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Redoing your life hypo

Let’s say a genie or a time traveler allows you to go ...
Claret Bonkers Stage
you do suck
submissive demanding field brethren
Claret Bonkers Stage
cruel-hearted irradiated box office
bright haunted graveyard dilemma
It would be trivial to become very wealthy without taking ma...
Talented University Sweet Tailpipe
Relationships and experiences are the only things that matte...
canary frisky affirmative action base
gold dysfunction faggot firefighter
cruel-hearted irradiated box office
big tech was the only cr for millennials jobwise. if you cou...
Light floppy crackhouse
not even
submissive demanding field brethren
All of my problems began with college. I went to the wrong o...
Crusty trailer park boiling water
i just say fuck it and use Hunter Biden's life as my templat...
Multi-colored pungent resort
meet me @ 7/11 at 3
Ultramarine National Circlehead
cruel-hearted irradiated box office
I was thinking about something like this OP over the weekend...
Bat shit crazy supple office cuckold
Yeah, the hypo has to be tweaked in some way cause the obvio...
Claret Bonkers Stage
Becoming a billionaire would be trivial. I guess I might st...
glittery peach boistinker

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Date: June 9th, 2024 6:29 PM
Author: Claret Bonkers Stage

Let’s say a genie or a time traveler allows you to go back to 18 and redo your life from there. You’re the same person you are now, just moved into your 18 year old year self.

Do you

A) Live the same life you did but better - make better investment and job decisions, avoid obvious fuckups if you had them (marrying the wrong person, taking the wrong job, etc). This would give you your current life but much improved with the benefit of hindsight.

B) Live a completely different life. Go to a different college or not at all, basically take a completely different path. High risk, high reward. You don’t really get the benefit of hindsight since this is the first time through your “new” life.

I would probably do A cause I’m risk-averse and I suck.


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Date: June 9th, 2024 6:29 PM
Author: submissive demanding field brethren

you do suck


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Date: June 9th, 2024 7:02 PM
Author: Claret Bonkers Stage



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Date: June 10th, 2024 4:01 PM
Author: cruel-hearted irradiated box office


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Date: June 10th, 2024 4:38 PM
Author: bright haunted graveyard dilemma


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Date: June 9th, 2024 6:31 PM
Author: Talented University Sweet Tailpipe

It would be trivial to become very wealthy without taking major risks, so neither A nor B seems right


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Date: June 9th, 2024 6:35 PM
Author: canary frisky affirmative action base

Relationships and experiences are the only things that matter in life, so I'd spend more time on XO cultivating them.


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Date: June 9th, 2024 11:49 PM
Author: gold dysfunction faggot firefighter


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Date: June 10th, 2024 1:47 AM
Author: cruel-hearted irradiated box office


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Date: June 9th, 2024 7:06 PM
Author: Light floppy crackhouse

big tech was the only cr for millennials jobwise. if you could do dumb shit like pick stocks then do that too.


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Date: June 9th, 2024 7:07 PM
Author: submissive demanding field brethren

not even


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Date: June 9th, 2024 8:00 PM
Author: Crusty trailer park boiling water

All of my problems began with college. I went to the wrong one and I pursued law as a career. My parents really fucked me up too because they moved and their expectation was that I basically go to college close to them and come home in the summers (who actually does this to their kids?).


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Date: June 10th, 2024 4:15 PM
Author: Multi-colored pungent resort

i just say fuck it and use Hunter Biden's life as my template (not the part where he goes to YLS, the later parts)


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Date: June 10th, 2024 4:25 PM
Author: Ultramarine National Circlehead

meet me @ 7/11 at 3


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Date: June 11th, 2024 10:25 AM
Author: cruel-hearted irradiated box office


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Date: June 10th, 2024 4:44 PM
Author: Bat shit crazy supple office cuckold

I was thinking about something like this OP over the weekend. It requires clarification, though, specifically is the hypo that you still have the knowledge of eg the rise of FAGMAN, you can trade the upside of the volatility of ITE and Covid, and you know in advance the effect of ultra low interest rates on housing and other investments? Ie we are stipulating that money is really not an issue the second time through v having to make it a big component of all of these choices?

Assuming that I still get to sportsalmanacmaxx and don’t have to worry about money I 100% don’t go to law school and I probably start my own company in the mid 00s if not earlier. I would have tried to make a media company that is ahead of the curve on social media, dominates the content ecosystem of YouTube, but also attracts people to IRL places/experiences and then successfully monetizes that capability. Would also definitely try to cockblock Spotify and become the main/sole source of music streaming.

Assuming I still have to worry about money (ie the economy and the development of the internet etc can be completely different the second time through) then I still think law school is hard to beat in terms of income maximizing while mitigating risk for UMC white guys who have to make their ways in the world on the strength of their grades and test scores. I would probably work harder/be less of a depressed fag in college and law school to get to a better first firm, but would likely still end up doing similar/the same type of work, and might stay single until later in life and gun for partner or better career outcomes at a younger age, and would also be pretty compulsive about limiting costs and maximizing investments.


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Date: June 10th, 2024 6:24 PM
Author: Claret Bonkers Stage

Yeah, the hypo has to be tweaked in some way cause the obvious answer would be to hoard every dollar you can into stocks you know will moon. The gist of the hypo is would it be better to live a “remastered” version of the life you did already or try something different.


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Date: June 10th, 2024 4:55 PM
Author: glittery peach boistinker

Becoming a billionaire would be trivial. I guess I might still do college for fun but I wouldn't need to get a job in this scenario, or at least not for very long.
