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William Briggs proposes a new political paradigm: high/low cynicism and belief

Fluffy nibblets dingle berry
Fluffy nibblets dingle berry
not a bad post, this guy actually independently thinks h...
awkward patrolman
briggs is a well known statistician, maybe even quasi-famous...
Fluffy nibblets dingle berry
i read a lot of rao's writings back in the day when i was a ...
awkward patrolman
Fluffy nibblets dingle berry
Bill Briggs huh
Thriller Very Tactful Base Indirect Expression

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Date: May 9th, 2024 12:48 PM
Author: Fluffy nibblets dingle berry



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Date: May 9th, 2024 1:53 PM
Author: Fluffy nibblets dingle berry


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Date: May 9th, 2024 2:07 PM
Author: awkward patrolman

not a bad post, this guy actually independently thinks

he's a little off though. almost no one in the present elite is "cynical" in this way. in fact almost no one at any point in history has ever been "cynical" in this way, elite or non-elites - it's extremely rare for humans to be genuinely "cynical"

the people in power really do believe the stuff they espouse, as weird as it may seem sometimes, and even when it's totally illogical and even when it's self-evidently contradictory. the system selects for this specific kind of person: those who are supremely confident in themselves and their own "beliefs," and who automatically absorb whatever "belief" happens to be the perceived consensus at a given time and place. these people have an enormous advantage in our current system in the struggle for status and socioeconomic success

the real axis is belief vs. sociopathy: the depth of one's beliefs, and the degree to which one is biologically programmed to follow the social consensus around them or not. the distinction between "cynicism" and sociopathy (used here without moral connotation) is very important. and frankly, one that i think that most non-sociopaths are literally incapable of understanding

btw i think you'd find this essay interesting, it touches on this topic somewhat: https://www.ribbonfarm.com/2014/02/20/the-cactus-and-the-weasel/


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Date: May 9th, 2024 3:35 PM
Author: Fluffy nibblets dingle berry

briggs is a well known statistician, maybe even quasi-famous

twins (RIP, daddy abandoned us) used to mention him occasionally. briggs for example raped richard carrier for using bayes theorum incorrectly in his on the historicity of jesus

ty for the link. do you read Venkatesh Rao regularly? looks like he's still poasting a decade later. what do you like about him if you do read him regularly?


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Date: May 9th, 2024 3:47 PM
Author: awkward patrolman

i read a lot of rao's writings back in the day when i was a lot younger and when he was a faceless text-only blogger. i was initially attracted to his work because i share his interest in metacognition, increasing one's self-awareness, and self-improvement in one's own intellectual and cognitive processes

he eventually "came out" as a public intellectual and i discovered that he's a 5'2" hideous indian with one of the most effeminate eloi voices i've ever heard. then trump happened and overnight he morphed into the most completely deranged histrionic TDS lunatic (not exaggerating, you can go back and read for yourself if he hasn't deleted all of it, which i suspect he has). you know what they say about physiognomy....

i have since gone back and re-read some of his work that i liked before, and discovered that most of it wasn't actually very good and about some things he was just flat out totally wrong. i haven't looked at any of his more current work. i imagine it's totally bland and uninteresting parroting of the current silicon valley establishment party line, with a bit of token "edginess" for branding

i did just re-read the article i linked above to make sure it's still good (it is). although i'm sure you can find better work on this topic elsewhere if you look


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Date: May 9th, 2024 3:51 PM
Author: Fluffy nibblets dingle berry


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Date: May 9th, 2024 3:41 PM
Author: Thriller Very Tactful Base Indirect Expression

Bill Briggs huh
