Going with your gut, did Russell Brand rape any of these chicks?
| Big Buff Market Pistol | 09/18/23 | | Light Corn Cake Travel Guidebook | 09/18/23 | | Hairraiser cruise ship | 09/18/23 | | Sienna Naked Mad Cow Disease Hospital | 09/18/23 | | Mint Therapy | 09/18/23 | | Black ticket booth | 09/18/23 | | Mint Therapy | 09/18/23 | | obsidian disrespectful puppy | 09/18/23 | | Sienna Naked Mad Cow Disease Hospital | 09/18/23 | | rambunctious juggernaut | 09/18/23 | | Sienna Naked Mad Cow Disease Hospital | 09/18/23 | | Shimmering stimulating principal's office dragon | 09/18/23 | | odious violet boltzmann | 09/18/23 | | silver provocative trust fund trailer park | 09/18/23 | | White internet-worthy station mexican | 09/18/23 | | charismatic garrison mental disorder | 09/18/23 | | silver provocative trust fund trailer park | 09/18/23 | | White internet-worthy station mexican | 09/18/23 | | diverse knife | 09/18/23 | | cerise embarrassed to the bone tank stock car | 09/19/23 | | Grizzly titillating location people who are hurt | 09/18/23 | | White internet-worthy station mexican | 09/18/23 | | supple flesh cuck | 09/18/23 | | Shaky Copper Office Stain | 09/19/23 | | Green Box Office Electric Furnace | 09/19/23 | | peach nudist brethren goyim | 09/19/23 | | scarlet indirect expression | 09/19/23 | | indigo really tough guy | 09/19/23 | | Light Corn Cake Travel Guidebook | 09/19/23 | | Laughsome national | 09/19/23 | | Shaky Copper Office Stain | 09/19/23 | | Exhilarant filthpig plaza | 09/18/23 | | aromatic resort | 09/18/23 | | Arrogant ladyboy round eye | 09/19/23 | | Shaky Copper Office Stain | 09/19/23 | | Green Box Office Electric Furnace | 09/19/23 | | coiffed state | 09/19/23 | | peach nudist brethren goyim | 09/19/23 | | indigo really tough guy | 09/19/23 | | Comical maize home | 09/19/23 | | Aqua casino | 09/19/23 | | jet dead set | 09/18/23 | | angry ocher gaming laptop incel | 09/18/23 | | Grizzly titillating location people who are hurt | 09/18/23 | | plum center sound barrier | 09/18/23 | | Wonderful laser beams mediation | 09/18/23 | | Comical maize home | 09/19/23 | | plum center sound barrier | 09/19/23 | | Comical maize home | 09/19/23 | | plum center sound barrier | 09/19/23 | | Multi-colored abode | 09/18/23 | | vengeful brunch | 09/18/23 | | dark razzmatazz deer antler | 09/19/23 | | At-the-ready Marvelous Indian Lodge Potus | 09/18/23 | | alcoholic wrinkle field | 09/18/23 | | Arrogant ladyboy round eye | 09/19/23 | | plum center sound barrier | 09/19/23 | | Shaky Copper Office Stain | 09/19/23 | | coiffed state | 09/19/23 | | Tan Voyeur | 09/19/23 | | impertinent university | 09/19/23 | | Spectacular anal point community account | 09/19/23 | | Hateful boyish new version preventive strike | 09/19/23 | | Tan Voyeur | 09/19/23 | | Turquoise exciting rigor | 09/19/23 | | Fuchsia Apoplectic Party Of The First Part | 09/19/23 | | Hairraiser cruise ship | 09/19/23 | | Light Corn Cake Travel Guidebook | 09/19/23 | | Hairraiser cruise ship | 09/19/23 | | Light Corn Cake Travel Guidebook | 09/19/23 | | Turquoise exciting rigor | 09/19/23 | | aromatic resort | 09/19/23 | | Fuchsia Apoplectic Party Of The First Part | 09/19/23 | | plum center sound barrier | 09/19/23 | | Hairraiser cruise ship | 09/19/23 | | Turquoise exciting rigor | 09/19/23 | | Motley Offensive Rigpig Spot | 09/19/23 | | charismatic garrison mental disorder | 09/19/23 | | Lake internal respiration stead | 09/19/23 | | Black ticket booth | 09/19/23 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: September 18th, 2023 8:11 PM Author: Mint Therapy
literally a nobody who looks like a homeless dude but randomly forcememed by who knows who for god knows why
media fucktarded as usual for fixating on said nobody
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5408299&forum_id=2#46814102) |
Date: September 18th, 2023 8:15 PM Author: Mint Therapy
other notable forcememed nobodies:
steven crowder
ben shapiro
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5408299&forum_id=2#46814132) |
Date: September 18th, 2023 8:13 PM Author: obsidian disrespectful puppy
Rape rape? No, of course not. C’mon man. Not joking.
“Rape” as redefined by feminists to include regretted sex? Sure. I’m sure plenty of the women he pumped and dumped were upset afterwards.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5408299&forum_id=2#46814124) |
Date: September 18th, 2023 8:17 PM Author: Shimmering stimulating principal's office dragon
I learned how to pick up girls from him, not flame.
-you’re very beautiful. Do you have a boyfriend?
