he wanted YOUR daughter bused to Boogietown High School at the point of a nat'l guardsman's rifle).

Kennedy worship was intense among boomers though. see: above. even Bill O'Reilly was susceptible.


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Date: May 26th, 2023 12:10 AM
Author: cordovan crawly corner

My Boomer father maintains that Kennedy's death when he was a kid was the most seminal moment in his entire life and he thinks of that moment every time he steps in the voting booth. He has voted D in every election his entire life despite living a conservative life by any metric. When taking how big a moment that was into consideration it lends you to consider many conspiracy theories.

For my generation there will always be Trayvon, Michael Brown, George Floyd, the Antifi rioting, and all the lies and hypocrisy. It's not one moment but it's all the moments just being beaten over the head with it. For our parents it's as simple as the bad guys got the good guy that day.


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Date: May 26th, 2023 4:01 AM
Author: pink stead really tough guy

ppl thought 9-11 wld be our generations JFK assasination but now we all realize bin laden was right


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Date: May 27th, 2023 12:30 AM
Author: Concupiscible Mental Disorder Athletic Conference


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Date: May 26th, 2023 6:56 PM
Author: Nofapping public bath ceo

The two politicians-- one went to UMass Boston and the other got her JD at New Mexico. As Kennedys. They must be morons essentially.


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Date: May 26th, 2023 11:59 PM
Author: cordovan crawly corner

UMass Boston is one of the worst schools in the United States of America so help me God