That’s it. That’s the whole line.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5408299&forum_id=2#46814146) |
Date: September 18th, 2023 8:19 PM Author: odious violet boltzmann
This weird fuck was smoking crack and fucking Katy perry
So no
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5408299&forum_id=2#46814166) |
Date: September 18th, 2023 8:29 PM Author: White internet-worthy station mexican
normal, healthy heterosexual sex is "rape." this is one of those 'woke-more-correct-than-mainstream' things. no i'm not flaming or exaggerating. normal, healthy heterosexual sex between men and women is the man relentlessly pushing and pursuing the woman until the woman eventually relents and allows him to fuck her. this has always been the human mating process since time began
sometimes, the man is more attractive, so he doesn't have to push as hard. sometimes, the man is less attractive, and the woman is less in the mood, so he has to push harder than he'd otherwise like to. but this is how it always works
the actual issue/problem is society treating women as having "agency" to select males for casual sex and being able to "consent" to casual sex. women don't actually have sexual agency and aren't cognitively capable of "consent" to casual sex. they are sex objects that are acted upon by men. they cannot abstractly extrapolate or evaluate consequences and they don't have the emotional detachment and control needed to make their own decisions about casual sex
i made a thread recently about how the real issue with incels and "the right" is that they are not misogynistic *enough.* and it's very true. however misogynistic you are, you are almost certainly not misogynistic enough. if you still think that women should be allowed to choose their sex partners, or have the same "legal" rights and responsibilities as men, you are still clueless about women and about sex
Date: September 18th, 2023 9:22 PM Author: White internet-worthy station mexican
no, dude, obviously i am not okay with that, and that's the whole point i'm making here. the point is that the men in a woman's life need to make her sexual decisions for her, because a woman is not capable of making them herself
that is how it always worked up until the past 0.1% of human history. fathers chose suitors for their daughters and their daughters were virgins until marriage. wives were kept in the home and not allowed to go out and get seduced/"raped" by other men. women were treated as property, because that is what they are: sexual objects who are the property of some man, somewhere, either her father, her brother(s) if the father is dead, or her husband
there is a reason why every single culture, everywhere, used this same system for all of history. because it works. and because the alternative (women being given fake "independent" "agency") is a totally insane disaster
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5408299&forum_id=2#46814401) |
Date: September 18th, 2023 9:38 PM Author: plum center sound barrier
I think he's a disgusting, degenerate narcissist who felt entitled to sleep with every attractive woman he came into the presence of or otherwise contacted, and pushed to the absolute limit of human decency and morality to get what he wanted. And I think more than a few of the women he succeeded with regret it, feel bad about it, felt taken advantage of, and find him repulsive today.
As to whether he is guilty or innocent of a crime, he is 100% innocent. There is no enforceable criminal conduct, here, nor should there be. The statue of limitations should exclude any and all evidence against him and he should face no criminal charges. The law needs to uphold the fact that there will never be any admissible evidence in this case, and any attempt to prosecute him should be viewed as the state's abuse of power against an incontrovertibly innocent citizen.
There is zero sufficient evidence against him to indict, in any jurisdiction, anywhere in the world, for unprovable crimes from long ago. This is also true of Danny Masterson. The statue of limitations is a necessary legal tool that exists for good reason. Anyone who claims to be a victim of a sexual crime who comes forward and accusing someone else of a heinous crime must do so within a certain time frame. After this time all evidence is moot. If you don't see how this is necessary for society to function, you are insane. The State of California once again has opened up Pandora's Box of total chaos communism to jail the enemies of the liberal menace in a show trial. The State in this case is the enemy of the People.
As for the court of public opinion, I think he will do absolutely fine. He has a ton of fans that know this is a thinly veiled character assassination by the deep state. As to anyone he may of personally wronged, put up or shut up, sugar, you had your moment. The fact this is happening now only reflects that these women are completely and totally morally corrupt and irredeemable. Sadly, such terrible people exist.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5408299&forum_id=2#46814472) |
Date: September 19th, 2023 9:20 PM Author: plum center sound barrier
It seems reasonable to have some limit. Ten years is a long time but it is a hard limit.
The thing about murder having no limit is that you have to have hard evidence to prove a murder. You have to have a body, you have to have DNA usually, or extremely strong circumstantial evidence.
Rape is always subjective, even the most brutal, violent sex can be consensual. It's the introduction of these long periods of time where feelings are subject to change. So disturbing from a legal perspective. Voters should be outraged.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5408299&forum_id=2#46819104) |
Date: September 18th, 2023 9:42 PM Author: vengeful brunch
He spent half his life as an alcoholic, drug addict, sex addict. He’s been incredibly open about that and made most of his stand up about it.
But he’s said some stuff on a podcast the last few years that xo pos like so they can’t imagine any way he’d do something bad.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5408299&forum_id=2#46814486) |
Date: September 19th, 2023 2:38 AM Author: Arrogant ladyboy round eye
Great post from jewish degeneracy above.
The one thing to add is that these reports always come out when the guy has lost value. Russell's celeb status has faded and his looks have faded. Weinstein was on a similar trajectory when his news came out.
The point is that the "rape" from an attractive or powerful man is not rape, but the same action from an ugly or non-alpha man is rape. And women can backwards rationalize the same action as being different things depending on where the man is at a given point in time.
Date: September 19th, 2023 2:42 AM Author: Shaky Copper Office Stain
protip: literally 99.99% of these celeb "rapes" are just orchestrated by kike feminazi activists and lolyers, supported by the shitlib feminazi judaic media and political system
its always lolzy that most of these involve the whore woman goin back to the celeb's hotel room or something, then 20 years later saying they were raped
wow odd case, bitches in hollywood are furking whores who spread their legs for jerbs and shit, that story is as old as time, now feminazis and jews want to criminilize it cause they hate men, esp powerful rich birdshit men
#metoo was a bunch of bullshit, the actual cases of real "rape" are rare and mostly done by furking niggas like this one recently against a 20yo student in wisconsin but since it was done by a SAINTLY GODLY NIGGA the shitlib kike media wont dare report it nationally: https://spectrumnews1.com/wi/milwaukee/news/2023/09/06/arrest-uw-student-sexual-assault